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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56658636 No.56658636 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a scam? Does it actually work? Will it reach ATH again?

Seems to good to be true

>> No.56658650

>redpill me on kda

there are actually only 2 genders

>> No.56658706
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Gender is a linguistics term. There are three genders in English since inanimate objects are neither male of female. You meant to say that there are only two sexes.

>> No.56659563

I asked you guys on your opinion on the coin not on troons

>> No.56659601

ESL post, inanimate objects typically aren't assigned a "gender" and if they are it's male or female, like in the case of referring to your boat as "she". German is a language with a third, neutral gender that is sometimes assigned to objects. This concept doesn't exist within English.

>> No.56659921

Okay boomer. I am sure that was true when you were in school but there is a movement to make English a more gender neutral language whether you like it or not.

>> No.56660521


>> No.56660994

No no no and yes

>> No.56661110

As somebody who rode the wave from sub $1 to its ATH my take on it is that it was a promising L1 concept with a seemingly decent team that ended up flopping and abandoned. I wouldn't expect it to actually recover and if it ever did it'd be a scam wick as people rush to exit old positions of rekt bags.

>> No.56661142
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It's so much more fun here on /biz/ after we all moved to coinmetro and kadena babena threads. Hardly any activity on /lgbt/ at all now. We're all here, fighting the Nazis and stealing money from them while getting paid by the Jew team :3

>> No.56661338

Nazi here. I have never been on /lgbt/ but I literally can't stop sucking cock, glad of you to join us on /biz/. Don't stay in those two threads, this is a gay board!

>> No.56661518

> abondoned
thats just bad faith fud
the development is just starting..
it'll take ~1 year for it to even begin to flourish from where its at.

its the best L1, the only community to catch on is the troons and they gate keep the shit out of it.
I have no idea how or why...

>> No.56661730

>was a promising L1 concept
Can you explain in your own words what on the tech side changed to not make it promising anymore.

>> No.56662106

It's not a scam, the team is legit.

I'm slooorping at these low prices.
Soon 20k.
My exit targets don't even start until 20$

>> No.56662231

>best L1

I thought that was Kaspa, also I read that the high TPS is a meme and scam

>> No.56662330

>bad faith fud
also rode the wave from kucoin listing at 1.2 all the way up to 25 and down. Unfortunately only sold a third at 25, like a moron.
The project is dead, there's nothing happening there, all the promises were broken and the chain is still unusable ghosttown.
>t. verification not required

>> No.56662850

and why is it the best ? the best L1 with the most incompetent kike team in crypto ? openly scamming $100M from their community ? doesn't have any proper tokenomics or emissions ? best ? no smart contracts, users, dapps after 4 years ? best??? never scaled beyond 20 chains yet claims infinite scalability?? best????!??!?

>> No.56663429
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I learned that cat owners are gay from the cat thread.

>> No.56663564

Every dollar not spent on crypto is a dollar diluted.

>> No.56663932

it's done. Kadena is a boomer coin.

>> No.56664454

I own 4 cats and I'm straight, but I love trans girls. And my wife is a transgirl. But i'm straight because she looks like a woman.

>> No.56664540

I don't own a cat but I like cats and am not gay, I can hold it back easily.

>> No.56665438

the high TPS on KDA is only an exaggeration, 480k TPS (and beyond) requires an L2
but really KDA scales on demand.
The L1 just shouldn't need to do more than a few thousand TPS
I wont talk bad about it, if you dyor on X its easy enough to figure it out.

yeah I rode it from 0.5 --> $25 and down (selling less) so it goes.
my stack is well over 10x larger now (all bought below $0.7)
I'm ready for this bullrun,
Im going to use half of my stack to "take profits" the other half will go into yield generation so I dont have to pay capital gains taxes.

the team is literally so competent the only clearly superior one is Chainlink's
there are no doubt some that are on par with Kadena
> doesn't have any proper tokenomics or emissions
> no smart contracts,
both of these are blatantly false.
>users, dapps after 4 years ?
true, but literally changing in two weeks
> never scaled beyond 20 chains yet claims infinite scalability
proved it can scale by going from 10 --> 20

good night

congrats on that 20k stack.
you won't regret it.
will likely net you a million

>> No.56667386
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the team is so competent they gave a $100M cheque to their best friend and then "fired" him as all three of these kike founders cash out and laugh at retarded niggers such as yourself for ever having incested.
They also cashed out a hefty amount between $5 - $28 causing the catastrophic crashes that were unnatural to the market.
The kikedena foundation is so competent they refuse to pay the marketing team in which they hired and are now getting sued for it.
they are so competent that it took them 4 years to figure out without any developers for DeFi you will never have any users.
Kadena has no smart contracts, kindly prove me wrong.
Kadena doesn't have proper token emissions cited, prove me wrong.
scaling from 10 chains to 20 chains doesn't mean you can now scale infinitely.
having 100 tps doesn't mean you have a hypothetical 480k or infinite tps.
4 years and you still can't tell when someone is selling you snake-oil and rather than any attempts at understanding it, you choose to parrot and post pastas.
sleep tight

>> No.56667405

>another shill thread by these faggots


tldr: kaspa was not only privately speed mined before it was announced, but the scammer devs deleted the only whole node and relaunched with a new genesis block so they could steal orphaned coins, kaspa is the most jewish crypto since FTT

>> No.56667444

Shut up nerd

>> No.56667464
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kadena babena the scam is owari da

>> No.56667721

Well its founders are literal kikes. You know what goes on when kikes are at the helm, don't you?
- Bancor
- Celsius
- now... Kaspa

The rugpull its going to be glorious

>> No.56668589
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>scaling from 10 chains to 20 chains doesn't mean you can now scale infinitely.
Can you explain why going from 20 to X is different than going from 10 to 20? In your own words.

>> No.56669063

Holy based. Scammers called out.

>> No.56669760

Oh baby, baby
Oh baby, baby
Oh baby, baby
How was I supposed to know
That something wasn't right here
Oh baby baby
I shouldn't have let you go
And now you're out of sight, yeah
Show me, how you want it to be
Tell me baby
'Cause I need to know now what we've got

My loneliness is killing me
I must confess, I still believe
When I'm not with you I lose my mind
Give me a sign
Hit me baby one more time

>> No.56669775
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What would you rate her out of 10 on the album art for this song?

>> No.56669796
File: 545 KB, 1013x1433, FtzqEWCacAIl2WK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feeling a strong 6 to a light 7

>> No.56669804

I bought at 30 cents and sold at $23, posted that i sold in the KDA price telegram channel and was banned.
Thats how you know this shits a scam

>> No.56669834
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She is 13 in that pic.

>> No.56669882
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Read the rules, price discussion is not allowed because they don't want to be assfucked by the SEC. Scams do the opposite because they need people to buy as fast as possible. You've been posting this story of yours on repeat and are unwilling to realize that you were in the wrong.
So not my type anyway, too old. On a serious note, looks cute but I don't like the hair and outfit, she looks 19 to me officer.

>> No.56669895
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>> No.56669902

>KDA price telegram
Wait what's a price telegram? you mean some unoffical trading tg ran by random people. So a coin is a scam because you were banned from your local e girl discord?
I don't find her hot.

>> No.56669929

> the team is so competent they gave a $100M cheque to their best friend
what is this best friend's name?
> they are so competent that it took them 4 years to figure out without any developers for DeFi you will never have any users.
i don't think you realize that retail defi is not their primary consideration...
> Kadena doesn't have proper token emissions cited, prove me wrong.
fair i guess the burden of proof is on the side that says it exists, here is the emission schedule
> 4 years and you still can't tell when someone is selling you snake-oil and rather than any attempts at understanding it, you choose to parrot and post pastas.
sleep tight
ill admit they could have done better, but the underlying tech is the best, period.
I have been watching live development sessions from a few of the projects and been learning pact.
it seems pretty straight forward and it will only be adopted more and get easiesr to develop on as there are more open sourced examples for how to use Kadena.

i don't think they will rug pull.
instead i think they will slowly sell, using this as a cash cow.
they will only dump if the general population actually catches on to their scam.

solid 8.5

>> No.56669956
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>i don't think you realize that retail defi is not their primary consideration...
It is now.

>> No.56669969
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>I don't find her hot.
On what planet is 6/10 not hot. I rarely got above 4/10 on any of my tests and finished school okay. Anything above 4/10 is a girl you want to have sex with.

>> No.56670021
File: 153 KB, 288x309, my gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here is the emission schedule
Not proper ones, some rando made a better analysis https://medium.com/@kdadd/transparency-of-centralized-kadena-token-allocations-e1dfe65e8833
5 is medium ugly
6 is decent
7 is decently pretty
8 is attractive
9 is hot

>> No.56670042
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You are gay.

>> No.56670267
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We confirmed that earlier today >>56664540
Pedophilia wasn't amongst the list of sexual perversions they tested for, but the list seems accurate as one of the other ones was an increased chance of taking nude pictures and we recently found that was the case for another cat owner.

>> No.56670272
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It doesn't matter how they look like really, their vocabulairy just needs to be 70% "bro" and "fuck" and I'll be in love.
on a related note, youtube reccomended me this tarantino tier dialog (I have never seen pulp fiction) and now I'm thinking of watching an hour long gameplay of it. We need more panty and stocking type girls in media.

>> No.56670374
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>the list seems accurate
Post list.

>> No.56670473


>> No.56670492
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Concerning. I used to get erections when my cat sat on my lap as a child. I hope that is unrelated.

>> No.56670513
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Wtf same.

>> No.56670781
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It's not strange at all, according to 152 studies combined, around 25.6-25.8% of the world population gets cat boners.

>> No.56671174
File: 379 KB, 540x540, letsgooooooo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top 25% Gang

>> No.56672094
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Grown hairy man posting anime girls ITT

>> No.56672129

https://youtu.be/drN6lhv46o4?t=55 kadena is over.

Buff Gentlemen posting cute drawings, ITT

>> No.56672260
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She is literally me.