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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56665274 No.56665274 [Reply] [Original]

I only have $21,000 to my name

>> No.56665317
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I have 7k in my checkings and 25k in crypto.

>> No.56665327

did you earn it yourself?

>> No.56665349

time to lose it all buying memecoins!

>> No.56665551

I did earn it all myself
i will never buy a single shitty coin shilled here

>> No.56667674


>> No.56667679

Get a loan.

>> No.56667828


Should be the other way around anon

>> No.56667853

Imagine not using 32k on margin to borrow 300k in BTC and using that to borrow 3.2mm in USDT and using that to buy shares on margin at your local bank to live off the dividends.

>> No.56667861

wtf is that possible?

>> No.56667875

Its called a flash loan. You can get one without providing colleteral if you cross the $10mm mark.

>> No.56667879
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>> No.56668291

I have 42k in cash
And 40k in student debt. :(

>> No.56668296

Do this: >>56667853

>> No.56668308

I have 30k, youll be fine friend.

>> No.56668313

I only have 2m kas in my kaspa wallet…

>> No.56668326


>> No.56668334
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good for you, i only got 500$
i am eastern european

>> No.56668545
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I have a billion jillion dollars

>its over bros

>> No.56668620
File: 3.77 MB, 348x550, WAGMI anon, all of us, and there's nothing they can do to stop the forces of destruction and creation. Feels good, doesn't it ;).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got about $189.
Can't take it with you, ya know? I got food in the fridge, an awesome gf who helps me tie up and fuck other girls with her, good friends and my bills are paid.
>t. my life savings are invested in GME and BBBY so... WAGMI I guess, or not, I'm done caring.

>> No.56668630

aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh feels so ggggoooooodddd

>> No.56668640

I'm already dead, so fuck the world I'm having more fun than anyone I know

>> No.56668642

>price dips
>have to liquidate

>> No.56668650

Liquidate what?

>> No.56668908

Them you're rich son, I got half of that I'm so investing in crypto, look at the multiples the likes of Azero, INJ, SOL, and lots of others are doing, including the recently launched FGC of Federalgoldcoin, the one is super undervalued and low-capped.

>> No.56669190

your shares obviously

>> No.56669537

But they are not underwater. The underlying loan is. And that is in unsecured crypto.

>> No.56669621

go abuse your money glitch bro :^) in fact why stop at 3.2m USDT? just do 10000x

>> No.56669658
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How about $120mm every two days?

>> No.56669755

that's like saying I can do the chicanery the biggest bank in the world does

>> No.56669840
File: 18 KB, 667x286, batlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody does it. Why are you missing out?

>> No.56669846

Good job thats a lot more in savings then the average american

>> No.56669901

I can't imagine anyone having "more fun than anyone I know" posting on 4chan, particularly /biz/. Also being on /biz/ while posting about being happy with no money. Why are you here then? Imma call cope on this one.
Also I'm not sure about that thing you and your gf do. I sometimes joke with my girlfriend that we should get a third party involved every once in a while but I'm pretty sure it would get miserable in the long term and destroy our relationship but idk, never tried.

>> No.56669997

Enough to make it next bull if you aren't stupid and risk averse

>> No.56670006

Hi poorfag! My pet lizard can’t even live off 21000. Try getting a real job and stop sucking so much dick!