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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56667569 No.56667569 [Reply] [Original]

Just received a decent size inheritance, 70k.

I have a stable job working in IT making 100k/yr before taxes. I'm in my early 20s, living alone renting.

Never visited this board, and figured I'd ask for some advice here. How can I put this lump of cash to best use? I'd like to buy a home, but I'm not sure right now with interest rates being so high. I don't know too much about real estate or investments, but I'm trying to educate myself as much as I can.


>> No.56667591

Put all your money into obscure cryptocurrencies.
Do it NOW there's no time to explain.
It's the only way

>> No.56667614
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Pretty soon 100k salary and rentoid as a single won't even be able to make it, can't buy gold if you live in an apartment with nogs, your best bet is to save up money and rent outside of the city if you don't already live out side of your local George Floyd zone. Then maybe buy straight up land and camp on it in an RV or shed. Wish I was being ironic

>> No.56667626

buy real gold and hold onto it in your own safe. china has collapsed. crypto will be cracked down on any day now due to the finical pending full collapse. dont believe me? read as much as you can. on china and how they have a billon more houses than people. and most was lent on fake liquidity. that plus out of control inflation that will get worse. hold that cash in gold. jews will try and say silver. dont thats a meme from here. there are gold sellers in every major city. buy stocks of rice and flour and hide them in buckets.

>> No.56667640

Luckily I live 2 hours away from the closest george floyd zone, I'm in the desert. It's great here, for now at least.

>> No.56667665

I'm plenty stocked up on non perishable foods, and I have plenty of ammo. So I have doomsday covered. I'd like to get as much cash as I can while the system still stands though, try and make something of myself before it all goes to shit

>> No.56667673
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Good Lord, please do not let this OP listen to these fucking retards on /biz/.

OP, here's what you need to do, take that money and pay off any credit card debt you have first. Then open up an IRA and a regular investment account with Schwab or Fidelity or M1 Finance. Pick whatever one you like the interface of most. Okay, now you're going to throw that cash into the Vangaurd S&P500 etf fund. The ticker is called VOO. Keep it all in there. Don't worry about bonds; bonds are for faggots. Max out your IRA at $6,500 for 2023 so you can enjoy tax-free gains and throw the rest into a regular taxable account with the same holdings. VOO. Also, don't fuck with margin on your taxable account. It's fine to have access to it but just don't use it if you don't know what you're doing.

Then just sit on it and don't fucking think about it until it comes time to get ready for a down payment on a house. You can keep adding more into it if you have spare money after getting paid each month, if you like. Treat it like a psuedo-savings account. About a year before you're gonna pull the trigger on a house down payment, you can consider pulling the money out and putting it into a regular savings account so it's liquid and at zero risk of decreasing in value (you don't want volatility on money you're gonna use to buy a house).
I wouldn't buy a house now with rates being so high, wait for rates to lower (they will). In the meantime just keeping adding to your VOO holdings, it goes up with inflation so your money is protected from losing it's value each year, at least.

>> No.56667694

fuck you OP! fake poster! any answer you see here that isn't simply


is trying to steal your money

>> No.56667695

Thanks for the pointers. I'll give those things a look.

>> No.56667698

fuck off?

>> No.56667982

its too late. you will and mark my words lose it all. watch for all red candles next few weeks. or straight after Christmas

>> No.56668240

>VOO holdings, it goes up with inflation so your money is protected from losing it's value each year
That's a big fucking maybe depending on what's causing the inflation, and not so simple with high interest rates, causing some sector to do well and others to be shit, so the market as a whole could go either way.

>> No.56668276

70% World 30% Emerging Markets

>> No.56668596

From Reddit judging by your spacing. Go back

>> No.56668616

Well, my other advice is to go all-in on Bitcoin but OP said he wasn't experienced with investing and so I just wanted to give the standard speech about investing in a market fund.

>> No.56669774

>what are paragraphs?

This is approximately correct depending on your risk appetite, which based on your age and earnings should be on the high side. In your position I'd play around a bit with higher risk strategies - the upside is better, and the downside is limited because you're young enough and well paid enough to recover from losses, as long as you avoid going into debt. To be a bit more specific, I'd take about 70% of my money and do as this anon suggests, VOO etc. Then with the remaining 30% I'd consider: (a) learning to gently fuck around with leverage, in a "2x leverage on the S&P500" way, not a "25x leverage on TSLA" way; (b) investing in a handful of individual stocks; (c) throwing a bit of money into crypto.

>> No.56669810

70/30 may not be right for you but I would seriously consider some kind of high risk/low risk split. Just for the love of all that is holy do not take from the low risk pot to cover losses in the high risk pot. Not a single fucking dollar. That is how you lose all your money. You need to be OK with the possibility that you will watch the high risk pot go to zero. If you don't think you can do that then probably stick to the less risky stuff.

>> No.56670360

Literally buy buttcorn or Ethereum and stop looking at it until December 2025.

But you won’t. And all the other people in this thread are stupid. You are never going to make it on 7%-12% returns per year unless you wait 35 years and your dick doesn’t work. Shoot me then if I have money but a limp dick.

Do the math, you need a multiplier in order to sit at the table. And none of these people have $1MM and are giving advice on money. Laughable.

>> No.56670389

All in RLC for the AI hype and thank me later

>> No.56670841
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Invest around 80% into BTC and DCA the rest into RIDE

>> No.56670978

As far as investing, you kind of have two options: real estate, where you’ll need all of that money and more, or other investments. I actually think this winter is a decent time to look at property. We don’t know what will happen in the future. Right now although prices and interest are high, sellers are a little desperate and you can put in offers 10% under asking and easily get many of those bids accepted. Maybe even lower. Once interest rates drop the bidding wars will fire up again. With your budget and funds though you’re probably looking at like $330k max.

As for other investments, I would say for you Bitcoin, SPX (VOO) and maybe some Gold and bonds would be good. You can buy VOO from a retirement account and then pull it out penalty-free to buy your first house.

>> No.56671025

Fuck off to plebbit op

>> No.56671104

I would buy a Bitcoin and hold on to it until you are married and ready to buy a house. Spend another 10k on something fun for myself, the rest into my savings/liquid.

>> No.56671135

All of it into ARB tokens, 20$ a piece during br, sell

>> No.56671250
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Why is RIDE trending

>> No.56671565

You feel pained

>> No.56671588

Never heard about it

>> No.56671659
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Maybe because of it VR game product

>> No.56671663