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56665852 No.56665852 [Reply] [Original]

If I have debts, should I be giving money to the church?

Christ bros can you help me? Atheists please refrain from answering.

>> No.56665885

Religions are for low IQ easily manipulated people. It'll be an uphill battle in the business world for you. Most religion sheep vote red because of this

>> No.56665897

“Those who honor Me I will honor, and those who despise Me shall be lightly esteemed” (1 Samuel 2:30).

Does this mean I should keep giving to the church and God will help me pay my debts? I have like 7k credit cards and an unsecured loan for like 20k. And a car loan. No mortgage. House is paid off

>> No.56665910

Post proof of foreskin with timestamp.

You too. Atheism is a jewish ideology.

>> No.56665917

I take a lot of wisdom from the Bible. If you don't, that's cool. Im a wage slave though. No business. Most of my friends are Christians and many business owners. But they live very humbly. My neighbor is easily worth 8 figures and lives in a crap house and drives a crap car for example

>> No.56665921

debts are manmade. God will not help you in such matters.

>> No.56665927

I have my foreskin intact but no, I'm not posting proof.

>> No.56665936

>Atheism is a jewish ideology
Spoken like a true low IQ individual
>I take a lot of wisdom from the Bible. If you don't, that's cool

>> No.56665941

>should I be giving money to the church?
They don't give that money to God or God's priests (the Levites), and they're lying when they say the money in the collection plate is a tithe to God. You do whatever you want with your own money, but giving money to your church isn't a tithe to God.

>> No.56665946
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I will say old william is right, “Neither a borrower nor a lender be” Remember Christ in the temple. Also the Beast system live off Debt.

>> No.56665952

English second language? Cool, yea English is the only language I speak.

>> No.56665961

My pastor drives a 30 year old toyota that is rusted out. But he's always doing missionary stuff and helping out poor people. I was even at his house. It looks like it hasn't been renovated in about 60 years

>> No.56665970
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shalom faggots

>> No.56665977
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This is true there are only two lines of priests in the Bible. The Levites and the line of Melchizedek and the Jews killed them both.

>> No.56665980

It's your fate to not know the truth. It's sad, really.

>> No.56665991

Give what you can but I don’t have to tithe. Although the tithe is important and God will bless you for it. I am also in debt and can’t tithe, but I do give a small amount every month.

>> No.56666026
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>t. JlDF

>low IQ
Instead of worshiping a fictional jewish rabbi, you worship Einstein.

>> No.56666064

These 2 are btw most likely BOTH jews, JlDF fags working together:

That's how they operate. 1st jew pushes one jewish ideology, 2nd jew pushes another jewish ideology while pretending to fight the 1st jew. Scheinkampf. To make you side with either. The result is either way, whichever "side" you pick, the jew wins.

>> No.56666163

Spot on. That's exactly right. Notice how the OP jew promotes christianity and specifically even says "atheists refrain from answering" and then boom, 3 min later another jew promoting atheism pops up -- To make Whites support either the "christian" OP jew, or support the "atheist" jew opposing him (neither is atheist nor christian, both are simply jews). To give people the impression that if you're against jew religion, then you must support atheism. Or the reverse: that if you dislike atheism, you must support jew religion.

>> No.56666251
File: 16 KB, 273x185, koo aid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you are saying you also work for Mossad or Shabak.

>> No.56666281
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If you feel like its your religious need then sure. But i consider myself a pretty religious guy, fully apostolic-roman catholic and i stopped donating money to the church for 5 years because i was living in the streets. This year i started donating again after i got back in my feet, i have a really good shitcoin portfolio that allows me to make almost 50k a month (Mostly doing DCAA on XOR but i also hold it as an ALT. And cake, lots of shorts on CAKE) and as if god himself would've told me "its all good chum" the first week i started donating again i had the chance to help a family whose house had just been burned in a fire to find a new home. Bellieve, HE knows if you're not donating because you materially cant

>> No.56666317

I'm the op. Probably a new id by now. I'm not a jew. I don't like jews

>> No.56666426
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Yes. You get peace of mind from supporting the church and supporting others. This mindset will benefit you greatly going forward. Less stress, less worry, more comfort. There's a reason why religious people and happier and healthier.

The knee-jerk anti-religion people here have no idea about the warmth and comfort that comes with religion, being with others, and helping people. Like most 50 year-old lefty blue hair chicks, they are well on the path to 1) misery, 2) therapy, 3) SSRIs, 4) ???

If you can't afford to help the church, volunteer to help others. Continue to post here... and get paid.

>> No.56667013

Pay your debts before giving money to the church. God cares more about what’s in your heart than how much you put in the collection plate, see Mark 12:42-44.

>> No.56667029
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Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and give to God the things which are God's.

>> No.56667035

pay your taxes, government is the most efficient means of wealth distribution and its in their best interests to give money freely, at least in the first world.

You can read the Bible for free and not pay a pastor to mix it with his own agenda.

>> No.56667048
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>> No.56667073

i dont understand how anyone with any sort of awareness can be anything besides buddhist or some sort self-found spirituality etc. unless you subscribe to a religion simply for community's sake and/or other ulterior benefits while knowing deep down inside that you're just going through the motions and don't actually believe any of it

i mean, i can get behind just worshiping a deity or even joining a cult as long as you know what you're doing and why you're doing it, but why would you trust "scripture"?

>> No.56667103

Hopium just like the people who trusted Trump and Q Anon.

>> No.56667117
File: 164 KB, 960x1664, 1693124204042089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mix it with his own agenda
Keep in mind that the very act of reading it though, regardless of which version (and you have basically all versions on biblehub.com ), means you're reading the jew's agenda. It's 100% jew agenda to begin with, so mixing in some extra agenda makes no meaningful difference.

>> No.56667184

Debts first, tithes second mainly because the Lord really wants your worship and adoration. Plenty of parables use servants needing to get their shit together.
If you feel that conflicted about it, volunteer your free time to charitable work

>> No.56667285

Luke was a gentile though. Λουκάς was a Greek name.

It also means “white”

>> No.56667320

If you're going to nitpick the John who wrote revelations and the John who wrote John are two unrelated guys with the same name.

>> No.56667681

This is still disputed but probable, even weirder though it adds a different John for the epistles, which is also possible but much less likely.
It lists Barnabas as writer of Hebrews, not sure where that's coming from. If they mean the same one who wrote the epistle of Barnabas that's certainly false. Calling James the brother of Jesus is almost laughable. Separating the psalms to different individuals they're attributed to, if they needed more why not just include the apocrypha. What a strange list.