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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56666817 No.56666817 [Reply] [Original]

>check board out of curiosity
>it's all crypto shills

does anyone here invest in stocks, like real money? dividendbros?

>> No.56666828

try a search for either of those terms you dumb ape, buffoon, twit, imbecile

>> No.56666842

/Smg/ has a single thread the jannies allow to exist in this crypto ponzi scheme zoomer McDonald's paychecks at 100x leverage on "nigger definitely a scam sonic coin" retard board

>> No.56666849

no. bye

>> No.56666866

Sir we like to slowly put all our money into scam coins that do nothing for years and then suddenly get us 100,000% returns in a month

>> No.56666870

>not being a first lien bond chad

>> No.56666871
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>7 gay threads
>only somewhat legit thread has 24 replies, page 6

>> No.56666879

>he thinks stonks are real and crypto is not
savage idiot

>> No.56666881

It’s outside market hours tourist scum

>> No.56666885

posts your gainz then everyone
I'm curious what you retards have achieved

>> No.56666890

Yes. But the fact is, getting the "best returns" in the stock market means buying a fund and that's it. There's nothing to fucking talk about and it takes 3 minutes of searching on Google to figure which fund to buy and how to do it.

Individual day traders have a thread for that, and there's pretty much just as much risk in that as there is in crypto, so it makes sense that they get 1 thread. And "actual finance" is mostly just asset-liability matching and Black Scholes anyway, which is too rigorous to be fun to discuss.

Which means this entire board is 99% shitposts.

>> No.56666916
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I'm up 10% this month and paid myself 3,000 but I trade stocks and not shitcoins

>> No.56666915
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I trade options but don't really see a point in talking about them on this board. There are plenty of places to discuss tradfi investing but this is one of few quality places to discuss crypto

>> No.56666958
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>paid myself
unsure if you're larping or not but cool either way
I'm up 2.8% this month

>> No.56666967

No one here has enough money to invest in stocks and make it so no we don't do that here

>> No.56666968

>There is as much risk in buying Apple or Google stock as buying buttsextrannyhitler coins
>There are no trading strategies to talk about in a market of $100 trillion+++ dollars and the valuation of most of the known world being competitively gamed by everyone on earth and a subject on which thousands of books and strategies have been developed and refined for generations

Trading shitcoins is literally just some midwit low IQ babies first money management simulator.

>> No.56666974
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>> No.56666989

I’ve made far far more money off options then off crypto, the liquidity across all crypto is so low you just can’t margin trade without getting hunted down

>> No.56666990

>There is as much risk in buying Apple or Google stock as buying buttsextrannyhitler coins
Never said this. If you to act like a fucking retard, I can do it to.
>There is just as much risk in buying Bitcoin as buying $SHIT penny stock that nobody's ever heard of

And like I said before, virtually every single "trading strategy" is either from Black Scholes equation or literally astronomy. It is very boring.

>> No.56667038
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great, but why pay yourself?
are you not employed currently?

>> No.56667040

I never trade anything that isn't a fucking giga company, commodity or index sirs. Most of the major market moves are correlated with real world events and economic reports that are released on scheduled dates that you can view and interpret yourself instead of praying that Elon Musk tweets about your shit coin. Holy fucking shit you are so fucking retarded dude

>> No.56667051

>Why enjoy your money goyim
>Save it until you are old and your dick doesn't work anymore

Found the kike

>> No.56667077

this guy is clearly a mongoloid or under 18

>> No.56667079
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kek, found the unemployed guy

>> No.56667114

where do you think you are?
we all strive to be unemployed

>> No.56667144

striving and being are different things retard

>> No.56667145

dividends are just shit that old money boomers shill to sound well-versed. only loser companies give dividends. dividends are for rich people who want to brag about how easy their life is. people who shill dividend stocks either want your liquidity or are just verbally masturbating

>> No.56667165

then I'm verbally masturbating roughly 180 usd per month via dividends
i was born in 1996, suck my dick

>> No.56667172

okay, wait til your old as fuck, i don't care, a lot of us here have found ways to barely work or not work at all beyond investing and random shit like selling on ebay or shrimp farming.

>> No.56667240

I work and have a 401k I don't manage. Work is fucking gay though what kind of faggot hall monitor is proud of being a goybot. Enjoy your overtime faggot maybe Mr Goldberg will appoint you to assistant regional divisional overseer of logistics supply coordination team associates or whatever if you suck more dick. You are probably the type of fag that spends a lot of time on LinkedIn jerking off to recruiters tell you how amazing you are. Holy fuck I would hope you get AIDS but I am sure you already have it

>> No.56667264
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>shrimp farmer
>401k enjoyer that hates overtime
yeah, coming to this board was mistake, this will be my last thread

>> No.56667284

I've got one of those ishares dividends etfs in my savingsplan.

>> No.56667311

401ks were invented because most faggots are too retarded to even be trusted to manage their own money. They do shit like buy shitcoins that are down 99%. If I didnt get 5% match from my employer I wouldn't even have one.

Overtime is for fucking cucks. I have 3k of realized gains in my checking to act like a nigger with the rest of the year on top of my income why the fuck would I work overtime

>> No.56667319

ya fuck off and never come back tripfag

>> No.56667366

ok mister fisherman
because "3k of realized gains" is just nonsense
you sound poor as fuck kek
invest back into your portfolio like a man

>> No.56667382

In terms of risk adjusted return, btc pays you extremely well to the point of making it comparatively less risky on that basis. I won't spoonfeed you this
>crops the dollars on his robinhood cappy

>> No.56667411

I hope you wage slave for 40 years stacking all your shekels and the day before you retire you get raped to death by a pack or feral niggers and your wife spends it all on handbags after you die

I have held positions in Bitcoin before up to like 5% of my portfolio back when it was like 20k. I'm not buying it any time soon and I'll never buy any of the 8 billion spinoffs.

>> No.56667911

Users here are completely depressed weirdos who don't do anything with their lives and just have a very vaguely defined dream of jacking off to anime and playing video games until they die. They used to make funny memes but other than that they really shouldn't be taken seriously.

>> No.56667919

/biz/ was created as a containment board to keep crypto threads off /g/

>> No.56667923

I'm a Michael Burry counter investor. Maybe some iota or shimmer I will shill but nothing else.

>> No.56667927

>stocks, like real money? dividendbros
kek he doesnt know