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56666617 No.56666617 [Reply] [Original]

My buddys brother wants to sell me his trailer/spot in a trailer park, it's in a good weed heavy part of a small town 20 miles away from a big city, he wants 10k for it and despite the piece of shit being built in the 60s everything still works and it is technically livable

There are properties around the area going on air bnb for over a hundred bucks a night with the same sqft and shit because folks want the cheap weed and being able to go into the city etc

The lot fee is 500ish bucks a month but shit, do you think it would be a decent investment to just drop 10k cash on it, get the property in my name and throw it up on airbnb or just rent it out for 1700 a month thereabouts for some easy passive income? Or am I better off throwing the money at some retarded coin.

>> No.56666638

do people really?

>> No.56666647

The main question is what are the monthly costs? Trailer park spots have recently been increasing in rent due to jews.

>> No.56666752

$500 for a lot fee is high. What does it include? I assume trash, water, and sewage?

Honestly I wouldn't do it.

>> No.56666785

Put it another way $500 a month will get you like 60k worth of house payment, so that's how much you are losing.

>> No.56666787

It's like 500ish bucks for the spot and that also covers sewer, water, trash but not electricity and the property taxes are something like 700 bucks a year, so if I double that per month it's an okay amount coming in on the side for just a 10k investment

Shut up nigger

What would you do otherwise, it seems like it isn't the worst idea

>> No.56666797

You are better off buying a house with a basement you can rent out.

>> No.56666804

Nope. All they need to do is sell it to some shit head investor and your lot fees double. Buy some land and put a trailer on it.

>> No.56666808

you are making assumptions about a mans credit who is talking about buying a 10k property. I'm thinking this guy's credit isnt what you think it is.

>> No.56666814

if you yourself don't mind living in that trailer should it make sense, go for it. Always plan for worst case scenarios.

>> No.56666822

I don't think I am. That's why I said about the 60k worth of mortgage. We aren't talking no 400k house.

>> No.56666850

I already have a house that I live in, this would just be 100% some dumb shit on the side

According to the place that owns the lot etc the lot fee stays the same if I buy it, the lot and everything on it just goes in my name

I don't plan on living in it, I already own my house and live in a different state anyway. Last I checked my credit score was 710 or some such

This isn't me buying it to live in, just figured if I could flip it around and rent the shit out of it I could make up the 10k pretty quick, it would be a cash deal so no interest or any horse shit

>> No.56666856

I think it's going to end up being more labor than it's worth.

>> No.56666869

Trailers are worth $0 so dont consider it an investment

>> No.56666880

>I'm giving 10k to my buddies brother
>I'm giving $500 a month in passive income to a lot owner
This is not how you make money.

>> No.56666896

As far as I can tell the thing is dingy as fuck but the roof doesn't leak and the walls haven't rotted yet, so it's a shit hole but so far so good, it has a mini split setup so even in an area where they don't mandate central air on the home it's good to go

It's worth as much as someone is willing to pay to rent it I would think

So every asshole who owns a condo that has a $1 per square foot type HOA and rents it out must also not make any money? Hippies love living in fucking tinyhomes and wagons and shit when they rent stuff out, this would be a 3 bedroom piece of shit trailer

>> No.56666928

Honestly, just spruce up a shipping container and it’ll turn out better

>> No.56666944

Jump on that shit. The roofs on those things are notorious for leaking, but they’re easy to fix. I agree with the other anon about lot fees jumping up with new owners, but the cool thing about trailer homes is that you can move them…so there’s that

>> No.56666960

That ship sailed onces yuppies found out they could make them into small houses and get around residence laws in CA. I doubt you could get a shipping container and fix it up with everything as well as a lot plus all the plumbing and electrical etc for 10k, only to turn around and try to rent it for the same amount

The roof was redone a couple decades agoand is metal and snowproof apparently, the thing was built in the 60s I wouldn't try to move it if my life depended on it, I had talked to someone in the office of the trailer park which also has RVs next door same outfit. They said the cost of the lots don't change based on individual owners it's a county thing

>> No.56666975

I've seen this pic before. What's the scam you're pushing?

>> No.56666979

Hey we told you not to do it, but go ahead and buy your 65 year old piece of shit trailer worth nothing and pay $500 plus tax, plus utilities. Go ahead, have fun.

>> No.56667052

Imagine getting this legitimately upset over someone else having disposable income lol, lmao even

>> No.56667076

It's a picture of a trailer stupid, unless you are a bot

All I am wondering is why this wouldn't work as a decent idea for some passive money coming back off an investment as little as 10k, if it works like other stuff in the area as far as air bnb or renting goes it would be a pretty high ROI compared to anything else I can think of


>> No.56667137

>All I am wondering is why this wouldn't work as a decent idea for some passive money
It's not as passive as you think. If you have the time to fix problems yourself the cost of repairs willklely exceed the value of the property.

>> No.56667147

>price doesn’t go up because of regulations
>roof is redone and snow proof
Hmm….well in that case I’d say you’d be dumb NOT to buy it. Where in the states is it located?

>> No.56667167

Could you give me an example of the cost of repairs that would mess things up? As far as I can tell it's an old trailer but has been kept in decent shape relatively speaking with the roof being new and all the utilities working fine including plumbing

Any structural issue would be mostly dirt cheap to get right again, it needs to pass as a cheap motel by air bnb standards and those assholes let you use wagons and tents


>> No.56667326

dirt cheap means you don't yourself or know some guys who do shit work for shit cheap. if you know those guys then go for it. if you don't then it won't be cheap.

>> No.56667345

People pay $100/night to rent a trailer to buy weed? That's the business plan? Lmao

>> No.56667505

Go for it. It will only take 10 years to maybe make 100k$

>> No.56668012

There are worse things than a 100% return on investment your first year