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56658084 No.56658084 [Reply] [Original]

>due to inflation
Its amazing guys, all we have to do is say that and the plebs will accept anything.

>> No.56658093
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>> No.56658097

They've already been fucking with the ratios of products for years now and people are finally noticing it.

No junk food tastes good anymore and its more expensive than ever.

>> No.56658119

Best Economy Ever™

>> No.56658132

in Europe supermarkets and producers have to supply a price per 1 kg or price per 100g below the unit price. So as a consumer all you have to do is remember that 1kg/100gram price and they cant jew you.

>> No.56658144

oh no how will i survive not buying oreos. i swear these companies are retarded for thinking people have to buy their shit

>> No.56658149

>reduce size / increase price due to inflation aka increasing price
stupid circular logic.

>> No.56658161

Probably easier psychologically to pass a decrease in size then a straight up dollar numbered increase.

>> No.56658188

its just increasing price aka dollars per unit by decreasing unit rather than increasing dollars. that is inflation its not due to inflation

>> No.56658195

i ate at McDonald like a year ago,cant even explain how small that got

>> No.56658214

Isn't this good new tho? Big companies are being socially responsible by controlling portions for consumers

>> No.56658239

The toblerone one is criminal because the ridges were characteristic of it and now it looks like a comb.
Suits really suck the soul out of everything. Just fucking reduce the weight somewhere else you fucking retards.

>> No.56658252

Fatsies just buy twice as much

>> No.56658420

Most supermarkets in the USA do this too (at least here in Alabama). Problem is most people are too retarded to check that.

>> No.56658447

Yeah my supermarket in the US does this. Like I'm buying something like body wash I can just buy the cheapest per gallon without having to calculate with 20 different sizes.

>> No.56658452

They have no competition because 90% of people think starting a business is illegal or something

>> No.56658482

Fatties will buy the double stuff, which is now what the regular oreos used to be. The mega stuf is what the double stuffed used to be. They will come out with the ultra double mega stuffed to be what the mega stuf used to be.
I guess the "oreo thins" are now just the cookie part with no stuffing

>> No.56658547

>the retards thinking shrinkflation is something new

>> No.56658558

Pretty much everything is illegal, Boomers made it that way on purpose.

>> No.56658585

Yu vill get ze smaler creamz and zou vill be happy

>> No.56658605

the best way to combat this is to simply stop consuming goyslop. let these nickling and diming poison merchants go bankrupt

>> No.56658647

What do u mean? It's a perfectly legit explaination, inflation is the problem.. it means if they want to keep the price the same they have to put in less filling. Wheres the issue? You think they are just finding ways to make a bigger chunk of profit? Probably sales were down and they had to reduce the price of the product even or they reckoned that increasing the price (to keep up with inflation and the increasing cost of production) would result in a reduction in sales so they found a way to cut costs instead and keep the price the same. You're trying to say it's oreo and companies basically scamming using inflation as an excuse when really inflation is the scam. That being said here I am on neet bucks which the creation of contributes to inflation.

>> No.56658832

if the regular oreos no longer match up to the double stuff oreos then im gonna sue them for false advertising

>> No.56658890

holy fuck brits are disgusting

>> No.56658916

>You think they are just finding ways to make a bigger chunk of profit?
This is precisely what a publicly traded business (MDLZ in this case) does.

>> No.56659180

>that is inflation its not due to inflation
It's "due to inflation" in the sense that Nabisco has to pay increased prices to their upstream suppliers.

>> No.56659273

That's a whole lot more specific than "inflation"

>> No.56659289

It's fucking hilarious when Americans complain about their "inflation"

>> No.56659418

it should be illegal to call that cream
it probably has more in common with the dielectric grease in your engine coil packs than heavy dairy cream

>> No.56659893

Not only does this shit fuck over consumers, but it also fucks over the 95% of businesses that aren't multinational conglomerates because now retards like OP will just yell "MUH GREEDFLATION" and push for more socialist gibs shit, paid for by money printing and taxes on people that actually work, when small businesses are getting skullfucked as well.

>> No.56659999

i am argentinian and this is funny as hell.
let the 3rd world in, get 3rd world problems

>> No.56660056

holy fucking checked

>> No.56660350

Imagine Oreo's cream had something to do with inflation fucking zoomers believe anything they read on X this days, fucking fucks lmao, no single working braincell stored on that shithead, otherway they'll know about endless aobunt of tools designed to filter up info, at least on crypto you got beoble.

>> No.56660376
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>it should be illegal to call that cream
People can call it whatever they want.

Nabisco can't call it "cream" though.
They refer to it as "creme."

>> No.56660402

>We have inflation now therefore we are allowed to give you a shittier product for a higher price!!!

And they panic when sales continue to fall off a cliff. When everything is about short-sighted greed, trust goes down the toilet and no one will want to participate in the system anymore.

>> No.56660410

Geez, it's not like our ruling elite and media apparatus have been running articles about changing the definition of inflation to mean a simple increase in price instead of the expansion of the money supply. Reminder that the people who are responsible for this have names and families.
>b-but muh pandemic!
Yeah, because purging all of our institutions and organizations of right wing people while printing trillions of dollars was unavoidable and not a blatant power grab, right?

>> No.56660411

People who eat this fucking garbage and then complain about inflation are scumbags.

>> No.56660443

The cream was always my least favorite part of Oreos I usually scraped it off and ate the cookies, however I haven't eaten Oreos in many years

>> No.56660505


>> No.56660633

>175g to 157g
lmao, I bet half the population wouldn't even notice that one.

you as argentine should know about these judaic schemes

>> No.56660676

They don't even know how to filter the content they see on socials, what makes you think they'll use it for financial purposes

>> No.56660686

Everything that happens in production lines is due to inflation nowadays, faggot

>> No.56660689

Unrelated, still keked at how zoomers can be so retarded

>> No.56660695
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If I had a dollar for every retarded zoomer, how much do you think it'd be reflected in my wallet?

>> No.56660723

I understand that inflation "affects" businesses too, but there needs to be shaming in certain cases. I'm glad the European grocers shame the producers like this. In America, there is no such protection. The goy will simply buy what they bought before, and be none the wiser about its portion size.

>> No.56660735
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>> No.56660760

First of all, prices going up is inflation. So its retarded to say inflation is caused by inflation of other goods, eventually there was something that increased in cost on its own.

Second, prices are not determined by the cost it takes to make them. A company who produces product, doesn't charge more automatically because input costs go up. They will set the prices to the highest amount that they can but still sell out of the inventory, period. It doesn't matter if its lower profit because selling at a loss is better than not selling the item and get $0 for it.

Its not just input prices going up = higher price, if there is no additional demand, then prices do not go up without supply remaining on shelves. For prices to go up there has to be additional nominal demand (real or from the money supply), that allows the supplier to raise prices. The input cost just determines their profit.

>> No.56660783

>90% of people think starting a business is illegal or something

It might as well be, considering the regulations you have to go through. Not to mention the banks denying you at every turn. I started one, had to go through like 9 banks until 1 finally (begrugingly) accepted my idea. Banks have an intense fear of the government, act as an arm of the government, and view people bringing in money as a public enemy by default unless proven otherwise.

>> No.56661524

Good. It tastes fucking awful.

>> No.56661682

I don't think this fully makes sense, making a loss is indeed worse than having the product on the shelf: the product may make a profit if demand changes, but a sold loss is a loss, and products which make sold losses are discontinued. I agree that blaming inflation if absurd, but to your first point:
>eventually there was something that increased in cost on its own
That's true, I'm sure Oreos wouldn't deny that. But that thing isn't Oreos, it's probably lumber or factory floor labour costs or something that they can reasonably blame.
It is stupid though, they are indeed participating in inflation and not being harmed by it, if they were being harmed they'd keep the price per gram stable.

>> No.56661713

This isn't food and should be eaten in moderation.
I know some of you fat fucks will eat an entire box of creme eggs, this is literally saving you.

>> No.56662540
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Quads: checked

>> No.56662550

>shrinkflate all the junk food
>people are still getting fatter anyway
in order for someone to be fit, they have to want that for themselves

>> No.56662591

I think it depends on the product. Toilet paper can sit on the shelf unsold, but bread can't.

>> No.56662639

this might very well help with the obesity crisis

>> No.56662659

i had a toblerone for the first time in copenhagen and it was amazing
do we even have these in the US?

>> No.56662671

its always fun to read the replies simping for the big corps who do this

>> No.56662684

yes, they sell it at pretty much every grocery store in the US

>> No.56662694

maybe near you, never seen them up around providence

>> No.56662719

Feels good being the main character. Our oreo sizes are more important than your entire nation.

>> No.56662730

try going to a 7-11 or something

>> No.56662752

You guys think companies sell shit just for charity or something? Give me ONE reason why they should sell without caring about their profit margins just to help some internet neckbeards in a malawi basket weaving forum get even fatter

>> No.56662819

There is zero reason for them not to do it and people who continue to fatten themselves with these goyslop products are literal retards.
People should still talk about it and point it out when it happens. Don't let companies trick you into thinking that prices are staying the same when they're actually not.

>> No.56662852

I'm all for milking the fatties dry by slowly increasing the price and shrinkflating their goyslop and sugar treats.

It's a money fountain with no limits - the heart attack grill proves this.

>> No.56662889

If I actually believed that making junk food more expensive would cause fatties to lose weight, then I'd be on board with that idea. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work out that way in reality. Food prices are higher than they've ever been, and so are obesity rates. So all of us have to pay more for food (all food, not just goyslop) while fatties remain fat. I wouldn't call that a win

>> No.56663138

A junk food tax would certainly help. People bitch all the time about how junk food is considerably cheaper than healthy food and that's why they won't even bother to lose weight, so artificially inflating the price of junk food will level the playing field between junk food and healthy food.

It's not really relevant in the current climate since, like you said, all food is rising exponentially in price. But if this shrinkflation of junk food was happening independently of everything else that's going on, then I'm all for it.

At the very least, fatties should have to pay a premium on being fat.

>> No.56663166

>giving the government money will help fatties
lmao tranny IRS shill
better to get rid of all taxes on healthy food first, and then give additional tax refunds to people who eat healthy and lose weight.

>> No.56663207

I’m increasing the volume of my cream inside your mom

>> No.56663276

I actually like the Oreos with less cream desu because the cream isn't that good in the first place. The double stuff Oreos are disgusting for that reason.

>> No.56663362

Add ringlets to his hair and you'd have a decent meme

>> No.56663378

I'm decreasing how much I spend on the sugar Jew due to inflation

>> No.56664702

it basically is. there are almost no untapped markets left and boomers and jews throw trillions of dollars at governments to destroy their competition. you can't even buy a small farm for less than half a million dollars.

same reason you can't set sail and discover a new continent anymore, the world has gotten too small.

>> No.56664726

you can just add it to the list of things people shouldn't ever buy again

>> No.56664750

>People bitch all the time about how junk food is considerably cheaper than healthy food and that's why they won't even bother to lose weight
This is fatty cope and almost always has never been the case. You can deduce this with like 10 minutes of price comparison for groceries, from the convenience of your phone.
Fatties will still claim this even with a bullshit 5% junk food tax

>> No.56665057

The contents of my Rexona deodorant stick (Degree in the US) shrank from 75g to 50g recently while the price remained the same...

>> No.56665115

Good, fuck you fatso

>> No.56665125
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>> No.56666129

I used to buy the big box of Goldfish for like $5.50 every couple months in 2020 and before. Now it's $9. Inflation got me away from goyslop.

>> No.56666141

>decreased the amount of high fructose corn syrup and coloring in the fake slopcream
Lmao they're doing it just to fuck with the goyim at that point

>> No.56666305

>be me
>take spoonful of cream
>half spoon sugar
>mix together with chocolate syrup
100% cheaper and it tastes the same, i mean its not hard so u dont have to chew it first, but other than that its the same shit just not pissed on in a factory by jeets first and molded by a dirty piece of metal.

>> No.56666477
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Oreo thins are the shit tho fr fr

>> No.56666689

the fuck is wrong wit u

>> No.56666771

Its the insurance companies. They're taking huge cuts on that cost through contracts with the drug companies.

>> No.56666800

jews did this

>> No.56667723

most rational anon

All the retarded rightoids here screeching about this and on the same time would cry about muh goyslop

>> No.56667746

That would be acceptable. The problem is they do fucking both. Price goe up 35% and product size goes down 15%

>> No.56667776

All pard and parcel of the you'milly'ation cycle
>juuuuuuuuuust a little bit less each time okay

>> No.56667873

Need to get back to namin' and shamin'
>faddy faddy fat fat
Only gauranteed cure

It's a lifestyle choice, not a disease or ailment