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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56664724 No.56664724 [Reply] [Original]

Post hidden gems under 1b mc

>> No.56664738

Euler is my long shot this bullrun. GMX is forever based as well.

>> No.56664759

I remember there being an exploit, how has the recovery been?

>> No.56664765

Rebel Satoshi

>> No.56664794

I see it like the DAO hack. A big, bad bit of publicity that doesn't actually undermine how good of a team they are.
They're building something new, but being pretty coy about what it is. I'm backing them on a "back a good team that made a very public fuck up once, and got punished by the market for it" basis.
Prior to the hack they were one of the secret darlings of new defi.

>> No.56664850

How are the fees with GMX? Most DEXes are kinda bad with that

>> No.56664892

Reminds me of the AVAX doublespend lmao. The heat fades with time.
>building something new, but being pretty coy about what it is.
I've got a small bag of LYRA and it feels the same way. Like "okay, these guys obviously, at the very least, know what the problem set is". Whether they can execute on it or not, given the scope of the problem is a whole different question. My confidence is low that they pull it off (and I think that's the general market-wide sentiment). But, that same uncertainty is what makes potentially retarded levels of return possible.

>> No.56664940

It depends on the liquidity balance. Sometimes you can find positive slippage trades when your position rebalances the pool. But if you are pulling liquidity from a side that is already out of balance, they will charge out the nose. Only way to get "the best" fees from any DEX is to have a shopping list and get quotes on each of them before placing your trade. Damn... we need an aggregator like 1inch but for perp DEXes.

>> No.56664965


>> No.56665041


>> No.56665369
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>> No.56665378

gmx is aids
glp runs at a loss
long only exchange that will 100% fail

>> No.56665394

>shills the Pyht/MEV scammer perps project that had to print tokens just to claw user share back from the GMX real yield chads

>> No.56665407

*shills the perps project that actually works and makes a profit without screwing over the people who provide liquidity
imagine being so retarded you think gmx's model is sustainable compared to synthetix / kwenta.

>> No.56665422

Ah yeah nothing more sustainable than printing OP/Kwenta and handing it out like candy lmao
And nothing less sustainable than GMX which is one of the top 5 most profitable protocols in all of crypto, often making more money in a day than Bitcoin.

>> No.56665466

whilst glp runs at a loss. kinda contradicts it being "profitable" lol. such a gmx maxi fag
if you had any brains coming into the bull market and you wanted exposure to perp exchanges you would sell your gmx for synthetix but instead youre a lil maxi fag who thinks they know everything
cant wait til your stupid exchange breaks and youre left bagholding
just remember i told you so

>> No.56665490

Why are you so fucking angry about it lmao what is it with the MEV cartel and seething so hard whenever people refuse to get scammed by them

>> No.56665575

not angry ur just a fag & i hope u know it

>> No.56665736

>printing OP
GMX literally does the same with ARB
>the top 5 most profitable protocols
Let's see how long GMX can continue making higher revenue when it has lower volume (=higher fees) than its competitors.

>> No.56665756

lemme guess I should buy some Tigris lmao

>> No.56665788
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Megabot is my gamble. Wouldn't be the worst looking thing I ever bought. Never seen it mentioned here, which means its still underground. Its on coingeck, they have a ton of articles about how the trading bot works on coinmarketcap, and the movements on dextools make me hopeful.
Idk how to talk about this without sounding like a shill, but look it up and jusge for yourselves

>> No.56665811
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>> No.56665845

Man, they need to fix their logo. Couldn't tell if it was PEAQ or PEEQ

>> No.56665889

Nope, I became a dYdX/Kwenta user when I refused to KYC on a CEX. Instead of hoping people will stay retarded and overpay fees, I prefer to invest in protocols that have the best product and which I personally use. I still haven't checked out GMX v2 yet, I might soon because they're giving out incentives at the moment. Just started reading the docs...

>> No.56665920

yeah kinda true but the symmetry is satisfying

>> No.56666115
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I've been telling the prateks all over biz to invest in VINU for a year now because its really simple to short it or long it (it does a totally predictable movement in the charts) and it stays in the same range constantly. Super good if you're into shorting shitcoins or just doing DCAA in general

>> No.56666204

red pill me on GMX

>> No.56666211
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Big yikes!

>> No.56666363

anyone else get flashbacks of askobar from this logo??? looool remember the dog?

>> No.56666441
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NOIA unironically

>> No.56666460
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Just last night I couldn't get any thread updates because /biz/ was so packed. Where the fuck is everybody?

>> No.56666506
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>> No.56667128
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Tigris is incredibly undervalued in the space. if you ever wanted to be early check it out

>> No.56667178
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What an ominous looking symbol.

>> No.56667266
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Frencoin all the way, 200k mCap, GPU mineable, requested to list on CMC and CoinGecko. Already x10d and most owners are HODLers and memes baked daily.


>> No.56667276

Multivac coin sirs

>> No.56667358

GMX is a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.56667944

lmao like that is some kind of a big deal
Injective has been using Chainlink as oracle for the past 2 years straight

>> No.56667948 [DELETED] 


>> No.56667965

i did 7x on DOMI and sold before dump, now i got in CHAINSWAP (chains) - low mcap, catchy name but i have small amount of money so i must gamble

>> No.56667988

Gmx is good but fees are cancer

>> No.56668010

Check out Cor, sub 200k mcap

>> No.56668014

injective is also a "finance" specific chain with zero users and zero tvl

>> No.56668155
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>> No.56668257


looks like a great exchange to me

>> No.56668288

name me a better defi project so I can laugh at you

>> No.56668330
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alphakek ai

>> No.56668593

every project on defillama with a tvl higher than 11m

>> No.56668629

that's just the orderbook size chud
defillama are too incompetent

>> No.56668637
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>> No.56669045

There's OGB, though not launched but you see the tech which OpenGamesBuilders is bringing into the GameFi sector is definitely different from the rest, partnered with Unity Game Engine and more, definitely not your regular

>> No.56669211

>FAT of Funarcade
GambleFi, an unsaturated niche
Zero restrictions or KYC
Seamless UI
Lots of animated games

>> No.56669296

this is a VC scam bot be careful with any tokens this guy mentioned

>> No.56669345


>> No.56669393

dude, i sold DOMI because this pump was suspicious
i'm looking for low mcaps

>> No.56670692

GMX is the first platform to use Chainlink HF oracles. They pay by giving back a percentage of fees to LINK stakers.
It's my only alt bag next to LINK personally because the volume will just be insane during the next bull and print fees like never before.
Expect 4 digita GMX at the very least.

>> No.56670722

>literally liquidating people and not letting them close positions

>> No.56670770
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lilai, 1.8 mil mcap. Other than that probably PRQ

>> No.56671098

>"insufficient funds for gas"
>gets liquidated because all his gas is being used as margin
lol, lmao even.

>> No.56671101
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Anon are you talking about QANX

>> No.56671161
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PRQ (REACT) unironically

>> No.56671218


>> No.56671447


>> No.56671735

It's the next 100X, that's one of my biggest bag RN

>> No.56671781

is 95k KREST enough to make it?

>> No.56672162


>> No.56672179

Banano the only alt I buy, BTC my main hedge

>> No.56672395

veil for ringct staking and og pivx team

>> No.56672624

honestly could be generational weallth if you're patient

>> No.56672768

are you anticipating krest becoming extremely valuable, or the peaq airdrop being the main winner? Or a bit or both? I'm assuming krest will dump hard after the snapshot but hopefully will slowly climb from there.

>> No.56672893

really hard to say, I think it depends on the market. There will be a lot of people looking to immediately dump their airdropped peaq, but if the market is good there could be more buying pressure. Either way I think taking some profit on krest before the airdrop would be wise

>> No.56672924

but also based on my past experiences I've learned that if you find a real promising project you should just forget about it for a couple of years and let it flourish out of your mind

>> No.56673010
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lolled at the tokenomics week ago, then afterwards stumbled on it again and realized it is a game token (game at early access stage still) and almost got rekt by the latest pump, now mc still at 45m

>> No.56673618


>> No.56673630

you're right about SNX but GMX is kinda meh.
They have fragmented liquidity pools in v2 now and are struggling attracting enough liquidity to provide a decent trading experience.
They already have to cut rewards for token holders to only 27%.
GNS is the real deal.
Super scalable and liquidity efficient to the tune that they send 61% of fees to token holders.

>> No.56673725
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Its SCLP ofc faggot

>> No.56673897


>> No.56674961
File: 126 KB, 1477x553, pokt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pocket Network. The Chainlink of RPC. Huge partnership with Infura announced today. The rocket is on the launchpad, are you gonna miss out again anon ?

>> No.56675081

DOMI is a VC scam.


Their shills got caught and slipped up before they got banned. Be careful anons.

>> No.56676032

Where can you buy this? Is there a contract address?

>> No.56676090

>GNS = scamwicks
end of story

>> No.56676111


>> No.56676188
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>> No.56676254


>> No.56676260

VRA. I’m all in.

>> No.56676986


>> No.56677126

SDL (stake.link) is the real hidden gym. With Jonny rimming 'orses and a market cap under 10mil buy high sell low

>> No.56677240
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Go to
>Sort by prediction
>Pick thar have upward momentun and low volatility.
>Make money

>> No.56677253


>> No.56677278
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FLUX chad reporting i2JRGWn

>> No.56677326

the current token you can buy is krest, on mexc. The main token (peaq) launches next year (january I think?) and will be airdropped to you if you have 2k krest in a custodial wallet

it has pumped a LOT since I posted that but it has retraced a bit now, really don't know if there will ever be a better time to buy in the future

>> No.56677363

this is a scam. the mods banned these ass clowns earlier shilling their krest toothpaste token

>> No.56677388


>> No.56677396


I've been shilling krest since it was 1 cent and I'm still here. I can only assume you posted this because you have a buy order in place, which I respect

>> No.56677449

Pathetic. Typical response from street shitters
>haha you FUD to buy low!!!
Kill yourself you toothpaste fuck

>> No.56677461

$apx (astropepex)
if you are a gigbrain, ignore the name and take 1 min to research it. if you are a retard dont buy.

>> No.56678062

>hidden gems
>1b mc
during the last bullrun 200m mcaps were considered gems

>> No.56678854
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You are dumb anon, That thing underperformed like crazy during the bull run, and it kept on dumping during the bear market. Why stick with that? XTP is clearly set to outperform it, and I'm even thinking about stacking more considering the exciting opportunities ahead. dyor

>> No.56678888

I'm onboard with VRA, anon. But just relying on that won't bring in the big bucks. Smart moves involve diversification. That's why I've added utility assets like INJ, NXRA, XTP, and even SHIB to my portfolio.

>> No.56679012

Glad I still have some time to accumulate, almost a suicide bad ready.

>> No.56679376

behodler EYE 1m mcap

>> No.56679555

They literally aggregate price feeds from multiple exchanges to NOT have scamwicks. I don't even hold, but come on man.