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File: 132 KB, 750x505, michael-burry-001.jpg_997313609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56663704 No.56663704 [Reply] [Original]

This man correctly predicted one (1) financial crash and now he won't shut up

>> No.56663734

it's worse
he sees bad indicators and goes long on fiat money
a utter complete fool with no depth to his vision

>> No.56663742

this man was like 2 years early or maybe more and the investors locked into his fucking fund were treatening his butt because fees were anally raping them

>> No.56663854

He correctly called GME. He’s aware of the impending water crisis. He bet inflation correctly. Dudes super good actually, I think it’s just the cult of personality around him.

>> No.56663891

>He correctly called GME
Didn't he sell everything at $10 right before the massive run up to $483? Burry has always been retarded but not as much as the people who bought GME at $483 and held to $10

>> No.56665705


Watching the big short is pretty cringe. An autistic gen x listening to metal music to predict moves in the market and taking millions of dollars from boomers who'd sold out the country to place a bet, asking the boomers to trust him.

Shit is a sick joke.

>> No.56665712


Why isn't he betting on the impending climate change happening at a rotation around the sun near you?

>> No.56665854

Yet he doesn't seem to be aware of the simple fact that jews completely control the economies of every relevant country in the world and if they dont want it to crash it's not going to because the whole thing is a bunch of fake and gay made up numbers.

>> No.56665981

Well he is blind in one eye so…

>> No.56666073

Bet you think he has a huge dick as well?
Hi, Michael.

>> No.56666104

>This man correctly predicted one (1) financial crash
That's pretty good though.

>> No.56666193

Wow Jews l, being a minuscule percentage of the population on earth, control everything? You agree then that they are superior?

>> No.56666247

Superior at working together for their own benefit to fuck the rest of the planet over as hard as possible, yes.

>> No.56666255
File: 19 KB, 679x370, 052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no depth to his vision

>> No.56666489

Damn I love Jews now. What power.

>> No.56666512

Broken clock is right two times a day

>> No.56666523

He’s richer than you incels

>> No.56667499

The run-up to $483 was just an outlier event isn't really indicative of his abilities anymore then people buying doge coin

>> No.56667562
File: 12 KB, 332x240, 1565121570649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yesterday I said "today markets go down" and now I don't know if I should fear for my XOR's bags or for my presence on this reality

>> No.56667574

carlos did nothing wrong