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56653102 No.56653102 [Reply] [Original]

>buying BTC now

>> No.56653113

>not buying BTC now

>> No.56653118

we are going back to 29k aren't we?

>> No.56653139
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>rotating btc into eth and alts

>> No.56653167

No idea what it will dump to, but clearly BTC has topped.

>> No.56653245

yes, sell your bitcoins, i get paid soon.

>> No.56654081
File: 43 KB, 563x583, 1696114420674269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DCA'd 70% of my total savings on BTC while it was at 28k (bullrun confirmed pretty much)
>Comfy and waiting for Blocklords to come out while I stake ETH and BNB on Chinance (BNB beating the SEC = mega pump)
So, so easy. It's all a game of patience, really.

>> No.56654092

Buy under 40k, sell at 40k.

>> No.56654117

you could say this same shit ever since it's creation, exactly like this, and in a year after it would be retarded

>> No.56654120

rule #1 of this business, don't buy in green

>> No.56654122
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im waiting for decembear to do its thing and end this little bullltrap once and for all
retard fpwp

>> No.56654123

history repeats itself

>> No.56654124

I want more.

>> No.56654135

fucking cope, no one can ever say honestly this ever worked for them

>> No.56654136

BTC will never go back to 60k, stop dreaming dear anon

>> No.56654138
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The top is 50K, and that's pre-halve. You bobo cucks are obnoxious.

>> No.56654145

submissive and breedable femboy spotted. ngmi. you must day trade and smoke 20 cigs a day + 2 monster energy drinks to analyze charts faster and better. one fart is all it takes for us to revert to 28k.

>> No.56654148

this fr, it will go up non ironically like foam after bnb beating sec

>> No.56654150

>This is totally a bulltrap bro trust me bro we topped bro

>> No.56654151


>> No.56654152

it's obvious that binance will come out of the SEC court case well, but you're pretty enthusiastic if you think that's going to generate real pump

>> No.56654154
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fun game. all i want is those sweet cheap ido tokens though, nothing more. nothing personal.

>> No.56654161
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non believers like you stay poor

>> No.56654162

I highly doubt I'll go above 30, but if I guess I'll have to eat my words and jump on the boat before we go back to last year's 16k

>> No.56654169

I rotated when btc.d was over 54%. Who's the one coping here?

>> No.56654179

ok windows user

>> No.56654183

i want to shit on >bullrun confirmed pretty much
so bad but fellas i think it's actually true this time lmao