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56649143 No.56649143 [Reply] [Original]

Is a hair transplant worth it from a financial POV??

>> No.56649165

If your hairline is that fucked up, yes.

>> No.56649168

I'm more interested about hair implants. When are those coming out? I don't want them to move my hair from the back to the front .

>> No.56649189

It would be worth it if a hair transplant was a magical one time thing, but it doesn't work like that.

After you get a hair transplant you also have to take finasteride and minoxidil daily for the rest of your life AND you will more than likely need additional hair transplant in the future because fin and min won't be as effective as years go by and the non transplanted part of your hair will still minituarize and fall out.

>> No.56649194

Finasteride literally stops miniaturization retard

>> No.56649202

With decreasing efficacy over time, retard. Read a fucking journal.

>> No.56649211

Yes, and now keep taking it for 5+ years and then report back. Like with any other medication, the body acclimates to it and you have to keep upping the dose to get the same effect. It's not magic.

>> No.56649280

real men just go bald like the bezos god

>> No.56649322

thats not true lad
you are prescribed finasteride to help you keep the hair you already have
in many cases, depending on how it matures, you no longer need it
the transplanted hair is NOT sensitive to DHT

>> No.56649996
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I spent 5k on this. 1k grafts.

I’m gonna do more work because my temples are still just a LITTLE bit lacking in density (not for lack of skill of the technicians I just should’ve gotten 500 more). I’m about 85% satisfied. This is only 6 months post op BTW

>> No.56650016

If you do hair replacement you have to take finasteride every day.

>> No.56650036
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>the transplanted hair is NOT sensitive to DHT
This is correct. Hairs in the back are not falling out for the majority of people. When hairs are transplanted to the front, they still retain all their properties, i.e., they won't fall out.

>> No.56650042


>> No.56650046


>> No.56650051

Are you taking finasteride everyday?

>> No.56650054
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The entire point is you use hair from the back of your head which is DHT resistant.
Most guys who go bald don't ever lose the hair in the back of their heads.

>> No.56650064
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theres something extremely offputting about that middle image, how do they actually transplant the hair, are they punching holes in the donors head and 'replanting' them? doesnt that mean the donors gonna have a fucked up head?
assumably there wouldnt be many takers right? or does the donors hair grow back? and its not like you'd want a minoritys hair since it would clash with your own, and if the transplanted hair isnt affected by what makes you bald normally wouldnt there be something to gleam from that that could be applied to natural balders?

so many questions

>> No.56650077

You use your own hair from the back of your head. The kind of hair that generally never goes away.

>> No.56650098

You all are worse than women what a bunch of sensitive fags

>> No.56650120

If you want kids, finasteride will mess things up for you.

>> No.56650127
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You hold Chainlink.

>> No.56650173

you can get AT LEAST a decade or 2 from it and by the time it stops being effective your youth is gone anyway and hair will not be such a big deal

>> No.56650230

This is correct and only coping fin users will disagree. This is the reality transplant idiots only realize after years. They end up with a fucked head regardless because usually there isn’t enough donation area left to give the appearance of a full head anyways.

>> No.56650244

Correct you fucking idiot.

>> No.56650265

Use blackseed oil (nigella sativa) directly on the bald spots and it will regrow, if the reason for the bald spots are fungal related (which a lot of them are). Rosemary oil seems to work for some as well.

>> No.56650282

>he didn't freeze his sperm in his 20s when it was at the highest quality

>> No.56650303

I thought it's DHT and genetics?

>> No.56650309

Only a very rare few guys like Patrick Stewart ever lose the entirety of their hair and in those cases it's a special condition of its own, not male pattern baldness.
With MPB your hair on the back of your head isn't killed off by DHT ever. You source that and that's the reason folluicular unit transplantation is not temporary.

>> No.56650327

is this a daily thread from now on?

>> No.56650332

it is, he just wanted an excuse to say nigella

>> No.56650374

Makes your dick soft. I'd rather be High T and bald than low T with girly locks.

What's even the point if your dick stops working right?

>> No.56650386

>Correct you fucking idiot.
I underwent a transplantation three years ago, and I haven't taken any finasteride. My doctor didn't recommend it to me. You take it for non-transplanted hair, so the chance of them falling out is reduced, and you won't need to undergo another transplantation to fix your hair. YOU FUCKING BRAINDEAD MORON.

>> No.56650494

Based on what? Also, dutasteride exists.

>> No.56650526

HAIR TRANSPLANT wont fix my FACE and HEIGHT and pencil dick so why even bother, save your money and WHOREMAXXX instead

>> No.56650850

Not sure.
If it's done once and for all I think it's worth it.
If you still need to bother with daily minox and hormone inhibitors to keep your hairline then fuck it, I'd rather be less attractive but free with my time

>> No.56650891

Where is the best place to get a transplant, I want to get it dome but I don't want my head fucked up by some Turkish half ass job, but I also don't want to drop 15k

>> No.56650900

Sometime it's because of pitiriasis, a fungi that grows on your skin. Harmless but if it goes to your scalp it causes balding.

>> No.56650990

Really good.

>> No.56651012

It'll be hilarious wahen bitches start with the "bald guys are sexier" meme

>> No.56651022

Is a hair transplant worth it if I'm not blackpilled?

>> No.56651055

>The entire point is you use hair from the back of your head which is DHT resistant.
Yes, but newsflash you still have hair on top of your head which will continue to recede and miniaturize if you don't take fin and min regularly. A hair transplant only fixes the very front of your head for the most part.

Also another thing no one mentioned ITT is that a hair transplant isn't even 100% sure to work, it always depends on the individual if his scalp will "accept" the transplanted hair and continue growing after the initial shedding stage, which is also why many have to get multiple surgeries.

>> No.56651059

I did it locally (Eastern Europe), paid more than they charge in Turkey, but I don't trust Turks with my hairs. I paid double, but at least I have warranty and peace of mind.

>> No.56651068

Should I pre-emptively go on finasteride just in case?

>> No.56651103

Some people lose their hair only to a certain extent, and then it stops. If that's the case, you're lucky. If not, it's better to wait until you start to look like George Costanza and then consider surgery. Finasteride is a poison and it's better to embrace baldness than take that shit.

>> No.56651130


>> No.56651132

Bruh, you can take heroin on daily basis, like I give a fuck.

>> No.56651139

fuck off bald cunt

>> No.56651291

Why don't we use mRNA technology to create a cream that makes hairs in the front of your head more genetically similar to hairs in the back?

>> No.56651375
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I take fin and saw good results. I can't use topicals because they irritated my scalp too much. People say that fin has sexual side effects. The journals show that these are entirely psychosomatic--simply telling a person that the sexual side effects were psychological immediately cured them of those side effects. I personally did not experience any negative side effects from taking fin.

I paused for a bit on the off-chance that it would impact my wife getting pregnant (There's nothing in any of the literature that says it would do this, I was just being overly cautious) and the bald spot returned. I'm starting again and already noticing a small difference.

Having said all that, I entirely plan to just go fully bald one day. No point in fighting your genetics and at the end of the day the only people who might give a shit are women, and I'll be fucking dead before I do something simply because a hypothetical woman wanted me to.

>> No.56651458


Imagine being so vain that you would risk losing function of your dick just to have head hair

>> No.56651512

bald cope lmao

>> No.56651578
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Yes, but unless the top of your head is completely bald, you will still have some original hairs left up there. You can't just pluck them and replace them. These original scalp hairs will keep miniaturizing so eventually you will need several more transplants until all the originals are gone, OR rigorously take fin/min and dermaroll daily.
/sci/ and /fit/ are welcoming /biz/ to the baldcel family.
Every other coal burner is dating a nog that is most likely bald or shaves his head because their hairlines are usually hideous. Past a certain age, women don't care about baldness. They care about wallet size, dick size, and height.
It takes a few years until balding is noticeable. My hair started falling at 19, and it took all the way to 24 until I had visible thinning. So if you don't see any hair falling, don't use fin. You will know when it happens. Just stroking your hair sideways or backwards will be a bit painful and you will end up with some hair in your hand.
It never really stops, might decelerate.

>> No.56651624

>wife pregnant
how can you taking it impact her pregnancy? (serious)

>> No.56651691
File: 211 KB, 700x657, norwood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It never really stops, might decelerate.
My father had Norwood 4a at 30 years old, while my grandfather on my mother's side passed away with Norwood 3. It really depends, but some people lose their hair until a certain age, and if it stops, then you can consider yourself lucky. Also, your picrel is an extreme example and doesn't appear to be a regular male pattern balding; it looks more like a health-related issue.

>> No.56651709

Goddamn that looks disgusting

>> No.56651744

>Like with any other medication, the body acclimates to it and you have to keep upping the dose to get the same effect.
I have no idea why you think all medications cause tolerance and can only assume you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.56651796

It is said to have sexual side effects so I stopped taking it out of an abundance of caution. There is no study that supports that, I was just trying to be as "clean" as possible going into it.

>> No.56651804

Dude you’re not supposed to cum inside a pregnant woman while on fin. The woman and baby absorb it.

>> No.56651808

Rosemary oil appears to counteract DHT binding and the papers on this topic indicate it is exceptionally effective. Ketoconazole, a topical antifungal, also does this. It's nothing to do with fungal infections making your hair fall out, it has well-documented anti-androgenic properties.

Even if you are fucking convinced you will never go bald, I would still use a ketoconazole shampoo at least twice a week, that shit is fuego (and definitely first-line if you're not retarded) for hair loss prevention. Prevention is better than cure; by the time you notice the Norwood reaper looming, you've already lost half your hair, and it is an uphill battle to unfuck your hairline.

>> No.56651840

Have a friend that did it. He was full on bald at 36. Otherwise fit, tall, good looking dude. Probably too much tren. Hadn't seen him for a bit and turns out he took a trip to turkey to get the procedure done. I believe it was 5k and I recall him mentioning that they threw in an extra 1k follicles. I guess some falafel buy one, get one deal. Fuck if I know. But when I had seen him afterwards, it looked like an itchy, bloody mess. Couldn't touch or wash it for weeks. Fuck dealing with that hell. However, looks legit when I had seen him a month back, maybe 18 months after.

>> No.56652096

It depends on your balding pattern. If you have full on bald close relatives, it might not.

I got one at 21, 27 now and i don't regret it. Use fin daily

>> No.56652116

Kid comes out looking like SS3 Trunks

>> No.56652125

no I'm almost completely bald and women were all over me at a wedding over the weekend just get in shape and dress well

>> No.56652144

>tfw you're a Norwood 7

It's over for me bros

>> No.56652330
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I'm 100% bald and have a big dick. I'll never understand haircels. Women have been crazy for me ever since I started shaving my head completely.

Save your money on transplants and finasteride. Just buy a Braun Series 9 instead. You'll get way more pussy than fussing over your hair like a woman ever got you.

>> No.56652662

Post your face. Cover your eyes if need be. Let's just see your head shape.

>> No.56652851

I just buzz cut my hair once a week. Luckily I have light hair so the stubble don't look bad.

>> No.56652944

100% yes. Life saving procedure. Just do not cheap out and go to Turkey. Go to a reputable clinic

>> No.56653012

baldcuck cope yet again

>> No.56653333

Is there any reason hair can't be transplanted from one person to another? It feels like people who accept their baldness could donate their remaining strong follicles to people who can't cope.

>> No.56653618

>all this talk of transplants and finastaride and blablabla
I just stopped fapping and use ketoconozale shampoo. balding spots still there but its a lot less noticeable. at this point i cant be bothered worrying about it.

>> No.56653655

cum is overflowing into your eyes and you're going blind

>> No.56653941

99% of bald people can’t pull off the bald look. The exception is not the rule

>> No.56653970

yah. pretty people get more opportunities. invest

>> No.56654633
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Tottally. Im currently on treatment and holy shit does it help with self confidence. I've been married for 15 years now and even tho my wife never told me anything about my hair i do feel she's regained a lot of liking to my physical appearance. I just feel overall more appealing, more masculine. I feel like myself. I really forgot how much i missed treating my hair, washing it, looking at myself in the mirror and smiling. It doesn't miniaturize and the only bad part is that i have to take Finasteride for the rest of my life but hey, i get to keep my hair. It really looks like it even helps with my investing, i cashed a 10k long on XOR the other day and i just felt like a million fucking dollars.
Best investment i've made in YEARS

>> No.56654904

So you were 100% hairless in top of your head? I fucking doubt it. In this case there isn’t enough hair to actually get a good cover of the giant bald place. If not you obviously need to take fin for the not transplanted hairs. You’re either retarded or lying.

>> No.56655092
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>tfw only 23

I've made my peace with it now but still wish it didn't have to happen. I plan on just going bald when it gets too bad. I think any woman that would judge me for being bald would have to be a very superficial person and I wouldn't want to be with them anyway.

Not that it even matters. I'm autistic and having a full head of hair never did me any favours with women. I'll probably just die alone.

>> No.56655921
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By that point it doesn't matter though. Hair transplants are for correcting norwooding in your 20s and 30s when having a full head of hair actually matters for financial reasons and slaying. By the time you're an oldcel and married with a wife and kids, and secure in your finances, businesses and investments then it doesn't matter if your hair falls out (at least from a purely practical point of view). It's totally acceptable to be bald as an oldcel. Look at Joe Rogan, hasn't stopped him from building a successful podcast/show. But balding in your 20s and 30s is a death sentence.

>> No.56656185

We have a saying "bald's dick is thick" so I prefer to stay this way. And financially speaking, I'm sure putting that amount to NXRA or GMX will yield better lol

>> No.56656238

Massive improvement.

>> No.56656809

imagine paying 20k to get a glorified toupeé attached to your head. Fuck this world

>> No.56656823

>drawing on your hairline

>> No.56656835

>I’m about 85% satisfied. This is only 6 months post op BTW

>> No.56657100

Yes. I got one at 29 at about 5000 grafts, it’s best to get it around that age if you started to bald in your early 20’s because the pattern pretty much reveals itself around 30 and the doctor takes that into consideration. I got the cursed gene from my Dad who has the exact same balding pattern as me, his hair loss stopped in his early 30’s and he has remaining thick hair on sides and back even now in his late 50’s, he never gave a shit about his hair like I did, maybe because he made my mum his wife when he was 20 while he still had hair.

I’m 37 now and my hair still shows no signs of change and I’m not on any medication, I thought deeply about my choice to forego taking medication after considering my fathers matured hairline, but for some others this might not be a good choice considering genetics. At this point I couldn’t care less if I suddenly started balding near my 40s, the money I spend has already paid off by far, but mid 20’s to the just before the time my hair transplant starting blooming when I was 30 was a life of pain considering I have a peanut shaped head.

People treat you differently, especially women, the same thing happened when I lost weight when I was in my early 20’s. The world is a superficial one, adjust to it or just try your hardest not to care.

>> No.56657214
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dont be fat
its literally all there is to it