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56647817 No.56647817 [Reply] [Original]

This meal (pasta with tomatoes, sweet peppers and minced meat) costs €20 ($21) in the Netherlands.

Is this normal?

>> No.56647824



>> No.56647866

bong here, that is very expensive

>> No.56647880
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Frogpilled, all's we's be's needin' is a healthy helpin' oh the hweat diet

>> No.56647897

Why the fuck are your tomoates so expensive

>> No.56647934

That's expensive.

I'm going to assume NL seasonal foods are the same as us over in bongland. Root veg and a joint of cheaper cut of beef on the bone is surely more economical per meal? Shin, Rib, Ox tail?

>> No.56647981

Why not buy a pre-made sauce. Their homebrand is pretty good and contains 95% tomatoes anyway. It's less than 2 euros iirc.

Don't forget to scan your bonuskaart godverdomme.

>> No.56647991

That particular supermarket is very expensive when it comes to fresh produce. Best to go to the Lidl for that.

They do have very good homebrand products though, the quality is a lot higher than Lidl products for the same price. I usually shop at both. Fruit, nuts, snacks and veggies Lidl, everything else Albert Heijn.

>> No.56647994


AH usually has 2x500g for $7,50

>> No.56648008
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Yeah no shit it's expensive, you're shopping at Albert Heijn, the supermarket jew.
Go to Aldi, Dirk or Lidl for veggies if you're allergic to Turkish shops, buy meat in bulk straight from the source rather than lining the pockets of supermarketstein.
The pasta is the biggest sin on this list, 5 euros for one small bag of tortellinis when you can get two bags for twofiddy at Dirk which are 500g total.

I seriously hope you didn't actually checkout with this.

>> No.56648039

jesus that is more expensive than where i live except my country literally has no farms

>> No.56648045

>albert heijn
you can get pasta for 1 euro instead of 5 at any other supermarket
you can get minced meat at (checks bonnetje) 4.30 euro for half a kilo
same shitty cardboard tomatoes are 1.78/kg at dirk
I never buy those paprika driekleur as they're always a scam
So in total you could have the same meal for at least 2x cheaper without even trying very hard.
Also for pasta sauce it's better to get canned tomatoes as they are harvested when ripe instead of harvested when unripe and then gassed with methyl which doesn't even really work.

>> No.56648055

also you forgot to scan your tasje teehee

>> No.56648065
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In Australia; you can buy a packet of spaghetti or penne for 90c.

>> No.56648117

Quite ironic considering most of european tomatoes come from the netherlands

But yeah fresh produce and meat got fucking expensive

>> No.56648123

>Exchange tomatoes for AH cheap pasta sauce & augment with dried herbs
>Exchange the premium pasta with cheap alternative pasta (what's wrong with spaghetti?)
>Exchange premium meat with cheaper version if you want
>GET RID OF THE FUCKING PAPRIKAS BECAUSE THEY DON'T BELONG IN PASTA YOU FUCKING BARBARIAN!! Buy onions, eggplant or courgette and celery as the Italians intended.
This literally HALVES the price of your meal. I know because I shop at AH koekenbakker.

>> No.56648133

>AH cheap pasta sauce
canned pasta sauce is dogshit with added sugar
just get some cans of peeled tomatoes or tomato frito at least it consists of 100% tomato

>> No.56648147
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That canned paste shit is the cheapest of the cheap solutions and has it's purposes but I'm talking about picrel, that's like €1.55,-

>> No.56648162

I agree anon. I usually buy this.

>but muh sugar

If you want to buy more expensive stuff to avoid a neglible amount of added sugar, that's up to you.

>> No.56648265

Ditch the refined carb pasta add some butter and you are golden

>> No.56648319
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No added sugar in this one. Only 44% actual tomato the rest is water thickened with corn starch. I would rather get AH Tomatenblokjes 400 g for 69 cents because then you're at least eating actual tomato instead of water with maizena.

>> No.56648351

From uk I can say no. What the fuck? Minced meat ought to be £2.20, tomatoes £2.40, peppers £1.50, pasta £0.75 or something (£1.50 a kg at sainsbury). All in all you ought to be paying about £7-8 for that. You toothpasters need to Brexit or something.

>> No.56648364

oh sorry I missed the sugar in there but it's only 0.03g so I wonder why they even bother

>> No.56648367

Tomatoes in autumn are expensive anon.

>> No.56648467


and the peppers and tomatoes are tasteless hydroponics grown trash from a NL greenhouse

>> No.56648468

Cool it with the anti semitism

>> No.56648482

I lived three years in NL. Amsterdam and the Hague. The most suffocatingly conformist and boring nation on earth. Get out anon or doe normaal

>> No.56648648

> raapolie
Enjoy your mutagenic agent

>> No.56648655

dont buy those bottles if they're made in italy. the mafia is behind the tomato business and they're mixing rotten tomatoes and cheap chinese ones, then sell them with the "made in italy" label.

>> No.56648666

and you shouldn't buy those pasta sauce. instead, buy directly the tomato puree. still cheap but the ingredients are 100% tomato

>> No.56648681

Je tortellini is lekker maar veelste duur en albert heijn is sws duur.
Buy a bigger minced meat and freeze what you don't need.
Shop more for discounts.
Shop at a different store.

>> No.56648694

source needed. there is none

>> No.56648698

>Albert Heijn
I went to the Dirk this weekend and it was so much cheaper

>> No.56648703

OP is shopping at a premium grocery store. I live in eastern EU and we have those in our capital (only place where people can afford it). They sell the highest quality foods, many of them sourced locally from farms. They have lot's of premium deli foods like expensive hams and shit. The prices compared to chains like LIDL are at least double, often triple. The shopping experience is the best tho. I prefer the middle ground and go to Billa or Tesco because LIDL is pure dogshit and their stores look like warehouses. TLDR OP doesn't know he's a middle class faggot and is surprised that a premium chain is expensive.

>> No.56648705

your language isn't real

>> No.56648712

Shithole country

>> No.56648713

>Scan your GROCERIES
Wtf is that language lmfao

>> No.56648725

the biggest mafia in europe is the food healthy and safety mafia
europe is so uptight about its produce I doubt most of it is dubious

>> No.56648754

t. shitalian
tomatoes in your "made in italy" tomato sauce come from china. they're also the ones importing and employing tons of illegal africans to work on the farms

>> No.56648766

en blijf weg!

>> No.56648774

Albert Heijn is not the kind of premium you're talking about, that would be Marqt/Ekoplaza or Odin or non-chains. AH is just a normal supermarket but with bigger markups and wagies shop there to signal their class.

>> No.56648775

It's literally retarded german, except I don't know what boodschappen would be in german.

>Te betalen
>=Zu bezahlen

>> No.56648798

The paprika mix is reasonably priced, I have no idea about the meat, if it is grassfed organic shit with a low fat %, €6 could be normal.
The tomatoes at a kg price of €3.4 is expensive but similar to the meat, you pay extra for higher quality and they does look good, so not that unusual.

>> No.56648831

Jews are doing that not Chinese

>> No.56648857

why dont you pay with cash you retard

>> No.56648860

Tortellini is not pasta.Pasta doesnt have stuffing. Ravioli is not pasta. Youre buying fancy organic shit premade. Eat the slop goy, get your dose of BGH.

>> No.56648864

Is Odin echt beter? En bij de groentenboer hebben zo gewoon dezelfde watertomaten als bij Albert Heijn/Dirk/Lidl/Aldi

>> No.56648867

What does BGH mean?

>> No.56648881

>they're also the ones importing and employing tons of illegal africans to work on the farms
well no european wants to work those farms for peanuts
it's literally like this everywhere, in the us its spics and illegals

>> No.56648886

you don't buy "fresh" tomatoes for a sauce you homo
you buy canned tomatoes
so instead of 7 euros you pay like 1

also why tf would you make a meat sauce on an already stuffed tortellini

maybe make smarter food choices and learn how to cook or stop being poor
also stop voting for jews

>> No.56648889

Tortellini is stuffed pasta retard.
Geen idee maar 1x geweest, ze hebben wel goeie delicatessen shit en alles is biologisch
Weet niet of het echt betere kwaliteit is of vooral gewoon voor bomenknuffelaars
voor tomaten koop ik meestal zo'n emmer kerstomaten die zijn tenminste nog een beetje zoet
of bij de turk als ze rijp zijn

>> No.56648894

wtf, how are the tomatos more expensive than the beef????

>> No.56649237

This reminds me, in Australia, I lived with a friend who refused to buy the cheap pasta that didnt come in a fancy box. he'd pay like 5 dollarydoos for spaghetti cause the fancy box means it tastes better.

>> No.56649257

>not stealing half of your groceries at self checkout
imagine willingly letting the grocery jew fuck you

>> No.56649296

ik ook

>> No.56649952

>well no european wants to work those farms for peanuts
no shit, in italy they're paid like 20-25 euro per day for 12 hours of work. people should just accept to pay their veggies a bit more. i've read in the usa without the illegal immigrants prices would just go up 3-5%.

>> No.56649973

lol faggots are insufferable

>> No.56650056

why the fuck 14 tomatoes for a fucking spaghetti?

>> No.56650884

Grocery store tomatoes aren't worth it, compare a garden grown one vs a grocery one and the latter will have zero taste.

If you're not buying meat directly from a rancher a 1/4th at a time, I'm not sure what you're doing. It keeps small scale farmers in business, tastes better, comes out to about $7 /lb for about 100 pounds
while avoiding vacked meat and other globohomo farming practices.

>> No.56652666

You deserve to be poor

>> No.56652695

>buying tomatoes in winter
Are you Warren buffet? It's not tomatoe season. Of course they are expensive.
What's next? Buying strawberries? Lmao

>> No.56652700
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>retarded nigger buys out of season crops grown on the other hemisphere and complains about prices
this board gets dumber every year

>> No.56652793
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I can't go to Aldi or Lidl, I don't have the moral strength to be physically near some poor people or immigrant anymore

>> No.56652812

In Canada its almost cheaper to eat fast food or "premade" meals in grocery storea(sandwhiches-chicken-burritos etc.) than buying food and preparing it yourself.

The only way I have found to survive on food is to buy meat on sale from the butcher or grocery store and make meaty soups and stews with veggies that past 2-4 days. The problem is it gets kind of boring after awhile.

>> No.56652952

>my country literally has no farms
How did your people not starve?

>> No.56652985

The Netherlands is one of the biggest producers of tomatoes in the world, year round.

>> No.56652990

I calculated similar products in Australia and it came to $36.31aud which is $21.66euro
This is with some things on special

This was at woolies but if I did it at aldi there would be some savings

>> No.56653053

hey retard it's the 21st century, you'd expect to be able to afford to subsist without resorting to feudal famine tier dietary planning. seems like a fair tradeoff for selling your economy to foreign jews, no?

>> No.56653083
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Here's what it would be in Texas. $15. One bell pepper is $1.50 so you can save total cost there, but it's more expensive per unit. I could also save about $1.50 buying the worst spaghetti, and $1 buying the worst hamburger meat in a tube.

>> No.56653120

checked and thanks for the tips anons

>> No.56653162

You're shopping badly. You don't need 20 tomatoes to make pasta sauce, you nee like a couple and a cheap tin.
>It's better all fresh
Then don't bitch about the price, you know why they cost more.

>> No.56653328

That would be around £12 in the UK depending on where you shop and what %fat beef you got.

>> No.56653595

literally this

>> No.56653717

>maybe don't buy the most expensive version of the most out of season products at the most expensive grocery store

>> No.56653739

only works in 3rd world low-trust societies, AH self-checkout has bag checks a solid ~30% of the time and stealing is degenerate no matter what cope excuse about jews you tell yourself

>> No.56653763

Just have a fucking tomato plant in a pot and can your own sauce, even in your cuck flat, it’ll easy to do

>> No.56653845

your first mistake was getting those organic off teh vine tomatoes and individually packaged peppers.

>> No.56653875

5.99 for green gehakt is a good deal
Theyre fucking you on the trostomaat though

>> No.56654205


>> No.56655076

half of that "food" is goyslop, the rest is plastic

>> No.56655521

on average in the US

it's 3.99 for 1 pound beef here in the U.S.
1.50 for the pasta
tomatoes 1.99 a pound
peppers 1.50 each, sometimes 99 cents each.

Basically you can feed a family of 4 in the U.S. for around $15 to $20 a day.

The problem is fat people eat a lot and they seem to require pounds of meat daily to satisfy themselves.

>> No.56655575

Why the fuck are you buying """tomatoes""" in November and making pasta sauces with them?

Enjoy your watery tasteless garbage sauce I guess.

>> No.56656069
