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56640456 No.56640456 [Reply] [Original]

>western governments endorsing nigger cattle pacifiers like marijuana
>fried attention spans combined with aggressive, anti-social behavior
>demographic shifts toward the poo-colored end of the spectrum
>dishonesty and scamming more prevalent as money becomes harder to obtain and retain
>complex public/private projects continually stalled, over budget, barely functioning
how do i profit off the inevitability of a society collapse?

>> No.56640467

Grow up

>> No.56640487

i'm 34 years old. ask anyone in their mid 30s what their teenage years or even their early 20s were like versus today. of course, i imagine i'm talking to a nappy haired mulattoe right now.

>> No.56640494

Absolutely retarded take, but I'll chirp as others say, ammo, guns, canned food.

>> No.56640507

>le west
>le weed
if all the chinks and spics and jeets got nuked nothing of value would be lost

>> No.56640513

i don't think a wasteland-like anarchy will occur. i'm asking how to benefit from society getting continually more retarded and governments gradually failing more and more.

>> No.56640514

You buy Chainlink. This is exactly what the powers that be want. Chainlink will herald in digital slavery through smart contracts

>> No.56640531

i'm white with blond hair. anyways, do you really think there is a societal benefit for already stupid people being allowed to exist in an even dumber state of legalized mental retardation?

>> No.56640652

>What is a Feierabendbier. Or two.

>> No.56640684

I'm whiter and blonder than you and my eyes are blue. my iq is 142. im a net positive to society. and I grow and smoke weed all day every day. I think youre the retarded nigger communist.

>> No.56640694

what burdens do you carry, to be inclined to exist in a constant state of stupor? molested as a child? inferiority complex? poor social skills? feminine personality traits (anxiety)? what is it?

>> No.56640698

damn that's embarrassing

>> No.56640702

and if im burdened with trauma why does it bother you I use a plant for the simple remedy again while still showing up to work etc. youre an eastern block chinky commie and you need nuked.

>> No.56640714

use your allegedly high IQ to rationalize your situation. they're thoughts in your brain. none of it is real. it's the past. it can't hurt you. literally no one (other than you) cares or remembers -- they all moved on. IT'S NOT REAL.
>and that's why i handicap myself on a daily basis by smoking weed like a dumb nigger ape!

>> No.56640722

you must be treating trauma with the effective remedy
also you: just pretend you didn't lose a leg and a friend in war

>> No.56640762

You're whining on the internet. Grow up.

>> No.56640791
File: 39 KB, 654x499, 1674832957193289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 30 year old blue eyed blond and i earn big bucks. Pic related is true. Even when the Roman empire collapsed, normal people barely noticed a change. Find out why you're depressed, you thinking that society is going to end is just a symptom of your depression.

>> No.56640809

>my life sucks
i am generally content with my life and go without wanting anything. my observations are not biased.

>> No.56640815

The average roman citizen didn’t have a mobile library in their hands that showed societal decay through video. Stupid take

>> No.56640820

Yeah you’ll get a lot of these people telling you to bury your head in the sand. The answer is simple America is getting less white. All of the problems in the OP are of demographics as you correctly surmised

>> No.56640830
File: 82 KB, 600x800, 614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>society will collapse any minute now

>> No.56640832

amerilard hands wrote this post
imagine being so brainbroke by youtube and tiktok you can't even respond to a simple topic

>> No.56640835
File: 638 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20231112-105733_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your hair brown boy

>> No.56640857

i feel like a lot of the critics in this threat are mulattoe monkeys who genuinely don't see anything wrong with the country because chaos, decay, and mental retardation are part of their genetic makeup.

>> No.56640860

Stay mad

>> No.56640861

>Weed passes in Ohio
>Now the whole state will smell like that time I visited Chicago.
That's the worst part about it, the smell.

>> No.56640862

It’s because it’s a step up from whatever shithole they come from

>> No.56640888


>> No.56640893

Eventually due to convenience, the physical damage of smoking, smart regulative framework and duty taxes (things are lacking in this area), the industry will pivot away from smoking produce and more so to edibles, vapes even pills. The stink won’t last forever.

>> No.56640897

You don't sound like you contribute very much to society.

>> No.56640911

>keeps talking like his opinion is valid
yet to see that white man hair, skin or eyes. you spics are the problem and your race ideology is rooted in communism with origins in judaism.

>> No.56640929

>short 5 word responses
>undoubtedly pushing his primitive niggerbrain to the absolute limit
i guarantee that i make more money than you.

>> No.56640957

Yeah lot of nigger brains ITT. I think it’s a coping mechanism for their inferiority. Smoking weed is the tell

>> No.56640962

are you literally a zogbot or was >>56640722 a non-sequitur to distract from you being a weak pussy? if you are a zogbot, you have no right to talk about jews and communism.

>> No.56640965

gonna nuke you spics

>> No.56640975

it was an example im not a veteran and thats not my specific trauma

>> No.56640997

it's an even gayer "trauma," thereby making you an even bigger fool (faggot.)

>> No.56641002

>the pixels on my handheld screen constitute my life

>> No.56641007

You seriously think that people need smart phones or internet to know what is going on? That they didn't know what was going around them before? Lmao what an absolutelu basedgoym take on the need of modern technology.

If you feel the need to make a thread like this, you aren't feeling well enough anon.

>> No.56641019

i hate spics and niggers too but guess what? theres plenty of places they dont reside and if you "gauarantee make more money than thee" then get situated. your safe space exists. everything will be okay child.

>> No.56641022

ok a mugger shot me in the leg and I had it removed, my friend died in the attack. is this trauma good enough for you or are you simply to stupid to accept youre wrong? I can also invent a trillion other valid traumas because every use of marijuana is valid and you don't get to determine their need. restricting access to a plant remedy is communism

>> No.56641035

Looks like we got more browns

>> No.56641038

still waiting for your hair

>> No.56641044

biz timmies still think being white is a good thing lol

>> No.56641056

i made this thread because i'm faced with overwhelming evidence of societal decay every time i am forced to interact with the general public. and because i am smarter than you, let me predict your autistic "Y-YEAH BECAUSE YOU'RE A SHUT-IN" conclusion. contrary to what self-aware autistics who get life advice from internet message boards believe, a happy and satisfying life is not inherently public or general. my admittedly fulfilling relationships are limited to my family, my immediate neighbors, and my upper middle class coworkers -- not the weed-stinking, vacant eyed, kinky haired brown beasts which are now constituting close to the majority of the populace. (yes, i am talking about people like you.)

>> No.56641072

2/10 bait

>> No.56641087
File: 27 KB, 200x178, 654651654654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im white and smoke weed almost everyday and I just know I make more money then you

>> No.56641090

You're very inarticulate for someone so self-assured. Maybe you should take a walk and calm down.

>> No.56641118

>not having sex

Yeah found your unironic problem. Fix yourself so that you get women, and cut out all porn no matter how bad your porn addiction.

>> No.56641158

>primitive negroidal brain unable to conceptualize thoughts and experiences which are more nuanced than those which facilitate fulfilling the most base of human impulses
i have sex less than 12 hours ago btw, with my soon to be wife. but that's enough about me. tell me about your PLANS for the FUTURE like, jamal. you do think of the future, don't you?

>> No.56641209

Focus on producing items with Inelastic demand like food or similar.

>> No.56641384

Rich people in 3rd world countries can live pretty well. You'll be able to buy all the things you can in first world countries, but by virtue of having money you'll have a giant sphere of servants and sycophants. Focus on making it before the ladder gets kicked down for good. The brownoid plebeians will vote perma-socialist (which will only keep them poor lol) but it has the side-effect of destroying social mobility for the smart and talented, such as yourself.

>> No.56641405


>> No.56641429


build walls, get into the wall building businesses

>> No.56641826

fpbp, zoomie doomies seething

>> No.56643474

I'm 37 living in Australia and things were objectively better when I was growing up, in practically every way you can think of. I'm just sad that my 8-year-old son is having to grow up in such times.

>> No.56643587

west bad
heckin based shithole where you don't live good