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56637966 No.56637966 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get revenge on someone?

>> No.56637969

live your best life

>> No.56637971

getting rich from crypto and then retreating from society

>> No.56637973
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by doing exactly what they want.
why do you want tevenge?

>> No.56637976

What a qt.
Focus on success. By the time you make it you won't even care how she feels.
>t. knower. Done it.

>> No.56637977
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this thread has now been shitted in and smells of shit

>> No.56637983

set up an elaborate set of circumstances based on what you know about them so you can predict how they will respond and make them ruin their own life

>> No.56637985

christinsanity victim detected

>> No.56637986

He falsely accused me of a crime and I had to waste 4 months before the charges were dropped (after being arrested and having to spend 6 hours in a holding cell)

>> No.56637994

4 months going to court*

>> No.56638014

I assume you can sue for damages and maybe defamation.
If that isn't possible, then accuse him of a crime, as there's clearly no legal recourse

>> No.56638043

Become millionaire

>> No.56638049

Only real fucking poster on this board.

>> No.56638064

Yo who's warming up Indian food? Can I get some?

>> No.56638071

who's that OP? your revenge target?

>> No.56638075

Frame him for a major crime that cannot be traced to you

>> No.56638081

Go incognito and vandalize their property, ensure you don’t get caught. Make them pay, literally.

>> No.56638098

A friend of mine wanted me to buy him a drone, so he could zip tie a brick to it, and crash it into an enemy. He wanted me to do it so there was no trace if police looked into him. That guy was crazy, don't do this. You think revenge hurts the other person, but it actually ends up hurting you. Let it go

>> No.56638108

>He falsely accused me
That a he? I'm so gay

>> No.56638124

Pic not rel

>> No.56638176

Get a hard drive full of CP and stash it in his house or office. Proceed to place an anonymous tip to the police department.

>> No.56638303

What are you willing to risk?
Is his dwelling , vehicle, or other property left unsupervised without recording?
Also, I assume it was just discharged, so you'll be a suspect for anything that occurred...and your phone and vehicles location data...assume that will be examined, should anything unfortunate happen so take a bike you bought off Craigslist if you do anything.

>> No.56638315

If you weren't a nigger you could figure all this out yourself. Its not worth the risk reward dubmass.

>> No.56638362


>> No.56638455

Sue for damages.

>> No.56638460


Both you fags deserve to be dropped off a building inshallah

>> No.56639340

Kill yourself and make it look like they did it.

>> No.56639359

Lol I follow her on twitter too trying to get inside her soon

>> No.56639809

Best advice is to not. It's stressful, waste time you could use on other things, and can get you in trouble.

But I have been fucked over big myself, and was thinking, reading and planning about tons of stuff back then.

Telling how awful they are + embarrassing stuff to their friends/family. And do the same on any online accounts they may have. You can harrass them by using multiple account over time spamming them with friend requests, messages, ect.
To stay anonymous use alt accounts, burner email, burner phone, VPN and idk that dark web onion thing.
If you go high effort and more extreme, you make stuff up.

For irl stuff, you can fuck with their property, putting paint removal on house, weedkiller on grass, hang up poster of them aroudn where they live, stink bombs, mail them something (maybe spam letters over long time from different post offices).

>> No.56639980


>> No.56640025

The best way is to imitate Jesus Christ. They tortured Him and murdered Him, and He blessed them. Then He rose from the dead and ascended to heaven. Now He is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. His glory is incomprehensible. He will come again to judge the living and the dead and His kingdom will have no end.

>> No.56640045

>Become millionaire
It's really as simple as that. Channel this enormous emotional energy into getting rich. I did this. And by the time I made it I couldn't really give a fuck about revenge any more.
Fill your mind with positivity and determination, not bitterness and anger. You're fucking yourself over with revenge. As the saying goes
>he who seeks revenge digs two graves
Notice that the hardest option, not to follow your base instincts for revenge, is the hardest option to choose. That's because it's the right one

>> No.56640086

Post her insta and I'll tell you.

>> No.56640278

Shut the fuck up you jew.

>> No.56640299

Jews hate Christ you retarded tranny

>> No.56640309

I wouldn’t call that revenge I’d call that justice

>> No.56640321

Business & Finance?

ask a lawyer, you fucking retard

>> No.56640329

Live you life and execute revenge much later after things have calmed down. Python approach. Gives deniability and greater impact imo. Type of revenge is on you as you know the person much better.

>> No.56640370

True. Thanks for your insight.

>> No.56640878


>> No.56641804

just fucking kill them

>> No.56641944

This. And you also have to really play the damages up. Say that you developed mental illness from the stress and now you have anxiety and traumatization for the ordeal that he put you through. The courts take these things very seriously. You could sue for hundreds of thousands if you play your cards right, it’s all about making the lawyer believe that you’ve become extremely damaged as a result of the ordeal and give him the necessary informations so he can build a fool proof case that he knows he can win and get a good pay day out of. Lawyers will always take a case if they know they can easily win, you may have to give a large chunk of the money to the lawyer after and make a deal that if they win they get the extra money and if not then just a basic lawyer fee.

>> No.56641972

you're a fucking idiot
and wat tort did he suffer

>> No.56642025

Spread disgusting rumors

>> No.56642132

Depends on what the specifics are.

The smart short answer:
>Self improvement, gains city, happy life fullfilment and leave revenge behind

The bad answer:
> Find out shit about him using OSINT, then find his movement patters like daily morning routine in Strava runs or going to same gym or going to specific school, and when hes not looking fuck him up from behind. Or doing investigation you may find some other means to damage hom, his car, his house (shatter windows etc) or reputation.

Note, getting direct revenge is risky, tiresome and in the end not fulfilling.
So i suggest answer 1.
But do it if the crime is bad enough, like he fucked your ass or somethin

>> No.56642163

Whos the girl, shes qt

>> No.56642206

I would leave my wife and kids to start a new life with this girl and my ICP gains, assuming she would have me.

>> No.56642819

>The courts take these things very seriously.

lol, in which country? In the US, nobody gives a shit about "anxiety and traumatization." If you go to the hospital for emotional distress, you might be rewarded the sum of the hospital bill. Very rarely someone may win money outside of real damages, but that's usually in something like a wrongful death suit. Also, no sane lawyer is going to take a case without payment up front for a suit against an individual, unless the person has very deep pockets.

>> No.56642852

someone shit talking you on twitter or discord isn't worth losing your mind over. touch grass.

>> No.56642883

hello jew

>> No.56642907

do u know his address? give the police a tip off he's growing cannabis in his house. or create a craigslist ad for some lewd/criminal shit and list his address
poison his dogs/cats

>> No.56643986

who is this spunk bag?

>> No.56644058


Emily is a perfect princess

>> No.56644273

Anon, some people are stuck in their own personal hell and they will do anything to drag someone else down for company. Don't play their game, ignore them and go about your life.

>> No.56645728

bet she has the prettiest face, I'd cum so hard inside her holy shit

>> No.56645739

>hurt innocent creatures
you will unironically die of the worst imaginable death

>> No.56647438

What emily? Link?

>> No.56648635


>> No.56648695

came here to post this

>> No.56648799

>poison his dogs/cats
this is why no one likes you

>> No.56648879

Op let his thread die, shame because I had the real answer.

>> No.56648919

shout RAPE loudly
Two can play 'dumb prizes' game