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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56637873 No.56637873 [Reply] [Original]

>this is what it takes to make it

>> No.56637899

lol meanwhile i'm a stay at home housewife after 4 months of estrogen. but no, keep improoving chuds, your ancestos will be proud!

>> No.56637903

How to not have a sovl:

>> No.56637909

This is just a cleverly disguised "recreation"

>> No.56637913

Wouldn't ever take advice from a pajeet

>> No.56637916
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That’s really cool but I don’t care

>> No.56638012

>hamza ahmed

>> No.56638033

having an Outlook calendar as a solo entrepreneur is aids

>> No.56638050

>Eat and Learn and Learn are two different time slots
>Assuming he’s actually “learning” anything
So he essentially spends 6 hours just bullshitting. Ok

>> No.56638069

Is there any way for algorithms to reward quality over quantity? It seems to that all you have to do to make it online is produce a thousand videos a day and hope that people see them.>>56637873

>> No.56638083

>There are people who schedule and micromanage their whole life
I will cause the unexpected and this loser will panic and cry "muh stress" as their schedule is thrown into disarray over a little thing called life

>> No.56638107

This is fapping then napping on the couch, guaranteed

>> No.56638182

zoomers actually believe this shit

>> No.56638446

So when did he make the schedule

>> No.56638458

>night routine which likely consists of shower, teeth etc
>45 minutes
nigga you're wasting 30 minutes

>> No.56638489

>2.5hr lunch break

>> No.56638515

>Is there any way for algorithms to reward quality over quantity?
It's pretty easy to do, the hard is determining what quality something has.