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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 316 KB, 1125x1126, IMG_8473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56627701 No.56627701 [Reply] [Original]

He has swapped all eth to USDC, and shirted 50k MORE LINK.
He is a full on degenerate gambler. He is a sitting duck and easy liquidity. He has no chance now as LINK is more likely to pump against USD than ETH.

He will start being violently liquidated at $17, and bankrupt at $19.

>> No.56627711

Is this the nigger giving me anxiety over the constant shorting at 15?

>> No.56627713

post addy

>> No.56627736

0 xecded8b1c603cf21299835f1dfbe37f10f2a29af

Use debank

>> No.56627748


>> No.56627752

who is this and why is she suppressing LINK so much?

>> No.56627757

it's not him, it's some middle age white lawyer

>> No.56627759

He’s unironically going to win because some degen retard keeps dumping Bitcoin at $37k

>> No.56627765

>got rekt shorting at $8
>started getting liquidated at $14
>replaced collateral from eth to USDC
>bought a lot of LINK and closed half position
>went full blown degenerate and decided to try win it back, shorting 50k+ LINK again a few hours ago.

>> No.56627769
File: 1.09 MB, 1125x1886, B96AE76B-03FE-474A-BC9D-F3CA18023CF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmfao the cult has gotten this debunked and they continue tripling down. Similar to liberals, the Chainlink cult never lets facts get in the way of a narrative. The pinnacle of ignorance, amateur hour, and…

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.56627778
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On the plus side, we got some new Chainlink crumbs out of the wrongfully accused.

>> No.56627779

nice deflection savindu

>> No.56627780

you will lose everything faggot savindu

>> No.56627811

this aave shit always confuses me, and ive been here since 2016
never bothered messing with it since the lending yields were so low, figured it was for whale games only

why do people prefer to short shit here with weird borrowing/lending tricks?
why not just go to an exchange?
is it just for privacy? or can more money be made here or something?

>> No.56627824

It’s decentralized and run by smart contracts. No one can fuck with you the way exchanges can

>> No.56627826

also how does this jeet nigger get a job like this?
theres nothing on that linkedin page i cant do, but im sitting here in my underwear losing money on crypto for free instead of getting paid for it

>> No.56627830

>put hands in ears and deny all evidence

Culties indeed. Breathtaking stupidity

>> No.56627836

For the 100th time its not him shorting. Look at the waruso for the thread I posted above. This isnt even controversial at this point

>> No.56627913

*DAO freezing assets and disabling functionality blocks your path

>> No.56627922

Hi Savindu

>> No.56627944

We will easily blow past 20 and even 25 dude is completely fucked

>> No.56627959

Price is down though, seems like his double down short is working he makes all of his money back if LINK goes back to $11.

>> No.56627994

Stop shitting on the street.

>> No.56628090

Someone make a.$20 waiting room

>> No.56628101
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>> No.56628230
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He’s not wrong tho. I hold Chainlink (6k stacklet) but you’d be a fool to deny the major BTC resistance at 4284, were currently hovering at 4000. IF we don’t break that level we’re unironically headed back down to the 9-12 range. I predict we’ll hover around the 2digit price range, most likely $10 while we head into the BTC halvening event.

I’m unironically tempted to short as well. People are going to take profit and will crash this shit BEFORE thanksgiving. Just look at how greedy people are being. I suspect the power that be want to mock the young adults at the dinner table for ever believing in crypto so we’ll see the dunp before thanksgiving and see red from there onto Christmas. Literally dumping so boomers can dunk on your ass and talk shit about your financial hindsight. Undeniable we’re going down, but don’t fall for the psyop, the true bullrun will be glorious.

>> No.56628251

Whales are going to crash everything on thanksgiving while everyone is busy with their families kek

>> No.56628258

We broke a 2 yr range. Link isn't going back down.

>> No.56628261

Sam is still manipulating the market from his NYC cell.

>> No.56628310

Famous last words

>> No.56628347
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>> No.56628449

What about the guy on v2 whos borrowed 1.5 million link? He’s still not liquidated. You guys said he was gone at $13

>> No.56628457

This is an alpha chad move and he will make it and biz will seethe

>> No.56628485

did Dave actually say that? that can't be real

>> No.56628535

>also how does this jeet nigger get a job like this?
You have to act like a jeet/chink/jew and get a diploma from a top-20 school, then companies hand you a job and suck your dick. Otherwise nobody gives a shit about you unless you have diversity points.

>> No.56628548

>6k stacklet
The 6k stacklet think he has a valid opinion. Cute

>> No.56628567

yeah just look at what Bancor kikes did rofl

>> No.56628847

>degen retard
It's the feds
They are a whale.

>> No.56628859

Where eagles dare

>> No.56628912

Whoever it is, the liquidation is real kek

>> No.56628921

>this rally will fail like all the others

>> No.56628974

Except for the fact that AAVE took out stablecoins and can't short for shit

>> No.56629008

Stablecoins themselves can be frozen...

>> No.56629185

LOL they sure do love their dot dot dots

>> No.56629187

>Stablecoins themselves can be frozen...
LMAO source?

>> No.56629199

It's in their contracts. Usdt and usdc for example can be frozen.

>> No.56629256

Look at those goal posts fly!

>> No.56629263

zeus capital all over again short squeeze and then 50% dump crab for months and then new aths

>> No.56629389

UT Austin is in no way a top 20 school.

>> No.56629501

It's common knowledge...

>> No.56629878

We need fuel for the pump. Massive shorts or long are good, the thing you don't want is no volume.

>> No.56629892

> I suspect the power that be want to mock the young adults at the dinner table for ever believing in crypto so we’ll see the dunp before thanksgiving and see red from there onto Christmas. Literally dumping so boomers can dunk on your ass and talk shit about your financial hindsight.
This is the most braindead thesis I've read today.

>> No.56630044

based permabull midwit

>> No.56630054

patiently waiting for a link pump so that we can
previous thread:

>> No.56630174

minorities and women are like ESG's for corporations, they don't technically do anything but the government gives you free money if you implement them

>> No.56630282
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that son of a bitch need to be liquidated

>> No.56630312

Kek, we hit 16, think he's shitting his pants yet?

>> No.56630330
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>> No.56630345
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GREED RATE: Infinity

>> No.56630350

He is going to lose it all ....why does he keep shorting?

>> No.56630370

What an absolute fucking tard. He should’ve just cut his losses 2 days ago

>> No.56630383

Can’t wait to see this moron get rekt

>> No.56630397

he seems to be persuaded that he can become rich on the back of linkies, in his head hes like : NOOO LINKIIEESS CANNOOTT WINNN, I KNOW FOR SURE THEY WILL NEVER MAKE IT, AND IM READY TO BET MY NETWORTH ON IT

>> No.56630418

I think this is what is going on. He is not rational and is in panic/loss mindset.

He found an easy long/short on LINK for 16 months in the $5-$8 range. He built up a lot of profit just doing that on repeat.
Got complacent, obviously put more and more on each long/short every time.
Next it breaks out and he basically loses 6 months of gains as it hits $14-15.

We can see he panicked as he was getting liquidated. We then see some irrational behaviour. He started swapping his collateral from ETH to USDC in small waves obviously pissing his pants. Then he started buying LINK and closing position accepting the loss. Then he decided he wanted to win back his losses and shorted AGAIN with USDC as collateral. Now he is shorting AGAIN as it goes up, obviously trying to win back what he lost so far.

Im almost certain he’s calculating how much he needs to short to get all his gains from 16 month back if we hit $10, the breakout point.

Guy is a full on degenerate gambler now and is going to lose it all. He wont take the loss. He seems determined to win it back.

>> No.56630445

he'll probably be safe, unless someone specifically hunts him

>> No.56630452

Pride cometh before the fall

>> No.56630479

Thats exactly what will happen. Market is trending up. He is toast. If it were 2022 i’d say hes fine but we broke out decisively and btc is rallying after large breakout too.

He is a degen who had a winning strategy of shorting in the depths of the bear market and cant let go of that method

>> No.56630486

Link just hit $16 -is he kafooked?

>> No.56630500
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He's got spirit, I'll give him that. No doubt he will be accepted into wagie Valhalla.

>> No.56630664

Coxsisters, I don't feel so good

>> No.56630932

>pumps 100% in a month.
>goes up 10 spots from 21 to 11

>> No.56630984
File: 10 KB, 243x207, 56234623df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks to me like he just consolidated his two 50k link shorts into one 100k short. But yeah it looks like he also added 10k or so to it overall. With USDC instead of ETH as collateral it could get interesting fast.

>> No.56630986


>> No.56630987

Short of a full blown black Swan event specifically targeting LINK he/you are fucked.
Someone is pumping billions of Dollars into LINK out of the blue for a reason. That reason is because they know something we don't know.

>> No.56631021
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>> No.56631030

Thank you for your sacrifice Savindu

>> No.56631059

holy shit this is a dildo from heaven

>> No.56631072

Exactly how much did he lose when we just popped $16? How much at $17?

>> No.56631073
File: 505 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2023-11-11-16-44-09-17_ee1cec40dcf6eb3919ecbfc5d87e6719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>health factor 3.17
Feels good to long the absolute bottom. Not short like this brown idiot

>> No.56631112


Watch this shorting faggot

>> No.56631116

>That reason is because they know something we don't know.
Token needed?

>> No.56631139

Anon, UT Austin is ranked 8, tied with Princeton and Georgia Tech. It's considered a "public ivy." When I went there, we still had a Robert E Lee statue. When they call me to beg for money I tell them I'd like to set up a scholarship for minorities. They get real excited.
>"Which minority group anon?"
>"White males."
>"Let me put you on hold for a minute" **click**

>> No.56631153

what is his new liq price? like 20? he added more since this screencap lmao

>> No.56631157

She? No woman knows how to use defi

>> No.56631177


>> No.56631273

Bretty much.

>> No.56631313
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i hope he gets rekt and then gets aids

>> No.56631326
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>> No.56631401

I'm worth mid 7 figures and started from 1000 bucks in early 2017. I bet I also cane easily manhandle you IRL and force my cock into your asshole.

>> No.56631435

>i cane easily
yeah u easily shove cane shaped objects up your ass, jeet

>> No.56631501

seethe harder niggerfaggot

>> No.56631568

I will sodomize you sir, I force my big cock in your little poopoo hole and fuck you so roughly you will become my gay little fuckdoll. See you in the corridor? Sodomize you. Waking up? Sodomize you. Going to bed? Sodomize you. You will be a homo by the time I'm done with you.

Much love.

>> No.56631620

how do i mute niggers on here?

>> No.56631641

>Lmfao the cult has gotten this debunked and they continue tripling down. Similar to liberals, the Chainlink cult never lets facts get in the way of a narrative.

some people have lives and don't spend every minute of their day here, if someone doesn't know the full savindu break down i can forgive them because i carry the teachings of Christ in my heart. unlike you savindu you street shitting faggot go back to drinking cow piss in the slums i am QUINTUPLING DOWN

>> No.56631764

he's been liquidated on ironbank

>> No.56631866


>> No.56631904

Only 1k left. It was 5k yesterday. Does not liquidate all at once

>> No.56631993

i'd give you a complimentary blowjob but you probably don't like wiskers on your inner thigh

>> No.56632002

massive dump incoming. he is going to make it

>> No.56632012
File: 90 KB, 2012x324, 77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good eye anon. he really did just abandon that position during his consolidation yesterday. This guy might make it in a quick movie scene during the inevitable chainlink movie

>> No.56632383

Kek what the fuck was this guy thinking? I wouldn’t short on the eve of BTC ETF news. What a retard. It will drop after the approvals to $10 but he jumped the gun

>> No.56632500

Shorting leverage is truly degenerate and I had to learn this the expensive way. I shorted ADA back in 2016. Sold at 16 cents. It would pump every week and I would deposit my entire paycheck to bitmex and deleverage every 2 weeks. Finally one day I decided I was done and would see what would happen. My leverage was down to 1.5X after depositing thousands of dollars. I got liquidated at 86 cents. The spot price was 24 cents at the time of liquidation. Still wish I had just closed that trade but I didn't understand how criminal exchanges operate. I assume people got rekt when it crashed back down to spot price. That or the exchange held all those longs. Lost $18K over 4 and a half months.

>> No.56632571

I hope he does because such moves are admirable, and yet if he fails, I will laugh smugly.

>> No.56632586

>getting retk

>> No.56632595

Any idea when the date is set? I want to sell before the approval news.

>> No.56632737

>they know something we don't know.
You mean they know something we've known for fucking ages.

>> No.56632760

Right? These newfags still don't even get it, despite thinking they do

>> No.56632879
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>> No.56633010

Probably, but WE don't know exact dates for when everything goes off.
They may actually have information that we don't in regards to switches being flipped.

>> No.56633167

what's his liq?

>> No.56633662
File: 178 KB, 2080x947, some_math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

liquidation price is 17.45$ picrel is the math i did

>> No.56633700

here >>56633662

>> No.56633748


>> No.56633765

based effort but collateral should be 2.28m right?

>> No.56633782

collateral is the sum of the supplied amounts

>> No.56633811 [DELETED] 

he basically supplied about 270k$ to borrow 112k link, you can do it, but you get a very shitty liquidation_threshold, basically you are doing leveraged borrow his liquidation_threshold is 7.28, basically as if he shorted with 7.28 multiplier

>> No.56633820

idk man, it looks like you treated the comma as a period. collateral is 2.28m. you added 267961.72+2012.505 to get 269974.225

>> No.56633838

oho ur right i should recalculate

>> No.56633874

He's going to be rich

>> No.56633877

if i could borrow 112k link on $270k collateral i would do it immediately and never pay back my loan

>> No.56633903 [DELETED] 

collateral = 2,280,466.72$
total_borrow = 1,836,867$
liquidation_threshold = 1.07 * 1,836,867$ / 2,280,466.72$
liquidation_threshold = 0.86

liquidation_value = 1,965,447.69$
liquidation_price = 1,965,447.69 / 112606.38
liquidation_price= 17.45

>> No.56633921

collateral = 2,280,466.72$
total_borrow = 1,836,867$
liquidation_threshold = 1.07 * 1,836,867$ / 2,280,466.72$
liquidation_threshold = 0.86

liquidation_value = 1,961,201.37$
liquidation_price = 1,961,201.37$ / 112606.38
liquidation_price= 17.416$

>> No.56633949

okay very good we somehow basically got the same answer kek

>> No.56633963

yeah i was also surprised lmao

>> No.56633993

this guy is a drop in the bucket it's not a short squeeze

>> No.56634078

btw 17.41$ is xhen the health factor is at 1, so he wont be gully liquidated, this price, is just the beggining of his liquidation

>> No.56634253

AI generated post.

>> No.56634285


>> No.56634316

thats probably fun money to whoever that is. I suspect an asian

>> No.56634386

Why did this degen borrow LINK with USDC, instead of just buying link with his USDC then shorting that way? I don't get it

>> No.56634437

>buy to short

>> No.56634441
File: 2.40 MB, 250x188, yup yup yup mhmmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pajeet will prob do the needful once he gets liquidated. I guess that's what you get when you keep betting against link

>> No.56634541 [DELETED] 

How do I tell what price he's getting liquidated at from the health rate?

>> No.56634650

Think he’s sweating?

>> No.56634690

Within next few weeks

>> No.56634846

His collateral assets total value / number of link tokens shorted

>> No.56635215

based retard

>> No.56635484

Accumulation tactic that happend also on the first run to 20$

>> No.56635501

Imagine holding 7k link on binance... kek

>> No.56635541

I'm amazed of how small number of oldfags is in this thread that dont remember this. Its lower slippage than buying it all on exchanges. He will "have to" buy link in bulk because he got liquidated but in reality that was always his plan...

>> No.56635553

thats a tactic for sure but thats not what he is doing. hes borrowing, selling, putting the stables back on as collateral. repeat. You can look on chain and see that he is borrowing and selling

>> No.56635597

He's an insider. The SEC is about to hit Sergey and CLL with a lawsuit for selling unregistered ERC20 securities. Current pump is an exit pump.

>> No.56635606

>my brainlet take 101

>> No.56635610
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>> No.56635620
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link is about to double in price in line with glnk

please refer to checkem GETem attached

>> No.56635662

That's exactly what happend the previous time.
Pic related. Its a bit complicated but once you understand it it makes a lot of sense. This is a 140IQ move. We should all be thanking him anyway. Because the ones who get his collateral have to buy LINK on open markets and wil be pumping the price.

>> No.56635678

>hopping on a shitcoin bandwagon AFTER it pumps
degens never learn

>> No.56635698

he's shorting 100k LINK, if he wanted to buy that on binance it would currently cause 11 cents of slippage. not to mention he wouldnt be trying to defend his collateral over and over if he just wanted to buy LINK. Tom is a clown and will continue to lose $100,000 for every dollar that LINK pumps.

>> No.56635710

That time i followed that address and found this one: 0xc333e80ef2dec2805f239e3f1e810612d294f771

I don't remember how much it was worth at that time, but currently its sitting on 30m worth of crypto.

>> No.56635716

Its probably not their only address shorting link?

>> No.56635729

The person doing this probably looked at binance orders, aave positions and calculated their best move. So my bet is its not their only address, and they know what they are doing. Should have checked both...

>> No.56635766

Yes Klaus Schwab, Eric Schmidt and SWIFT will totally hitch their wagon to whatever Gary fucking Gensler says

>> No.56635823

youre a fucking retard
>inb4 you post 100 times

>> No.56636051

so he's expecting a big crash where he can buy back the link and get his stables back hugely.. but isn't he vulnerable to a megawhale who megapumps him out?

>> No.56636409

>Klaus Schwab
Non-existent connection. Hundreds of pajeetware tokens get shilled by WEF.
>Eric Schmidt
Is paid to shill LINK and advise Sergey. Not really any different than Ashton Kutcher shilling XRP, he just costs more so LINK baggies need to pay up
SWIFT is not needed, blockchain makes it irrelevant. SWIFT has tried rolling out a range of products in the past few years and all of them have been colossal failures, many executives have departed the sinking ship. The ERC10 shitcoin shilling is just a last ditch effort to keep their outdated 1950's dinotech relevant. Its no different than trying to scale Bitcoin with the Lightning network, its a lost cause.

>> No.56636525

Marinies are locked behind the mindset that this might be a btc moment wherein if they just hold out long enough it will pump beyond the levels of eth.

>> No.56636588


>> No.56636909
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>> No.56636928

How much do you pay someone worth $19 billion to shill your project? And why haven't other projects done this?

>> No.56636958
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>> No.56637383

track his liq price by pasting his address in defisim.xyz and adjust LINK price up until the health factor drops < 1.00

>> No.56638697

What horse are you betting on then? Because to me, oracles are a very real problem to solve

>> No.56638912


>> No.56638935


>> No.56639053

Thanks for posting. Can someone explain why link depositors would get fucked from this? I get that the link they deposited is given to the liquidated account, but is it really so that they themselves somehow have to replace that? Or is aave doing it automatically? I get that this creates buy pressure, but doesn't automatically fuck the depositors

>> No.56639069

>Can someone explain why link depositors would get fucked from this?
When someone shorts Link, they are given Link tokens owned by depositors and then they sell those, driving the price of Link down.

>> No.56639094

No anon. What happens here is a whale wants to accumulate link. He looks at the open market and understands his buys would move the price up x%. Then he looks at aave and sees he can deposit usdc and get liquidated and get depositors link instead of buying them from the open market. What happens next is my question?

Is there an automated mechanism that replaces the link that the whale accumulated or do the depositors just replace their link if they want to? If link is replaced somehow or another this drives up the price, so effectively the whale got his link cheaper and before the market pump, instead of driving up the price on the open market. Genius move

>> No.56639102

>get depositors link
So depositors lose their Link?

>> No.56639134

Initially they have to lose it at least initially. But that is my question, is it replaced automatically by the protocol or is it up to the depositors to replace. If it's up to the depositors they might not even notice they lost the link and only find out when link is worth $81k and they check their aave deposits

>> No.56639140

>Initially they have to lose it at least initially
No, I mean in the end.
You say the shorter ends up with depositor Link after liquidation.

>> No.56639149

And if Aave replaces it they drive up the price. So exactly what the whale wanted.

>> No.56639173

Yes. The whale gets link that is deposited on aave. He is not shorting at this point. He doesn't sell his link. He borrows link against USD and hopes to get liquidated because that's effectively a cheaper way to buy link.

So in the end whale has depositors link. What goes on on Aave and the depositors is what I'm thinking. Are they just left with usdc or does Aave replace it automatically somehow?

>> No.56639178

Anon, depositors will not lose their Link when shorters get liquidated.

>> No.56639193

in the event that link quickly gigapumps beyond what the ostensible overcollateralization can cover then yes they will

>> No.56639196

Utter retard posting hours

>> No.56639203

what kind of mumbo jumbo mental gymnastics is going on here? Suddenly he went from being a degenerate gambler shorting LINK to the *MASTERMIND THAT PLAYED ALL OF /BIZ/*

>> No.56639209

1. There is no link on aave
2. You deposit 1 link on Aave
3. Whale borrows 1 link on Aave
4. Do you still have your link?

>> No.56639216

Meant to you
Explain this plz:

>> No.56639242

Anon reading >>56639209 and realizing >>56639203

>> No.56639257

What happens is there are independent liquidators that get rewards from liquidating positions. These independent liquidators compete to buy back the link from the open market. They will drive up the price. This is my understanding.

The original question was about the pic posted in this thread that says depositors get fucked. This is what's not necessarily true I think.

>> No.56639261

Someone is chasing him down. Its clear that everytime he puts up more collateral, LINK volume increases. He thinks his shenanigans are invisible but he is being tracked. I bet he loses it all by the end of the day.

>> No.56639270

>4. Do you still have your link?
After the whale returns the Link he borrowed (which he absolutely has to), yes

>> No.56639299

think about how overcollateralization works. you "don't have your link" but you will get it back in all but the worst edge cases. he used collateral with extremely deep liquidity (usdc) so edge case slippage on the link/usdc trade only makes sense if link god candles

>> No.56639300

1. Anon has $1
2. Anon deposits $1 on Aave
3. Anon borrows $1 worth of Link
4. Anon buys a candy with Link
5. Anon has zero Link left
6. How does anon pay back his Link (he absolutely has to)?

>> No.56639329

I don't get it, wouldn't he make more money by just buying Link, supplying it on AAVE, get some stable coin as a borrowed asset and turn that into LINK? That would literally be like doubling your Link stack if your intention was to long or bet on Link anyway

>> No.56639334

So the extra collateral is hopefully enough to buy back the link? And because it's usdc the price won't move too much. And it's only a problem if a lot of positions are liquidated at once and link giga pumps?

Thanks for explaining. And it's the Aave liquidators that do the buying? Which they will if it's profitable of course

>> No.56639355


>> No.56639358

That would be longing link, the opposite of hes doing

>> No.56639372

The whale doesn't want to leverage. He only wants to buy link. If getting liquidated on Aave is cheaper than buying in the open market he naturally does that. I haven't verified this is the case, but according to this pic it is. I find this the most plausible explanation because I don't think anyone with millions to play with would be stupid enough to actually short link like anon in op

>> No.56639377

That's just indian posters. He's literally just shorting link. Putting lots of collateral reasonably high above current prices and defending the position is not a strategy to "buy link". The slippage on his level of buys on an exchange would go nowhere near the 30%+ he's currently taking on liquidations.

>> No.56639385

Everyone loves seeing shorts getting squeezed - Are we inherently evil to enjoy that? Or do they deserve it for profiting from others losses?

>> No.56639389

Longing is the opposite of shorting. This whale is borrowing without selling which is not shorting

>> No.56639393

kek baggies

>> No.56639395

Do we have the transactions where he sells (shorts)?

>> No.56639446

if he hasn't sold then he's probably just "buying" via loans to avoiding paying a higher tax rate from realizing gains with a trade. hard to believe the tax rate is higher than the maintenance margin requirement but then again he might liquidate himself, which may also be tax advantaged. too lazy to do the math

>> No.56639504
File: 120 KB, 982x914, borrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes he sold all his link for ETH. Which was his original collateral before getting partially liquidated and switching from ETH to USDC. this guy is a fucking retard not some genius secret link whale.

and also I can't believe how little even anons on this board understand borrowing mechanisms like aave. aave loan are over-collateralized, that means the value of the collateral someone puts up must SIGNIFICANTLY EXCEED the value of what they choose to borrow, sometimes up to 30%. getting liquidated means losing the difference between the collateral and loan to the liquidating party which is also responsible for replacing the original asset that was lent. it isn't possible for someone lending on aave to be caught in a "sorry, someone borrowed your link and there's none left" situation.

>> No.56639526

Most people on here are 90iq drop outs, if they can't succeed in normal life they're not suddenly going to become competent in trading.

>> No.56639536

I think owning an asset via liquidation would register as a purchase and not a loan for tax purposes.

>> No.56639582

I get it. So seems unlikely he's just getting liquidated to buy. Unless he has multiple wallets and just absolutely massive buys. The schitzo theory is he is going to bankrupt the USDC/Link ratio on Aave.
But if this anon really checked he just sells his link then I guess he's just out of his mind. And yes, the collateral is enough when it's profitable for aave liquidators to liquidate positions. This of course a question of simple economics and there are theoretical cases where there isn't enough collateral. We haven't seen one on Aave and I believe the tokenomics are solid

>> No.56639625

The liquidated party isn't responsible for replacing the tokens that were lent. A borrower just borrows and does whatever. If he gets liquidated he doesn't have to do anything. Independent Aave liquidators compete to replace the assets that were lent out. If massive positions are liquidated and the price of the underlying asset shoots up it becomes increasingly expensive to replace the assets.

>> No.56639640

That is not what is happening. His position is too small. He was shorting. He borrowed the LINK and sold it. We have proof because he was panic buying LINK yesterday and paying back his loan before he went degen gambler and started borrowing more again.

If we were talking million or more LINK maybe. Hes only got a 100k position. Market buying that would not even spike the more more than a few cents

>> No.56639649

>The schitzo theory is he is going to bankrupt the USDC/Link ratio on Aave.
he would have to borrow something like $100 MILLION USD worth of LINK, or around 100x his largest position so far, to even begin approaching the limit of the LINK supplied on the Ethereum v3 market, which would make the %apy for lending LINK rise and cause even more people to lend it which would make reaching the limit even harder.

that's what I said, the liquidatING party is responsible to replacing the original asset in order to liquidate the person that overborrowed. and the price of the asset doesn't "shoot up" when it happens, many liquidators can already own the assets they're replacing, they don't need to instantly buy them on the open market. this is like GME logic

>> No.56639659

If we have proof of him selling then that's very likely it. Unless it's some next level trick and he really has more positions. I'm coming up with these crazy theories because I have difficult time believing someone just decides to throw away millions

>> No.56639681

Sorry I misread that. If the liquidators have enough assets then they can naturally use those, if they don't have enough assets then they have to buy them. In the end if the incentives are there they will replace the assets. It's a game and so far it's working very well. Still we shouldn't speak in absolutes

>> No.56639686

He did not decide to throw away millions. As explained, he was shorting the $5-8 range for 16 months and got complacent. Put more and more on every short. Probably thought he had infinite money glitch. Then LINK broke out this time and he got fucked. He started getting liquidated and then started swapping his collateral from eth to USDC in a panic. Next he was in despair and closed a lot of his position. Then a few hours later degenerate gambler mindset came back and he tried to “win” back his losses and shorted a shit load again

>> No.56639699

I see thanks for explaining. I do think at this point he is effectively throwing away money. But yes I get what you mean. Haven't been following this. So apparently he was just gambling, not using Aave to buy

>> No.56639701

>If we have proof of him selling
you are so fucking retard get off my board. go change your ID for the 4th time this thread

>> No.56639705

yeah that's fair. it's not totally impossible for the Aave game to break, its just exceedingly unlikely. unless perhaps a truly malicious entity with hundreds of millions at its disposal decides to try to break it, but even in that case it seems likely the community would notice it and take whatever measures necessary to prevent aave from being destroyed. Like take the recent USDC lending freeze for example

>> No.56639758

My schitzo theory is they froze usdc because this link whale was planning to drain all of the link. The theory is this entity can legally use aave, but can't buy on the open. They are setting up liquidations as long as the price stays under the price of the grayscale fund link which is at somewhere around $50

>> No.56639759

You're describing a loan that is never repaid.
You have to repay loans eventually, including shorts.

>> No.56639767


>> No.56639787

20% of the supply goes to Schmidt, other projects are definitely doing this

>> No.56639808

>If we were talking million or more LINK maybe
You don’t know if he has other positions that can be traced to him. Unironically, zoom out.

>> No.56639913

>hopes to get liquidated because that's effectively a cheaper way to buy link.
how? makes no sense since the loan is overcollaterized. buying link on different platforms is still way cheaper

>> No.56639943


>> No.56639973

>"similar to liberals"
>seethes like a fat tumblr lady because lolcow Indian variant turned out to be lolcow shady Texan lawyer variant and not everyone has caught up yet
>still funny as fuck
>seething tumblr tranny anon still mad as fuck
Thanks for the laughs nerd

>> No.56639985

In theory hes right but it has to be like… millions of LINK desired in a short space of time.
If you needed to buy 10mm Link in 1 week it would be impossible without sending the price up 50% or more.
If you instead borrowed it on AAVE and put up the minimum collateral required, say 30% extra, you can then get liquidated and only have payed an extra 30% instead of 50% or more.

>> No.56640039

Read this, it might help to see there might be a bigger picture:

These buttcoins guys know everything about crypto except how to make money from it. It’d be easier to know if there’s some shady stuff going on if we can find who’s the person borrowing link and if he’s connected to grayscale or any other company.

Do you know if there’s concrete proof of the indian guy being the person borrowing link?

>> No.56640046

yeah but we were talking about 200k link in total a few days ago i think. on uniswap-eth alone that's around 19% slippage. but as we saw his on chain behavior is inconsistent with that theory

>> No.56640064

>Do you know if there’s concrete proof of the indian guy being the person borrowing link?
forget the indian guy it's not him, it's the lawyer. maybe he was doing this for a client but the way he handled it seems like he's just a degen

>> No.56640068

I know. Thats what i was saying to him. I dont know why this discussion went on so long due to that. 200k link. Lol. Even a market buy would send the price up $0.10 at most

>> No.56640095

Do you have the lawyer’s name? I can go down the rabbit hole and find if there’s anything related to graysacale. My spider sense is tingling.

>> No.56640140


>> No.56640195

fucking retards ITT kek

>> No.56640224

Thanks. Thought there would be something interesting but no, just your typical gambling lawyer:

Pack it up boys, case closed, let’s go home.

>> No.56640225

new money bro, its like taking candy from a baby. I would feel bad about it but it happened to me so its their turn now

>> No.56640234

Will read
He wants to get chased until gray scale link and normie link reach price parity.

This plus the fact that they have found a legal loophole with aave. They got a go for using Aave. They used the institutional version of Aave as a cover story and we're able to use normie aave.

>> No.56641787
File: 707 KB, 1280x774, 1231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy at some point talks about flash loans shenanigans . I think it has something to do with what you guys are talking about right now , il try to get the timestamp of where he talks about it.

>> No.56641829

Indeed. This is why the cult mentally broke down so hard this year. 90% losses due to cult hubris. Millions of dollars of loss/opportunity cost.

>> No.56641847

You really lost it with that last part. Being in a cult has friend your awareness and seems to be triggering paranoid delusions. I dont care if you sell. Youre not dumb enough to think posts here move the market are you hahaha…fucking retard

>> No.56641867


we're looking at solutions and how we can help with pre-funding of atomic settlement through flash loans

>> No.56641938

Cringe. How obese are you 1-10?

Lmfao whales on biz. Its incredible how delusional you are

You are too emotional for investing. Being in a cult has cost you not only tons of money but also the ability to think rationally

>> No.56641951

Oh man that was hard to read. Just imagining how ugly you have to be to write something like this. Attractive people dont talk like this. And this weird obsession of calling everyone Indian even though the person at hand is a white lawyer (which has been explained 40 times now) isnt really weird and aint gonna help you on the lady front.

At least take a shower today so you dont smell so bad

>> No.56641983

why brown men keep doing brown men thingies when they know brown men thingies never works against white men

>> No.56642061

Would be interesting if this is bait and he actually is leveraged to the tits on another address x 1000 this bullish on link

>> No.56642071

Some of them can be frozen, others cant. It depends on the stablecoin's contract.
DAI for example can't be frozen because there is no such code in the contract.

>> No.56642078

tranny red alert

>> No.56642114
File: 226 KB, 997x1024, 1696266191616035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give it a rest savindu

>> No.56642558
File: 128 KB, 1663x474, retardredditorcelsius_financialgore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is he going to get rekt most likely? i enjoy financial gore

>> No.56642933

Been hearing this for days now he’s still fine. Classic linkie incel revenge fantasy

>> No.56642954


>> No.56643118

Link virgins are insufferable

>> No.56643744

Day 1 threads: Laugh at pajeet
Day 2 threads: Wonder what liquidation price is, work out how much capital he has
Day 5 threads: Biz discussed how they think a short works, and if there is any possibility this pajeet is using talmudic treachery to actually be LONG link.

These threads were fun but I'm not going to stick around this forum if you keep being this retarded

>> No.56643817

>Someone is pumping billions of dollars into Link out of the blue


>> No.56643850

It wasn't the jeet, retard

>> No.56643886

gm ser !