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File: 3.62 MB, 380x676, 1699740206830129.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56635336 No.56635336 [Reply] [Original]

Shill me some crypto moonshots for 2024 please.

>> No.56635349

tried to watch the video but it's too gay

I'm all-in BAT/LINK which I don't recommend, probably look into SOL and SOL related shitcoins

>> No.56635367

AMP. You can scoop up hundreds of thousands for peanuts now, but this will be adopted next year and make some despondent baggies very, very rich

>> No.56635370

hbar hundo p

>> No.56635426

>I.... I am going to...... Consoooooooom

>> No.56635459

Searched it up.
It's probably some AirBnB in the Tour Defense 2000 which is located in an absolute cuckshed of an area.
You have uni zoomettes around so maybe it's not that bad.

>> No.56635480

What is this video trying to achieve? Is a wagie parody on american psycho?

>> No.56635502

Imagine an average looking man had created that video

>> No.56635506

>Is a wagie parody on american psycho
TikTok is full of these

>> No.56635510

Pokt x100 very likely.

>> No.56635533

Babydoge coin

>> No.56635536

Never used it, but I understand it is like the CCPP approved harmless citizen bitesized clips entertainment platform, which encourages infantile behavior and activities?

>> No.56635556
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So many fucking touchscreens

>> No.56635569
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>> No.56635580

I said TikTok but I don't use it, rather Youtube shorts as it's shoved in my face.
But same old, they just publish on all platforms at the same time anyway.

>> No.56635590

Imagine spending time editing this. Woah, look out this guy takes showers and plays vidya

>> No.56635595

The ticker is $CHOPPER.

>Pepe and $Bitcoin whale

>> No.56635616
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>> No.56635621
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Its going to 100m
Very early right now

>> No.56635667

You will ignore my post. I’m posting twice to emphasize $CHOPPER.

Everyone on biz complains about $pepe and $bitcoin not being shilled here….they were.

I bought both. This is your third chance, so do not miss this OP. If you fumble this i guarantee you will look back at this post and remember jerking off as some anon begged you to buy chopper sub $1million Marketcap.

But by then it will be too late.

>> No.56635915

I'm probably not going to buy pajeet shilled shitcoins, but where do you even buy these? Not like they're on coinbase or gemini

>> No.56635985

DOMI sisters will make it

>> No.56636005

Ngmi, you will remember me faggot

>> No.56636012


It's fucking over for chad

>> No.56636013

Buy sol sub $20.

>> No.56636052
File: 88 KB, 1060x412, Screenshot_20231112_135850_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit being a bitch. I searched for your shitcoin and it appears to be dead.

>> No.56636096

Spoonfeed me on this please :)

>> No.56636113

This is a street shitting scam. Worse than that chopper shit being spammed by pajeets

>> No.56636267
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>> No.56636286
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RXD makes kikes kvetch, simple as

>> No.56636293

kys kike

>> No.56636295

This is a curry coin ghost chain scam.

>> No.56636302


>> No.56636304

lol you’re not white

>> No.56636305

kys kike

>> No.56636318
File: 2.49 MB, 1804x900, R.X.D..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys kike

>> No.56636322

Lumerin LMR got beaten down to pulp during the bear, but it has really high profile people and VC's behind it with a lot of stuff coming out (some already has). That, and the hash rate selling business will be boosted massively by BTC going up. I see easy gains there with really minimal investment.

>> No.56636809

>ruining wooden floor by mopping it this aggressively with huge amounts of water is basically his only job
based eyecandy faggot retard

>> No.56636940

they forgot to add a Tesla var in this video

>> No.56636980

Chopper ca for dumbass looking at some random trash:


>> No.56636995

Wait. Why did the toilet dirty water go in the kitchen sink? Disgusting.

>> No.56637045

stick to quality low caps. ALPH OCTA QANX KREST ZANO XPB

>> No.56637092

>baldur's gay
nigga... you gay

>> No.56637097

10x'd in 1 month damn son how did i not know of this

>> No.56637172

>had to get that far in to clock that he's gay

>> No.56637183

The token and platform I'm working on.

>> No.56637189

ziliqa blockchain will be rebranded and token swapped 10:1 with 1 is the resulting tokens

>> No.56637196

>not pictured
>sitting in front of a computer playing with video files

>> No.56637633

looks like a low key amazon-commercial for 1000x products. guy in OP watched too many commercials and consumes too much for being a masseuse kek

>> No.56637667

its called being a faggot, like actually

>> No.56637746

ticker: VRSC
multi-blockchain L1 AMM: https://verus.io/eth-bridge

>> No.56637764

He wants you to buy his bags

>> No.56637905

So this nigga is a masseuse or what?

>> No.56638011


if you plan on doing any research, look into SDL. Leveraged LINK bet. gl anon wgmi

>> No.56638416

Stacks on the BSC is the answer. Unde 1m mcap. Fucking amazing team. DeFi bankimg + BNbB rewards. Not a shitcoin

I can bet my right testicle that this project will do a 100x (minimun).

>> No.56638430

What a fag

I'll let you in to my secret anyway

Don't ever post such faggy videos. Ever.

>> No.56638432

Look into Stacks on the bsc if you want a solid one for the next bullrun.

Ofcourse dyor, read the whitepaper to understand the tokenomics and engage with the community to make a decision.

>> No.56638448
File: 25 KB, 561x445, 1694201727021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check it

>> No.56638563

It's still flying under the radar. 10x to go before even the ICO price. Like I said it's price got destroyed initially during the bear because of a poorly timed launch and then went even lower as the product release was delayed. (The result of very unexpectedly low funding.) But now they're putting stuff out and not a minute too soon. The recent bump is barely a dead cat bounce yet, and even that was already 10x from the initial level.

>> No.56638595

Stacks is the Sun

>> No.56638626

Imagine any commercial, music video or promo with average unhappy people and it is suddenly dystopian.

>> No.56638644

I will look into this, thanks anon

>> No.56638670

Dyor and good luck

>> No.56639336

This guy's doing shit right. I want this life.

>> No.56639396
File: 68 KB, 500x360, sarkozy-look-2bf21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill me on that mopping machine, is it any good?
Sick and tired of mopping my own floor

>> No.56639419
File: 2 KB, 200x200, 6945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.

>> No.56639466

What a horrible dystopian lifestyle

>> No.56639472
File: 89 KB, 330x223, anon_I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need his face first anon!

>> No.56639490

you guys on 4chan must be a bunch of newbs

TRU (truebit) has the biggest potential for max gains

>> No.56640596
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>> No.56640612

imagine needing all those chink plastic gadgets to be happy. for me its the steel age technology like simple mesh that makes my coffee in the morning or my storage racks that make me happy. or perhaps the beer age...

>> No.56640842
File: 2 KB, 125x122, 1642966355380s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at those that did build during the bear. QANX, HBAR, and LVL could be the best performers next year

>> No.56640882

This is the gayest most lonely man I've ever seen. Imagine having the time to edit this gay ass faggot video? What a fucking loser lmao

>> No.56640921

this first and foremost

great project, bad historical preformance, but may move
obviously, anyone here not holding LINK is retarded.
But it would be good to also allocate to some sub top 100 market cap projects that one believes can hit to top 10-20
however I wouldn't fault someone for being a LINK maxi (this is the only tolerable maxi position)

may buy $1-500 of this... but this is a retarded meme i like

this could do a scam pump like KAS

overall KDA is king for this run
also i hold GNS
oh and deaubeau

>> No.56641249

Ok faggot, I bought 1k $ of this, I hope you are right.

>> No.56641850

Nothing gonna save that shit
meme from dead L2
KDA is a way to go
QANX brought me good profits this year

>> No.56641894

grok is going up nicely and i have not seen anyone shilling it yet

>> No.56641901

ISLM - Islamic Coin

>> No.56642593

Where to buy this shit?

>> No.56643071

Santa Bull, unironically

>> No.56643197

Autism: the WEBM