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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56632824 No.56632824 [Reply] [Original]

>beoble lets group admins set up rules like "this nigga has X amount of BTC so he can join", denying anyone under that amount of BTC
>built in pajeet protection tools
can't wait for the /biz/ retards lounge only open to those with at least 100 LINK in their wallets

>> No.56632839

Oh great another "telegram killer". Just what we needed! Besides every single 4chan group I've ever joined quickly dissolves because of retarded internal drama, every time. You'd be surprised at how much drama mentally ill mostly-anonymous users can generate.

>> No.56632847

sounds cool for organizing pump and dumps on shitcoins desu

>> No.56632853
File: 593 KB, 1093x742, 1601237512905912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen exactly two (2) discord servers related at all with this website, both from /v/. The shit I saw there on a daily basis was cognitively hazardous. Never again.

>> No.56632862

just ignore/mute retards and talk over them. who cares

>> No.56632874
File: 181 KB, 364x320, 1601237591208591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm talking biz. If a lot of anime tit pics and gay furry pics are too much for you to handle that's on you.

>> No.56632887

Or maybe find 'alpha' with people that can actually verify they got a decent amount of capital to their name. Nothing major, I'd trust anyone with half a dozen ETH or so.

>> No.56632905

the next best thing to telegram when it comes to anonymity and security shit is probably matrix irc servers. and only like 10 people in the world actually use that shit.

a crypto-only chat service sounds alright.

>> No.56632946
File: 157 KB, 290x343, 1601237591209512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone will ignore you/ridicule you for muting others because you can't handle "friendly banter". It's unironically an unpleasant experience, people like these made 4chan a part of their personalities and think being anons everywhere they go online is cool. The kind of faggot you see on twitter saying "based and redpilled" to stuff. You know they lurk this place and even worse, you KNOW they use those terms in real life too.
I've never seen any biz channels before except for the milady fourth reich one. Don't care about nft scams made by pedophiles so I didn't join, just perused around, didn't see any fruitful discussion, left.
>He thinks /v/tards are just anime titties and furries
You are sorely mistaken.

>> No.56632960

Do users utilize their wallets to join chat rooms? If so that's really good.

>> No.56632979

>implying anyone would share their strats with others
Even if others do in fact collaborate and add to the discussion I'd still think it's a bad idea. Backstabbing is deadly in finance.

>> No.56632993

Yeah this is why I never bothered with any tg group passed around here before getting deleted. Most people in this site are insecure faggots, not worth my personal time kek only fun to fuck around with.

>> No.56633204

But can you hide it though. Just let the client verify you have that money and that's it? I don't want degenerates to be able to track what I do.

>> No.56633216
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No offense but I only talk to you guys when I'm shitting in my toilet for 10 minutes or less. Can't even imagine the idea of chatting to you directly. Yikerinos.

>> No.56633218

this holy fuck

>> No.56633238
File: 366 KB, 489x585, 1601237591280581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely no ill-will intended here fellas but I can almost guarantee 100% that you are not as important or interesting as you think you are, in both a personality level and a financial level. Nobody is going to "track your movements". Maybe to gossip and laugh at you for buying SHIB etc, but that's about it.

>> No.56633786

then proceed to mute/ignore all LINK/TOAD threads and XMR ones as we used to deal with cardano, then whole tab would be empty

>> No.56633801
File: 23 KB, 236x236, 1582871292964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah, tits and asses best part of internet.

>> No.56633833
File: 13 KB, 471x388, 1618444794879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hose with at least 100 LINK in their wallets

>> No.56633841
File: 485 KB, 498x498, 1525109529887.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could just watch everyone calling themselves niggers without moderation, feels like a dream

>> No.56633844

>>beoble lets group admins

>> No.56633858

sounds like glowie bullshit