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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56632053 No.56632053 [Reply] [Original]

EVery other memecoin is pumpin. Quack, Floki, Doge, Shib, B0nk!

I dca'd my entire worth into this (BSC one, the real one). i am financially b0nked

>> No.56632085

Fudmouse singlehandedly killed this token

>> No.56632138


>> No.56632195

When bnb fud is over this will moon

>> No.56632235

wenmoon? it might get worse. eth etf has me wantin to jump ship to the eth dog bat

>> No.56632299

Currynigger thread

>> No.56632334

imagine not buying the low, you still have time

>> No.56632360

>wantin to jump ship to the eth dog bat


>> No.56632393

Don't hate on us if you don't have $50 to throw at possible moonshots

>> No.56632464

I have 20k from icos. i'll buy some of both. hedge my bets, as they say on wallst

>> No.56632474


>> No.56632532

It's the most sovlful memecoin. Sad if people can't recognise it.

>> No.56632680
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based and correct.

>> No.56632693
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>> No.56632767

we pump eth to 100m and reinvest the profits into bsc
we compete several times a day to be the top whale while yelling ethnic slurs at each other

>> No.56632836

dw bro this shit finna pop off like you wouldn't believe

>> No.56632841


>> No.56633161
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I sexually identify as an attack helicopter

>> No.56633173

Eth dogbat has a kickass game coming out on steam. You retrogrades will stay obsolete and poor

>> No.56633183

What ended up happening in to CABO?

>> No.56633199

Listen up faggots,

The ticker is $CHOPPER.

I bought Pepe on day 1. I bought $BITCOIN May. Do not fuck this up.

Bitcoin whales are getting ready to rotate.

>> No.56633205
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LOL imagine still holding this digital dogshit.
You are some seriously dumb motherfuckers. By the way, you're all aware that the "le left curve heckin based retards!!1" shit is hyperbole, right? The idea is low risk-aversion, you're not supposed to actually be fucking morons

>> No.56633265

Eth scam is 720k mcap
Bsc is 1.3m mcap
That's what you get for trying to scam I hope you all stay poor you greedy fucks

>> No.56633271


Sounds like a plan

>> No.56633311

Eth scam pool isnt even locked, its literally waiting rugpull from insiders. It has been bleeding past four weeks and they are getting desperate. I should know, im in their every tg channel even if i have sold my bag soon as i realized how fucked up this is :D

When i say they are desperate, i mean they are really desperate.

>> No.56633338

>The idea is low risk-aversion, you're not supposed to actually be fucking morons

>> No.56633340

Bullshit. This is malicious disinfo. Are you Justin? Fuck off loser. Eth has a pro game coming out and plenty of marketing for it. Nobody is desperate there. Everyone is chilling and making memes. You sad bsc sacks will be left in the dust.

>> No.56633345
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why not both? the absolute state of dobros is unironically bullish

>> No.56633413

Bsc morons and their stockholm syndrome. Pathetic fuck are myopic and love their abuser, a literal criminal. Enjoy eating shit when the eth game hits steam, you obtuse fucks. Seethe in your spam stuffed tg losers lmao stay angry and pay your taxes

>> No.56633441
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>> No.56633447

Dogbat BSC vastly outperformed hposi BSC because everyone loves eeing that fucking dog in their portfolio
Dogbat ETH will fly higher

>> No.56633450
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Macho cheems told me to post here so here it is. Unfortunately I don’t think coordinated shilling on biz will work

>> No.56633458

Hell yeah!

>> No.56633466

Wow why don't the ETH retards just give up? All they literally have to do is sell their stacks and buy the original. They won't even lose any money.

>> No.56633471

Who the fuck cares about shitty le crypto games?
Your dogshit memecoin/shitcoin failed already
You can keep coping everyday with any excuse you might find but this trash eth scam coin is dead
literally nobody on /biz/ is buying and nobody on crypto twatter knows you exist


>> No.56633481

We’re just kickin’ the ol’ peanut around. It’s all in good fun. Nobody truly shills on biz anymore (unless clinically retarded)

>> No.56633505

>Eth scam pool isnt even locked
Wait... is this true? Who the fuck would invest in an unlocked token?

>> No.56633532

dog bsc 10 tax in, 10 tax out. Dev is a proven thief and criminal. Tg unkempt, full of spam. No utilities, demoralized doomer community, no game, no future. Yeah, I’ll stay at dog eth, thanks.

>> No.56633537
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What the fuck is a dog bonk themed blowjob

>> No.56633554

It’s a real game, bud. You haven’t played it yet still vomit your uninformed opinion in here. Go pay your taxes and read more spam idgaf

>> No.56633560

>Eth has a pro game coming out
>pro game


>> No.56633589

>he hasnt played it
And it shows

>> No.56633619


I remember when you had hard on about those taxes. Looks like when you sold your bags and dont get any reflections it suddenly turned to be bad thing.

Nice game btw how you highjacked reddit channel.

>> No.56633644

Sure i bet that game will be next gta VI. More like next Flappy Bird.

>> No.56633671

Why are you so angry about dog eth anyway? Why do you lash out like a cornered, terrified animal? You can own both, one or none, yknow. Why are you so personally slighted by the existence of dog eth. Do you feel your bsc bags threatened? Are you that afraid?

>> No.56633688
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What did she mean by this

>> No.56633723

I have thirty deaux beaux NFTs. Believe it or not, but they’re actually worth less than nothing.

>> No.56633733

Nfts are dead everywhere

>> No.56633789

flappy bird did numbers bro

>> No.56633896

Sooo...is this the BSC D0B0 or just some other project that stole the name for another blockchain network?

>> No.56633917

I paid 900 bucks for them when they launched. I’ll pay more in gas than I take in from selling them now. The fate of deaux beaux is down to the success of Santovis game

>> No.56633944

I agree with this statement. I’m a true believer in the game. It’s all or nothing.

>> No.56634112

>>Santovi's game
>>all or nothing
why fud your own bags?

>> No.56634160

Shib could actually move. Im scared of all the stranded /wsb/ faggots on the way up but it did 325 million yesterday in volume. most likely upside because the bottom is in

>> No.56634190

Santovi and rest of the og team will just come back to the original coin after the ETH one fails.

>> No.56634235

>a lame game on steam will pump dogbat
>no not bsc dogbat
>it will only pump eth dogbat
>b-because it just will o-okay
The absolute state of these bunkniggers

>> No.56634340

The problem is no one has access to the keys on the original project, and there's a slim to 0% chance we ever will. Bsc dogbat is more battle tested for survival but the tax system and the lack of leadership makes it extremely unappealing for new money right now, apart from all the other shit going on with the BSC casino being in a comatose state right now.

>> No.56634359

wow! Amy really let herself go

>> No.56634366

derp piderp and santovi team will moon this coin so big you don't even know

>> No.56634372

Can someone post the retard’s guide to bonk? If any of you know what image i mean. I cant find it. I wanna know the mack it stack, sui stack, etc.

>> No.56634381

No, the eth version is a genuine relaunch from the same community but it preformed miserably compared to the original hence why this thread popped up.

>> No.56634425

>The problem is no one has access to the keys on the original project

How is this a problem? Tax coins will have their time in the lime light again.

>> No.56634449

Go look at the tg chat for the bsc token and see if it's a problem or not.

>> No.56634484

So no token swap? That would fucking suck and I am baffled that the OG community would support that.

>> No.56634639
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I think the eth version is the sourest-smelling pajit move: slap an "eth" on a legendary shitcoin because they can't afford a bag, and try to sap energy off. Anyway, is ownership really not renounced? Proofs?

>> No.56634656
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>> No.56634716

Justin the third worlder kicked him out. so no they never will, enjoy your third worlder scammer

>> No.56634748

Ty though not the same image im looking for

>> No.56634917

What happened to the BNB d0bo again?

>> No.56634993

I'm collecting reflections.

>> No.56635373

>$500 daily volume
Wow you're getting real rich anon.

>> No.56635409

why do u think the steam game will do anything with the price?

>> No.56635951

>A derivative of a failed shitcoin
You tell me

>> No.56636076

Whale reporting in

>> No.56636250
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TFW when the poloniex hacker became the top holder of dogbat eth and proceeds to sell everything ROFL

>> No.56636274

BSC/BNB about to make dog bat moon

>> No.56636285

Bullish if he holds and poloniex has to buy another 9m dogbats

>> No.56636342

The hacker already sold everything. Did you honestly think he would hold a random shitcoin? ROFL

>> No.56636359
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>poloniex has to buy another 9m dogbats
Poloniex never bought the 10 million. The dev team gave it to them. Sorry no refunds for baggies. Just accept your weekly L.

>> No.56636924

next dog meme is on solana, thats all im saying