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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56631659 No.56631659 [Reply] [Original]

I figured that some people make a lot of money with this, but I'm interested into learning how. Basically I'm a woman from a third world hellhole (Argentina) and I have to work 11 hours a day as a waggie, and honestly it barely helps me to survive, and with the hyperinflation of my country that's basically impossible to save, specially because I'm saving a lot of money to get foreign surgery to fix deformed organs I've got for a rare genetic condition because of an intersex syndrome I was born with, so it's not just that surviving is hard, but the fact I would never be able to afford the 20k that this surgery costs if I keep earning pesos, so while I study compsci to try to land a better job in some foreign company it would be good to learn to make more money. All my savings are $500 (I've lost a lot when trying to save my cat from dying from a respiratory disease, and she still died anyway) and have 320 in my wallet, 150 in USDT and 150 in Bitcoin, and put it in Binance Earn, but not sure if this would work on long run. What is a basic guide that I could use?

>> No.56631680

tits or gtfo + didn't read

>> No.56631736

With small capital like that you need to forget about Bitcoin and every other big coin.

You need to go all in on a good narrative and hope that it makes it.

All 500 into PEPE is what I would do. It has massive potential to become the new top meme coin in this bullrun.

BTC will give you like 2-4x or something even if you put all 500 into it. Still good if you have a big nest egg but with a few hundred bucks it's nothing much really.

>> No.56631746

didnt read tranny

>> No.56631752

I'm not reading all that but I assume from the wall of text you're a roastie. Therefore

>> No.56631795
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The ONLY way is to buy a microcap token and wait for it to moon. Better yet, get in a presale. There are lots of them, but aimeme.ai has the best one atm their tg is aimtokenofficial and someone there could explain how a presale works and see if it works for you. In the meantime, you could try to get side jobs by helping crypto projects (offer to moderate a spanish telegram/discord channel or something in return for tokens)

>> No.56631806

Sauce is Oshi no Ko chapter 111

>> No.56631809

i doubt BTC will breach $100k this cycle, maybe in 2025-26
by then a house will cost $1,000,000 so it doesn't even matter

>> No.56631857
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So is it safe to buy this? really? I'm not sure keep in mind I don't really have a lot of money so I can't manage to risk to lose it, trust me in Argentina 500 is A LOT of money and it took me years to save this.
I need to learn this because I honestly didn't understood anything and feel retarded. So I will try to search all these terms, I'm new with all of this
I'm not larping lol

>> No.56631890
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A bunch of other anons are going to disagree with me, but here's what you do.

Buy XRP, like right now. It's affiliated with national banks and it's poised to offer tokenized gold. That much money will pump the price tremendously, don't be distracted by the other coins pumping. They're only going up because of panicking western investors, when the global economy crashes, XRP will moon several days after. Even if you think I'm full of it, please buy a small bag of XRP for yourself. And educate yourself on it too, go to ripple's website and read up.

I wish you all the luck, you'll do well and I respect your gumption.

>why is pic related important?
This bank is now affiliated with Ripple.

>> No.56632073
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It's not exactly safe, but you can't earn the amount you want in a short amount of time without risk. Don't put all of your savings into it, though.

You should increase your capital. Try and work for DataAnnotation or a similar company. It's really easy to get onboarded. They'll pay you a really good amount by Argentine standards (in USD) into a PayPal account which you can convert into crypto.

From there, visit the generals on this board and do your own research. Remember, you must take risks if you want larger rewards. If you're okay with waiting and slowly accumulating money, then play it safe.

Almost nobody here is going to give you the answer suitable for your situation.

>> No.56632101

I'm the same situation as you i'm from Argentina and also had a sick cat( he survived) i got on solana at 30 and made a Lot of gains from that i think right now Is on a dip so i recomend you to buy that when it get a little Lower.

>> No.56632135
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Also this was my cat for proof

>> No.56632141

Is it safe? Of course not. Making money in Crypto is the definition of not safe. But with small capital like that you have to take risks to increase it. I would call Pepe a calculated risk since it's already somewhat established and therefore not going to just rug you to total zero, but still hasn't had a bullrun and therefore has that 50-100x possibility in it. Furthermore it's a really well known meme.

The risks are that other memecoin narratives take off and outperform it, that it will even underperform BTC and black swan events that can wipe out crypto in general.

>> No.56632150

Yeah but for working in that company don't I need more studies? I still know little to nothing about coding and stuff yet, I'm going to start uni in march... which is a bit late considering I'm 30 but I'm tired of being in this situation.
I'm going to check that to spare some stuff, and yeah I used to have about 1000 USD of savings but hospitalizing my dear cat that was like a daughter for weeks was extremely expensive, to the poiint I lost half of my savings, I hate that she didn't even survive like I lost money and the cat, so I'm super stressed about it, is Solana good to invest? How much did you invest and how much did you earn?

>> No.56632163

Buy KAS while it's still under 15 cents

>> No.56632178
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This was mine :( I miss her so much she was the only friend I had in my life

>> No.56632223

Not at all! You basically just talk to AI to test it. Zero skills, resume, or anything required. You sign up, do an assessment (for which you get paid), and then if you perform well on the assessment then you get to work for them for $20 USD an hour.

I was a bit foolish with how I did the assessment so I didn't get in, but if you read what they expect of you carefully and evaluate the AI how they'd like you to then you're going to get in for sure.

>> No.56632226

watch out for any coin recommended here. /biz/ is 99% jeets shilling their shitcoins.

>> No.56632239

You also get to choose when you work. So if you need to focus more on studies, it's flexible in that regard.

>> No.56632281
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PEPE is basically owned and marketed by Binance. Their cold wallet is the largest holder.

>> No.56632295
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Get a new one.

>> No.56632307

tits not a fucking shirt pic you dumb faggot

>> No.56632316

>paying for surgery on a pet
This is why poor people stay poor.

>> No.56632348

Start an OnlyFans
Make money off of your weird girlpenis
Put it all into BTC/ETH/LINK
Sell at the top of the bullrun in mid 2025

>> No.56632450

She was my daughter and the only thing I've ever loved and that loved me too so I put that priority over myself, I cared more about her than myself and now she's gone...
I might check it then, I hope I can earn money this way but honestly I'm super confused still, have to research more, but if I can do this with AI then it might be easier/shorter term than finishing studies.
I don't know how onlyfans works and I'm scared of being a online prostitute, like I'm not sure if I would like it on long term and as far I know only the top ones earn decent amount of money; while I'm not exactly ugly I'm also not a goddess, I kinda look average, plus I don't know something feels wrong about it

>> No.56632497

It really is super easy. Good luck, anon.

>> No.56632592

>I don't know how onlyfans works
Me neither but I'm sure it's easy enough to figure out.

>as far I know only the top ones earn decent amount of money
Your special lady(?)bits are your USP. It just might work.

>while I'm not exactly ugly I'm also not a goddess, I kinda look average
You can probably get away with not showing your face.

>I'm scared of being a online prostitute, like I'm not sure if I would like it on long term
>plus I don't know something feels wrong about it
I can't fault you for having morals tbdesu.

>> No.56632659

post your fucking bob and vageen or stop wasting space on this board you dumb whore

>> No.56632684

this, WITH TIMESTAMP. Mods will pin it

>> No.56632688

I would literally wife you up right now if I was an argie. God I love women

>> No.56633198

Yeah I feel like it's not correct somehow and I would like to be married someday and I don't want having a "whore" past history, I don't know it also feels wrong getting money that way, like in a way I would like doing sexy things for first time if I someday fall inlove with someone, I'm not very fan of the hedionist culture that has been cultivating lately. I mean I'm even a virgin because of that, because I don't like the hookup culture or the idea of having sexwithout love. And I'm basically a loser that never had friends so ofc I never fell in love either lol. But yeah I feel that onlyfans is a bit dishonorabel and one f my main personal values is honor, because I'm a bit traumatized by the scamming and dishonorable nature of the average Argentinian (check viveza criolla) and I feel prostitution is dishonorable even if its just onlyfans

Also probably ID changed cuz phone.

>> No.56633333

I don't think I'm really wife material in my current situation desu, I want to fix myself before trying to try to find people because rn my issues make me sjper insecure and that is very annoying for someone with, I also have zero social skills so I need to socialize more before trying to find that. I was treated as a subhuman in high school due things I cannot control and that traumatized ne a lot and I'm a bit scared of people, I hope I can get better social skills at uni

>> No.56633380

>I'm even a virgin
>I'm basically a loser that never had friends
You just keep getting cuter. I hope you make it.


>> No.56633382
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>What is a basic guide that I could use?
Invest 5% of your income in high-risk assets like crypto while you are young and taking risk. That's it, that is the ceiling. Stick to the top five tokens on CoinDesk. If you are unsure then stick to BitCoin and Etherium, the top two. You can use an app like Coinbase to buy but keep in mind that any crypto exchange could die at any moment and you lose everything. Consider storing some of your crypto assets on a wallet, but if you don't know enough to set that up, do your research and have a goal to set up a wallet in three months.

If you invest 10% of your income starting now in traditional investments like stocks and precious metals, and do this religiously, you are going to do great. Buy oil stocks, energy stocks in particular. That's it. That's the guide.

>> No.56633508

I don't think that's cute , not having social skills can make you a bit weirdo and you don't know exactly when you say something inappropiate, online people often laugh when I do that and it's embarassing, but thank u for wishes
I have my crypto savings on binance, why another wallet would take 3 months? I was told to buy a ledger nano but I cant afford that, I mean I could but I would lose all my savings lol

>> No.56633647
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Binance and Coinbase are both under investigation by the SEC. Basically any crypto exchange could be gone in 60 seconds, with your money. Read the fine print. Look at FTX. People already lost everything. So a cold storage wallet is a way to keep your crypto off the exchanges and avoiding getting ripped off, if you intend to buy and hold crypto for years and years. I said three months so that you can invest but give yourself some time to learn how to set up and use a wallet. When you do transfer your crypto, start with a few small things by value. Don't risk everything and don't lose your passwords, etc. Do a test run with $20 worth of crypto first. Ledger Nano isn't necessary but you need to learn how to get a wallet on aUSB and how to make a backup of your wallet just in case. Don't get overwhelmed, just try to research an hour a day and you'll figure it out inside of two weeks.

>> No.56633727

But isnt a cold storage wallet something like ledger nano? Can you do that with a random usb like a pendrive ? Sorry I lnow very little about it, I have stored some savings in binance but im scared now

Here in Argentina either you save in physical USD bought in black market or save crypto wo I feel a bit cursed and confused, you cant really use local banks unless you want to risk to lose everything or getting your money devalued in 11 days

>> No.56633778

The OnlyFans thing is just 4chan degeneracy. Disregard that. Look into investments, but don't do something you don't understand. Take your time to learn it. There will always be gains to be made in this. Don't quit your day job, so to speak. Investment is supposed to be supplemental.

>> No.56633807
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Yes and yes. To store value get gold and/or silver.

To speculate get crypto. To build wealth safely, buy quality stocks in good companies.

You don't have to spend 100% of your income and go into debt just to survive. That is good.

>> No.56633824

Now, of course I'd be looking for a Swedish lady as a Swedish man, but some of these things are very appealing to men. A virgin? Glorious! Not a fan of the hedonism around you? Most women don't even seem to realise it's happening and barely know what hedonism is. You're honourable, you're intelligent, and you have integrity. You're a good woman. Learn more about investments, see your studies through, never lose your integrity or sense of self, and do some weight lifting too. That's always a good investment, if you can afford to eat so that you put on a slight amount of weight each day and thus actually put muscle on. If you need to lose weight, you'd still lift to burn more calories. That's another one of those great skills to have.

>> No.56634018

No way I could quit my job, I have to work 11 hours a day because the shitty situation of the country.

And yeah I wont do the onlyfans thing, a lot of online people keep suggesting that. Hell even my mother did, she said that my intersex condition is actually very rare and that I should take advantage of my situation and get surgeries I need quicker that I way instead of seeing it like a curse. She makes fun of me for telling her that it is fucking gross and calls me prudem But I honestly see that as the devil trying to tempt me constantly to do dishonorable things I could regret so I disregard all these advices, I have already made a lot of mistakes in life and wasted too many years in a loopmode dissociating life. Don't want to add more regrets.
I think I first need to understand how to manage wallets properly before getting into stocks, trust me I'm super ignorant about finances yet and dont know where to start or how.
Yeah I'm starting to learn about all this world (and getting into compsci) recently because I wasted all my 20s being a wagie wthout social life now I'm 30 yo and realized I wasted my time in nothing and feel like im going to live like this forever and dont want that I want a comfortable life and feel better in my skin. Yeah I do excercise I used to weigh 140kg at 167cm and now my weight is 68kg and got a great shape, im glad I did got much loose skin, Ive had some but healthcare covered tummy tuck and now I have a flat tummy. I used to have hormonal issues duebthis intersex stuff so getting medicine helped me a lot to control my weight, I used to have a menopausical woman body and now i have a young woman body, it feels really nice and Im hoping I can feel physically complete some day, even if sadly I was born infertile with no functional gonads

>> No.56634115

Good job on losing all that weight! That's not an easy job. I can't help but be curious. What is this condition? What does it mean for you, beyond the hormonal issues and infertility? I don't need to see it. I just want to understand. If your mother says it's something people would want to see, it's probably something people would find interesting to hear about. I agree that showing it off would be giving into to the devil.

>> No.56634123


Meanwhile low-caps and IDO launches are what I'm targeting, I mean there's FAT of Funarcade making the needed move as IDO launch is closeby, a good one to research on given how vast it's GambleFi tech is and without restrictions.

>> No.56634177

It's a rare variant of CAH, but the issue happens in the 17beta enzyme instead of the 21, the symtoms are the same as the morris syndrome. I have my genitals at the 4th stage of development so I was originally raised as a boy, but when puberty hit I started to develop as a girl and my life became super confusing and honestly my highschool classmates didnt react well, back in the early 2000s there was less information and it was nightmarish. Keep in mind this is not transsexualism as much there are parallels and experiences; im what in the past would be called "pseudo-hermaphrodite" but nowdays the term intersex is used instead, because its a more appropiate term (hermaphrodite is an animal that can reproduce in both ways and can produce both gametes, while intersex is a genetic mutation that makes your sexual development weird)

>> No.56634199

Can't you do the same all other latin american people do and get a Spanish/Italian passport and move to EU?

>> No.56634239
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>dont know where to start or how
Just do a little bit here and there and over time you'll learn a lot. Check out YouTube. Stansberry Research, Kitco News. These are good channels. You learn by dipping in a toe and listen to the millionaires and billionaires who are getting interviewed and tell you freely how they invest. Your emotions are the hardest thing in investing. Get a system of discipline and take the emotion out of it. If you can save enough to invest you are already wealthy. It may not feel like it but you need to change the way that you think to appreciate what you have. Health and family are first, jobs and money and investing should always be less important. This is a very difficult thing to do but when you are old you'll be glad that you spent time with your loved ones more than anything.

>> No.56634273

In theory I can get an Italian passport but I have a lot of issues because my italian ancestors went to Brazil before coming to Argentina and have a lot of bureacratic issues that would need to pay lawyers and genealogists to resolve, and thats too expensive to me. Usually people who get these passports have a lot of money or a more clear trace of their ancestors. (like directly from Italy to Argentina)
Im also trying to apply for spanish citizenship but its also another bureacratic nightmare and will prbably have to wait years. Its not that easy to get the citizenship unless you are first gen.

>> No.56634291

I see....always heard it was easy, but maybe that's only for high-status people like football players.

You gotta learn something that you can earn big bucks from. Tech work, remote. That's the best way to escape your situation.

If not that, try hard to immigrate to EU or the US where 20k is like, minimum wage or something

I wish you good luck

>> No.56634295

>I figured that some people make a lot of money with this, but I'm interested into learning how. Basically I'm a woman
stopped reading here YWNBAW

>> No.56634302

What's it like psychologically to go through this? Is it something where it affects every waking moment of your life, or are you able to keep it private most of o the time? What's your eventual vision of your love life?

>> No.56634317

Wow. Yes, I can imagine that your whole world would be turned upside-down. You must've felt, at least for a time, like you were being turned into the opposite sex.

I looked into it a bit and apparently it also causes excessive excretion of salt? Interesting. From how it was described here https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK448098/ , I take it your chromosomes are XX, so you weren't turning into the opposite sex. Your ambiguity would be caused by excessive androgen exposure in the womb.

I am grateful that I haven't had to deal with any of these sorts of things. Keep your head held high. You're doing great by working hard to get to where you want to go in life.

I think you'll find someone. Not every man is fertile either. Those men wouldn't mind that issue, and while I didn't find a picture of what stage 4 genital development means, and it sounds like it makes it look more phallic than yonic, I think there are men out there for you who won't mind at all. Some might even find it exciting.

>> No.56634334

It's an actual XX woman who was exposed to too many androgens in the womb. Not an XY who's intersex. Not an X/XY chimera.

>> No.56634378
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I found this. Indeed, people would find it interesting, but because of all the trannies, they wouldn't understand just how rare this is. This is not a dude with a female hormonal profile. This is a chick who was partially masculinised in the womb.

>> No.56634439

No, it doesn't affect my life on daily basis anymore. When people interact with me they just see a girl, it's like this since my early teens, in high school it was rough because people knew me and I was already psychologically weird and honesty feminine, so I was bullied for that. But when we were at puberty stage the bullying became super violent and since my classmates were turning into men physically and me a woman I lost the ability to fight back. I was treated as a subhuman by everyone at school. Yeah at first when I was growing breasts and hips and feminized myself I was confused and scared but eventually started to feel comfortable with that and started to see myself as a woman, yeah psychologically it was weird because I didnt expect it, but honestly it was the treatment I received that traumatized me, all kinds of abuse, its not really fun. Nowdays random people I interact with just see me as a woman doctors even ask me when my last menstrual cycle was or if im in birth control, and when i tell them im intersex people they always understand ofc, its the only time I have to disclose it irl.
The one you are refering is based in the 21 enzyme, mine is based on the 17 one so it does feel like you become the opposite sex. And while Im comfortable as a woman and want to get normal female bits, I honestly wish I wasneither born as a normal man or a woman because I feel like this is all a freaky shitshow disaster. Like I feel like a chimera, and yeah you are right. The stages are divided by 5 states in between, "5bis" is normal male phenotypical genitalia and 1 is normal phenotypical genitalia. It goes in degrees

>> No.56634493

Yeah people who have it easy are rich or they are first gen immigrants (like european parents instead of grandparents or great grandparents) most people who get italian citizenship have to wait many years and without guarantees.

>> No.56634568

God I will screenshot this so every time I feel unlucky I will remember there's someone who has it 1million of times worse. You are a thirdie, a wagie, a woman with a genetic mutation, holy shit. I wish you luck anonette, if I was one of these btc richfags I would help you to change your life but I'm a fucking poorfag.

>> No.56634584

Honestly, if we had met in person, at least some part of me would be interested in seeing it and maybe... more. But that's probably more common than people who'd stick by you. I don't know. It's very interesting. That's why I keep replying. I don't mean to come off as a perv. It's just fascinating.

>> No.56634629

While I appreciate that your good luck desires, you didn't need to say that. I know I have it hard but it doesnt feel good when people tell me "im glad im not you" how do you think that feels? I'm trying to fix this situation precisely which is why Im asking advicd here, cuz my issues wont fix alone themselves, thats why im getting into compsci and trying to learn investment, but im a rookie yet
I mean I'm trying to get normal looking genitalia with surgery, right now I'm insecure about it and if I had someone as a partner I'm not sure if I would feel comfortable with showing that unless I was post surgery.

>> No.56634694

Hey OP I am gonna give you some actual advice. Go start an onlyfans and invest everything into Link every time it dumps. Don't be a degenerate and try to gamble with trashcoins. The only things you need to know about crypto are 1. Btc is king and 2. Never fomo. Also stop this moralfaggotry about starting an onlyfans and go abuse some simps for easy money. Good luck.

>> No.56634829

What is link or fomo?

And its not that im a moralfag I really dont want to prostitute myself, I'm not interested into having a horde of simps and doing sexual stuff for people I don't know... Idk it just doesnt feel right, I want to be married and live a happy fun and chill life some day, I'm not really the kind of party person, like I never did drugs and I never really drank alcoholic beverages. Loud parties give me anxiety and I'm not really fan of this sex and drugs culture, I enjoy more other stuff, like nature, architecture, history, musseums, art stuff like that, more cultural and chill stuff, I know it can be boring for some people but its ok just happens. If I have sex someday I want it to be with someone special I love not rando people I dont know

>> No.56634947
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Link = Chainlink, a crypto currency token
FOMO = Fear Of Missing Out

Don't listen to people saying to do OnlyFans. They are trash. Embrace Tradition, Reject The Modern World.

>> No.56634974

the first step in building wealth is to close the browser tab and never return to /biz/

>> No.56635039

and especially don't fall for "investment communities" that will waste your time and money with ridiculous schemes that all sound like "buy the token, banks will need the token, value will go up yes", for example chainlink. if you see people that desperate to promote, you can be sure they never looked at anything else and are deep in the red. leave OP, this is not a place of learning

>> No.56635114

>Embrace Tradition, Reject The Modern World.
Bad advice for OP, if she wanted to em race tradition she would need to marry a man to pay for her shit. In modern societies this is not feasible as both parties require to have a normal income, and even if she was able to find a man that can provide for her, she can't have children, most men who are into trad relationships expect a fertile partner. Someone like OP has to embrace modernity otherwise she will be poor forever.

>> No.56635134

Not OP, but thanks for this. I've been with dipping my toes in crypto but I keep getting a really bad feeling whenever I hear people talk like that. It can be kind of infectious when everyone seems so confident in stating that LINK will reach 1000$ or whatever. This kind of stuff can really waste your time along with your money, as you're told to "do your research" but everything is made unnecessarily complicated and obtuse.

>> No.56635164
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She should marry an infertile man and reject modernity.

>> No.56635183

pls no sick kot thread

>> No.56635250

Thank u, Im congused with the diverse and multiple advices I get that makes me feel a bit more confused but I will try to learn step by step, for now I will save on binance until I can afford a physical one I guess, I also will need a way to make.my email and everything more secure, I guess one of these physical keys would be a good investment to avoid hackers
What does kot stands for?

>> No.56635304

why are you here?

>> No.56635321

Do you have a throwaway email OP? You seem interesting to talk to and I find your medical condition interesting too

>> No.56635326
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Thanks to you for replying. Investing is a life-long habit. Take it one day at a time and just try to be happy.

>> No.56635378

Its an alternative email I have but if you use discord u can add me there, just ask my disc via email if you want it

>> No.56635400

Thank u for all the advices, yeah thankfully im not a consumerist and I save every penny i get so it would be useful to make more with what i can get

>> No.56635412

I'm the anon from Argentina from what part of the country are you? I'm from la Matanza.

>> No.56635431

OPs a tranny scammer jesus christ you newfaggots.

>> No.56635438

That's a man, baby.

>> No.56635444

I'm from San Clemente, a small god forgotten town that for most year its a gloomy shore place cold and rainy, that feels almost like a ghost town, except in summer when lot of tourists come to beach and vacation

>> No.56635453

No you're a tranny scammer who's using fake medical conditions and pretending to be a woman to get attention, you think we're fucking born yesterday?

>> No.56635475

I was there like 3 times Is a nice place for vacations i dont know if Is the same for living like you Said at least los Motochorros and inseguridad arent a problem there?

>> No.56635483

Well considering you think intersex conditions are fake, yeah you could have been born yesterday, also scamming attention, thats new.

>> No.56635500

No, it's very safe specially after the summer season, because its very empty there are like 12k people lol

>> No.56636225

OP i'm sorry about your cat. there are healthier places to get this kind of advice from than 4chan. be careful about what bipolar anons you let get close to you emotionally on this site. scorpion & frog

>> No.56636411

Where could I find advice instead then? And yeah my cat Brina was the most affectionate thing i ever knew, she was like a dog-cat when I came back from work she came meowing and followed me everywhere, slept over my head, my lap, she also noticed when I was sad as she would start to be more affectionate as usual meowing when I was crying. In a way she was a nice way to cope with loneliness.

>> No.56636621

Just checked this and data anotation only works for the five eyes countries :(

>> No.56637368

How much solan did you buy is it worth rn?

>> No.56637457

you take chances buy low and sell hight, its like gambling, there's a lot of opportunities right now Kava Sol and XMR represent good alts to act as collateral, up to you what to choose.

>> No.56637811

How'd you find that out?

>> No.56637932

>> We're currently accepting folks from the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, New Zealand, and Australia. If you are outside these countries, you are still welcome to make an account (we'll email you when we're ready for you).

Im OP btw idk if my id keeps changing cuz phone

>> No.56637944

Still give it a try, you might be able to get away with saying that you're from one of those countries since they really don't ask for much personal info.

>> No.56637954

>Organic non scamming bumps on a dead board with nobody else posting
Fuck off dude seriously mods do your god damn job.

>> No.56637953

Wouldnt they notice when they make the payments?

>> No.56638143

Probably not.

>> No.56638250

They're asking for your phoen number when registering

>> No.56639323

>How do you earn money with crypto?
>Basically I'm a woman from a third world hellhole (Argentina)
You should probably get surgery to fix your retardism too. Flee the country and don't gamble on crypto.

>> No.56639838

A lot of simping in this thread, bunch of fucking fags.

>> No.56640014

>Flee the country
With what money? Lol
Yeah thats what I plan to do wjen I get into compsci and can land a foreign job with a work visa...

>> No.56640106
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This is the OP as well, he pulls this scam every few months

>> No.56640328

I don't even have light hair lol I'm from a mediterranean phenotype

>> No.56640445
File: 43 KB, 529x655, 1617907031801423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfag genuinely asks for some advice to get started
>bunch of pajeets pepe this shitniggainu that
Pretty sad, honestly.
>How do I make money with crypto
Get a wallet. Metamask, whatever. Just pick one.
Open an account on Kraken, Binance, Kinetix, Coinbase. Depends on where you live.
Finally, go to one of those exchanges, buy whatever it is you want to buy, and then sell when you've made profit. IF you've made profit that is.
Pretty much all exchanges let you set up automatic trades, so you will automatically sell if you are 10% up in your invesment for example, or you will sell if the asset went down -10% if you want to avoid losing all your money etc.
You can also "stake" coins that let you do that. If you have Binance, BNB is a cool one to stake. Kinetix, KAVA. Etc. Think savings in a bank, accruing interests over time. Same shit really.

Good luck. Don't buy any stupid shit like PEPE or TOAD or anything that has something to do with dogs or has "Inu" in the name. These will make you lose everything 99% of the time.

>> No.56640504

The getting interests part is very interesting considering that in this country the banks are not to be trusted. So if I buy BNB and stake it, do I earn interest rate over time? This is very useful if it really works like a bank.

>> No.56640726
File: 193 KB, 800x1010, Javier_Milei_VIVA22_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vote for Milei, socialism destroys prosperity.

>> No.56640958

First, you can't do much with BTC with 500$.
Second, do not use Binance earn.
My bag is also small, so I am focused on low caps could give you a higher ROI. I personally hold SCRT, RIDE, and KAS and getting good APY from staking

>> No.56641244
File: 11 KB, 990x1184, 1698273204775776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual subhuman 3rd world poorfag retards simping for a "girl" on /biz/
>doesn't even timestamp naked tips
I hope each and every one of you contract cancer and die a slow, horrible and painful death. Absolute fat fucking faggots.

>> No.56641276

Very pretty, just my type.
Do you uave more?

>> No.56641286
File: 701 KB, 662x694, 198485145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this stupid faggots deranged as well and has a gun and babysits kids while begging on 4chan.

Let that sink in.

>> No.56641305

Thats not me, I'm not American, i'm not anglo not a tranny and dont own a gun, I can prove literally any of that, I'm not going to upload nudes tho idk why people keep asking for that

>> No.56641357

>ID swapping spamming tranny faggot has samefagged and bumped his thread for two days straight
You enjoying the email spam?

>> No.56641436

The only person who added me was the person who asked for it, I didnt samefag

>> No.56642597

That dude is deranged

>> No.56642708

your mom is deranged (for my cock)

>> No.56642827

buy Truebit, you need to do it on UniSwap. Figure that out, buy as much truebit as you can in the next few weeks. $500 should give you a couple thousands truebit tokens. Entirely possible 1 Truebit goes to $10 which could net you at least like $20,000. Probably wouldn't happen for a while, but worth looking into at least

>> No.56643764

Dont have pets if youre poor.
In fact, dont have pets at all, especially if youre single without kids.

They are extras in life.
They take up your time, emotional availability and money.
Yes believe it or not, getting something you dont need and will get attached to when you lose due to death, is stupid.
So dont be stupid, dont get a pet and if u got a new one release it jnto the wild or kill it.

Also, whatever savings u got, put them in LINK (chainlink) and sit tight, keep working IT

>> No.56643992

Pets are great for those who are lonely though.

>> No.56644035

>begging thread up for two days, tranny OP switched ID's using a proxy.
Gee a tale as old as time.

>> No.56644219

Here’s how to make it. Auction your hermaphrodite virginity and then go all in on crypto.

There are a lot of faggot saudi sultans that would like to suck a dick but can’t due to religious reasons so you’re basically a loophole.

Minimum bid starts at $100k.

You’re welcome.

>> No.56644311

>i doubt BTC will breach $100k this cycle, maybe in 2025-26
that is this cycle...

>> No.56644386

Thats a man 100%

>> No.56644707 [DELETED] 

join the /biz/ discord found at: www.CWEcapital.club and join the chat in real time to discuss crypto.
right now its the leading /biz/ discord as scammers and financially illiterate fuckasses who are long on TradFi and short on crypto are banned.

>> No.56644736

there is no risk free return above 5% right now, anywhere. You can get $25 per year. Other options are gambling. No free lunch.
Camwhoring could be lucrative if you've got weird parts.

>> No.56645102

Camwhoring is as bad as onlyfans desu, so this is all about gambling and not really a strategy, it sucks then, well I guess I will just use crypto as a bank for btc and usdt

>> No.56645159

Good luck with getting out of that situation OP, you've already made it far by losing weight and signing up for college. If you're still around, ask any questions you have about CS
t. swe

>> No.56645787

I have a question about it, is taking bioinformatics a bad idea? Because it's honestly one of the topics that interest me the most in that field. I'm honestly only studying this for the money but if I can diversify it to align more my interests it would be nice. Tbh if I was in another situation I would study genetics, molecular biology, biochemestry, but compsci seems to be the best thing if you want job in foreign companies or leave a hellhole country.

>> No.56645942

Anon gave you the easiest way to make it here and you ignore it. Never change biz.

>> No.56645960

You go all in chainlink and stake.

>> No.56645973

>So is it safe to buy
No it's not. PEPE is literally a scam made by indians.

>> No.56645990
File: 104 KB, 565x680, F-QnqEFWMAAiB_J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Btc is king
Btc is a shitcoin. And you should not be telling people to prostitute themselves. Her sin will be on your head.
Become a traditional Catholic and buy chainlink. That's all you have to do.

>> No.56646825

Ive bought 5 chainlinks since many people insisted, I hope its not a mistake since it was like 75 dollars

>> No.56647082

>is taking bioinformatics a bad idea?
no, not a bad idea. but as you've mentioned you want to get jobs in foreign countries, there'll more jobs if you go pure tech. biotech, finance/banking, retail, big tech, etc, all need some sort of IT or code monkey, and these companies will teach you their domain when you get in. you can always pivot back to bio related tech jobs once you've gotten a foothold in a foreign country. good luck anon

>> No.56647155

Btw how do you stake chainlink in binance
I see, then but in uni they teach xompsci and many of the stuff you are mentioning, bioinformatics ks a side learning you get besides the general path

>> No.56647174

Buy low, pick a target, wait and eventually sell at that target. Might take years.

>> No.56647728

yeah, investment will almost never make you rich. A plan to 10x in 10 years is already high risk. Doable in a great market, but the reward for a successful gamble. Expecting any more than 10x in 10 requires gambling at a level where you're almost sure to zero out your investment.
If you don't have money, income is the only thing that will help. You're not going to find the next Bitcoin and 1000x

>> No.56647759

by submitting peer reviews on research hub
they pay you out in researchcoin

>> No.56648225
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1691562056561139s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just find a good entry point in promising utility tokens, just like I did with Sol, XTP, BST, and Matic, Anon, and thanks me later.

>> No.56648244

I ain't using PayPal, Anon. Their charges are too steep for poor anons like me. Gonna use Tap Fintech Titanium and enjoy free exchange, Anon.

>> No.56648259

Solana is a good buy, Anon. I trade it on the crypto app regulated by GFSC.

>> No.56648689
File: 43 KB, 900x1200, FUwLvoeXwAIqwiW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right. Small caps can bring much more and staking is more than helpful in the long run.
Switch off

>> No.56648858

Why is everyone obsessed with chainlink and solana is there a chance it will be abig crypto or why is everyone losing their mind? I see so much hype that i bought a little of any, like I dont have much money but if its a good idea maybe I should own some so I dont regret, and if I lose it also doesnt end being much... But idk what to do. I have changed my usdt for 11 chainlink and 2 Solanas I hope it doesnt end being a massive mistake :(

>> No.56649834

So basically you are the Felipe tranny from the bald favela roidmonkey and need bottom surgery?

>> No.56650083

We'd prefer your bare breasts, but that'll have to do.
If you want my piece of mind, i'd put everything into parsiq and pray day and night they succeed. Upward potential is immense.
It'll get you 10k prq, which, even if it only goes to the old peak, will get you to 20k $.

>> No.56650097

You fucking degenerate.
It's not only the jews ruining our society, it's filth such as yourself.
Burn in hell.

>> No.56650898

I'm not a tranny in the literal sense, only if you consider some life experiences, and Felipe was klinefelters, thats a less ambiguous condition and leaning male

>> No.56650938

IDOs on crypto, I've seen 10-50x opportunities here via this means, and I'm unapologetic 'bout it.
Next up on my list is Funarcade's and that's gonna pamp so high fr.

>> No.56651586

how can truebit go to $10 if mint price is based on eth and is currently $0.85?
I bought some but I'll sell at .70, $10 is nonsense