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56623028 No.56623028 [Reply] [Original]

I have been living in Brazil since birth, and I always hear people saying that Brazil will become a great power one day. Each Brazilian believes in a different reason for the failure of our country, often blaming the government's economic policies.

I want an external perspective on the matter. Does Brazil really have any potential?

>> No.56623040

No, it's a brown country it was doomed to be a shithole.

>> No.56623060
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>200 years ago
We should outbreed the blacks until they are a small minority by breeding with their women

>> No.56623062

^ I was going to ask. Don't they have a demography problem?

>> No.56623093

The Economist is literally Gay Times for middle managers.

>> No.56623130

This is a weak explanation.

Brazil is likely the biggest proof that some black individuals can truly excel in certain areas. Our issue is not entirely racial but rather educational.

>> No.56623135

argentina DID outbreed the blacks and idk if its much better than brazil

>> No.56623143

Having natural resources will always put your country at an advantage. Brazil is a major ag producer so there will always be trade because people need to eat. A lot of South America has stability issues, so the doubt is definitely justified.

>> No.56623235

US's backyard policy is mostly to blame, together with the country's politicians.
Given the country's resources, enough political will could turn it into a superpower.
Most politicians accepted bribes and privileges from foreign entities to sign deals that allowed the brazilian currency to be under the roof of foreign currencies (e.g. brazilian currency could never be as valuable as the euro or the dollar), together with said politicians agreeing on anti-free market policies, creation of immense bureacracy and limited entry of technology in the country (through massive taxations), turning the regular brazilian into a non-threatening cattle, only good for serfdom and sex.

The country never really had a chance to begin with, even its agricultural industry was pozzed by the US from the start. After the US installing a dictatorship in the country, and even after the country transitioned to a "democracy", the US' manipulation of the country's stability never really left. Brazil could never take a step in any direction without being herded by its otherworldy shepherds.

Given that the regular brazilian is a dumb nigger cattle, it was very easy to do. That brazilian politics closely resemble the US's and that Bolsonaro closely resembles Trump is no coincidence.

>> No.56623241

Yes, we have a demographic problem. Not because of racism, as almost everyone in Brazil has African ancestry, but we have intense social inequality.

Most people can only achieve a good life if they are more intelligent than others. This may seem normal, but our society is truly unequal for some people.

>> No.56623249

and why do you think Brazil has "educational issues"? Maybe just maybe the majority of the population is dumb as rocks thanks to relying on the public school indoctrination camp. People in power know very well that Huezil is only good for corruption and exploitation, other countries included.

>> No.56623315

Brazil has the same problem as Portugal, too many socialists keep fucking everything up. This is my small view as an outsider living in Portugal.

>> No.56623338

bad geography that requires significant infrastructure investment combined with a multicultural society that promotes not doing so.

tl/dr: too many niggers

>> No.56623373


>And why do you think Brazil has 'educational problems'?

In my country, educational issues start from childhood. The difference in education between private and public schools is simply unimaginable, so the best positions in society are occupied by naturally wealthier individuals. If you are poor in this country, it doesn't just mean it will be challenging to move up socially; it means it will be impossible.

Since childhood, it has never been a fair competition for the citizens here. I studied in private schools and can assure you that these inequalities happen in all cities.

>> No.56623413

>education between private and public schools is simply unimaginable
Completely invalid argument. Anyone connected to the internet can get a better education than someone attending a private school. Truth is most people are either too dumb or lazy to help themself.

>> No.56623455
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>Our issue is not entirely racial

>> No.56623477 [DELETED] 

No, no, no... Brazils problem is Niggers. And their Voodoo Candomble crap.

>> No.56623515 [DELETED] 

The upper class is white and the lower class is brown/black. Middle class is very thin.
The upper class hates the bottom and vice versa. The lower class earns peanuts. Elites are jews like Argentina and any other country really.

You can't have progress like that..

>> No.56623604

"The United States' backyard policy not only made Brazil submissive but practically the entire Latin America.
I believe some people have already witnessed this indoctrination exercised by the U.S. here. However, they already had their own views on governance. This cost us years of development spent on internal coups.

>To begin with, the country never really had a chance, even its agricultural industry was criticized by the U.S.

Theo United States does not pose a threat to us in terms of commodities. Brazil is currently more advanced in biotechnology and cultivation."

>> No.56623653

It's not, but we're not talking about argentina.

>> No.56623677

>Brazil is likely the biggest proof that some black individuals can truly excel in certain areas. Our issue is not entirely racial but rather educational.
Pele is not a good example of anything, soccer is a dumb game for faggots.

>asks for examples why his country is fucked BUSINESSwise
>immediately rejects all answers

>> No.56623747

>as almost everyone in Brazil has African ancestry
I've known 4 girls from there. One you would have thought was maybe hispanic. Two others, maybe from Spain. And one was really pale with red hair. I guess there a very large regional difference there.

>> No.56623749

I immediately reject all answers.
If I didn't want to know your opinions, I wouldn't have asked. I'm just building hypotheses here. Learn to interpret text.

And I'm not talking about Pelé. We have other equally important people.

>> No.56623790

>Explain to me what went wrong with this nation


>> No.56623796

Niggers and socialism.

Niggers makes the country unsafe but doesnt mean it will be poor, socialism rapes the middle class and makes sure theres only feudal-tier class system.

Ur natural resources also make it easier for socialists to stay in power since they can just sell it without any efford to afford the loyalty of his goons and the people can fuck off.

>> No.56623807

The end.

>> No.56623814

Interference and sabotage from the West.

>> No.56623830

Yes, people are indeed quite different around here depending on the region. But I'm sure that the people on this board are too racist and foolish to grasp these concepts

>> No.56623842

This is the one and only answer but OP doesn’t want to hear it or admit it.


>> No.56623855

>And I'm not talking about Pelé. We have other equally important people.
No, you don't. Your posts are just Brazilian NPC cope about how muh blanda upp was successful to avoid facing the fact your country should have been successful and somehow shat the bed. The answer is that it was 50% jiggaboos in 1850.

>> No.56623866

>smart people get ahead in life
sounds like the system is working as intended

>> No.56623921

Argentina es white amigo.

>> No.56624044

by far the most interesting recent article about the developing economies


brazil got deindustrialized by asia, mainly china. good, bad, who the fuck knows

>> No.56624487

>Does Brazil really have any potential?
Not in its current configuration. Brazil doesn't add much, if any value to any of its exports, and it has to import all of the technology and equipment necessary to produce what little it does. Right all, all Brazil can do is buy fertilizer and mining equipment from abroad, and use them to increase yield in fruits/vegetables and metal ore. Maintenance costs would eat Brazilian-led industrial development alive, I'm given to understand. Rainforests are not conducive to industry because the jungle must be constantly pushed back from roads and new industrial sites. For Brazil to really be a great power, it would need at minimum the following:
>Cheap chemical defoliant that can be locally made
>Cheap building materials that are resistant to extremely wet conditions and resist root penetration that can be locally made
>Competitive designs for industrial outputs - automotive parts, tire designs, full on automobiles, manufactured goods of any type
>Industrial plants to produce all of the above
>Workers to staff the plants producing all of the above
>Approval from society to make the changes necessary to do all of the above (the richfags at the top will try to stop you from breaking their monopolies and cartels)
Anything less than this is just sucking at America or China or some other developed country's teat.

>> No.56624584

There was no slave economy in Argentina because it's an arid shithole where the only way of making a living for colonial endeavors 400-500 years ago was mining in the middle of nowhere or cattle ranching in the middle of nowhere. Northern Mexico has a very similar story, except North America had thousands of hostile Indian tribes that the South Americans didn't have to fight back for hundreds of years on the frontier.

>> No.56624858

Brazil has no deepwater ports, so it can't get goods in and out of the country easily.

>> No.56625037

Vc vive num país que elegeu Lula, não tem como dar certo, anão

>> No.56625254

>Does Brazil really have any potential?
Not really, the entire dick sucking that western analysts perform on 'potential world powers' is to solicit them into neoliberalized trade and labor practices, 50 years in once the property market is fucked, no one has kids and all the natural resources are polluted and/or gone they'll find the next country.

>> No.56626215

>why it is not developed
It's actually very developed in the parts the upper middle class and tourists deal with

>Does Brazil really have any potential?
Yes. Although I consider BRICs to still be fake and gay at the moment, Brazil is the dark horse country in the group that everybody overlooks. It is by far the most culturally similar to currently developed countries and the only one that has any possibility of attracting talent from the west. It also helps that although the country is not exactly white, many people aspire to white European standards, which is more than can be said for the US these days.

>Our issue is not entirely racial but rather educational
It seems your education system is or was ran by complete retards, is this still true and why is this?

>Most people can only achieve a good life if they are more intelligent than others. This may seem normal, but our society is truly unequal for some people.
This is the natural state of the world and means your country has not yet been totally cucked

>Rainforests are not conducive to industry because the jungle must be constantly pushed back
Don't do this. You practically have a monopoly on the Amazon and should be investing in bioprospecting the shit out of it instead of destroying it for basic farming/ranching or industries you can't compete in.

>> No.56626378
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>The upper class is white and the lower class is brown/black. Middle class is very thin.
>The upper class hates the bottom and vice versa. The lower class earns peanuts. Elites are jews like Argentina and any other country really.
>You can't have progress like that..

Brazil has only jews 100k they're not a problem there.

>> No.56626392

it's because brazilian women are stupid whores and brazilian "men" are wimpy cucks.

>> No.56626439
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can you guys just develop into the space age already so that every single one of you can gtfo from portugal?

>> No.56626474

On paper every South American country, except Bolivia, could become a world power or at least a developed first world country. A lot of natural resources and a perfect location in a tropical area with no conflict between nations.
The people are just too dumb. The actually skilled, intelligent or hardworking people understand this and just move to the U.S or Europe to get paid what they're worth and the idiots are left behind to rot.

>> No.56626544
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>Brasileiro dupla cidadania morando na California
>eng. de computacao

It is true that most of my college friends live in Ireland (Doblin), Germany, United States, Dubai and Singapore.

>> No.56626729

I'm curious, why not Bolivia? Too high altitude?

>> No.56626743

>why do you think Brazil has "educational issues"?
Look up the Fazenda System in Brazil or Hacienda System in Spanish speaking countries. Things will make more sense. Problem is, these systems weren't completely discarded.

>> No.56626807
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>> No.56626847
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>Brazil is likely the biggest proof that some black individuals can truly excel in certain areas. Our issue is not entirely racial but rather educational.
hahahahahahaha, okay then retard, believe whatever you want

enjoy your shitskin country

>> No.56626895

No oil, mediovre agriculture, landlocked. It really has nothing.

>> No.56626923

The same reason all non-White, non-East Asian countries are shitholes: they're full of shitskins. Sub 100 IQ "humans" aren't wetware capable of running the "functioning country" memetic software

>> No.56626959
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Argentina is about to elect a literal ancap, AR mog's BR

>> No.56626989

Who gives a fuck OP. What I want to know is how are the whores in Brazil? Can I rawdog escorts and cum deep in their pussies on the cheap?

>> No.56626992

india runs on corruption for everything yet there they are
brazil problem is that its dumb, poor and especially low population. have sex to save the country

>> No.56627037

>What I want to know is how are the whores in Brazil?
They're great and there's an endless selection of them wherever you go in the country

>Can I rawdog escorts and cum deep in their pussies on the cheap?
Some of them are down for that, but it's not as common as the Philippines

>> No.56627059

Your geography and natural resources give Brazil a potential to be a global power, but your culture and population is not made for it.

>> No.56627089

You show extremely simplistic understanding. What fucked you was cold war and ideological strife between Soviet instigated revolutionaries and USA instigated counter revolutionaries. Soviet union fell, but socialists still fuck shit up

>> No.56627102

>Main problem in Brazil is it's filled with Brazilians
This anon speaks the truth

>> No.56627116

Based. On average how much do these whores cost?

>> No.56627117


>> No.56627246

>muh narrative, muh top-down worldview

>> No.56627603

Argentina is 4chan the country but they were so contrarian they fucked their country
>Be middle class
>N- steals your phone, aka 2% of your 2 year revenue
>Invest more in security cause N- N-
See? Brazilians lose like 4% of their revenue on N-
4% a year is like...holy shit...A TON

>> No.56627672

You have the Santo Daime - be very grateful for this heritage.

>> No.56627687

>Does Brazil really have any potential?

Not really, Brazil, like most of Latin America, was a nation founded on cash crops and resource extraction. Your geography is poor. The only habitable areas are near the cost, most of the interior is inhospitable jungle with poor infrastructure. In addition to these problems, Brazil is filled with all manner of mixed race mutt type people imaginable. Yes there are some whites and asians, but when people think of a brazilian, they think of a mexican with some black thrown in. That's what most of your country is, and when you understand that, the high crime rates make sense.

Absolute best possible case scenario for Brazil is that it develops to the level of a Florida or Texas. But I find that doubtful, as those states were built by full white anglos, and only after becoming established states, did non-whites start to pour in.

>> No.56627692

countries don’t have potential

Only demographics have potential. Look at the genes that inhabit brazil. They are low iq, they are animalistic, 50% of them voted for Lula

Brazil has more chance than becoming Venezuela than even staying at its current level. And you think it can improve? lol, lmao

Only if we fix welfare so low iq people stop reproducing more than higher iq people

>> No.56627866

Brown and black people reproduce far too fast without any care for their offspring / environment / local stability.
This allows them to zerg rush competent peoples and annihilate them on a genetic, social, and cultural scale.

Whites and Asians have been eugenically selected for generations to make stable societies and be generally soft cuck drones.

Any nation that gets genetically raped is doomed to failure, how many more examples do you need when history is littered with failed states?

>> No.56627877

Brazil got more black slaves than North America by multiple times.

>> No.56627883

that's an AI/bot post
notice how it replaced pozzed with criticzed, and the robotic response

>> No.56628092

How are Brazilians ever gonna get the skillset to catalogue the astonishing shit that could exist in the Amazon? At best they are going from selling the right to grow tropical fruit on their territory to the right to bioprospect, further enriching a foreign entity at Brazil's expense.

>> No.56628349

Is that fucking Kaneko Lumi

>> No.56628546

>On average how much do these whores cost?
About $50 - $75 an hour with good service and almost everything included

>> No.56628956
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No Brazilian hotties in whole thread

>> No.56628987
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Iberiamoors and their spawn are doomed to fail because they are lazy fiesta siesta shitskins

>> No.56629226

The US and USSR both ran a train on Latin and South America during the Cold War that will probably still effect that region of the world to the end of this century. And to make matters worse China was the one that got all the industry to produce cheap slop shit, even if that was a catastrophically retarded decision made by lead brained boomers. That alongside population issues basically guaranteed it to be where it is now.
This anon brings up a good point in general as well.

>> No.56629535

Influx of blacks and also importation of mindfuck disease of “white privilege” and “black victimhood” from America are fucking your nation up as we speak

>> No.56629595

They need institutions to help manage and punish corruption.

>> No.56629607

>as almost everyone in Brazil has African ancestry

There you have your answer.

>> No.56629613

corruption, everywhere.

>> No.56630059

Whites conquered the entire world with a handful of men, we don't need to zerg rush.

>> No.56630108

same reason why mexico or argenina or nicaragua bolivia and the rest of the latin/south america are poor as fuck, it's the people, they haven't been impacted by the 2 world wars, have resources and shit and still are dirt poor, corruption is crazy high they vote for the same socialist bs even though it's clear it doesn't work, what do you expect, blame the people for being stupid and lazy

>> No.56630131
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>niggers only act like dumb violent apes because nobody gave them a chance in life
>boo hoo hoo you guys are so rayyycis please stop pointing out the actual problem and just tell me some fake answer that I like better

OP is probably a nigger himself

>> No.56630277

>soccer is a dumb game for faggots
so are most games but hoy fuck, if you think yank 'football' isn't the gayest sport ever you're smoking crack. bunch of guys in hot pants and shoulder pads running for 3 s followed by a 20 minute break -and the little helmets kek

>> No.56630295
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there is too much nigger in the Brazilian blood
makes for great big asses but little else

>> No.56630537

diversity and low IQ. There's a cap on the level of development it can ever achieve.

>> No.56630545

>some black individuals can truly excel in certain areas

hurr durr I don't understand bell curves

>> No.56630598

All of Latin America is a pump&dump shitcoin casino for the US. Simple as.

>> No.56630643
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>> No.56630709

You think CIA, China, Jews, and other superpowers won't fuck other potential superpowers to keep their own hegemony? Very naive of you.

>> No.56630723

How will they get internet if they're poor, retard?
And don't forget many people won't hire you if you don't have le paper that is a degree.

>> No.56630737

A mix really,

Brain drain for anyone smart leaving to other countries
Geography not good for industrial plants and mass processing
US doing its best to stop non western investments that could possibly turn it hostile

>> No.56630931

Interesting read, thanks anon. The nigpocalypse is going to be interesting (awful)

>> No.56631267

You explanation embodies weak logic.
Your problems are educational because your problems are racial, stop being a Jewish tool by implying otherwise. Really though, better education would teach you this.