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56628655 No.56628655 [Reply] [Original]

>69% of adults overweight
>25% of under 18s overweight
>95% 16+ double vaxxed
>Extremely brainwashed femenised country
>Average body count here is 13
>Extremely high tax brackets
>Constant abo pandering
>founded by Freemasons and schismatics/heretics
>Extremely compliant people due to high fluoridation

>> No.56628676

Go fishing cunt, go out into the actual most beautiful country in the world that you happen to live in and go enjoy it instead of living in the middle of some shithole city and seething about the retards around you.

>> No.56628689

>actual most beautiful country
This is surely satire...

>> No.56628709

Oh how could i forget to mention
>Extreme amount of immigration from non white countries the last 40+ years.
Literally asians, indians, arabs and more everywhere I look...

>> No.56628723

Australia is one of the few countries left where you can make a killing as a wage if you're in the right industry
>but muh culture
Lmao, imagine thinking a country that fought for the allies in ww2 could ever be based, we're a backwater country that got rich off our minerals

>> No.56628729

Been to the Kimberley? The Pilbara? Litchfield NP? Daintree? Anywhere on the barrier reef? Ningaloo? South West Tassie? The Warrumbungles? Carnarvon Gorge? Walpole? Uluru? Fuck even the blue mountains or the Grampians.

>> No.56628735

I live in Campbelltown fellas

>> No.56628744

Europe and asia have much nicer natural beauty and it's more broad. A few exotic locations does not change the average environment. Also all the other issues listed above.

>> No.56628748

lmao go to a half decent beach in Europe with 20,000 other cunts then come back here and say that. Get out of the city, anon, simple as that.

>> No.56628761

I don't live in the city. Also europe has many nicer beaches than Australia,. especially along the Mediterranean. Crystal clear water, more clear than Rottnest island.

>> No.56628764

>South West Tassie
most of Tassie.

>> No.56628769

I still see people wearing masks.... Sure it's like 1/100 but still

>> No.56628824

Cunt you're almost certainly not from here

>> No.56628862

This country has it's problems but beauty ain't one of them
I fucking love being australian

>> No.56628876

It's called Ayer's Rock, abos never discovered fire, they don't get to name shit.

>> No.56628895

mate Europe and Japan hell even the fucking United States blows Australia out of the water when it comes to natural beauty and as a bonus everything doesn't close after dark in those places.

>> No.56628918

but your getting over run by 1 billlion blacks

>> No.56628931

do a 2-week tafe course and get a 400k/year job in the mines

>> No.56628939

Australia is getting overrun with millions of blacks, arabs, indians, Asians as well. Western Europe sure, but eastern Europe not really.
Money doesn't solve the problems I have mentioned. 95% of people here are double vaxxed....

>> No.56628945

>asks how to "profit"
>money doesn't solve the problem
nigga what

>> No.56628967

>He doesn't know 1 simple trick to keep jannies in line
New fren...

>> No.56628988

It's more like 150-200k. Even then, it's really not worth it. There's a reason so many miners are drug addicts and bogans.

Very rare. I could count how many I've seen in 5 years on one hand.
>arabs, indians, Asians
Quite a few but at least the women like us, so it ain't all bad. I used to live next to a uni and I'd hook up with a lot of Indian girls.

You also see a lot less Indians and Arabs depending on your area. Go to some poor shitty area and yeah, you'll see plenty. The northern suburbs of Adelaide is filled with Indians.

>> No.56628992

my dream is to winter there

>> No.56629004

I'm a really lucky cunt, I'm not bullshitting or anything,27, living in Sydney rn, 6 figures crypto portfolio. my rent is $250 per fortnight, its 40 mins from the inner city, im throwing all my money i make into crypto rn and im gonna buy a nice cuckbox apartment somewhere, 3-4 bedroom in the city, quit my gay wagie job and spend the rest of my life pursuing meaning

all you cunts are being sooky ass bitches wahhh waaah this waaahh wahhh that, its a pvp game, if u cant keep up, thats less competition for me


>> No.56629012

You are part of the problem. Are you even white?

>> No.56629016

I hope you are all in link

>> No.56629046

I did an IT diploma last year and now literally work in the mines with only 10 months job experience

I do miss NEETing sometimes but the money is just too good to pass up

>> No.56629055

The bottom is not in

>> No.56629062

>There's a reason so many miners are drug addicts and bogans
it's because it's the best paying job you can get without a HSC, and as we all know, dropping out of high school is a hugely indicative of boganhood (not all dropouts are bogans of course, but most)

>> No.56629120

That's rough anon.

>> No.56629126

australia is one of the most goy countries, conformist normies are everywhere. but we also have a pretty large population of based schizos. as seen by our overrepresentation on 4chan

>> No.56629132

this is A tier trolling, not quite S tier but its aight

>> No.56629140
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>> No.56629141

Anon it's nice but it doesn't change much. Since 95% people here are double vaxxed you need to consider how they will repopulate the country/keep population stable... Immigrants.

>> No.56629148

This can't be real. Even suburb houses are more expensive than this...

>> No.56629210

if you don't even earn 200k in Aus then you are ngmi as a wagie anon

>> No.56629252

Also there is always npc music anywhere you go....

>> No.56629326

What are the consequences of being 'double vaxxed'? I'm so curious what your perfect Australia would look like.

>> No.56629354

>living in national parks or desolate endless flat desert
australia isnt that bad, not even the cities. its the government thats shit and they will find you

>> No.56629363

>The Warrumbungles
My fucking sides. That place can't be half as beautiful as it's name is funny.

>> No.56629436

>move an hour inland anywhere in the country
>super affordable
> nice weather all year round
>decent looking women
>very low population density
You pretty much just have to avoid insect infested abbo areas, which excludes most of NT and WA and you’re golden. I’d also steer clear of Sydney because of all the bugmen

>> No.56629450

Is it true about Aussie women booba?

>> No.56629457

Canadians and Brits have the dumbest fucking names for things but it’s pretty endearing. I remember driving through medicine hat and just laughing my ass off the whole ride through. Western Australia has a bunch of hilarious ones too

>> No.56629508

Recessive sterilisation, which won't be known until the next few generations. Also the excess death count as risen a lot since the roll out. The long term side effects will become apparent after 2027.

>> No.56629511

No. Being fat is not the same as having large breasts.

>> No.56629513

I said hookup, not marry and have kids with.

This is really hard to gauge. Sydney is absolutely that expensive but Adelaide and Melbourne aren't that extreme. You can get some amazingly good places in the 500k range in Adelaide or Melbourne, or you can get a really good apartment for half that.

Wage to actually start living comfortably here is at least 70-80k but even that is the starting level.

>> No.56629524

>I said hookup
Degeneratecy and still race mixing. Fornication is a sin anon.

>> No.56629534

Most of the schizos in this country are copying the original one anyway.

>> No.56629547

It's straya mate, what ya expect from ex felons?

>> No.56629648

But surely they can't be that fat. Least not fatter than America.

>> No.56629662

Based and aus pilled

>> No.56629749

>The Warrumbungles
You're just making these up.

>> No.56629791

Based on the latest available data, of adults aged 18 and over (ABS 2018e):

Two in 3 (67%) are living with overweight or obesity. This is approximately 12.5 million adults.
36% are living with overweight but not obesity.
31% are living with obesity.
12% are living with severe obesity, which is defined in this report as having a BMI of 35 or more.
For all measures of overweight and obesity, men had higher rates than women did:

75% of men and 60% of women are living with overweight or obesity.
42% of men and 30% of women are living with overweight but not obesity.
33% of men and 30% of women are living with obesity.

>> No.56629797

He's not, this is part of what i meant by abo pandering

>> No.56629815

Every healthcare professional in the UK is leaving for Aus and they all love it out there, should I avoid doing this?

>> No.56629914


>> No.56630033


Young country with a lot of room to grow. Haven't had a civil war yet, could always shake things up. Lots of untapped resources. Beautiful nature.

Due to the things you listed it might be best to get out of the big cities. But elsewhere there is opportunity

>> No.56630107

>95% vaxxed
>Extreme immigration

>> No.56630111

Some of these names are clearly made up.

>> No.56630211

Ayy cuzzie. I live out ere in the bungles
It ain't for Chink city tourists like yourself

>> No.56630531

60% of the population is immigrants (coincidentally the same % of people who voted "no" for the abo bullshit)

>> No.56630593
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>> No.56632548

these are real and beautiful places.