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File: 2.26 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56628270 No.56628270 [Reply] [Original]

How can I profit off zoomers vaping in their sleep?

>> No.56628280
File: 1.14 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She literally kept coming barely out of sleep to vape with her eyes closed. Told her it was the most zoomer thing I’ve ever seen. She said she’s never been called a zoomer irl. She said she sleeps with it. So, as a straight man, laying here with a beautiful young woman, of course I thought of my frens. How should we profit off this, fellow patricians? Vapes with Vicks vapor rubs ingredients (Vaper Rub), vapes with sleeping concoctions, vapes with clocks, mp3 player vapes, vibrator vapes, vapes that spray into the air like an air freshener so they don’t have to sleepvape?

>> No.56628285

Feed the habit, then swap the vape with your dick when she's zonked

>> No.56628289

she sounds great, impregnate her

>> No.56628312

Wow anon is this your first time having sex and you decided to snap a picture afterwards and post it on biz?

>> No.56628314
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Didn't you forget to ask someone else? Perv!

>> No.56628325

vape CPAP mask
vape mypillow
vape in a dream / dream vaping (needs research)

>> No.56628328
File: 112 KB, 700x800, IMG_2695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your next x1000!
Just launched!
WEBSITE : https://goyim.army/


>> No.56628344

Is she a werewolf? What's up with her left hand?

>> No.56628346

post pics of her buttcheeks

>> No.56628350

That’s immoral anon :O
Ask who
Cpap good for home use but not when they’re jumping from one guys house to the next. I like the pillow one. Dream one would be a breakthrough cuz it means they can stay in remsleep
Har har

>> No.56628359

She left

>> No.56628368

>that's immoral
So is posting pics of your lay on fucking 4chan

>> No.56628373
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Fornication is a grave sin anon, repent.

>> No.56628374
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god damn brother you are the hairiest man to ever live on the swamp

>> No.56628376

Vape giza dream sheets

>> No.56628381

Based millennial /biz/chad dabbing his dick in zoomer thot pussy. An example to us all.
>Verification not required.

>> No.56628382

Please do not have sex outside of marriage. Think about how society has changed since the sexual revolution. You are knowingly contributing to the degradation of humanity when you fornicate with zoomettes.
God be with you.

>> No.56628383


dude if you date/fuck/sleep with zoomers and you dont teach them manners you are missing the entire point of dating zoomers

is it your house? Why the fuck is she vaping in your house?

it is her body, but if she's yours her body is yours. She is harming her/your body by doing that shit.

Tell her to quit, rage your voice, raise your hand, do your job as a man or stick to 30 year old roasties instead


>> No.56628390

>t. beta soicuck who can't get a woman >2/10 to save his life (and bloodline)

>> No.56628391

it's a vape not heroin jfc don't you have a bible to be studying?

>> No.56628396

This is actually a good point. OP stop being a cuck, you faggot.

>> No.56628398

incels cope these days by becoming religious then they have an excuse to be incel didnt you know?

vaping is bad for you retard, it damages your lungs and it is a dirty addiction and it smells bad

>> No.56628409
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but what if vape is blueberry? i like blueberry

>> No.56628411

it's like oil or glycarine shit and it has nicotine in it it damages your lungs, throat, mouth and is just as bad as smoking

literally drink blueberry lemonade instead

>> No.56628417

Vapes smell good, it's a clean addiction, don't worry about my lungs keep your head on your bread bih ah nigga

>> No.56628423
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She's autistic. Please don't compare the two situations.

>> No.56628425

He’s just jealous, I am to but not in a scornful way. Good for you op for banging hot zoomer girls

>> No.56628427

I'd rather catch a buzz that damages my whole body than be on 4chan talking shit about vaperz. Btw I could beat you up with one hand

>> No.56628432



>> No.56628436

she's still an ego-driven bitch

>> No.56628439

Thank (You) my pleb

>> No.56628440
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Sounds like you are jealous and coping.
Being a degenerate isn't having children... You have gone full retard. Fornication is a terrible evil.

>> No.56628446
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Chudley drops in to throw in his cringy puritan boomer 2 cents. Like cockwork.

>> No.56628452

No it's because we see how evil the world is. People aren't getting married and having children. Western nations are getting flooded with non whites. The only fix is repent and return to Christ.

Also most people are vaxxed

Op are you and your concubine vax.maxxed?

>> No.56628451

kek. he fell for the meme.

>> No.56628454
File: 327 KB, 1292x1038, 1618789568269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not denying she can be a cunt but fucking hell thought she'd get at least a little sympathy on this site.
End of the day she just wants to be loved and has been through more shit than you give her credit for. You think it's easy forming relationships when you are known all over the world? You don't think people might have ulterior motives?

>> No.56628461

and the obligatory schizoid christcuck

>> No.56628466

that's not me i look more like chad meme which is the obvious of the basedboy meme

no you arent getting married and having children because you post on a racist incel frogboard and do nothing but play videogames

>> No.56628470

and trim your fucking beard. you're probably a rapist, no woman would go near that rats nest.

>> No.56628472

I’m married and have kids

>> No.56628480
File: 243 KB, 680x625, 765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok big boy you look like a based chad

>> No.56628481

in The Sims?

>> No.56628486
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>> No.56628489
File: 413 KB, 1097x2048, signal-2023-08-02-15-03-21-551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus is God.

>> No.56628493

I just read all the posts you made in this thread, you should spend less time on the internet.

>> No.56628495

Both of those chads are under 6 foot and unfortunately not white nor blonde, unbreedable

>> No.56628499
File: 304 KB, 556x680, 5f5db326d17699e2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like your don't belong here. Which discord did you come from?

>> No.56628500

i just woke up im still on my 2nd coffee

>> No.56628504
File: 65 KB, 531x411, kidswithguns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Religion is gay as fuck nigga believe in yourself, nigga

>> No.56628510

There's a special place in hell for hollier-than-thou niggers like you, along with all your mormon brothers.

>> No.56628520

I censored it
What would they do?
Thanks frens
I thought this entire time vape was molasses like hookah, I don’t pay attention to drugs. When she said what it was I asked her politely but calmly, and sternly to stop because I like my home clean and she apologized and did.
Caring about your looks is for fags. She said she liked that I look like a caveman. I’m over 6ft 200lbs, long hair and beard. Zoomer sluts and pure women have one thing in common, their primal instinct, they want a man, not a scrawny permed tweezed metrowigger

>> No.56628521

>glycarine shit
you really aren't that bright are you

>> No.56628527

>special place in hell for hollier-than-thou niggers like you, along with all your mormon brothers
Projection. God said
>Follow me and be perfect
You need to actually put in the effort to live a Godly life. Instead of humbling yourself you instead to choose to bring others down because YOU don't want to repent, this is want women do btw.

>> No.56628528

>bro vaping is actually harmless bro!


>> No.56628530
File: 16 KB, 300x300, FtTPyqiaIAA7xHw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound awful I could spot you as a 4chan regular from a mile away, anyways OP is cringe

>> No.56628536

how did you do it anon? did you get your accordion out and start playing and the whole club started dancing around you or you just said hi lol i like u
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gwg8nDXLWic&t=120s accordion related

>> No.56628544
File: 33 KB, 640x480, -w8GM-WFMBSqH0tS3AXhU-YsnlvLZcAALWPvEvLFJ3o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But props on throwing it down on shawty, she got the double hoop earrings so you know it stank. Paper proof is unnecessary I trust u

>> No.56628552

Extremely based, hvrati anon.

>> No.56628553

>she got the double hoop earrings so you know it stank
Checked and kekked. Based shitskin retard.

>> No.56628556
File: 406 KB, 800x609, singingitout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let the days go by
Glycerine, Glycerine

>> No.56628581

What’s ur age?
Whats hers?

>> No.56628606

I never said that, but then again you are a drooling retard.

>> No.56628611

no one cares about your prostitute

>> No.56628620
File: 359 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how fren. Zoomers don’t take shit seriously and neither should you take them seriously. Plot twist: I never ate her out.
Then go back

>> No.56628625
File: 498 KB, 1053x784, IMG_3284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro bro your girl a werewolf what’s happening to the left hand

get ur girl cleansed get you 4chan memecoin up retard

or link

>> No.56628636

>literally wants to go to some whore to put his mouth or tongue into a dirty whole who knows what stranger has been fucking the day before

dude you are disgusting and the act of oral sex on a woman is absolutely beta as fuck

dont ever post your cringe shit ever again

>> No.56628642

Lmfao good lookin bruh

>> No.56628661

You have a very semitic looking arm

>> No.56628667
File: 345 KB, 575x391, 1664719776752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoomers love anything with the word emotional in it, profit from that and then you're practically rich, just look at psychologists lmao
if zoomers put the same amount into something like SORA, even they would be rich emotions are an easy business

>> No.56628671

>can’t read

>> No.56628677

So a mood ring but the vape is the ring

>> No.56628703

certified you got HPV and chlamydia from her

>> No.56628714

lmfao this guy is single

>> No.56628727

You have the complexion of a drowning victim

>> No.56628733

collectibles? a sticky vape holder

>> No.56628745

btw my ex (a zoomette) was constantly vaping these cherry / watermelon made in china vapes

zoomettes are useless, they are good to have sex with but they don't want to do anything of their lives, they don't want kids, they don't want to go for a walk, they are not even that good at sucking dicks

what a waste of air

>> No.56628763

STDs are for weak immune system betas
Lmfao I thank god everyday nigger
funko vape
100% accurate. They only know how to sit there and get facefucked, they can’t give a good bj, it was like a retard playing with a paddle ball

>> No.56628780

Stfu brie

>> No.56628787

enjoy throat cancer faggot

>> No.56628788

Your hand looks like you are ghost sighting. fucking ghoul, nice trim though

>> No.56628815

are you Australian? Looks exactly like this zoomette I know

>> No.56628822

Great thread anon
Sadly vapes are already being banned in a lot of countries. Way worse than cigarettes in my opinion

>> No.56628838

Can you move the towel a little bit and show us side boob?

>> No.56628845

No I’m amerishart
Right I totally forgot about regulations, maybe a vape with non harmful substance for sleep

>> No.56628852

I am 27 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.56628868

Be grateful these chicks don't smoke cigarettes at least

>> No.56628881

no u

>> No.56628901

OP how old are you and how old was the madam

>> No.56628951

Me 90s her 2000s. It was honestly a trip bc she didn’t see 9/11, didn’t know any pre 2010 memes, trends, events, I referenced, bc she was a child in the 2000s and early 2010s (she’s a legal adult now jannies) I told her how much better food tasted back then. We’re getting old anons

>> No.56628953

give the exact ages you fucking pedophille

>> No.56628962

No data mining cockboy. Ive never broken the law

>> No.56628966

>data mining

ok so you are larping or an actual retard

>> No.56628982
File: 34 KB, 540x540, 1634939315535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brehs I'm getting real sick of the jew
Anything to reduce White birthrates

>> No.56629013

>pic of girl with time stamp
>say our ages which could be made up
>total proof
You’ve been miserable this entire thread trying to convince yourself and everyone else I didn’t just pound a young, fresh, beautiful woman’s guts out while you’re alone, likely with no money, love or health, larping as a chad with 0 proof. You can respond however you want, but deep down you know it’s true.

>> No.56629021

I'm in my mid 30s and my gf is 18

holy shit i'm datamined now, life will never be the same!


>> No.56629026

My friendly neighborhood Uber driver took her off my hands
Post time stamp like I did :)

>> No.56629135

time stamp

>> No.56629147

her wrist/hand looks like some cryptoid zombie shit

>> No.56629163

i think thats OP's hand

its still a weird pic, who sleeps with these kind of ear rings

also she is white so thats also kinda gross

>> No.56629174
File: 68 KB, 510x680, 1698223038923855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks 15. Just sayin

>> No.56629175

>white girls

white girls are literally a meme retard

Asians, Latinas or Persians is where it at

>> No.56629178

where did my post go

>> No.56629191

Watched a video of a 90s rave which was a good laugh. Someone posted for context that it's the same as a person in the 90s watching woodstock footage.

>> No.56629200

Oof still no proof of gf :)
You were right kek >>56629163 >>56629175

>> No.56629205

sorry my gf is not home

i can sell you her clothes tho, but then you will just call me a tranny and tell me those are my clothes

>> No.56629232

timestamp from a month ago???

>> No.56629249

holy fuck I didnt even notice that lmao

so he had a girl sleep over last month and he is still pretending to be hot shit

what a loser lmao

>> No.56629258 [DELETED] 
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Does this eye color make you seethe

>> No.56629277

ok muslim

>> No.56629281

not really, i just prefer darker eyes because its easier to get lost in those

muslims are notorious for smoking retard

>> No.56629297

whatever you say, woman hating pederast.

>> No.56629302

but i like women?

>> No.56629362
File: 65 KB, 749x732, IMG_5321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europoor too >>56629249

>> No.56629372

lmao she looks ugly

>> No.56629375

>OP had sex first time ever
>decides to humble brag on biz
this is the worst incel guy to get sex, im surprised the girl was so dumb to choose this retard as a lay out of the lot

>> No.56629381

Let’s see yours

>> No.56629385
File: 142 KB, 1440x1600, akessonellen_400450934_351440800777079_3554610030499024204_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56629388

no :P

>> No.56629390

Let’s see yours

>> No.56629398
File: 28 KB, 500x498, guesswhatwejustdid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56629399


>> No.56629400

Couldn't have been that great if you let her leave instead of having morning sex and making her breakfast

>> No.56629402

im not gonna fucking dox my gf on a racist pedophile anime website you fucking mong

>> No.56629408

Hehe too late for her
Block her face like I did. Ik you don’t have one, it’s just funny to see your excuses

>> No.56629415

I could literally drag any fucking picture of the internet and block her face if I wanted to you realize this right?

anyway she is 18, half asian, 50kg i guess, about 160cm tall, 36D breasts, petite body, very sweet, cute and sexy and also smart

ím probably gonna get real serious with her


>> No.56629430

im also about halfway in my 30s top kek and all girls at work who are my age are seething and say "Omg you cant do that" its fucking funny

soon im gonna meet her parents though, they know about me but I havent met them yet. Im gonna be honest to say that im a little nervous how they are gonna react seeing me with her at their house, but oh well i wanna do everything right

>> No.56629516

It's not harmless but way way less dangerous than actual cigs.

>> No.56629557

ok popcorn lung
keep sucking on 2cents worth of mystery chems from china with that massive dealing of cope

>> No.56629628

I dont vape retard, that comes from pneumologists. Some unauthorized cheap shit from china was dangerous for the lungs but not the products you buy on regulated shops where we know the ingredients

>> No.56629637

It's actually even worse than normal cigs.

>> No.56629645

Keep vaping and could end end up with double ds


>> No.56629679

how is that /biz/ related

>> No.56629713

Stop having sex

>> No.56629763

Cancer meds.

I hope she was a good fuck, but I doubt it.

>> No.56629792
File: 43 KB, 480x718, disgusting1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mid 30's dating 18

>> No.56629793

Based. Sell her vapes laced with crack and whore her out once she becomes addicted.