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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56626586 No.56626586 [Reply] [Original]

Do fun jobs exist? It feels like they're impossible to find. Something that gives you a sense of adventure, of discovery, of anything really. Something that doesn't involve going to the same place every day for the rest of your life and banging your head against the bathroom walls.

I've had a few that passed as "fun" (commercial construction and arborism) but getting paid slightly over minimum wage to risk your life is fucking bullshit. You should get paid at least a living wage if you risk life and limb to wagecuck.
Everything else is just mind-numbingly boring. I scroll through pages and pages of job postings looking to find *something*, anything. 99% of jobs are just service industry, pencil-pushing, either bottom-feeding labour or inaccessible labour that requires miles of qualifications and connections, or code-monkey jobs that also require miles of qualifications and bootlicking.
How is a man supposed to live like this? Starting to feel like even selling your soul to the zog military is becoming a better option.

Gonna die poor and bored anons.

>> No.56626609

The only fun jobs are ones where you manage other workers. You need to slave for 10 years first before you get there.

>> No.56626857

Software Engineering is the only career where you get real agency and can exercise creativity.

Everything else is cucked.

>> No.56626894

Yeah, designing shitty business apps over and over to do slightly different things is super creative...

>> No.56626902

Yea, real fun.

if ( IsValid(app) )

Endless creative license. Honestly, it's always you "it's an art" faggots that make it annoying. There is nothing artistic about CRUD, no matter how many bullshit K8S containers you put into it and no matter how many useless patterns you shove into the code.

>> No.56626950

yes, they exist when the job has a high skill ceiling and you are in the top 0.1% of talent.

you could bang the CEO's wife, aunt, mother, and sister and still keep your job.

>> No.56628120
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Bartender can be fun
Budtender gets free weed

>> No.56628145

imagine smoking the weed dispensaries sell

>> No.56628169

Free weed and the cannabis industry discount is 40% at other dispensaries
I grow weed better than you ever smoke but I don’t turn down free weed
Also most weed on the streets is poisoned with chemicals worse than the commercial stuff
You can taste it when you smoke it

>> No.56628227

I personally have fun promoting false hope and advertising to people
Yeah dude you can totally get a coding job nowadays, you just gotta do the work!

>> No.56628247
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I work for an automotive OEM at the corporate level and its fun as fuck, basically still a boys club with overpay...

>> No.56628249

I have tons of fun at Boeing as an Aerospace engineer. When I'm not being strangled by bureaucracy and being told to inculcate.

>> No.56629668

Ocean Lifeguard is the best job. You get paid to workout, sit on the beach, and look at girls in bikinis.

>> No.56629688
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It's a simple, proven, effective 4 step process and I'll show you how to do it
Step 1. Prepare your mentality
Step 2. Allocate your resources effectively
Step 4. Hustle
Step 3. steal word search puzzles from google images and make them into an Amazon KDP book

>> No.56629751
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>Do fun jobs exist? It feels like they're impossible to find. Something that gives you a sense of adventure, of discovery, of anything really. Something that doesn't involve going to the same place every day for the rest of your life and banging your head against the bathroom walls.
>I've had a few that passed as "fun" (commercial construction and arborism) but getting paid slightly over minimum wage to risk your life is fucking bullshit. You should get paid at least a living wage if you risk life and limb to wagecuck.
ok, then no

t. security officer

>> No.56629756

I think job and fun are mutually exclusive. I just can't derive pleasure from anything I'm obligated to attend or perform. Like even if the government suddenly mandated that my new job was to shitpost in bed all day I'd probably start wigging out.

>> No.56629766

Honestly something like bartender or holiday work is the only time work gets near fun.

>> No.56629808

>code monkey slave
>agency and creativity
lol, lmao even

>> No.56629837

>I've had a few that passed as "fun" (commercial construction and arborism) but getting paid slightly over minimum wage to risk your life is fucking bullshit. You should get paid at least a living wage if you risk life and limb to wagecuck.
This is the nature of the vast majority of such jobs.

>> No.56629904

The most fun part of my job is watching the neurotic mess of an owner have frequent meltdowns about minor things. Everything else sucks.