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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56622281 No.56622281 [Reply] [Original]

Even other dead biz projects are still above ATL after going parabolic and then rugging. Meanwhile ROSE is hitting ATLs, without ever having pumped, and dumping even further.

>> No.56622393
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Tranny retard maybe first learn what the ATL actual is, ROSE ATL was 3 years ago

Meanwhile it doubles every week

>> No.56622453

ICP was shilled extremely hard at $40-$60 and tons of people bought large stacks. I would say rose is 2nd worst.

>> No.56622468

no. i remember biz shilling request network way back when.

>> No.56622479

No, ARK, Lisk etc you fucking faggot

>> No.56622517

Yes obviously
t. 100k stacklet

>> No.56622552

also parsiq

>> No.56622671
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>ROSE is hitting ATLs
Please learn what ATL means. This is like the fifth thread.

>> No.56622829

>Meanwhile ROSE is hitting ATLs

Lolwhat? Are you an actual retard, OP?

>> No.56622982

even shitcoins that already pumped 100x from the last cycle like avax, hbar, grt, etc are outperforming rose. i mean, they already had their gigapumps. when will it be rose's turn to pump for fuck's sake. rose only ever got a 10x in its entire life cycle. this blows.

>> No.56623039

>pedantic autism intensifies
You fell for the hold meme with an altcoin. Nobody made you hold to -90%; you did this to yourselves. No amount of precise language usage can save you.

>> No.56623067

I actually feel really bad for Rosies, totally psyoped into buying a VC token that will continue to bleed.

>> No.56623076

Up 35% since 2023
Up 31% since 2023
Up 111% since 2023

Only GRT outperformed ROSE, and only by like 20%.

The more retarded the FUD, the more bullish I am. Thanks for giving me newfound confidence in my bags.

>> No.56623091

Haha that backpedaling.

OP (aka you) is a gigantic retard for misusing terms even a newfag should know after about a week of browsing.

>> No.56623254

this shitcoin can't pump on its own so the only way it'll pump is if bitcoin pumps

>> No.56623307

i bought it at 5c for first time a few weeks ago, at 7c now, seems okay to me but idk much about it

>> No.56623403

Yeah, very suprising the price is rock bottom since the moment binance decided to invest 200 mil into eco system and is doing it by buying all the tokens they release.

Remember how shit bnb price was until binance pumped the hell out of it? With binance holding most of the rose tokens, we'll pump when they decide to pump. We're not dealing here with a whale manipulating price, we're dealing with a greedy blood thirsty manipulative megalodon killer here.

>> No.56623471

That's pure copium. It wouldn't take a fucking year to buy $200mil worth of tokens at 3-4c without pumping the price.

>> No.56623640

2 billion coins at 4 cents is 80 mil. Go calculate how many coins oasis released since binance declared they'll invest 200 mil and go check how many coins binance has now. Binance was literally keeping price at 4 cents for ages to keep buying at 4 cents all the coins being released. They don't want to buy your coins, they want to buy them from oasis for as low as they can until they buy for 200 mil from them as agreed with oasis and they'll fuck all of us over until they exchange 20/ mil for as many coins from oasis as they can. Binance doesn't give a shit about you and oasis doesnt give a shit about price either, they'll ,take those 200 mil and keep working on project and if any project will want to go in direction of their vision they'll give them a small grant.

No fucking fudding or shilling on this vietbamese basket viewing forum has a solutely no impact on the price. Anyone trying to manipulate price and go against binance on this will just get fucked by armada of binances bots and the stupid amount of money and coins they have.

>> No.56624761

>since binance declared they'll invest 200 mil
they never said that. stop making stuff up.

>> No.56624772

Why lie?


>> No.56624804

>Binance Labs’ contribution led the Oasis ecosystem fund to go up to $200 mil
>go up to $200 mil
Read it again, bozo.

>> No.56624818

Literally clicking on the "Oasis Ecosystem Fund" in that article goes to this one https://medium.com/oasis-protocol-project/introducing-the-160-million-oasis-ecosystem-fund-e53d384ee386

The fund was already at 160mil. Binance contributed 40mil to bring it up to 200mil.

>> No.56626371

Do the opposite of what /biz/ says. If they're shilling something stay away from it, if they call it a pajeet scam buy as much as you possibly can.

>> No.56627818
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Keep fudding, troon. I'm gonna need it to stay at 7 cents for a while.

>> No.56628991
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>> No.56629393
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sure it is, you should short 20x leverage