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56612017 No.56612017 [Reply] [Original]

Working From Home is bad for your mental health

>> No.56612038
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>> No.56612039

Only if you don't have a social life and stay at home all day for work and then all evening too. Just don't be a loser. It's that simple.

>> No.56612051

lol these corporations HATE people working from home and will push any narrative they can to get people back in the office to make sure that rented real estate doesnt go to waste. soulless corporates.

>> No.56612057

Yea I agree. I work in office now at my new IT job and all the remote workers (besides one who is married and has kids, so not alone) are depressed and annoying as fuck

>> No.56612063

im literally trying my hardest to get a wfh with good work life balance and these diaper wearing retards are complaining , this wolrd is a joke

>> No.56612081

Only two of them do any good work too. The majority of them are much less effective at their jobs and just basically leech off the actual employees in the office. It’s a shame they behave this way because remote work should be a thing but whatever. I support 4 day work week for a reason.

>> No.56612085


>> No.56612116

been wfh for the past 4 years. currently interviewing for a hgiher paying wfh job. i will never step foot in an office again. cope and seethe, sneed and feed.

>> No.56612123

This is 100% a narrative being pushed, there are plenty of incentives for businesses to have wagies in the cage all day.

That being said I honestly do believe there are soulless NPCs in our world who cannot function without constant chatter, constantly being told what to do, incessant noise so their little rat brains never have to think or function on their own. They literally do not have an inner monologue so when they are on their own, they go insane. They feel anxious and uneasy in their own company and boredom is fatal to them.

>> No.56612125

>anon, we need you to wfh and hangout with your dog each day for 150K a year, can you do that for us?
yes sir, i will do whatever the corporation needs of me

>> No.56612135

its more like the whole economy/ real estate market is propped up by these numbers. maybe they just fear it might pop the whole system and catalyze to a BIG dump

>> No.56612163

Why should I go out and have to deal with boomers, joggers, and whores everywhere?

>> No.56613400

this, WFH Chads keep on winning.

>> No.56613436


>> No.56613532

but there's JIMMY JOHNS

>> No.56613538

What are you trying to say with this response? That going to the office is the only way for you to ever socialize?

>> No.56613553

Literally just roasties who climb the ladder in a non-meritocratic manner (looks, flirting, etc.) or are attention whores want this. And boomers who think we are slaves

>> No.56613561

All foids. Its propaganda but there's some truth mixed in here.

>> No.56613594

I have been wfh for seven years. Yesterday my wife came right out of the shower and blew me. I set my teams to away, not break, so it was on company time.

>> No.56613612

Doesnt make sense. Wouldnt private companies just do whatever is most cost efficient

>> No.56613633
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Is there anything that doesn't give you zoomers mental health issues?

>> No.56613714

>doesn't know companies invest their money

>> No.56613792

Propaganda to prop up corporate and downtown real estate. Whata scam.

Based and Redpilled

>> No.56613808

this is true, some can't handle wfh, it's too isolating. i had a report and he got very depressed doing wfh and left the company

>> No.56613821
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Not when working consists of winning xfun parlays all day long

>> No.56613859
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All 3 are women, women love the office for drama, gossip and having useless meetings. it's their replacement for a real family.

>> No.56613872

kys boomer

>> No.56613884

You’re more likely to die in a car crash than any other way. Driving to work every day is bad for your physical health.

>> No.56614017

These are the same type of retards who got suicidal from two weeks of lockdown
Maybe it’s bad for these fucks who are unable to “socialize” without the “work-culture lube” but not for me.
Hell I enjoy my life better when I am on my own
Exhibit a: I masturbate an entire 1 hour sprint session while working at home

>> No.56614028

>hole opinions
saged instantly

>> No.56614042
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Breh i work from home and im so happy I dont even care that I only make 39k a year.

Plenty of time to work out,sleep,dont have to put extra miles on my car or even spend money for gas. Its a dream. Shiiiiiiiit if I had a girlfriend or someone to live with in the city id get outta my moms house.

>> No.56614048

This is so fucking bizzare that is forcing my to comment again
>no commute time/money waste
>no supervisor breathing down your neck
>no need to wear restrictive clothing
>you can work one hour and play the rest (as long as you finish your task)
Do they like to be slaves in an office????

>> No.56614049


>> No.56614139

>no Starbucks
>Chad isn't checking you out
>can't gossip with the gals
Literally hell WFH is

>> No.56614234

spbp. zoomers are faggot idiots.

>> No.56614235
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I laughed my ass off with my coworkers today. My job is blue collar though. I imagine offices are pretty damn boring, especially with HR and all that corpo mumbo jumbo.

>> No.56614241

how do people have the balls to admit theyre depressed on the fucking internet?

>> No.56614251

Yes every g- I mean person needs to commute an hour every day to work. It's for their mental health!

>> No.56614370

100% sounds like some corporate psyops

>> No.56614387

well, i cant laugh at other people´s missfortunes anymore. shit sucks.

>> No.56614409

they're women, they aren't expected to be stoic

>> No.56614464

>They have leases on office buildings
The most cost efficent thing would be outsourcing all the WFH jobs

>> No.56614480

This right here.

Also WFH is the golden opportunity to make even more money on the side, eventually working for your self entirely. This is what I'm slowly working towards, however it will take some time. If I can steadily earn just x2 or even x1.5 of what I'm making now, I can quit and never look back.

>> No.56614505

They want people to come back into office.
This is a simple power move, they want to regain the grasp they had on their workers.

>The most cost efficient thing would be outsourcing all the WFH jobs
It's not cost efficient.
Source : I worked with Indians, I can assure you it's not cost effective.

>> No.56614508

except if you have kids, you utter moron
then you can make the best of both worlds

>> No.56614517


I miss London, especially the Victoria line :(

In Milan now and hate this shithole - Italians are truly insane animals who cannot organise anything.

But noooooo, mr smart man let me use dual citizenship to do my master's in the EU.


>> No.56614522
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I stick with Mick!!!

>> No.56614524

ugh I know but I'm just not going into an office! I don't care about seeing these people! I know I know but I'm just lol not doing it