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56606613 No.56606613 [Reply] [Original]

You simply do not discern reality correctly. Do not come to us apologizing. You did this to yourself.

Bears take lesson. You will continue to get rekt. Crypto is not like other asset classes. They have a plan, a narrative with crypto that they intend to use. The dollar will be replaced. Stop clinging to the dollar, because they are going to rip them away from you kicking and screaming. (And by that I mean they’ll just send them to 0)

They can’t force the mark on everyone with out the system to do so. Bears are quite literally shorting the Bible.

Just look at the symbology and ask god to help you see his will. The 2000 year punishment for iniquities is coming to an end. Jesus is practically done paying for our sentence and will be back shortly.

All of this is truth and many of you will think back on this thread in the coming years.

>> No.56606702


>> No.56607002

can anyone reasonably explain how this will work?
i send a fucking tweet to order a pizza and then send a tweet to invest in mutual fund?

>> No.56607011

it's almost 2024 and i have never had a twitter

>> No.56607032

musk is combining cash app and robinhood with twitter app and acting like its revolutionary

>> No.56607040

Why does one dude gets to decide the fate of humankind? Godamn stupid ironman

>> No.56607049

Look into the wechat app. That's the future he wants

>> No.56607067

>copying the chinks

remember when this faggot earnestly proposed big blocks as if he was the first to do it and then got mad when people laughed at him

>> No.56607086

i guess this explains jack funding taro....
having wechat but based on LN + USDC-on-LN would be a winner....

>> No.56607111

>Look into the wechat app. That's the future he wants
That's the future they want.
What's your guess for the finance coin they will use

>> No.56607124

I'm not using the website I use to fap to barely legal egirls to store my money

>> No.56607150


>> No.56607158

>chaturbate models are also you financial advisor
idiocracy was a prophecy

>> No.56607159

Crypto will replace fiat, but it will be a CBDC and not any coin that people are putting money into right now.

>> No.56607172

Probably dogecoin at the start. To make it sound fellow kids fun and "safe". After no clues

>> No.56607205

nah it will just be usdc.
in the end they will just co-opt usdc rather than going thru all the legal / political fights of going real cdbc. its 10x easier to just co-opt a private entity

>> No.56607266
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>> No.56607294
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I don’t know what they are gonna do to make it appeal to all the normies, but I assume they are going to send crypto sky high and then start deconstructing traditional finance to cause fear and corral them into the new system.

Here is the revelation sign so we can see where we are in the time line. Israel war starting is confirmation as well.

>> No.56607322

My guess is the token of illumination. Sure doge is fun for tipping and dumb stuff but for the real work it will be something that can handle itself in a timely manner.

>> No.56607367
File: 42 KB, 740x663, IMG_2181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either an animal coin is involved (hence beast) or Mr. Beast is going to make a crypto. I see both of these as being possibilities.

Possible we will see Mr. Beast launch a token on X or something.

>> No.56607416

Its possible they will integrate something like doge but they will be using a big boy network or networks if this goes the way Musk wants. Unlikely to be anything newly created unless its a project from X but after FTX that itself is unlikely but even defeats the purpose anyways.

>> No.56607464

A bridge currency would make sense. Something cheap with atomic settlement.

>> No.56607475

Unlikely xrp sorry frendo. Its possible but the scope doesnt line up.

>> No.56607614

There's a few coins that fit the description. Maybe not with atomic part

>> No.56607655

That’s why link is such a big deal. You can pay someone in dodge with liquidity from anything. Different chains don’t matter anymore. All it matters is how you lace them together.

>> No.56607734

>what could possibly go wrong?
yeah, i don't think I'm ready for this.

>> No.56607751

they will implement their own. why would they need a public blockchain?

>> No.56607754


Don’t take the mark anons. Make sure you belong to Jesus. He already paid your fine because he is son of the most loving and most high.

>> No.56607909
File: 177 KB, 1600x900, IMG_3483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t forget that Elon literally has a brain chip on human trials already. It also conveniently has an X on it.

Refer to this to see what X means In ANCIENT Hebrew.

>> No.56608076

two more weeks!

>> No.56608089
File: 3.66 MB, 9580x6708, 1670963684962787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people here asking what the coin/tech will be

maybe it's XRP also twitter changed their name to X they're utilizing the fast XRP's tech to make the new wechat of the west no way some shitchain like doge or any other can relate the scale of fast and smooth XRP is to handle this scale of users.

>> No.56608128

based Mr. X for fighting the good fight at dismantling
>The Bank

>> No.56608135

Definitely wouldn’t rule XRP out as being involved some how but we will see if it has a role to play and if so what that transforms into.

>> No.56608164

only thing what worries me in XRP is the amount of soccer moms and normies onboard its the biggest red flag in XRP otherwise its very good.

>> No.56608219

Not gonna lie, XRP has always felt it was being used to hide something else to me. I’ve been here since etherdelta and I can’t tell you a single thing about it.

>> No.56608251

Please elaborate
I dont ened a new bank and I cant imagine many others think different

>> No.56608265


>> No.56608353

Does he not understand that wechat exists because the government made it exist?

>> No.56608356

That’s why they are going to collapse the banks. To herd everyone into the new “safe” system.

Im sure they will make it look like Covid (“false acting hackers” or some shit, stay safe!)

Once everyone is in, you offer the mark to keep track of your newly tokenized assets (humans)

They offer it to people who have debt first in exchange for your debt from the old system

>> No.56608378

honestly this is where all of crypto was heading anyways

>> No.56608389

I would not trust a single cent on this conman

>> No.56608419

Eventually they’ll get everyone though because all the stores will look like that Amazon grocery store in New York where you’re required to have an account with stuff on file to even get in.

16He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17and that no one may buy or sell except one who has [g]the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

The number of his name sounds pretty damn close to “hey anon what’s the contract address for (token)”


>> No.56608616

Developers will probably be told to build it for doge. When it's ready they'll do a last minute change to something actually good and with an X.

>> No.56608984

Anyone with a brain will realize that the debt of the old system is invalidated if their is no solvency in this authority either. Debt is dejected in the modern world to any an all persons incapable of taking on the debt issued to someone else at any given time, and this is why banks specifically use credit scores, because if they didn’t money wouldn’t have consequences and the debt cycle version of fiat wouldn’t be possible at all.