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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56604910 No.56604910 [Reply] [Original]

>be marginally hot underage skank
>get famous for being obnoxious on somebody else's TV show
>start onlyfans on your 18th birthday
>never work a day in your life
Women live life on easy mode because of coomers. Should we punish women, or coomers, for this?

>> No.56604916

>Should we punish women, or coomers, for this?

>> No.56604919


fuck off /pol/ trolls

>> No.56604922

>Should we punish women, or coomers, for this?
i vote both. but woman more cause men are meant to spread seed its a biological artiffact.

>> No.56604925

fuck off glowniggerbot


>> No.56604935

you mean slutty women who get on someone's tv show? most women do not have that exposure.

>> No.56604953

She's jewish

>> No.56604956

>Should we punish women, or coomers, for this
Coomers. Its like the drug war, it doesn't matter how many mexicans or colombian you kill, another one will step up and send more coke fentanyl because druggies will pay 6gorillion currency for an ounce. Gotta stop the druggies

>> No.56604957

God I wish I could get my hands on you the things I would do to you. Seeing your panicking, shocked eyes alone would give me 10 more years of life.

>> No.56604958

I refuse to believe this isn't money laundering.

>> No.56604960

You pronounce the h, right? Buh-had Buh-harbie?

>> No.56604961

>Record amount of simps globally
>Be girl and show off body selling artificial dopamine hits to losers
This is /biz, respect the hustle or fuck off.

>> No.56604977
File: 156 KB, 1024x1024, _3869edb7-86d3-4df6-abde-f6339ffa2660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The woman is not to blame, the simps are. Without simps looking for a crumb of a picture of a coochie she wouldn't even be making absurd amounts.

>> No.56604980

6000 @ $20 a month is $1 mil. Not hard to imagine a known underage jailbait isn't gonna attract a few hundred thousand desperate men

>> No.56604981

jfc. Can this be real, or its just manipulated data? Ok some men are coomers, but it can't be this bad surely. Are billionaires artificially inflating these numbers to get more women into this business and further destroy society?

>> No.56604986

she is too stupid not to lose it all

>> No.56604994

Notice how the numbers dropped, pretty significantly, each month

>> No.56604997

Hey blame that Jew doctor Phil that made bank off of other people for years, this bitch just didn’t give a fuck about his song and dance and ended up becoming a meme. All this is just more symptoms though,all we know how to do is treat symptoms.

>> No.56605001

This wouldn't happen in Islam

>> No.56605017

> Her parents, Ira Peskowitz and Barbara Ann Bregoli, dated for a year before Barbara became pregnant, later separating when she was an infant. She is of Ashkenazi Jewish descent through her father and Italian descent through her mother.[8][9][10] Bregoli was raised in a Catholic household primarily by her mother and is estranged from her father, a deputy who works for the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office.

Holy fucking shit America. WTF is this shit of your culture???

>> No.56605031

The women are just selling a commodity, the coomers keep financing it. They wouldn't sell that commodity if there wasn't a market. If you want the market for that commodity to decline you need to reduce demand by teaching a bunch of coomers to get over themselves and make a relationship work and since that's harder than just banging another one out it's an uphill battle plus the coomers need some love and understanding if they're going to change rather than just being punished. Nobody is sitting around jerking off because their life is awesome it takes a good bit of pain to break someone to that point.

>> No.56605041

Oy vey, fuggedaboutit

>> No.56605068
File: 84 KB, 1240x799, Screenshot 2023-11-09 at 04-12-05 OnlyFans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'v been using the internet long enough to know none of the women on this profile hub platform are making millions.

The owners of the site however are making the millions.

Just like any other cam stream website.

>> No.56605116
File: 1.24 MB, 2121x2201, אדם טיפש נופל לפיתיון.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Gay psyop thread
>be jewish
>>oy vey shiskas look at these shekels I got from riding dildos on cam
>6 gorillion white women try it
>6 make more than minimum wage from it
>forever blackmail
Thanks for playing goyim

>> No.56605120

6000*20 isn’t 100,000,000 wtf are you talking about 6000*20 is 120000

18,148,436 in one month is 907,422 subscribers

Money laundering for sure no way she had 900,000 followers for a month then 343,912 the next then ~233,000 the next

Sound like someone invented 540,000 people

>> No.56605125

Honkaloid golems really deserve to go extinct, if this is a sign of them becoming extinct then fantastic

>> No.56605150

Just remember, the majority of normies still can't explain how a television works.

Yet they use it daily.


>> No.56605176

The calculations are wrong.
You pay a subscription fee to get basic access. But then within the subscription, the girl can release individual images, videos, or galleries for extra payment.

So there are many less subs than you think, and many more whales paying $100's for the extra content.

>> No.56605185

most money is made though ppv photos and tips

>> No.56605194

Unless she was super active her first month it’s very unlikely she had much content likewise based on what your saying there should have been content saturation increasing monthly meaning the return per photo diminished to an nth degree

My calculations were based on >>56604980
Which I was trying to refute

Its very unlikely she even had much content up at all the first month.

>> No.56605206

this chick got famous as a 14yr old with big tits on dr phil
of course once she turns 18 coomers quickly check out those titties and then everyone loses interest

>> No.56605236

God, I wish I had a coalburner girlfriend to cuck me.

>> No.56605251

>18 million us dollarinos
>in 1 month
i simply refuse to believe thats real demand

>> No.56605364



>> No.56605411
File: 529 KB, 525x674, IMG_7331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope i never meet one of these retarded simps in my life.
How stupid and degenerate and delusional do people have to be to actually pay for fucking onlyfans.

I make 100k a year and I’ve NEVER paid for porn IN MY LIFE. And i never will.

Id rather go and hook up with some girl from tinder or hit up a bar or even just pay for a proper happy ending masseuse or some shit.

How do people spend money on shit like foot pics and barely visible ass pics of a MID woman.

Its like a while different world to me, its like i don’t understand why people go to tiny caves or die in rock climbing acciden Without protective gear.

I just dont get it.

If anyone here is or knows someone who ever gave money to OF or foot pics or some shit please tell me what people do that. Are they rich to allow themselves this? And if they are, why dont they just pay for whores on yahts like normal rich folk, like what is this??

>> No.56605428

it's about the parasocial relationship more than the actual pics

>> No.56605484

Parasocial relationship…
Just get a PARAschute and jump off an aeroplane. Maybe then you will feel alive.
What fucking parasocial relationship my ass.

I wish i could bully those lisers somehow, but whores sucking up their money is punishment enough I hope.

I just hate the fact that theres leeches in society that get paid for basically nothing like these OF bitches and entertainers and shit.

Back in the day being funny like a court clown only got you a meal and a place to stay. Nobody gave you money to be rich, it was more like you were tolerated for being a clown and funny.
Prostitutes at least get their hands dirty and get you to bust, but literally ppl like this just shouldn’t exist in the market, and definitely not brag in my face about how much they make

>> No.56605497

>What fucking parasocial relationship my ass.
The same one you're having by talking to strangers online desu

>> No.56605523

I got a paranuts slamming your chin

>> No.56605745

someone type into excel what she made this month assuming this rapid decline. also jesus christ the entire bad baby thing was 2 years ago

>> No.56605960

Both. Women bottleneck the pussy market making men more desperate and then men simp for them out of desperation.
If men stopped giving women a pussy pass things would even out. I am 36 years old and 15 years ago no one would have ever believed this would be a thing, any of it.

>> No.56606079


>> No.56606140

Die surrounded by cats because no man wants a whore that's all over Internet.

>> No.56606580


Men allow it.

>> No.56607838

You know what's the worst part? She'll waste it all on Louis Vuitton and bullshit instead of investing wisely, living comfortably, and improving the world.

>> No.56607973

>Money laundering
This. Same with Crypto and fine art.

>> No.56607988

This is a cope. I'm sorry friend.

>> No.56608030

She’s a content creator targeting a good niche good on her. Requires a lot of mental work and creativity

>> No.56608118

her mother seems to be an insane BPDemon. no wonder she turned out like that

>> No.56608158

>tuff e-guy syndrome
/pol/cels absolutely get the rope

>> No.56608209

Money laundering. Its all money laundering. Sanctioned by glowies who are in on it for their black budgets, thats why no one goes to jail.

You think its organic that one dumbass catchphrase catapulted this girl to superstardom. She was a plant from the start, check the Early Life.

>> No.56608241
File: 142 KB, 720x387, Screenshot_20231109_094603_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56608288 [DELETED] 

how the fuck can a 14 yo sell erotic/porn content?

you probably have met lots of them

>> No.56608298

She's Jewish and her OF is an obvious marketing/laundering operation.

>> No.56608321
File: 127 KB, 1080x1080, 1628531139727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The solution to this is to simply have men create the ideal woman.
All we have to do is go to the literal gf store, build a bitch and come home happy with the perfect female specimen.
Keeping it from being prohibitively expensive should be another focus of this agenda, so that every man who wants one can have one, reasonably of course. You'll have to show proof of stability of some kind at the bare minimum- bills for the last 6 months, something like that, to go through the clearmarket channels.
Of course the grey and black markets will have less reputable products but it would be possible to get without the other requirements, so it's really up to the man if he wants a guaranteed 99.4% perfect gf clone with access to social support networks for it or get a grey market gf clone that might have been memory erased from a previous partner but they're sold to you as "new" or something.

>> No.56608335

>how the fuck can-
You might get b& for asking this just a heads up

>> No.56608401

well, guess I'll explain it so mr FBI agent won't come knocking my door. I'm not asking if it's possible, I'm saying it's supposed to be illegal.
also, I just realized I misread this post >>56605206 . she didn't start her of at 14. I don't even know who she is

>> No.56608403

she didnt start an OF at 14 retard

>> No.56608424

she became famous after being on dr phil

>> No.56608438

Definitely the coomers. You wouldn't punish a bird for flying south for the winter, right? It's in holes nature to take the easy route. I do not blame them. Coomers have autonomy and are choosing to spend their money on this.

>> No.56608488

>laundering operation
nah i dont think so, the youtube vids of dr phil have like 100M+ views. you just need a few thousands coomers to make those numbers

>> No.56608499

We should punish you for being a judgemental asshole that won't make any effort to succeed in life and thus will never achieve oppurtunities of luck.

>> No.56609503


>> No.56609514

she's a jewess industry plant

>> No.56609612

Sounds like your mad you subscribed to her only fan but found other guys were also paying

>> No.56610533
File: 142 KB, 749x808, Riley-Reid-Married-Photo-with-Pasha-Petkuns-e1650350273330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56611274

Lmao pedophiles

>> No.56611796

you talk like someone whose never been in a fight.

>> No.56612432

I'd fuck you up

>> No.56613023

Damn, she’s approaching the wall, she was way hotter when she was 14. Not saying “oh she’s ugly now” but objectively her face and body were more attractive back then than now. They should lower the AOC to account for earlier female puberties, this is pure torture to heterosexual men it’s like dangling a nice juicy steak in front of starving dogs then tasering one whenever it tries to go for the meat. I’m going to write to my congressman about this

>> No.56613032

Pedo detected

>> No.56613119

so is there a Mega download of her OF content or something?

>> No.56613132

woman detected

>> No.56613253

The coomers are to blame. I can't really fault women for maximizing their wealth by taking the path of least resistance. But if it's any consolation, most women make jack shit selling their sexuality. It's an oversaturated market.

>> No.56613348

I never understand this. There is like endless free porn options imo. Wtf are people paying for?

>> No.56613377

You told no lies. Also it’s so hypocritical how people are. The second they turn 18 is when they feel like it’s ethical to start wanking, as if it that means they didn’t find them attractive a year or two prior.

>> No.56613390

beat and enslave women

>> No.56613745

I’d think that the median man makes more on onlyfans than the median woman due to less competition.

If it’s so easy money why don’t you have an onlyfans OP?

>> No.56614141

Some people don't like having to shove a dildo in their shaved ass and watch a bunch of dudes jack off to it.

>> No.56614154
File: 65 KB, 267x200, vince-mcmahon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56614423

OF is about having a "premium" access to your fav pornstar.
You can talk to her and she respond, you can ask her to tell you kinky stuff and the will. It's the proximity.

I still think it's retarded.

>> No.56614507
File: 408 KB, 1990x1610, SCR-20231003-sxkc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think those numbers are fake.

But, even if it waws 1/100th of the amount is insane money for a woman to make.

>> No.56614801

all those trashy tattoos she got are a massive turnoff desu
every other dumb whore is covered in tats but the time they hit 18 these days and it's driving me mad

>> No.56614941

It 90% is money laundering for Chinese criminals. Then there's the idiots who actually want to pay to "talk to her". Her OF is literally the same as an instagram page. No porn at all.

>> No.56614973

It isn't all her money. She might keep a similar percentage as the platform. The money is proceeds of crime. Criminals will happily take 60 cents on the dollar to launder their money. It is literally free to them.

>> No.56615201

Can you invent your own memes? Are leftoids capable of such a thing?

>> No.56615238

It’s all empty promises until a tranny hang himself and then you blame “far right”

>> No.56615981

Nobody will believe me but I always have to tell the story, the day after she blew up I was on Instagram and there were so many fake accounts of her. I was looking at some of them and one of them posted a shitty 30 second sex video she made a couple years before she got popular. I'm guessing she got hacked. I promise you didn't miss anything good but Its strange I never heard anyone else mention the video. Maybe I'm one of the few people who actually saw it.

>> No.56615990

she probably wants to kill her self after watching her numbers tank like that

>> No.56616009

I want tax penalties for simps, unfair sums. If you cough up 10k in influencer donations, congratulations you owe the IRS 5200 bucks.

>> No.56616010

bro, this girl made the bag already. I dont think she gives a flying fuck about the numbers.

>> No.56616019


>> No.56616067

>content saturation increasing monthly
People thought she was going to do porn. every month that passes and she didn't even post nudes, I think it's just pics of her in lingerie and swimsuits etc., the number of subscribers dropped. Some probably held out hoping the content would get better. I don't know how she still has so many subscribers.

>> No.56616069
File: 335 KB, 854x470, Virginia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56616082

>money laundering
so how does this work? bhad bhabie is a high volume coke dealer and her clients pay for shipments by subbing to onlyfans? I think it's more likely that thousands of sad fucking simps just want to see her tits

>> No.56616109

>her clients pay for shipments by subbing to onlyfans?
Yeah, that doesn't even make sense. If the highest tier is $50 (I don't know what it it) then someone trying to launder a million would have to subscribe 20000 times, using a different account each time. I think /biz/ is being rarted with this theory.

>> No.56616125

she literally just timed it perfectly, and hit the jackpot. People love trash...homie look at the kardashians ffs.
Shes ugly, but shes incredibly fuckable in like a fast food burger way.

>> No.56617117

oi we got a comedian ova 'ere!

>> No.56617123

and i will be using this from now on in my daily life

>> No.56617134

but thats a man...

>> No.56617799

kek daddy's job didn't work for her, now she's on the portapotty circuit