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56603315 No.56603315 [Reply] [Original]

I will be killing myself tonight

>> No.56603323

Hold on until weekend

>> No.56603335

Do one last gamble, OP. Don't die without the pleasure.

>> No.56603348

Go on a party weekend and try DMT before you attempt suicide

>> No.56603355

Don't fren, I know shit's bleak at times, but it's all transient. The pain will pass. Listen to your favorite album, play an old game from your childhood, make something, or just pet a cat, do something that sparks a little joy in the darkness, and bit by bit you'll make it to the next day, and so on. Give yourself time.

>> No.56603372


>> No.56603495

Make a plan for yourself: e.g. start saving for 3 weeks in phuket. Buy a return ticket for 6 months time. Book a nice hotel. The food is cheap and delicious. When you have bought your ticket start getting fit so you feel good about yourself when you swim at the beach and the pool.
in phuket drink at local bars - it's fine to be by yourself no-one knows you and tourists often travel solo. Women will try to pick you up in the bars - let them. It will cost you but it will be worth it.

>> No.56603541
File: 472 KB, 1352x1800, F9TkVJvb0AEg0sp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do it anon, become traditional Catholic and die in peace.

>> No.56603548

>be me
>feel suicidal due to only ever feeling like a slave
>my benefit case worker only cares about me returning to work and thinks it will cure me

>> No.56603562

I could have bought Link at 5 dollars

>> No.56603578


I've been thinking about becoming Catholic. I've been reading a lot about St. Thomas Aquinas. He was based. I also found a cool youtube channel for The Thomist Institute where priests create videos answering questions based on his teachings.
OP, don't do it. There is a lot to live for. You can feel better in the future. I've been there before, and I started feeling less depressed eventually.

>> No.56603586
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>try DMT
just take drugs, bro, dude weed.

>> No.56603620

weed will make suicide thoughts worse

>> No.56603627

Don't, you are a bro

>> No.56603639

Stop being materialistic, my nigger. Your life is worth more than fist and internet money

>> No.56603649
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>> No.56603656

I hope you achieve peace and I am very jealous you have the strength to do that. This world us hell full of shitty people and you could only be going to a better place even if it's nothing.

These assholes don't deserve your potential and it would only ever serve them.

>> No.56603661

Are you the anon with the tumor?

>> No.56603667

we love you

>> No.56603670

You missed your window already. The bullrun is here now. Stay and play

>> No.56603748

Don't do it, all is the mind. If you have cancer have you tried fenbendazole?

>> No.56603752


>> No.56603760
File: 133 KB, 966x1044, FF9MkJGXsAksORb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me guess... bobo?

>> No.56603811

no dude, don't. thats so whack. life has more in in store for you than you could possible imagine. hold on bro, trust me. you wouldn't trade closets with anyone else. everybody is valid in they're own right. stick around buddy, don't be a quitter. you will crush your loved ones and they will not be able to forgive you.

>> No.56604212

Don't do it brother, do it in minecraft if you want

>> No.56604234

>It will cost you

it doesn't absolutely *have to*, lol. Can meet girls who don't necessarily want money too. But not easily admittedly...

>t. is in Thailand currently (Pattaya to be precise)

>> No.56604689

Fucking cuck
The Catholics don’t even follow the teachings of st Thomas
You idiots are just following a religion designed to enslave you
Jesus didn’t worship your reptilian Yahweh

>> No.56604690

You idiots deserve suicide