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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5658826 No.5658826 [Reply] [Original]

Have a look at this:


Matches the PBoC (Peoples Bank of China) and VeChain rumour that is around for a week now. Look at the author in the first line:

"Chun Yin Cheung is a partner in PwC China's risk assurance practice, based in the Shanghai office, and a committee member of VeChain Foundation."

In addition to that an article from four days ago: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201712/27/WS5a43be15a31008cf16da3d82.html

>> No.5658896

Coca cola kid was right all along...

20x moonshot for Vechain.


>> No.5658971

Bought 1 BTC worth last night! Mentioned it in my newest article.


>> No.5659053
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>> No.5659097

BZC's platform is finished, it's like one of the only 20 crypto's that has a finished platform.
Go buy your "We promise it'll be done by 2025" coin.

>> No.5659123

Yep, seems as if the coca cola kid was right indeed. Can't wait for the VeChain January.

Top 5 coin in the making as soon as this news hits.

>> No.5659304

Can someone explain to me how this would moon? 1 Chinese Yuan is equal to 15 cents, an VEN is currently woth $2.14. How do we expect this to moon 10x?

>> No.5659375
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>> No.5659397



yeah no thanks

>> No.5659422
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>> No.5659597

The average crypto investor folks

>> No.5659798
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>mfw yfw

So this is what it feels like to be a newfag.

>> No.5659859

I still don't get your question

>> No.5659877

honestly i cant believe these newfags even respond to shit like that. vechain retards

>> No.5659910

This is either top tier shilling to create hype or the insider information is correct and this is going straight to goddamned Mars the literal instant they annouce PBOC integration.

No bullshit if the PBOC thing is true it's going to 100 Billion over the course of a few weeks.

>> No.5659941

To a pathetic newfag like me, what does "100 Billion" come to per coin?

>> No.5660021

Depends on if CMC ever changes the circulating supply on their page to be accurate.

It's either about 360ish for the listed or 219 for the actual.

>> No.5660043

Looking back at VeChain and their news they tend to shill but then overdeliver every time. CEO stated the January would blow your mind. PBoC, partnerships under NDA being released, more exchanges, rebranding ...

100$ in 6 weeks, my call.

>> No.5660204

It's really hard to tell where it would go to be honest. Its hard to comprehend what it would do to the market cap of the coin if it was actually being used by the PBOC on a national level.

It literally looks too good to be true.

>> No.5660255
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ATM machines and their own bitocean exchange as well. Masternodes this is the most genius business Idea I have ever seen in my fucking life boys strap in this will make eth's run up look like small potatoes

>> No.5660456

I've got 64K VET so I'm all for this being true but I literally can't believe that this is going on an ETH run because it would make me rich.

>> No.5660485

It will work out. Just be patient.

>> No.5660528

All in. 34k. I might put all my other alts into vet too.
Might take me to 42k or something.
If this is true i will never have to work a day in my life.

>> No.5660642

Shit I only have 100 VET and no cash to spare. Sure hope those guys will bump this up to a couple 1000.

>> No.5660646

So I Google'D VeChain and apparently there's a VEN and a VET. I read the Reddit (because lol Reddit) and apparently they're the same but they're not and one will have no value while the other will skyrocket.


>> No.5660673

VET is the rebranded name of VEN

>> No.5660676

VET is VEN rebranded. THOR POWER (yes seriously) will be their equivalent to GAS

>> No.5660698

Yeah, but is there anyway to buy VET? Or do I just buy VEN and it automatically turns into VET once the rebranding finishes?

>> No.5660713


>> No.5660722


>> No.5660728

Need to swing trade and stack 10k more vet to get a thunder node asap

>> No.5660735
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Shit is about to get real. VeChain did a retweet of this article and deleted it right away. Something big is coming guys.

>> No.5660765

It's literally just changing the name of the ETH chain. It's not a new token or anything.

It is getting it's own chain Q2 2018 but it will be a 1 to 1 exchange VET on the Eth chain to their own chain.

>> No.5660786

I'm worried about tax time. If I buy VET now and then it moons tomorrow, I don't want to figure out that tax nightmare. If I wait until midnight Jan 1st, will it be too late?

>> No.5660833

You don't think the chinks will be getting on this if that's true ? Godamn biztards believing every shill out here

>> No.5660891

That's one of the reasons I'm holding off. I've never found a coin before it moons. Every time a coin is posted on /biz/, it's has either mooned already or it's a slow-growth coin like OMG or 0x.

>> No.5660939

It goes on ...

>> No.5660953

This is fake

>> No.5660991

It's not. New tweet just appeared.

>> No.5661011
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I read the whitepaper and it's a DAG/Blockchain mix for M2M. It uses a PBFT consensus and addresses security IoT issues with semi-homomorphic-encryption ciphertext computing. It can do 100k tps as well and has a ML data marketplace and has applied applied zero-knowledge proof, BloomFilter, Hyperloglog and other probabilistic models to provide data-analysis access to smart contracts.
It's actually freaking amazing and I'm surprised nobody knows about it. I can actually see the tech completely replacing Tangle and it's sitting at such a low market cap.

>> No.5661079

Its not, they tweeted it again

>> No.5661104


That's a fake twitter account lol

>> No.5661123

Im all in on this shit its gonna be huge

>> No.5661156

>Sunny Lu following this particular account
how retarded can you be

>> No.5661242

Just some Wabi kid I guess

>> No.5661260

Holy fuck you're stupid

>> No.5661376
File: 11 KB, 1812x116, GezpQrL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One must be an ABSOLUTE FUCKING IDIOT to not go all in. This is the most bullish coin in history.

>Pumps out HUGE partnerships weekly
>PBoC basically confirmed
>60% of current circulating supply will be locked in nodes, probably more (I'm estimating 70-80%)

I'm all in. Pic related

>> No.5661416

I apologize it wasn’t there when I checked, just looked again thanks

NOT fake!

>> No.5661522

>It's actually freaking amazing and I'm surprised nobody knows about it. I can actually see the tech completely replacing Tangle and it's sitting at such a low market cap.
you fucking what m8

>> No.5661603

The autism levels are high in this one.

>> No.5661619

Yeah it's current price makes no sense at all. They pump out huge news that would send every shitcoin through the roof like it's nbd and the market literally doesn't give a shit. Boggles the mind.

>> No.5661669

holy shit dude you're about to be rich af

VeChain Node Economics (yearly income based on different estimates of the price of Power)

Thrudheim Masternodes 250,000+ VET (base 65,700 Thor Power + 30% of all THOR Power)

$25 = $1,642,500 + 30% of all THOR Power

$10 = $657,000 + 30% of all THOR Power

$5 = $328,000 + 30% of all THOR Power

$2 = $131,400 + 30% of all THOR Power

(note: 30% is divided between all Thrudheim Masternodes)

Mjolnir Masternodes 150,000+ VET (base 39,420 Thor Power)

$25 = $985,500

$10 = $394,200

$5 = $197,000

$2 = $78,840

Thunder Nodes 50,000+ VET (base 11,771 Thor Power)

$25 = $294,275

$10 = $117,710

$5 = $58,885

$2 = $23,542

Strength Nodes 10,000+ VET (base 2,080.5 Thor Power)

$25 = $52,000

$10 = $20,805

$5 = $10,402.5

$2 = $4,161

>> No.5661686

The greatest whale play of all time. They know about the potential of VeChain and want as much as they can get

>> No.5661687

As soon as some major shit happens like right now for example, these cunts start dumping and setting up sell walls

>> No.5661798
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Well said Sunny

>> No.5661820

It's a shame /biz/ prohibits giveaways of cryptocurrency or else you could help out a lot of anons with that kind of power.

>> No.5661868

wtf are those numbers. So if I get a 10k node and the price of VET gets to $25 I can have $52k yearly passive income ?

>> No.5661958
File: 186 KB, 710x675, 1514396094065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are the prices of the Thor Power (GAS) coin you would have 10,000 x whatever the price of VET is but yes if Thor Power went to 25 you would make 52k a year passive. This economic model is literally free money. Plus there will only be 20 million in circulating supply once the master nodes are in the forge wallet staking.

>> No.5661969

I have helped you guys quite a lot. A lot of /biz/bros were getting JUST'ed in UTK, so I pumped the price up with a buywall.

>> No.5661970

Pretty much. Thats not including whatever the VET price is at that time which probably would be more than 50$ based on the neo/gas proportion

>> No.5661991

20 million circulating of VET. Remember NEOS gas was less than a dollar when it came out and took about a month to take off. Its sitting around 25$ right now.

>> No.5662124
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interesting, very interesting. Shame i can't buy more since I'm already all in.

>> No.5662175

is this dip gonna keep up? seems like there’s some resistance

>> No.5662277

Probably till trading competition ends/ january news comes out. Multiple events happening then such as rebrand and DNV formal partnership announcement not to mention the rumoured stuff as well. January is gonna be big...

>> No.5662418

this is still VEN on binance but in MEW it is VET it wont fuck up if i send it to MEW from binance right?

>> No.5662569

I wonder if they would announce the PBOC thing if it is true mid or late January.