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56589785 No.56589785 [Reply] [Original]

The recent Link pump just made me 100,000 on paper. But I realize now money won’t make me happy wat do

>> No.56589826

not sure, drugs? art? music festivals? go to church? fuck if i know i tried all that shit, i find moments of happiness but it always fades away.

>> No.56589848

How are you coping now. This realization is breaking me

>> No.56589851

100k isn't alot anymore so I can see it not making you very happy

>> No.56589859

I can already tell when it’s a million I won’t be happy either

>> No.56589874

Work, hard and persistent work

>> No.56589884

Mid 30's wage slaving? Just my guess.

>> No.56589947

1 million isn’t wage escaping money either one can really experience rich joy when they get 10m+

>> No.56589966

Hell 10k to me is a lot.

>> No.56589970

i don't work and i have mid 6 figs
stop being a retard

>> No.56589979

Pro tip OP: money doesn't buy happiness. It avoids extra sadness and stress. The rest is up to you.

>> No.56589994

Don't worry. This rally will fail like the others and you'll realize after it's too late that the money would have made you happy if only you could just go back and take it.

>> No.56590010

Create things, nigger. You exist to create.
Toil over something and bring it into the world.

>> No.56590017
File: 427 KB, 1020x1015, 1667037133153425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

improve the world. reduce the suffering of people around you

>> No.56590022

am I the eyes in that picture

>> No.56590042

Aka beg like a third world faggot, god this board hasn't changed a fucking bit.
if you know who this faggot was.

>> No.56590058

we're all the eyes

>> No.56590063

100k not that much. Made 350k on the pump and desu it’s not enough. You start to realize that only the 100k+ holders are gonna make it and you start to hate link. It struggles to capture each $ in value.

>> No.56590064

pretty much getting ready to get back into art, for me it involves melting glass.

>> No.56590075

also getting ready to learn a trade or some shit, maybe gold and silver jewelry.

>> No.56590089

read Ecclesiastes in the bible. just find something you like, what did you like as a kid?

>> No.56590280

>100k pre tax
>need at least a couple mils post tax
>need link to go 200+
>probably won't happen until 2030
>I'll be bald and my dick won't work by then

>> No.56590427

You don’t work? based lazy chud

>> No.56590439
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>> No.56590826 [DELETED] 

Give your link to me if you don't need it


>> No.56590854

you're one of the blades of grass in the distance, far left. it takes many blades to make the world a better place. remember this.

>> No.56590870

Of course you won't be. Financial security is just a form of freedom. You have to use that freedom to work on what makes you happy.

>> No.56590873

Shit, I should've grabbed the Chad mask instead of the incel mask, let me just try agACK

>> No.56590966

Then who is the eyes

>> No.56590969

hodl until you seriously figure it out nigga

>> No.56590997

i'm the mask i know that for certain...i have a hunch about the eyes - it's the one who spams that pepe with the weird lines and chin. she/her has been following me around for a while now.

>> No.56591068

I’ve been a self taught guitar player since 13 and finally now after a few years at my corporate wage slave job I can afford top tier private music lessons. It’s something I look forward to at the end of the week instead of wanting to blow my Brains out from the monotony of the wagie life. Unironically, being self taught (TM) is the biggest meme, I honestly should’ve gotten a teacher 2-3years in as my progress has leapfrogged from terrible technique and bad habits. But not even a million dollars will make me a better guitarist, so in a way this grounds me.

t. 160k in crypto, been enjoying the Chainlink run up with my 5k stacklet; not enough to escape wage slavery but enough to at least smile a bit.

>> No.56591272
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sometimes I feel bad for the holders, I mean, I struggled a lot to get my sora card and they are still here, clinging on as best they can, I hope we all make it

>> No.56591359

Become traditional catholic and suffer. You will be happy in heaven