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56587908 No.56587908 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you moved to Southeast Asia yet, anon?

>> No.56587927

Bro just uproot your whole life to live somewhere cheaper? Who needs family, friends, roots, or good paying jobs, all that matters is house = cheap!

>> No.56587940

you're a poor person

>> No.56587950

Are you black?

>> No.56587970

This only makes sense if you’re a diaspora of said country.

My long term plan is to make as much money and retire back in SEA. I’m not even a poor sea fag, i’m resoundly in the middle class here in the west.

Shit just cheaper, the women are cheaper, you can get away with so much more shit.

Like having a second wife.

>> No.56588014

>Family is le bad
>Drugs and tranny women are all I need to feel home
All of you are faggot degens lmao

>> No.56588055

underrated kek

>> No.56588113

i don't want to move to a majority muslim country as i'm not a muslim, seen too many crazy he-looked-at-a-koran-disrespectfully stories

>> No.56588141

theyre jungle gooks, do you really think they take islam seriously?

>> No.56588172


>> No.56588182


>> No.56588184

>burger education
Indonesians have been Muslim for centuries

>> No.56588211

Is this bait?

>> No.56588242

Take your winnings from the West, then go make your country better. Open up a school, or something. Don't go full into degeneracy. Don't devolve back into your racial habits when you return. You can change things.

>> No.56588301

>racial habits
Fuck off with your debunked pseudoscience, Southeast Asia is only poor because they were ruthlessly colonized by the Japanese

>> No.56588725

indonesians eat rats for breakfast

>> No.56588798

Indonesia is cheap for a reason, it is a shithole. When I visited Jakarta, this country's capital city, there were just rivers filled with trash, dozens of people squatting on the side of the road in flip flops smoking, and no fuckin solid roads just like dirt paths.

The chicken was pretty good though, they got some interesting food flavors, if your stomach can handle it. Drinks with no ice is recommended unless you want to shit yourself afterwards cuz their water safety is terrible

>> No.56588801

That's one of the first regions they're gonna nuke

>> No.56588818

I’ve been there too. I had a qt out there. I really enjoyed my time there but what you described is correct. I had to eat mostly kfc so I wouldn’t shit. Thanks goyslop

>> No.56588903

>squatting on the side of the road in flip flops smoking

>> No.56588931

suprised with how retarted people on this website is. I think most of it is caused by financial/economic illiteracy mixed in with insecurities caused by rising interest rates, a looming recession and increased housing costs.

What a lot of anons don't consider is that 15k euro home is probably even more unaffordable for the average Indonesian citizen factoring in what their average wages are, than a western European triying to buy a home in his own country.

>> No.56588956

An estimated 500,000 people were brutally murdered in that country and the people responsible are still in power. The heirs own the palm oil plantations which burn down virgin forests to make more space for agriculture. The majority of all animal life is endangered. Indonesia is a shithole among shitholes.

>> No.56590774

I don't want to flee and I don't want to live around asians

>> No.56590780

I dont like jungle gooks

>> No.56590787

Rootless cosmopolitan detected. The ovens are preheated and ready for you.

>> No.56590788

You understand them are muslims right?

>> No.56590845

In Indonesia, with $15,000 you get a shit house. Mosques are everywhere. If you don't want to wake up at 4 AM in the morning, you must pay at least $250k for housing complex. Luxury house costs like $1 million here (before taxes).

>> No.56590968

Only inferior people get colonized

>> No.56590978
File: 88 KB, 964x640, 1681521461062172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funnily enough I had this exact same attitude up until recently.

What finally made me completely change my mind happened a few weekends ago when I was out grilling with my friend and his gf. Staring into the charcoal embers, I had a tsunami of unfulfillment wash over me, and I thought to myself, "if I'm still dicking around in my dull flyover American town in 5 years I'm gonna fucking kill myself".

Don't get me wrong I love my best friend but I want more than what a normie life can offer. If I have to leave behind my friends and family then that's a fair trade off. No idea why I was so hung up about staying close to home, maybe it was just my neuroticism. I'd be far happier as a rolling stone, I have too much of a novelty seeking personality to sit still.

>> No.56590981

they're weak-willed little chinamen, they won't bother you

>> No.56591059

>live in 3rd world
>get 3rd world amenities
>3rd world health care
>3rd world infrastructure
>3rd world politics
>"its so cheap though"
hard pass.
I've had friends get a small cut or have minor accidents in places like Thailand or Vietnam and nearly die or lose their arm. Fuck that

>> No.56591086

if you make first world wages though you can buy yourself access to first world amenities while paying third world prices for everything else

>> No.56591118
File: 927 KB, 1312x984, 1698809008932692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I'm still dicking around in my dull flyover American town in 5 years I'm gonna fucking kill myself

I appreciate living in Silent Hill. Please leave, with that attitude. You sound like a nigger worshiper as well.

Americana is the rarest thing in the world. Living in small white towns is almost like taking a trip to rural Japan.

>> No.56591222

>calling me a nigger worshiper.
Guess what Cletus, White civilization towered over the rest of the world because it had my attitude. The outwardly expanding, drive for exploration and glory.

Not because it was obsessed with parochial local customs like a bunch of backwards tribals.

You wear your white skin like a badge of honor but don't even represent the best of what the white race has to offer. Columbus enshrined his name in the history books precisely because he DIDN'T stay in his native Genoa. May be hard for you to believe but some people want more from life than working at a hardware store and tending to their garden until death.

Ruralite fag.

>> No.56591341
File: 79 KB, 602x339, main-qimg-90a2a7c569f13bf47aca2ef9280fef63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56591354

income tax policy is horrific. youre better off buying golden antiguilla visa for $150k

>> No.56591365

>3rd world amenities
You can be treated like a god with money
>3rd world healthcare
Meme, especially in Asia you can get quality healthcare with money; it's ludicrous to think the Amerishart racket is better except for highly specialized stuff
>3rd world infrastructure
Can be true, you need to pick a place on an island/beachfront paradise so this doesn't matter
>3rd world politics
Can be true, generally fine unless some brutal dictatorship gets installed

>> No.56591449

They have some of the best healthcare in the world, you're talking out your ass backwards with diarrhea

>> No.56591481
File: 56 KB, 502x479, This Scares And Angers The Urban Tranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They eat them before they become aggressive

>> No.56591844


>> No.56591853

nobody gives a shit about SEA, thats one of its major strengths

>> No.56591855

>The majority of all animal life is endangered
get fucked conservationists...

>> No.56591870

they will never know the feeling of pinning the weasel

>> No.56591880

>especially in Asia you can get quality healthcare with money
you cant even get expanded allogenic stem cell treatments in the usa.

>> No.56591888

better yet they're indifferent to farangs (for the most part)

>> No.56592844

>500k people killed
>implying I give a fuck about east timoreses

>> No.56592900

lol dont be a faggot. the west is gay and dying while seamonkies continue to pop out kids. they'll be around in 100 years meanwhile we wont be the majority in our own countries. Clearly something they're doing is working and something we're doing is not.

>> No.56592916

It's far from the best, but it's relatively decent quality for what you get. In terms of quality and price, Singapore wins out.

>> No.56592918

im jumping through bureaucratical hoops to get my passport as we speak

>> No.56592983
File: 510 KB, 1080x1463, Screenshot_2023-11-08-19-56-56-496_com.facebook.katana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man that looks so neat for 15k usd that it sound like a scam . In comparison, This is what 11k usd can buy you in the Philippines, an undocumented slum location, no water yet and o electricity

>> No.56593056

Looks like worthless garbage, just like your ugly shitskin ass.

>> No.56593061

Timorenses you dumb sack of lard

>> No.56593100

i was in philippines multiple times working on project. one time project owner took me to look at his new 2m penthouse apartment.
beautiful setup....maybe 2500sq/ft on 20th floor...balcony....granite counter tops, full wall windows, etc.
standing on the balcony and immediately next to this building was a large trash heap. the trash heap was a small mountain of about 2 to 3 stories tall and several times bigger than footprint of building. on top of trash heaps, among the rats and dogs, was about 4 or 5k people digging thru trash for food.

>hmm...uhhhh...wow....i really like the granite counter tops

this entire thread is filled with fat retards who never left the basement in last 4 years and someone think they are going to move across the world and they found a super secret deal from a single picture on internet

>> No.56593147

Yea sounds accurate. SEAniggers will try and defend this rather then face reality. Everywhere in SEA is like this, except for Singapore.

>> No.56593152

Still more expensive per square meter than OP Pic (40sqm vs 100sqm) so it wins in prestige

>> No.56593178

That's a literal scam. This same property will cost north of 50k usd in the Philippines

>> No.56593541

>t. living in hyperinflation
trying to make it in my country

>> No.56593620

haha! fucking dirty skinned faggot

>> No.56593951

how old are you? this has been true for 20 years.

>> No.56594073

Because I don't have $15k. Plus flights, plus kitchen utilities, plus racism against white people which is very much a thing because we are assholes. We're also simply foreign and capitalism is just an organised version of war.

>> No.56594303

I could buy a house in Odessa for $2000

>> No.56594314

>Why haven't you moved to Southeast Asia yet, anon?
jungle niggers

>> No.56594540

I can't stand bugs of any form, slant eye, angry eye, tired eye. I don't care if a house was free, I couldn't live among them.
Also, they don't like you, enjoy your shit and piss mixed into your food.

>> No.56595190


>> No.56595238

>t. nigger lover that only accepts nigger feces when he eats out, which is daily because he cant be arsed to cook, much less grow anything.
amerilards have nothing to be proud of. the world will shit on you in unison for the rest of your life.

>> No.56595290

It really depends, if you don’t care about that shit, does it really matter? I’ll stay in my penthouse and be comfy as fuck.

Same shit why I don’t care about the drug addicts and prostitutes outside my home in america.

>> No.56595562
File: 89 KB, 986x1024, 1689016867918373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

juden detected

>> No.56595705

Globhomo kike faggots will never understand

>> No.56595733

i don't want to merge with the chinks

>> No.56595829

Just looked up the place in OP on google maps.
The village seems nice, foothills of a forested mountain, not too far from Bandung which is an OK city with all amenities.
Only problem I can find is that there are several durian farms nearby.
tfw your house is next to the site of the local durian farmers cooperative where they gather the harvest for processing, and a huge mountain of discarded durians is rotting right next to your house.

>> No.56595943

Such entitled attitude. I celebrate whenever southeadt asians beat the shit out of entitled westerners.

>> No.56595994

Imagine being so spiritually hollow and low iq that you want only to consume and have no capacity to consider the consequences of capitalist social relations on the rest of animal life

>> No.56596213

Ah, so that's the catch lol. House is worth 0.

>> No.56596248

I know the British winter there and exploit the exchange rate in pretty good numbers

>> No.56597829

Muslim asians are weird to me, I'd understand muslim Scandinavians since Allah is basically a pagan allfather and mohammed is like Ragnar or some other pagan king, but Asians look like they're naturally more into the buddhist shit so it's weird how Islam is a thing there.
Can someone enlighten me on what you can do there? Like can I marry 4 asian hijabi women in Indonesia? How much would that cost me? What places can you still do this? It seems like you can barely get away with it in Saudi Arabia and the UAE, what about Utah and mormons?

>> No.56597842

Conceptualize the aroma

>> No.56598231
File: 28 KB, 428x257, RUDY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the most beautiful video, these eyes have ever seen.