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56587169 No.56587169 [Reply] [Original]

How does "tokenizing everything" actually improve the world?

>> No.56587189

Prevents various forms of jewing. But normies don't even know that a currency should be tied and backed to something so normies won't even know what we and the banks are using and getting rich off of.

>> No.56587258
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Then why is every big globohomo financial institution SO enthusiastic about the coming tokenization?

>> No.56587317

Because they are all losing faith in each other. No one wants to be jewed.

>> No.56587340

Because whites serve their jew masters by digitally tracking and tracing everything resulting in a digital mark of the beast to buy and sell.

>> No.56587395
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wasn't crypto supposed to free people from this stuff?

>> No.56587420

Imagine if everything in a store was tokenized. You would know who owned it at all times. So, if a vibrant band of ethnic teens took items without paying for them and tried to resell them, the merchandise would be flagged as stolen.

>> No.56587442
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is that why they defunded the police and forced all this diversity, so that they could solver the problems they created?

>> No.56587458

It's ironic cause blockchain is the opposite of that.

>> No.56587479
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so crypto was actually about enslaving everyone from day one?

>> No.56587514

Yes. Almost everything in this world could be classified as some form of enslavement. If you want to not be financially tracked, use cash while you still can.

>> No.56587573
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that sucks :(

>> No.56587603

The inevitable end state of capitalism is globalism. Capitalistic companies are required to grow perpetually. This promotes a globalist narrative because corporations work to spread their influence globally. In a capitalistic culture, identity is driven by consumption. Therefore old-world culture is pressured out by means of corporate influence. The natural end state of a globalized world is a low-trust society. Humans have a natural distrust of strangers, and yet in a global society we are required to interact with strangers every day. Even the smallest business are connected to a global supply chain network involving suppliers from all around the world. A globalized, low-trust society cannot operate based on the paper contract agreements of the old world. Those are trust based. That is why we are moving to a smart contract based low-trust version of the global asset system, because globalism demands it.

>> No.56587607

Yea but idk if there is an alternative, now with AI its clear that real information needs a way to confirm authenticity.

>> No.56587621

To be fair, globalism is the end state of all government isms

>> No.56587641
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i understand the notion of
>code is law
but if this is about the globalization end-game, then who will actually be in control of the system and what will this control look like? will control still be imposed by nation states?

>> No.56587658

who is control right now

>> No.56587660

It solves the lambo problem

>> No.56587674

Yes I agree, any government is naturally incentivised to spread its influence across the globe. But I think the difference in our reality is that culture is currently defined by consumption, not political philosophy. Therefore when it comes to control over the identity of groups of people (globalism), I'd say that corporations have more influence than governments.

The same mish-mash of wealthy bankers, corporations, and politicians (bought by corpos) that have always ruled the world. Crypto isn't about changing the end state of power, it's about a shift in the means at which they exercise control. The whole point of this is that it's coming. We know it, they know it, so we can profit off it.

>> No.56587696


>> No.56587703
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>profit from it
Will there even be private ownership in their world? What does "profit" even mean in such a radically different system?

>> No.56587752

There isn't any meaningful private ownership as is. (Property tax)

>> No.56587772

Nationalist=capitalist=globalist=communism .wtf

>> No.56587780

I don't think the system will be that fundamentally different. It will just be all tracked. The biggest difference is that taxes will be enforced by some sort of smart contract system. (Extrapolate from there.)

>> No.56587781
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it's still pseudo-ownership. you have lots of rights that the government can't legally infringe on regarding your property, even if you are paying a sort of rent and require permission to modify it

>> No.56587809

It improves the world by digitalizing everything so you consume and own less but feel happy as if you’re safe and consuming and owning something real. Meanwhile they have less vectors to Jew you out of the underlying things you actually own. They’ll abstract you to death

>> No.56587814

people can co-own patents or ips, it also increases the velocity of money in the markets and it's easier to find a buyer for the most obscure stuff

>> No.56587822

>private ownership
>their world
It's already their world. 100% private ownership and self custody of any physical asset doesn't really exist. Only in crypto can you have self custody that is cryptographically secured. You can own Bitcoin and then memorize your private key, it will be impossible for anyone to then move that Bitcoin away from your address. Sure they control the off-ramps, but the point is that the btc remains yours. They can't take it by force like they could your car, house, or gold.

>> No.56587850

Yeah, it's all the same. Power naturally centralizes itself and looks to bring everything within its grasp. It's just human nature, or a fact of the universe, I don't know. All I know is that it keeps happening. Doesn't matter what system you follow, power will always end up with the few at the expense of many.

>> No.56587877
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I think it'll be a lot more than that.
Look at the emergence of
>Unexplained Wealth Orders
for instance.



We've seen them talking about outlawing self custody already. I doubt they'd outright do that, but they will find some way to try and force you into their system.

>> No.56587905
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>While the design and
implementation of UWO systems are very much in a state of evolution, they may fill a
gap in asset recovery systems. UWO systems, like other legal tools, depend on other
legal and institutional aspects in each jurisdiction. If a country considers implementing
a UWO system, it should form part of a more comprehensive whole of policies and must
be adapted to the specific legal context. For example, countries that have established a
strong forfeiture system based on value confiscation or civil confiscation, not requiring
prosecutors to show a link between assets and a crime, may not need UWOs as much
as other countries that have not.

>> No.56587922

>outlaw self custody
Maybe, who knows. But right now it seems you can only do that in law, but not in practice. The cat is out of the bag, it's now very easy to make cryptocurrencies/blockchains that allow two strangers to securely and directly transfer value between each other without a third party. That at least is much more than could be said 20-30 years ago. We'll see what the world looks like in 30 years, hopefully 4chan is still around (lol).

>> No.56588029
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>code is law
Will not be a solution while governments have the power to dictate what code you MUST use (this is the key point in the tyranny they're trying to build, right?). Blockchain can only free people if governments are made impotent.

>> No.56588082

This guy gets it

>> No.56588127

You guys are missing the huge point of tokenization. Right now youre very focused on tokenization of the current things we have. Things like car titles, house titles, stocks, gold, art, etc. While this is nice, we can prove ownership without any sort of 3rd party trust me bro type of shit...once tokenization is commonplace and no longer a scary aspect...things that you would have never thought could be tokenized will start to pop up. For instance, you could tokenize your career path. Basically make a derivative of your work output, then someone could come along and buy this from you (gaining a piece of your total output in exchange for say, 100kusd now) or someone could even offer you a loan on the output of your future career output. This could make paying for college much more striaght forward and reduce the number of retarded ass degrees people get. This is just 1 quick off the top of my head example..but things are truly limitless

>> No.56588154
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>he knows

>> No.56588185
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This all sounds awfully close to literal slavery where you legally own people.

>> No.56588224

Sure, maybe. They're incentivised to do that. The point I'm trying to make is that this is far enough along that you need to stop worrying about whether it's going to happen and start worrying about how to profit off it. We're seeing the future right now, man. Make the right calls and we can absolutely profit off this. Because for the first time in a long time, we can directly buy into the growth of a system that will secure how the next stage of our world works. No use betting on governments collapsing, because then any assets you're betting with will also be worthless. See what I mean? We're here to profit, so the only logical choice is to lean in to what is most likely to happen.

>> No.56588279
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That's why I'm trying to understand what their world will actually look like.
What ARE the right calls, beyond holding projects that represent ownership in the infrastructure they need?

On the other hand, do you really think that people will accept this stuff? Remember when they pushed those COVID tracking apps everywhere and nobody went for it? What's the vaccine uptake now? Almost nothing.
Fact is, people ARE increasingly waking up to a lot of the bullshit. Is it possible that their plans will fail in the end?

>> No.56588399

Yeah, infrastructure in the coming age of smart contract based agreements. Projects that bring off-chain data and assets on-chain. Projects that promote connectivity within web3.

And yes, people will go for it because there will be no other option. The day will come where if you want to be paid in USD, it will be in the form of a digital currency. If you want to interact with your bank, it will be through a UI supported by smart contracts on the back end. If you buy a car, its title will be tokenized. Remember the average person doesn't know what a blockchain is, they won't know what this is either. They'll see some new stuff on the front end of their applications but that's about it. Normal people don't use cash anymore either, so the card swiping will stay the same.

>> No.56588485
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>And yes, people will go for it because there will be no other option.
Anon, they were pushing that everyone get experiment injections in order to be part of society.

Think about that. There has to be a line somewhere. Are you going to just accept that world?

If you don't have a line, where do you think THEIR line will be? There will be no limits at all to what they can and will do to you.

>> No.56588763

is a reverse mortgage slavery? Is renting out your house slavery? Tokenization allows for value that is generally trapped in certain purchases to be used by you in whatever way you would like. The examples I gave were just some straightforward example of what they could be used for...also, what is the difference between this and the current student loan system? At least with the system I posited, you could find someone willing to give you money for a much better deal than the predatory banks that currently offer student loans. The point is, the stipulations for whatever you do with your tokenized assets is in your hand. Heres another example: You have an heriloom in your family, a priceless artifact in the from of a necklace that is pure precious metals and fine jewels. The piece is worth some six figures. There are certainly places that you can take this to which would provide you a loan for it as collateral, but if youve ever looked into this, youd realize that the loan terms are usually very unfavorable. Now, imagine a 3rd party(trusted, insured, etc) that collects the item from you, gives you a token on the blockchain, an NFT that has a value (backed by the issuer) of the 6 figures your necklace is worth. Now you can go to a broker who would accept that token as collateral and provide you a loan with w/e terms you want. Everything is completely at your own discretion. Now imagine being able to do this with your PS5, maybe some antique furniture, etc....sounds like pawn shop now...but all of the value is secured on a blockchain...whos MCap would be going up as its securing all of these tokens.....

>> No.56588791

It goes both ways though. And you don't neccessarily have to offer your tokenised assets for sale. I think the point is that you are going to WANT to do so. Take for example, a car that you own. You only use it for a few hours everyday. What if you could lease it out for passive income while you are not using it? And at the same time, you could rent someone's grill for a couple hours, instead of buying one outright, since you only need it once a year. At its core, smart contracts and tokenisation increase efficiency. It is possible to envision such a future where nothing is wasted and nothing sits unused 24/7. It's simply a matter of tokenising literally everything and then setting up all the smart contracts anyone could ever possibly want to use.

When Schwab said you will own nothing and be happy, maybe it wasn't a threat. Maybe it was a genuine prediction. I can't deny that people like Schwab actively try to further this future world. But maybe it was bound to happen no matter what.

>> No.56588802

What im getting at, and I hope you can kind of see through my comments....is that by tokenizing everything, we create a secondary economy built on top of the first, both economies have value in them, both have money...but the tokenized layer on top is not "cash money" its value. Its a way for us to extract value out of things that have already been paid for and would usually not act as an asset. Another example....Solar panels, say you tokenize your solar rooftop, now people can purchase shares in your roof and collect profits based on excess energy you are creating. Realize though that these ideas are radical and new. Many of the ideas that are being brought forward seem like extremely simple rehashings of current things we already do...but with the added benefit of additional money being created for the owner of the object. There are very small details that get changed when tokenizing things and its important to take the entirety of the system into account when thinking about it or youll get lost in the small details and the fact that it seems like we already do the thing youre looking at.

>> No.56588803

no, it only further improves the grasp of jews and economic slavery in a capitalistic system, for something to go up, something else must lose value, ie human capital

>> No.56588822

Beat me to it. Anons on here need to stop fearmongering about the 4th IR hellscape. Its a technology that can be used for good or evil. Just like the internet. We are arguably less free in some ways thanks to the internet. But at the same time, we are more free in other ways.

>> No.56588823

Its funny, because the foundation of all of this is in the name "smart contract" Its basically a way to automatically enforce contracts on humans(when combined with tokenization). Using your grill example, if you have to put up collateral when "renting" the grill, and fail to return it when its due, your collateral begins to be eaten away and given to the person who you are basically "stealing from" Make it so the collateral provided needs to be equal or lesser value, and you have a society (if this system is widely used) that stops stealing each others shit (that is borrowed).

>> No.56589065
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You could argue that the existence of mortgages is a form of slavery, yes.

>new technology >opportunity and some risk
>gives advantage
>early adopters profit
>adoption increases

>ceases to be an advantage
>have to adopt it and engage in these practices or you'll be left behind
>end up selling yourself on token platform to "investors" just so you can appear to have enough resources to attract a woman

That's generally how it works in a system where competition exists.

>> No.56589101

>Make it so the collateral provided needs to be equal or lesser value, and you have a society (if this system is widely used) that stops stealing each others shit (that is borrowed).

Absolutely. The terms of service for renting contracts are going to be so fine tuned to account for any and all externalities. Return the grill 5 minuites early? Get refunded for the unused time. Return the grill in a cleaner condition than when you rented it? Some extra ETH dust was deposited into your wallet. You grilled a 3 day old steak instead of the one that was butchered 2 days ago? The discount is automatically applied in your end cost etc etc. The end state of crypto is 100% efficiency.

>> No.56589106

Literal delusional utopian fantasy

>> No.56589143

Lower your tone.

>> No.56589158

I would bet that every tokenized asset becomes a "financial instrument". Meaning that in the next engineered derivatives crash ownership of all your assets will roll up.

Remember the "you will own nothing" line? It is literal, this is how it is done.

>> No.56589358

Yeah now you're thinking, there's a lot of strange possibilities on the horizon. It's not clear what the world will look like in 30 years but it's clear that smart contracts and tokenized assets are going to be a part of it. That's all anyone knows for sure right now. I do enjoy your optimism.

>> No.56590239
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Anyone who actually believes that mass tokenization will occur is retarded. No-one is going to buy your apes, faggot.

+2 weeks until adoption.

>> No.56590386

>You would know who owned it at all times.
Yes this. Transparent systems cure many problems.

>> No.56590416

No more middle men who had zero actual value to the economy

>> No.56590428
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do token speculators have value?

>> No.56591829

With so many of them collapsing why would you be surprised that they want to fix their fucked up system?

>> No.56593350

That's just what some people wanted to believe and the others wanted to sell their bags to them using arbitary buzzwords

>> No.56593704

Ding ding ding this is it right here.
Tokenize your gold so we can confiscate it. Don't want to tokenize? We'll make "unauthenticated" buying and selling illegal.