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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56584353 No.56584353 [Reply] [Original]

>job interview today
>2 women interviewers
Ask me how I know I don't have the job

>> No.56584366

how I know I don't have the job?

>> No.56584380

mutts are getting discriminated in their own countries and won't do shit whereas they own 2 AR-15 each


>> No.56584383

Didn't you prepare for that question beforehand? Please don't tell me you rocked up to an interview with no prep-time

>> No.56584384

You should have pretended to be ftm

>> No.56584404

Oh glad you wasted our time making this faggot thread.
The women deserve the job you don't psycho creep.

>> No.56584443

>>2 women interviewers
Why would you even want the job?

>> No.56584456

i had an interview with a woman director. she liked me and asked me back for a second round but i just told the HR roastie to """respectfully"""" withdraw me from further consideration. does this make me a business chad? am i a business chad?

>> No.56584471

What kind of job has you interviewed by HR tards and not the actual team you will be working on?

>> No.56584498

I did know who the interviewers were
If I did I wouldn't have turned up

>> No.56584505

Makes you a sperg desu

>> No.56584513

you gave them the ick

>> No.56584520

the job paid nicely but sounded like a sweatshop with long hours

>> No.56584525
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really? I find woman interviewers to be the easiest, I just chill and flirt with them, then they give me hire for me for above the job offer said and give me their contact info, male interviewers are way worse, they ask hard questions in my profession and get mad if I don't sit straight, if I go to an interview I always hope it's a young woman and not an old guy who's a veteran

>> No.56584539

It was until you posted about it on 4chan like it is some grand happening

>> No.56584556

woman or gigachad genes?

>> No.56584578
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damn it feels good to be a business chad. do you think the HR roastie will whisper about me to her other HR roastie friends and suddenly even hotter female directors will be competing for my attention?

>> No.56584603
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bald, short, skinny, 31 years old, ugly face, I get along with women of any age though, from little girls to old grannies I'll get along with any women aside from the really stuck up cunts who see me as a sleazy scammer (which I am), it's the old guys that I don't get along with because they see me as a clumsy idiot (which I am)

>> No.56584626
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>it's another subtle behavior incel test question

>> No.56584660
File: 1.20 MB, 1024x1536, AI_gen_pleasant_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to agree with this guy. Women interviewers are in my opinion easier and easier to get along with. In my ultra liberal piece of crap country, it's the guys that get extra offended real fast whenever they detect the faintest smell of anything... while I've found the women to be much more chill and easy going. Strange times we live in.

>> No.56584690
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women especially young women are definititely more chill and easygoing, I wouldn't say that guys are easily offended though, it's more that they ask a bunch of hard technical questions like I'm in an university exam or something and I'm just like "bro I don't fucking know"

>> No.56584707

same but they just smile at me at interviews, then send me a rejection email

>> No.56584914
File: 1.22 MB, 1152x1520, AI_gen_pleasant_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, I know what you mean. Like it's just a job, no need to be so hardass. This ain't the military. I remember when I was fresh out of uni (master's in STEM) and this guy was asking me advanced stuff about SAXS (advanced diffraction measurements). Like wtf bro, that's advanced even for a PhD. Luckily, I kind of knew it since was fortunate enough to have worked with a nice PhD that taught me many things but come on.
In the end it didn't matter at all and they taught you everything you had to know at the job.

Yes to women, especially young women interviewers. Assuming you answer calmly and confidently and don't come off as creepy, they are extremely easy going.
I still very much prefer to be smiled at and get rejected than getting stared at and thought of as utterly incompetent and then rejected.