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56583173 No.56583173 [Reply] [Original]



>There won't be any privacy anymore

Your only chance is Monero



>> No.56583220

social credits are actually based. imagine getting good citizen points for doing good things for society and unlocking some special privileges. if you're an antisocial piece of shit you can't get those special privileges.

>> No.56583252

The process of socialization is not a privilege, it is a loss of self. NPC

>> No.56583369

Cattle like you deserve to have no rights

>> No.56583402

What if you're introverted and hate social media and social events. Pretty hard to get get bood boy points then.

>> No.56583643
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So Monero?
Based YouTube merchant

>> No.56583654

social credit is great for below average loser scum like you because the only thing they can be competitive at is obedience

>> No.56583662

Ok ok get this: social credit but only for black people

>> No.56584182

>Hi, i'm quadrupled jabbed now, this is my hot take

>> No.56584294
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Found the 'socially enlightened '

>> No.56584377

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for a second and say that I can see the potential for social credit systems to be beneficial to society. The problem is that it gives too much power to people who can't be trusted with that power. Who decides what is and isn't okay to do with your spare time? It's not just what is illegal and legal, it's things like "you played a game for 4 hours one night instead of working so now you cant borrow money" or "you watched porn online so now you can't buy a house in a certain area" or "you missed a payment due to unexpected circumstances so now you can't board a train".

So I'm done giving you the benefit of the doubt now, because you're really fucking dumb to trust the government not to abuse that sort of power.

>> No.56584446

Isn't Tulsi a CFR bitch?

>> No.56584453

I'd call this bait low IQ, but I guess it works on a board of retards.

>> No.56584531

Yea I'm sure it would never be abused by the powers that be

>> No.56584540
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Money is already social credit. The system was rigged against you two and a half millennia ago. Just accept your demise.

>> No.56584577
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The Chinese digital Yuan has an expiry date to force its citizens to spend money.

>> No.56585115

for any possible centralized program just ask yourself if you'd support it if it is administered by sub 80 IQ blue haired trannys because thats who is attracted to working in government and invariably who will run it either now or in the future

>> No.56585181

The reason it will never happen is because it will immediately be called racist. Yeah youre afraid they'll find out you say nigger on the internet but think of all the people who litter, swear nonstop, do nothing all day, etc. You think our podded government will let them experience any negative consequences for it?