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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56582352 No.56582352 [Reply] [Original]

Instead of investing. It seems like they need a nice house, pet, netflix, good wine, and all this other stuff and it's costing them a lot of money. Why is this?

>> No.56582356

shit thread troll post. hang yourself dead with an extension cord, niggerfaggot.

>> No.56582363


>> No.56582375

did I ruin your morning already wagie? lmfao

>> No.56582379

invest in divorces

>> No.56582394

how's leeching off your elderly parents as a 30 something year old loser going? better ask dr. shekelstein to up your anti-depressant dosage -- in a few more weeks cousin chad will be humiliating you in front of the entire extended family at thanksgiving dinner!

>> No.56582405

mad glowie

>> No.56582406
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oh em gee! epic troll fellow 4tranny! holy heck.

>> No.56582411

>everything that challenges my world view is a glowie because... IT JUST IS, OKAY!!!!
give your family the ultimate gift: a cold, lifeless body.

>> No.56582423

I will bake you in the oven, we are civilized around here.

>> No.56582427

anice projection

>> No.56582428

HOT DOG you're mad
I'm sorry your life ended up the way it did but don't be an assblasted bitbaby about it. Your coins will pay off one day I promise!

>> No.56582431

>missed out on being a whore
Why is this expressed like it’s a bad thing?

>> No.56582442

were you ignored as a child -- is that why you desperately seek out attention (anonymous, because you're a meek faggot)?

>> No.56582451

you are the one that is gaslighting OP
you woman
I understand that you are assigned to this board
I mean being a single mommy is hard

>> No.56582456

my wife is a neet and im a fit god

>> No.56582460

what's the point of investing? I'll never get rich anway. I'm 35 now, it's time to accept that mine is a mediocore middle class life

>> No.56582461
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>> No.56582472

the technical definition of investing is when you want more of something
you invest in chairs because you want more chairs

what you are referring to is speculation

and there is no problem with speculation, you speculate 1 dollar to gain 2

>> No.56582480

I mean, sure, I am still investing in my countries equivalent of 401k, but I don't hope anymore to make it big with the next crypto coin or whatever.

>> No.56582492

well think about it, you are paying for the pensions of the boomers today, hoping one day you will force a poor zoomer to pay for you

it is a cycle of violence

you did not chose to pay into a pension system, you are forced by the treat of death

and normally you get almost no returns because the one forcing you into this is taking the money

>> No.56582498

I've met my share of quirk-chunguses who are currently getting married - trust me, they haven't missed out on being whores (but their soi hubbies think they did)

>> No.56582521

You wont be rich but you could still have a shot at escaping the rat race with a comfortable life. Still better than being rich but having to work imo

>> No.56582534

more likely than not, I will just lose my money and someone smarter than me will get rich

>> No.56582540

lmao seethe fucking wagescum. make sure to dance like a trained monkey and wash yourself after your alarm clock wakes you up so your boss doesnt revoke your permission to keep eating

>> No.56582553
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>> No.56582561

that's not necessarily true. do you know any people in your life who are not conventionally smart but somehow seem to make all the good decisions? They figured it out

>> No.56582564

buy any cool video games with your weekly allowance?

>> No.56582572

sounds fun, but you can't play vidya because you too stupid

>> No.56582588

this is sadly very true
Why do the manchildren go through with it? Is it a magic spell? Was it the education system?

>> No.56582621

extremely smart take anon
Break the cycle
Where did the cycle runners get their perceived authority from anyway? It's made up, or maybe it's the same as a shrieking rat you backed into a corner.

>> No.56582631

unironically it was Otto von Bismark the German premier or whatever that invented it and destroyed Europe

you break it by neetmaxing, the system has go go bust

>> No.56582645

Do we lead the rats gently or stomp and squish?
There are many days I am tempted to the second

>> No.56582659

I actually don't know, just do the needful, make sure you contribute nothing, that should be enough.

>> No.56582684

because a kike made it

women need to be whores and men need to be ‘productive’ (slave)

>> No.56582698
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Thank u anon
Steady as she goes

>> No.56584688

Marriage is the leverage trading of relationships
If it works out you'll make it, if it doesn't you wind up liquidated
And the exchange (i.e. the state/law complex) has every incentive to ensure it's the former

>> No.56584696

*latter, FUCK

>> No.56584949
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>> No.56584990

OMG hahahahahah

>> No.56585057

no girls missed out on being a whore

>> No.56585194
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>While you were out dating I was studying finance
>when you were getting married I was day trading
>when you got your first house and had your first child together I was investing in Tbills at record high interest rates
>And now, in your moment of need, you have the audacity to ask ME for help?

>> No.56585380

gay unfunny comic

>> No.56585459

Millennials are disgusting

>> No.56585979

lunch break is over Cody, back you go!

>> No.56586306
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>> No.56586395

This looks dangerously like my relationship except my wife is the whiner instead of the manic pixie wannabe

>> No.56586406

The vaccine did nothing wrong

>> No.56586441

found the glasses goatee fag wars shirt anon

>> No.56586736
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>> No.56586799
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is that destiny and his wife?

>> No.56586840

Shows what you know, I leech off the government and only go to my parents for free food every once in a while

>> No.56586897

Destiny fits the manchild stereotype but his wife is not a "quirk chungus" who missed out on being a whore. She used to be a camwhore and now she's in an open/poly relationship so that she's free to fuck any guy she wants to.

>> No.56586965

Whenever I see the phrase "quirk chungus" I burst out laughing

Also it's laughable to think that anyone like this "missed out on being a whore," it should really say "Was a whore until age 22 when men were no longer willing to go near her"

>> No.56587044

That's a cope if I even seen one, one of the most popular categories in porn is milf

>> No.56587111

Why are you trying so hard?

>> No.56587123

You have to be 18+ to post here, kid

>> No.56588829

I'm 32 and engaged to an 18 year old. I am investing OP

>> No.56589079

>women need to be whores and men need to be ‘productive’ (slave)
its gonna be clean soon fellow blackpill fren

>> No.56589157

They're investing in good times using debt :) surely it won't bite them in the ass later!

>> No.56589169

His parents probably should have actually helped him. Everyone I know who is successful had a parent funding their lifestyle and everyone with fucked up lives had parents who stole money from them.

>> No.56589374

They got married instead of gambling.. Sounds like a good investment

>> No.56589399
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>> No.56589434
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>> No.56589558

How do I get a quirk chungus gf?

>> No.56590044

>missed out on being a whore
Its crazy how many now late 30s woman I knew from high school are now blowing up there marriages because of this.

>> No.56590220

by asking, sounds like you're already on track bud

>> No.56590268

I interpret it as Quirk Chungus being the type of girl who would have been a whore if she had been more popular but instead never rode the cock carousel due to being surrounded by betas like Man Child. I knew several girls who were into nerdy shit and had a ton of orbiters but never did that much fucking around or had just one steady boyfriend.