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File: 50 KB, 250x250, avax block.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56574375 No.56574375 [Reply] [Original]

I sold

>> No.56574690
File: 348 KB, 2140x1031, ic3, chainlink, avalanche, and rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get reckt (((fuddie)))
we already know

>> No.56574738

Easiest 100x in all of crypto

>> No.56574816

>taking profits is FUD
planning to re-enter around $9, I'd advise you to do the same since the whole market is definitely up to another major crash, the halving is way too far yet.

>> No.56574926
File: 48 KB, 353x352, 1607836709787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>planning to re-enter around $9, I'd advise you to do the same since the whole market is definitely up to another major crash, the halving is way too far yet.
I'm not going to tell you that you are wrong, because you might be correct. The way I see it there are 2 or 3 options;
>market is front running the start of the bull market just as it front ran the top of the last bull market and we didn't even clip 100k
>its a bull trap
Either way, I choose not to participate and make only nominal DCA buys now. I've loaded up on cheap coins over the last year already. You should have also. If you haven't loaded up already then I you realistically have only 1 safe option.

>> No.56574930

Cool keep me posted

>> No.56575337
File: 68 KB, 877x856, yarmulke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever this post is I agree with that Arbitrum is most likely a jewish scam.
>lots of jews involved
>sells jewish merchandise like yarmulkes (these tiny jewish hats)

>"Arbitrum" in Hebrew Gematria equals 502
>"I'm Hidden In Plain Sight" equals 502
>"Exacerbate" equals 502
>"Seal Of Solomon" equals 502
>"Antichrist Code" equals 502
>"Satans Son" equals 502
>"Of False Promise" equals 502

>> No.56575406

95% of "insiders" are pajeets, but every now and then you get one of these guys that's for real. Guys like assblaster for example. This guy seems to be legit also. He also knows about the micronova event the kabalistic kikes are preparing for and are adamant will happen in 2047. So he knows some of the secret handshakes

>> No.56575685

just read through the posts and holy shit, all of it makes way too much sense and would explain a lot of what is going on in the world and in crypto.
craziest part is how these logos line up and form a sun. how do you even make shit like this up?

>> No.56576577
File: 390 KB, 563x853, douglas b vogt - God's day of judgement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would make even more sense if you read a bit about the kabalistic kikes and what they think will happen in 2046 (not 2047, made a mistake in the earlier post). These Christ hating kikes are quite adamant about saving themselves once the place turns into a cinder and they are convinced they can manage it. Think about just how shekkle grabbing and evil they are; not only do they want to calculate when the planet turns to a smoldering mess thanks to a coronal mass ejection event (CME), but they plan on keeping track of all of their wealth by ensuring that decentralized ledgers are so well established that even if 99% of them get wiped out, the few remaining will let them enslave the few surviving goyim in another epoch of banking and wageslaving.
BTW if you read any of this book, you'll notice Douglas Vogt and his kind absolutely loaaath and hate Jesus Christ.

>> No.56576767

I wonder how bad and how real this nova/cme thing actually is and how much of it is a jew larp.
maybe its a total nothingburger but they use that opportunity to "reset" the internet and history while people look at the lightshow in the sky. could be possible right?
and if its really as destructive as many say then how would decentralized ledgers help them?
all computers would be destroyed and nobody would have access to computers and without network effect the internet and crypto is useless.
something doesnt add up here.
>BTW if you read any of this book, you'll notice Douglas Vogt and his kind absolutely loaaath and hate Jesus Christ.
are there any non jews that can confirm this nova event? so far I think I have only seen jews shill it.

>> No.56576970

>I wonder how bad and how real this nova/cme thing actually is and how much of it is a jew larp.
I'm sorry fren, but it's real. It's not a larp. The precise timing is up to God to decide, but even if this hateful kike Doug Vogt is a bit off in his calculation, it doesn't mean much...it's going to be soon. Here's a Christian source on the topic before he stopped his blog. I recommend reading:
>and if its really as destructive as many say then how would decentralized ledgers help them?
Decentralized ledgers have the advantage of retaining sensitive and valuable information in a trusted way even if a large number of them are compromised through for example destruction. (((they))) intend to keep track of their money, their land, their wealth, and everything they own and who owes them what by tokenizing all of the worlds assets so that these assets can be kept track of even after a large number of nodes are destroyed during the CME. You can be sure than many crypto nodes will be operational in various bunkers and safe spots around the world by the 2040s.
>are there any non jews that can confirm this nova event? so far I think I have only seen jews shill it.
yes, there are Christian mystics such as Padre Pio and Father Oliveira who were allowed to "see" it. You will find a lot more info about this when you search for "3 days of darkness" in Christian literature. Short story is it's pretty bad.

>> No.56576987

this one too, very good read:

>> No.56577057

if true thats fuckin grim man.
this essentially means there is no "making it" and there is no room for improvement for society. best case is you make some money off cryptos, manage to prep and somehow survive it and then live in what amounts to the pre bronze age in the ruins of the old world.
JUST fuck my shit up

>> No.56577120

retards. financial data is constantly saved and they have recovery plans in case of catastrophic events like a cme

>> No.56577140

>and they have recovery plans in case of catastrophic events like a cme
yes thats blockchains and crypto. thats taking the backup idea to the next level.

>> No.56577145

believe me the more I dig into this ...and I've dug into this a lot the more obvious it becomes that the elite kikes way of "making it" is to be the richest once the dust settles with a few goyim that survive serving them.
Christians and the 3 days of darkness prophecies see things playing out differently.

>> No.56577159
File: 110 KB, 680x589, smart pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>financial data is constantly saved and they have recovery plans in case of catastrophic event
congratulations, you've just perfectly described one of the use cases for a decentralized ledger.

>> No.56577303

Way to go! Always take profits on double spend shit coins

>> No.56577332

>once the dust settles
how long do you think this is gonna take?
probably a couple decades right?

>> No.56577408

no idea and I doubt anyone has a valid guess

>> No.56577536

Pretty much my only x100 so far, next to Chainlink.
Except AVAX took a few months and LINK took fugging 5 years

>> No.56578335
File: 240 KB, 660x589, 1647628955747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the fomo kicks in
it has to go down, right?

>> No.56578365

if the "plan" is to demolish ethereum in favor of link and avax then why is link staking on ethereum

>> No.56578516

good question. I'm not fully convinced eth will get "demolished". More likely it will have some competition that may eventually outperform it due to the scalability issues the same was Monero has now outperformed BTC for actual darkweb drug purchases. Doesn't mean BTC has gone away, just it's usage in certain applications has been greatly reduced.

>> No.56578525

makes sense. ethereum has such major competition and cross-chain is now so easy that it doesn't seem realistic for it to remain the de facto smart contract platform