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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 290 KB, 720x734, Screenshot_20231106-024243~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56571991 No.56571991 [Reply] [Original]

3500$ a load. Yeah im thinking this is the new bitcoin

>> No.56572027

What the fuck
I need to get in on that

>> No.56572036

Double if non-white

>> No.56572038

> Its real
> https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12699293/unvaccinated-sperm-shady-donors-Covid-shot.html

Purebloodbros.. is it.. time?

>> No.56572044

>I'll cum to you
Based Davis

>> No.56572052

I've never got an mrna vaccine, does that count? Of course I've had other vaccines.

>> No.56572055

damn can't wait to show them proof that i am unvaxxed
oh wait there is literally no difference

>> No.56572057

>getting impregnated from sub100 iq males
>why is my child retarded, I don't understand

>> No.56572062
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>> No.56572202

>'ve never got an mrna vaccine, does that count? Of course I've had other vaccines.
J&J was oldschool vaccine tech so should be fine, but you have to explain a woman/roastie that good luck

>> No.56572260

>J&J was oldschool vaccine tech

vaxxer cope

>The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is based on the virus's genetic instructions for building the spike protein. But unlike the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, which store the instructions in single-stranded RNA, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine uses double-stranded DNA.

it still turns your cells into a spike protein factory mess

>> No.56572290

There is two groups that did not get the vax, sub 100iq and over 140iq. So its a 50/50 if your kid will be a genius or a retard.

>> No.56572307

I had two shots of sinopharm only, am I a pureblood /biz/?

>> No.56572313

Can you really blame them for trying to avoid conceiving a midwit?

>> No.56572331

Except that giving sperm outside of a sperm bank puts you on the hook for 18 years of child support payments.

Have fun with your $3500, now pay up $1 million

>> No.56572342

This. Bitches crave that poc tsunami of unvaxed sperm.

>> No.56572402

Lay off the porn, sweetheart

>> No.56572413

>3500$ a load.
Coomer bros, looks like we made it!

>> No.56572420
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who wouldn't love his job if it was all about cumming on people's faces?
I would do it with passion and dedication, and of course I would still be with $TROLL because I'm a greedy bitch

>> No.56572426

What prevents them from lying?

>> No.56573034

I was forced to take the Covid shot and started to drink only distilled water and 1 glass of vodka a day to flush the Spike Protein out of my body. It takes 1-3 month but after 2 weeks I can already feel positive results

>> No.56573064

NoBoDy PuT a GuN tO yOuR hEaD

>> No.56573085

damn, I've been blasting $3500 into a sock 1-2 times a day every day for the last year.

>> No.56573128

Proving you are or are not MRNA vaccinated would be extremely difficult if not impractical if not impossible. So really, if being unvaccinated came to have any widespread acknowledged value every faggot and their mother would lie about their vaccine status.

>> No.56573129

cope, you will keep your decision forever

>> No.56573168

your dna has been permanently altered you are a forever mutant now

>> No.56573179

Nothing. They can try using exemption orders for countries it was mandatory, but that's not difficult to forge.

>> No.56573218

No they'd 100% be retarded as no one with a triple digit IQ would donate outside of sperm banks as there's no legal protections against paternity claims.

>> No.56573224

The absolute state of biz. I'm posting with a bunch of morons that actually got the vaccine. HAAHAHAHAHAH fucking retarded goyim npcs

>> No.56573327

It really works because nothing stays in your body forever, that’s why the spike proteins continuously have to reproduce to stay activated. You can stop this process with alcohol like vodka or whisky and then flush the remaining proteins out of your body with distilled water. This way you can reduce the spike protein concentration in your body by roughly 1% a day

>> No.56573348

>I was forced
Were you held down? No
Were you threatened with violence? No
Stfu faggot.

>> No.56573443

No it alters you DNA so your body always produces more spikes.

>> No.56573483

>1st vax: Reduces the immune system by 30%
>2nd reduces it by 50% - 60%
>3rd reduces it up to 80%
>4 or more, you have no immune system left

If you've taken 3 or more you have AIDS, thats why the globalists made a big deal taking 3 of them and staying "boosted"

>> No.56573498

I'm between 100 and 140 and i never took it. It's mostly to do with being susceptible to conditioning/psyops. I've always been hot on big events you're not supposed to question (9/11, JFK etc) and i was suspicious right away. When no dissenting voices were allowed in the media i realised it was all bs. I don't think that takes a special intelligence, just being aware of how these things are sold to the public. I'm glad i'm like this.

>> No.56574101

>always been hot on big events you're not supposed to question (9/11, JFK etc) and i was suspicious right away. When no dissenting voices were allowed in the media i realized it was all bs. I don't think that takes a special intelligence, just being aware of how these things are sold to the public. I'm glad I'm like this.

interesting and simple sensible explanation.
that sums up the way i am with these kinds of things as well.
i think I've been this why my entire life.
I don't give myself credit for a book-smarts, a witty, or "intellectual", type high IQ, nor would I think of it as a "street-smarts". even though i wouldn't score myself too badly on any of those qualities.
but for me, I more credit it towards basic instinct and gut feelings. People can call it what they want, woo-woo, or whatever, whether they want to believe in it or not.

I can look back on my life and recall one event or decision after another, and the times when i did have a strong "gut-feeling" about something, it turns out bad when i don't listen to it and turns out good when i do.
The major challenge is getting the unfiltered unbiased instinct signals to come through uncorrupted and be able to "read" them truthfully or correctly.

>> No.56574149

Based critical thinker

>> No.56575147

>get a lawyer
>Give them a cut of your load money
>Let WW3 kill more unvaxxed people
>Scarcity continues
>TFW your cum sock is worth 1 million dollars

>> No.56575156

wasnt that already a failed shitcoin here a couple years ago

>> No.56575163

Taking the vaccine makes incels on /biz/ go into a fucking rage

>> No.56575179

>Jonathan David Rinaldi, dubbed the 'sperminator', was a donor for years on the Facebook group Sperm Donation USA

>> No.56575264

lmao, that big freemason hand pose
what, you think it's a black power fist?
/biz/ never learns

>> No.56575533

Heh yeah, I'm 'unvaxxed' babe, whatever you want. I'm sure you can tell the difference.

>> No.56575565

3500 a load. Nice. I'm unvaxxed but I also don't want unknown children. But you can lock me in a room to jerk off for 8 hours a day for 3500 a load

>> No.56575607

No rage here, bud. I didn't take it like a fucking retard.

>> No.56575617

>Let WW3 kill more unvaxxed people
The military enforced vaccines at one point.

>> No.56575655

Ok so your sperm is shot by getting Covid too. So pretty much no one is 'pure'

>muh spike protein
spooky sounding protein bad??

>> No.56575704

110iq hands wrote this post
i'm 153 and would happily donate my sperm to anyone who asked. the goal is to procreate maximally, who even cares about hypothetical paternity claims. it's trivial to convince women otherwise

>> No.56575750

Threatening someone with homelessness or starvation is a form of violence, so yes.

>> No.56575785

The fact you even responded lmao. So touchy.

>> No.56575791

First of all fuck vaccines, but no one is actually a "pure-blood".

>> No.56575837
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>> No.56575851
File: 47 KB, 1020x696, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after 2 weeks I can already feel positive results
That's because you're not also using the healing crystals.
If you really want to clear out the toxins, you have to align your chakras using healing crystal massage techniques.

>> No.56575869

>after 2 weeks I can already feel positive results

Ah yes the vodka diet. If vodka is making you feel better the vaxx must be pure poison.

>> No.56575939
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Kek, I'm afraid I got the shot, just one, but that's enough to ruin your semen, I guess I'm gonna have to cope and keep doing some dca on kava

>> No.56576140

Don't worry, all the spike proteins are naturally expelled out of the body after 3 months. We're purebloods now.

>> No.56576162
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I'm unvaxxed, and will do it for free. But it has to be delivered naturally. Offer only applies to 8s and above.

>> No.56576179

npc cope

>> No.56576278

>He got vaxxinated
I'm sorry anon

>> No.56576317

I think you could easily make at the bare minimum 3500 a day if you came just once
That's 3500 x 7 = 24500
24500 x 4 = 98000
Nigger you could be making 98k a fucking month, get to it

>> No.56576321

Nobody will want your sperm, just like nobody wants your bags

>> No.56576330
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Why do people want it? Whats so special about it?

>> No.56576372

You don't have to take part in ww3 or any wars if you don't want to

>> No.56576450

You don't want children, they're a fucking pest

>> No.56576469

I'm unvaxxed but had sex with vaxxed girls. I think the spike got to me through the shedding, bros. Am I a vaxtard now?

>> No.56576760

Damn. I've gotten 6 covid shots so far.

>> No.56576934

actual unvaxxed pureblood chad here. Where is the link for the european sperm donor black market?

>> No.56576972
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>> No.56577012

I'm unvaxxed but I'm married with kids. I really don't want to find out I had children I've never met in 18 years. Something about that thought makes me sad.

>> No.56577015
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>Threatening someone with homelessness or starvation is a form of violence
Then my fucking landlord has been threatening me for years

>> No.56577612

Many surveys have been done and they all report that vaccine "hesitant" are mostly individuals lacking high school education and phd holders. A barbell. People in between the extremes were most likely to get vaxxed

>> No.56578188

>gut-feeling" about something, it turns out bad when i don't listen to it and turns out good when i do.
Because one is easily fooled.by falled human nature. Intellect and will are faculties of the soul, gut instinct is the flesh. The soul should always have lead.

>> No.56578221

>Through shady facebook dealers
It is real. I've sold my triple vaxxed sperm for up to $480. I have no idea who the hell is buying sperm for $3500 like OP but retarded Qanon women will buy sperm and the funniest part is there is no way for them to tell if you're a vaxxie. Literally just jerk off, freeze it, sell it.

>> No.56578252

Even though I didn't get the vax I assume my blood is full of xenostrogens, micro plastics, and other contaminants. Wen frozen sperm from year 1700 discovered

>> No.56578274

Post proof you're white and I will tell you.

>> No.56578282

Just lie and say you didn't?

>> No.56578290

Why did I know it's an NTR manga after looking through the first page?

>> No.56578430

If it became widespread and valuable they would just blood test you for all that junk dna they found in the vax vaxoid. Nice cope though, well done for bumping the thread retard.

>> No.56578439

How do you prove you're unvaxxed tho?

>> No.56578466

Is this USA only? I never got jabbed and I beat my meat 3 times a day minimum

>> No.56578526

How are you still alive?

>> No.56578569

still waiting on my visit

>> No.56578581

is there a single unvaxxed female left?

>> No.56578591

lmao people still don't know how fucked up J&J was in 2023
goyim deserve exactly what they get

>> No.56578685

blood test for junk dna.

>> No.56578699

Or maybe a few laps around the oval + no heart attack.

>> No.56578785

dna is already 98% junk so that won't work

>> No.56578840

sorry no
you either vaxxed or unvaxxed. no middle ground like 'ohh I didnt get the worst vaccine I only got the 2nd worst'
looks like I never have to work again.
Im pale, high iq, green eyes and these nuts havent seen even a single covid test either.
Im gonna sell my sperm and retire.

>> No.56578848

vaxxie go back to cagie! sorry you got the cancer cocktail to keep your wagecuck cage.

>> No.56578891

How do I prove I'm unvaxxed though?

This is a great usecase for blockchain actually lol

>> No.56578894

They want sperm from Danes not uggo retarded browns

>> No.56578929

they made good goy lists and registers of the vaxxed cattle.
if you are not on the list you are unvaxxed chad.
also dont be brown

>> No.56578943


But I don't know if they can check from my country...

>> No.56578955

That can be!

Allianceblock founders listen the community, I will suggest them to put this on ArkeFi's next RWA list for tokenization kek

that kinda application would help you a lot in your case really

>> No.56579018

Many groups would agree

>> No.56579032

The number of heart attacks in supposedly fit, perfectly healthy men 50yrs + is actually starting to get quite close to me now.
By that i mean you normally hear it with 7 degrees of separation, now it's people I work with in my industry, guys you may have seen only a few months early.
But I also have guys who are WILDY unfit, like morbidly obsese, smoking boozehounds who are kicking on just fine.

I cucked to 1 round of novavax with no boosters so I don't know how fucked I am now.

>> No.56579293

The body is the manifestation of the soul. Finish your schooling before trying to teach.

>> No.56579338

i never caught covid because i was never injected with it. coping vaxxer

>> No.56579450

False. Your soul was created and infused into your body by God at the moment your mother's egg was fertilized. Don't fall for gnostic garbage.

>> No.56579526

Not only do mRNA vaccines not edit your DNA, they definitely don't target your germline cells.
The people making these claims don't know the difference between somatic cells and germline cells. So it wouldn't even be fraudulent for someone who has been vaccinated and had multiple boosters to claim to have "unvaccinated sperm".
No one has vaccinated sperm.
None of the vaccines even have the capability to target germline cells unless you injected it directly into your testicles. And even then it would probably just be disposed of as waste.
These people will also be confused by the concept of CRISPR. They'll assume that if they make gene modifications to their cell DNA with CRISPR, that it will automatically be an inheritable change. That is not the case, you would have to alter the germline cells. The inverse is also true: You technically can alter your germline cells WITHOUT altering your other cells, meaning you wouldn't have the trait your targeting, but your future offspring would.

>> No.56579780

I honestly call bullshit on this and I'm saying this as someone who didn't get stabbed with a needle 3 years ago

>> No.56579901

in the fine print those mRNA injections do indeed alter the patients DNA effectively making the person "no longer human, therefore they have no human rights" as they are now the intellectual and scientific property of the corporation that issued the covid vax product.
not joking, the fine print confirms and strips the injected of their human rights due to the "altering of their DNA"
meaning, anyone with a covid jab has no rights anymore, they could be concentration camped and it would be legal for the govt to do so.

>> No.56579917

child support payments can get expensive especially if you are a high earner or a HNWI.
avoid it at all costs.

>> No.56579929

I didn't get the shot but I got a really bad testicle infection and some doctors were more worried about catching le heckin covid they didn't treat me properly so now I am infertile and my unvaccinated sperm is as good as vaxxcattle cum. Doctors have cost me billions

>> No.56579946

136 and didnt get. am retard

>> No.56580203

Retarded vaxxies bragged online about how much of a good goy they were. A simple 5 minute search of their socials will reveal all.

>> No.56581094
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gentlemen, your time is now!

>> No.56581119


It's public health info. You can look up whether someone is vaxxed or not if you know their name and DOB, shit for brains.

>> No.56581162


God, I hope no women allow your sperm inside of them instead of in a paper towel where it belongs.

>> No.56581501

Too late for that I already have one kid. Eat shit vaxxie your government said you have to.

>> No.56581552

I got vaxxed but I was also a sperm donor through a clinic for 1 year. Got paid 100 dollars per deposit, which they would split into 4-8 vials and sell the vials for 1600 each.

At least I have multiple children across multiple countries while the rest of you seethe and die without progeny :)

>> No.56582343

hell's flame will burn your soul for a while. I hope worth it for 100bucks.

>> No.56582593

The J&J vaccine uses an adenovirus vector, it's still carrying genetic information, maybe that could be involved in reverse transcription into sperm, so don't

However, if it's about avoiding sperm that's been modified, then what's the problem if someone has had a vaccine with no genetic material? Examples being the usual childhood vaccines like MMR, or in covid's case Sinovac or Novavax?

The chinese Sinovac is ancient attenuated vaccine tech, The Novavax is conventional recombinant vaccine like they've been making since the 80s. Neither of them are carrying genetic information, just a dead virus in the case of the first and a fragment of the dead virus in the second. Those vaccines may have other serious health risks, but there's no genetic material in there that could effect someone's genes. Those two were available if someone was in the right place or willing to wait unvaccinated for a year or two.

Why is there no middle ground in the case of sperm donors?

I think you hate what the government did (so do I) and have attributed not just moral worth to everyone who resisted tyranny but also positive health to the non-compliant. You've extended that health benefit into sperm donation, a specific area where the technical differences between the vaccines are likely to matter then said they're all the same. Show your work.

>> No.56582665

3X if a jew

>> No.56582717

That would be medical related fraud and if you deceive a woman before sexual activity its considered rape in some places, like California.Its actually rape if you tell a woman youre a millionaire but arent and then she has sex with you but finds out afterwards. As a rule of thumb, if youre lying and the lie generates profit thats fraud.

>> No.56582735

Lol cope

>> No.56582882

it's unvaxxed
if you pretend not to get it you're obviously trolling

>> No.56583472

Read this and debunk it please

>> No.56583485

He's not coping, you're straight up lying.

>> No.56583507

As if those women can ever prove you’re unvaxed unless you’re a gay retard wanting to get gang banged by project veritas.

>> No.56585082
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No. Those are examples of aggression, to which violence may be an appropriate response. But those are not examples of violence. I lost my former career to madates, I actually stuck with what I believed and faced the consequences. So will you.

>> No.56585756

thats a lot of cope my dude. I know you were forced but you could hace stand your ground. jj might be not a problem, who knows.

explain this to roasties who wanna buy unvaxxed king sperm. Im glad I took none of that poison and I wish you the best. crazy times we living in.

>> No.56587579

Just sell it as unvaxxed, bitches this dumb can't tell the difference anyways. You have to understand the disparity in intelligence and play your cards as such: treat them as children and they come flocking, lie to them and bone them, then get out. Works almost every time.

>> No.56587592

When is the vaxx finally going to kill me off like everyone here says? It’s been years now and I’m still the picture of health, 26.

>> No.56588255
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I have noticed many people I know under 50 with cancer.

Unless eating box gives you aggressive cancer I have several buddies now with cancer.

Sorry anon. We are in the end times

>> No.56588371

Is it cancer or heart failure?

>> No.56589589

Why are all scammers bald?

>> No.56590388

am I finally going to make it?

>> No.56590442

j&j was mrna but they used a virus shell instead of a lipid to deliver it.

>> No.56590462

LMAO how would they know if you are vaxxed or not?
>mfw chainlink solves this

>> No.56590526

my iq was tested at 140 and I didn't get the shot.

>> No.56590532

>verifiable vaxx status