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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56569109 No.56569109 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever stop to really think about the fact that just because you browse a weird message board on the Internet with a bunch of generally lazy, apathetic, and often racist anonymous strangers, you have managed to accumulate more wealth than an alternate version of you who is exactly the same except doesn't browse this shithole ever would be able to?

I live almost paycheck to paycheck and the sole reason I have >$1 million NW is because I've been coming to this place for 7 years.

We're in an echo chamber here but realistically none of my irl friends have had this opportunity. I have as much in assets as double doctor couples I know and they have to do surgery. I just sit on a computer and shitpost.

>> No.56569125

I’ve been coming here since I was 15 years old (in 2005). Everything cool about my life can be traced back to 4chan.

>> No.56569136

I'm poor still but definitely better off, Pepe.

>> No.56569137

You ended up here because you always questioned things and did your own research. You didn't accept a shit life because everybody else around you did. You knew that you could do better.

>> No.56569139

No one fucking gets it. No one understands the pain that we've been through to be able to live like slobs and laugh at pink wojaks. But I wouldn't trade it for anything.

>> No.56569142

if that's true then why is everyone here broke and desperately shilling their bags. you're just lucky you didn't pick the wrong lottery numbers (shitcoins)

>> No.56569152

This board is full of retarded niggers and spics now who treat coming onto this site as some sort of mystical secret club. Not to say it’s the worst site but there has been definite deterioration due to this quality. Not to mentioned the wise christcuck self detached shaman way of communicating endemic to a certain type of low iq retard who frequents this site.

>> No.56569159

Even the "poorfags" here usually have 5 figures which is more than your average normoid. We like to beat ourselves up for not being filthy rich but in reality we've been able to accumulate way more wealth than we would have without each other and this shithole. That's fucking weird.

>> No.56569162

this. i also have a sense of humor and /biz/ sent my sides into orbit in 2017.

>> No.56569165
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Yes and it's awesome

>> No.56569171

consider it a salary for all the awesome content we have created over the years

>> No.56569217

You wouldn’t come here if you didn’t already have an interest in making money through investments. Also the people that come here tend to be more resistant to social conditioning (logical) which can be good for making rational decisions in highly emotion based markets. If you’re white, have a form of income and have been coming here for a few years chances are you’re doing pretty well.

>> No.56569238

second this.

>> No.56569275

It was a secret club, newfag. Hasn’t been since 2008 though.

>> No.56569279
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well said frens

>> No.56569303

nigger nigger nigger

I come here because it’s le secret club. I say nigger every time I post to scare away le non-frens. One n word a day keeps the normie away.

nigger nigger nigger

>> No.56569318

there aren't many other choices if you want an anonymous forum
holy reddit

>> No.56569331

Often raciat? Fuck you bitch racist is always toggled on you stupid faggot

>> No.56569340

Kinda Based


>> No.56569348
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>reddit spacing again

>> No.56569358

not sure if a good or bad thing
mainly good

>> No.56569365

/biz/ was a secret club until late 2017.

>> No.56569372
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>> No.56569376

I’m a regularly banned on Reddit (I know) and downvoted to hell for questioning group think. It’s unreal what reinforcement bias does to a normie. I graduated valedictorian from my college so maybe I am smarter than my average “peer” to some extent but glad I found my Nazi finance frens nonetheless

>> No.56569379

ur a faggot

>> No.56569399

2022 oldfag here. I've told all my friends about this exclusive club where all the future millionaires hang out and post twitter frogs all day. I just wish people were less racist so I could show my black friends.

>> No.56569404
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you have to go back

>> No.56569435

What's the best board on 4chan?

>> No.56569444

yeah this place contributed to a lot my wealth. i just kind of wish this place was less incel-y. it has fucked with my head quite a bit. i think pussy inflation has really placed a dent in males in a way that i've never seen before. this is coming from somehow who has fucked a lot of chicks.

>> No.56569448
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>> No.56569449

For what?

>> No.56569452
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Yeah I think about it. I have a PhD in CS, but I'm only rich because I buy internet coins recommended to me by frog-posting NEETs online. I think about other people from grad school, who put more effort into writing good research papers and got prestigious jobs afterwards. I spent my time on /biz/ instead of working hard on my research, and it paid off somehow.

>> No.56569457
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I just wish there were less friggin INCELS here man it’s so frickin chuddy and sheeeit

>> No.56569464

Faceberg is a fag tho, kino tweet tho

>> No.56569468

information I guess

>> No.56569480

I don't know Faceberg besides saving that image off /biz/, but you're probably right about him. Most crypto twitter people are lame.

>> No.56569485

Checked. It messes with your head because deep down you know there is some truth in what they say. Woman hating has been a thing for centuries for a reason and it's not because people just randomly started doing it.

>> No.56569510

The story of Adam and eve is millenia old. The oldest humans in history hated women to some extent

>> No.56569535

Being here for years has consumed and twisted my soul, I have more PTSD than an army vet, I deserve that money

>> No.56569776

Yeah but I just like chattering with you guys about stuff I guess. I also didn't mean that I get much good advice from this place but that having it as a club sorta helps me push myself to stay competitive.

>> No.56569966
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Jewish midwit detected. It doesn't matter how much money you have if you end up in hell. I swear some of you are so delusional that you believe that you will never die...

There is no salvation outside the Church, unless one is traditional Catholic and actually lives a proper Christian life you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

>> No.56570003


>> No.56570023

I hate Jews and want them to be cleared out.


>> No.56570049
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Jews are the synagogue if satan and rejected Christ. Catholics are Israel.


>> No.56570055

>synagogue if satan

>> No.56570158

Go back newfag

>> No.56570173

Cope harder retard

this site's biggest declines have all come from white incels who came after gamergate, the fappening, and especially the election

and speaking of /pol/ fuckery, even that board was better when it was the most diverse group of white supremacists and not post-2015 r/the_donald and Q tards

so shove it up your ass, fag

>> No.56570184

>traditional catholic
Your church has long since abandoned you, and is now actively trying to snuff you out. Just become Orthodox at this point; you're never getting a trad pope again

>> No.56570217
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>> No.56570239

>Nazi finance friends
I thought you meant some sort of Yale alumni group. But you're actually talking about here. Lol.

>> No.56570262

4chan gave me everything. It gave me my life's purpose (White Nationalism) and it gave me all my wealth (from crypto). I've been coming here since 2007.

>> No.56570273

I was literally a cunt hair away from being a multimillionaire in 2021 because of this place. Certainly better off than I was but still poor. Idk I love 4chan as gay as that is. It's always given me a social outlet when I needed it but couldn't stand talking to actual people. I've been coming here reagularly for like 16 years now which is crazy.

>> No.56570308

>He doesn't believe Christ about the great apostasy or the abomination of desolation
>He recommends becoming a schismatic and heretic

Eastern unorthodox is a false religion.

Watch the videos in this playlist. The fathers taught the filioque and papal supremacy.

>> No.56570312


>> No.56570320

Also the church cannot teach error and lead souls into hell. Vatican 2 is a sect larping as Catholic.

>> No.56570324

before people ask this is op my icp changed how I made the mill was by showing butthole

>> No.56570326

Yeah and it's also pretty crazy how huge of an impact our creativity and sense of humor has had on society at large without them even realizing it. We're like that little known band that all the famous bands copied.

>> No.56570331

>you have managed to accumulate more wealth
yeah.. about that.. haha

>> No.56570334


>> No.56570340
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Don't lose your soul anon. Repent.

>> No.56570348 [DELETED] 

Yeah. As an example, the term "Jordan Peterstein" started here in like 2017 and it wasn't until this year that it went mainstream.

>> No.56570353 [DELETED] 

Yeah. As an example, the term "Judan Peterstein" started here in like 2017 and it wasn't until this year that it went mainstream.

>> No.56570356

All you have to do is buy chainlink

>> No.56570357
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Being extremely antisemitic and misogynistic has been the best financial decision I've ever made

>> No.56570363

Yeah. As an example, the term "Juden Peterstein" started here in like 2017 and it wasn't until this year that it went mainstream.

>> No.56570376

Lick my nuts

>> No.56570379

his name was assblaster
>vine boom
he was racist
>vine boom
I invested my whole net worth
>vine boom
the memes were funny
>vine boom

>> No.56570385
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i unironically love /biz/

>> No.56570388

I unironically love /biz/ and love Jews.

>> No.56570536

Sodomy is a grave sin, repent.

>> No.56570552

For u big guy

>> No.56570564

Not very funny these days. In fact it's painfully unfunny to the point of cringe

>> No.56570631
File: 25 KB, 480x640, dgbchan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2017 /biz/ was the best honestly

>> No.56570649

>EGO id
checks out. i still find a few anons that make me chuckle, still has its moments during bullruns. i think most anons are pretty fucking depressed rn. but yea 2017 was peek comedy.

>> No.56570652
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And yet you don't go back. Hmm. Curious

>> No.56570672

I wished I was here when I was a teenager. I really needed redpills on women, dating and social dynamics and hierarchies growing up.

>> No.56570684

Eh, you're probably better off for not coming here that young. It's easy to take the "redpills" too far, especially when you're too young and dumb to filter out the nuggets of truth. There's plenty of bullshit here mixed in with some good advice.

>> No.56570813


>> No.56570822

>look mom I posted 1 word again haha

>> No.56570855

I discovered this site when I was 13. If it wasn’t for that I wouldn’t own half a sui of stink or learn basic finance. There was some great advice on here back in the day (2018-2019). I was like 16/17 back then.

>> No.56570870
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>link holder calls everyone "based" or "cringe" or other 1 word memes

>> No.56570874
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Silence, chud.

>> No.56570879

Yeah, coming on /biz/ would've given good financial advice like buying LINK. But if you don't think that teenagers aren't picking up stupid shit on this site too you're the retard. Especially if you think 4chan is the best way to learn about women.

>> No.56570887

Stupid shit like? That all women are whores lol? You think dudes need 4chan to realize that? Any young dude that isn’t a gimp pretty much knows that instinctually at this point.

>> No.56570892

lol your mom is a whore

>> No.56570893

I owe it all to this website. I have a decent amount of crypto and a good understanding of markets, I’m /fit/ and /fa/shionable, I have a cool car, and it was all for the small price of being sexually attracted to boys dressed as girls.

>> No.56570900

Can confirm, anons mom is all women and she is a whore

>> No.56570905

we've all fucked her

>> No.56570910

As far as I can tell she was a virgin at marriage, but whorishness is about their nature. Women’s liberation has showed that in the absence of absolute slavery (which never even really existed) roasties devolve into being absolute whores, and that their base nature is degenerate and base. Therefore the obvious solution is reducing them to mere breeding stock.

>> No.56570915
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>> No.56570925

Unironically without /int/ I never would have met my wife and without /biz/ I would be doing decently but doomed to work for another 30 years

>> No.56570973


>> No.56570993

Yeah that's a good example. My brother and I both went on /b/ a lot in high school circa 2006, and a few years ago he said
>the way the internet is now is how 4chan was like 10 years ago
I always thought that was a good way to put it. Even just the way normies (women) talk on social media is clearly influenced by the way we used to talk on /b/. Stuff like
>what is this I don't even

>> No.56571010

Not to mention how normalfags have completely bastardized wojaks, basedjaks, etc. There’s a lot of e-prostitutes who rip “chan culture” or whatever and try to pass their heavily neutered version of whatever joke or meme some nazi chud on 4chan made 8 years ago off as their own, as to appear interesting in the slew of libtard moralistic bs that exists.

I personally think it’s bad for this site though, lots of low iq tourists have invaded and the magic is gone.

>> No.56571033

It makes me sad that many of the anons from 2017 have moved somewhere else and I may not have been able to thank them for the valuable lessons I learned from them. I wish I knew where they went but perhaps it is better that I don't so they can keep their "new" place clean as I recognize the changes that /biz/ went through since that time.
Thanks OGs, I really appreciate the lessons you've shared.

>> No.56571041

Yeah, Wojak being so widespread is the weirdest thing.
>I personally think it’s bad for this site though, lots of low iq tourists have invaded and the magic is gone.

>> No.56571117

Still though there’s moments of kino every now and then. I hope bull is like that, I feel like some late 2019 energy all over again personally

>> No.56571129

True, there's a reason I keep coming here daily. I know what you mean about 2019 energy, the board has been more fun since the market started coming back to life.

>> No.56571157

It has to do with community anon. Anons used to work together for a common goal. Take /a/ for example, they made a hentai game with so much soul that it would have been better without the hentai. /Biz/ had eth but really shined with /link/... Now this place is full of scammers and tourists.

>> No.56571164

this is the only place i can fucking BREATHE because it's the only place i can be honest with my thoughts. i am so suffocated everywhere else. holy shit. ill never leave here as long as shit isn't censored and reported etc. an environment like this is invaluable. it should be a human right to be able to express your honest opinions somewhere

>> No.56571171

>honest opinions
i come here to lie. i'm too nice and honest irl and it makes me poor.

>> No.56571186

There was also that time when /pol/ triangulated the location of a terrorist Training camp due to a power line in the background of an image and contacted Russian authorities to launch a airstrike which successfully destroyed the base.

>> No.56571200

Yeah it was even parodied in that shitty movie knives out.

>> No.56571205

Lol what. I don't watch movies... Also remember someone recognised that gay blowjob?

>> No.56571227

Fuckkk I misremembered that hollywitz trash he was swatting Syrian rapefugees not dronestriking Syrians, but yea I remember. Remember back when the jewkraine war started some anon went into the central square of Kiev and signalled that it was him in the footage kek

>> No.56571228

I've been on 4chan since 2008 but didn't come to /biz/ until summer of 2021. I haven't made jackshit. Also i don't consider shitposting on 4chan making it.

>> No.56571241

I had a successful career in healthcare, but never forgot to use 4chan to aid in research of trending or new projects, plus market sentiment.

If whomever person applied the same energy they have chasing pussy, or a semi normal work ethic in any 9 to 5 profession, you'd end up ahead of any crowd, be it in crypto or any other fields.

Thing is, most people don't have neither the work ethic or the stamina, and temperament to be calm in times of distrust, overbearing propaganda and relentless shilling, as It gets boring fast.

Thanks to crypto I'm probably ahead 7-8 years from my peers in savings (most are deeply in debt in my age bracket) and on the single digit percentile of outliers probably, which is saying something. Could be better? yeah. Could be worse: hell yeah.

Here reputation or status don't matter shit, but the content itself is what prevails, and I respect that. More so than listening to a financial planner or those youtube personalities, and tiktok spastic newborns.

>> No.56571246

You need to buy /link/ to make it

>> No.56571285

Stop trying to come up with excuses like this. The incel epidenic is 100% of men putting sex above all due to all the internet porn they are watching glorifying it. Also because modern tech makes them so lazy and isolated that they don't approach women in real world and develop these "it sounds right in my head" not-based-in-reality theories. I still hilariously remember how amazed i was when i first started getting women and how different they were from how 4chan had told me. In those endless women hate threads where schizos just endlessly go trough the same discussion motions.

>> No.56571292

This. Memeing aint free.

>> No.56571298

Shacking up with fat hogs without hymens is not an achievement my dear boyo.

>> No.56571327

almost 2024 and i have yet to mert an incel irl, pretty sure they only exist on the internet or are a myth. i have noticed alot of irl women overly concerned about them though. which is hilarious, most of them will be single spinsters forever because they're constantly jumping at shadows.

>> No.56571369

You didn't refute anything i said.

Yeah it's another funny thing about internet culture. Internet communities are made of very cherrypicked individuals from all over the world, but when you discuss with them you feel like they are part of your every day community. As i said i've been coming to 4chan since 2008 but out of all the thousands of people i've met since then, only one ever told me he browsed 4chan (and he had become very depressed lmao). Same with these incels, or trannies for example. Very rare in one's own life, but globally they can form a small army thanks to internet.

>> No.56571400

Nothing you said was worthy of being refuted, none of it is an actual argument. All of what you said is what every old person says “lulll I used to be just like you youngfags but then I went out and talked to the overweight hag at my [insert location] and I stopped being a woman hater” Your type is *extremely* common. Not to say I’m an incel I’m not interested in sexual grievance nonsense you’re just being needlessly obtuse in regards to roastie behavior.

>> No.56571412

Ah ya those incels are placing sex above everything instead of the women that fuck a new guy every week. The people that haven't had sex are the problem. You seriously think the incels are the ones glorifying porn? The dudes who haven't had sex? Porn and modern tech enables the rampant hedonism going on lately. I do agree that isolation is a major part of the incel problem, but to place the blame solely on the male is just stupid.

>> No.56571422

Also forgets that roasties also watch pornography, it’s not the 90s anymore.

>> No.56571467

you're still not getting it. i'm saying incels literally are a myth. i larp as one every day on this cursed website for fun. what makes you think these random strangers you've never met or know anything about aren't doing the same? maybe the sheer act of joking around and spreading lies on the internet created real ones...but my guess is women and especially lgbtq communities are taking it and running with it to make themselves feel superior. i find it fucking hilarious how i can't tell a woman to go for a jog to lose weight, but they have no problem asking a million offensive questions on a date to see if i'm an incel. trans people do exist though, i've met several.

>> No.56571471

The issue is really just that most people don’t take responsibility for their own issues, they would rather seek out some niche “community” on the internet and then circle jerk each other until they become progressively unhinged.

>> No.56571522

Are these guys also just larping as incels lol?

>> No.56571526 [DELETED] 


>> No.56571564

>You seriously think the incels are the ones glorifying porn?

You have reading comprehension you dumb fuck. I said they are glorifying sex thanks to porn. Thinking sex is the only thing that matters in relationships and is the end goal of everything.

I remember when i was able to attract my first woman and then was suprised when she wanted a monogamous relationship with me instead of just wanting to fuck a new chad every weekend lmao. In hindsight it all seems so delusional but when you are a teenage guy you just kinda believe everything you are told is by "smart people".

>> No.56571571

holy fuck, you think i know them? welcome to the cesspool that is the internet. why don't you ask them? first time on an anonymous image board? you can be whoever you want to be, retard. that's power. try it out sometime.

>> No.56571613

If the incels glorified sex so much they'd just go fuck a prostitute. It's obvious that incels desire the relationship rather than the sex if you think about it for two seconds.

>> No.56571620

Then why are all their black pill comics about sex and they only talk about sex? >>56571613

>> No.56571629

Most of what I've seen is about the promiscuity of the average girl and the reluctance to settle down until they "find themselves."

>> No.56571644

also, if they do exist, this. women are confusing as fuck, i've been with two different ones the past few months...they both made sure i wasn't a virgin and yet both made a point of making sure the relationship was more than just sex almost immediately after the first fuck. wouldn't it make more sense to find a virgin who is going to be immediately attached? i seriously cannot comprehend this nonsense.

>> No.56571654

>I said they are glorifying sex thanks to porn. Thinking sex is the only thing that matters in relationships and is the end goal of everything.
Again wrong. If sex was the only goal they would all just go to hookers, yet adult virgins don't want that and would rather die as virgins if that's their only option.

Not to mention that you're factually wrong about adult virgins being just rare 4chan specimens, literally every study possible is saying that young people are more and more sexless these days

>> No.56571664

probably /adv/

>> No.56571687

So /biz/

>> No.56571691

It must be because I'm racist too.

>> No.56571713

>Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri declared Yehoshua as the messiah
seeth harder you hateful kike

>> No.56571760

Well yeah my post earlier was exactly about how the women i've been with wanted a monogamous relationship, instead of just wanting to hook up.

>> No.56572496

it's not bad if you ignore all the tfw not gf threads.
honestly I do understand the frustration even as someone who more often than not has a girl but still there are so many variations of that thread made each hour it gets obnoxious
especially since there are a few generals relevant to it

>> No.56572572

yeah, but it is still the most sane board. you can often find something useful there, and honestly it is maybe the best place to ask for advice. you just have to filter out the trolls
also /diy/ is great

>> No.56572732

The only reason is because 1% of the posters on here know anything.

>> No.56572740

you would be even better off if you stopped being a tripfag

>> No.56572759

it was so simple anon
Chainlink and kaspa

>> No.56572860

Yeah I do, it's pretty fucking weird honestly. But it's not unique, same shit was happening around dotcom bubble and housing market sometimes.

>> No.56572906

>because you browse a weird message board on the Internet with a bunch of generally lazy, apathetic, and often racist anonymous strangers, you have managed to accumulate more wealth

If biz is the reason why you've made money, then you truly are a severe case of retarded degen gorilla nigger.

>> No.56572913

/g/ is the reason newfag

>> No.56572920

I think about this all the time. I literally got a six figure job by browsing biz and seeing an interesting token that just happened to be a coinbase venture project in 2020.

literally changed my entire life

>> No.56572929

**end up cold calling the founder and asking him if he needed help community managing/marketing. worked part time for 5 months then got promoted to full time, etc.

absolutely wild

>> No.56572951

We're anons and we're honest in aware of how poor we actually are, in irl social situations everyone is always peacocking for status purposes but here if you say you have 6 figs saved and 300k in crypto, who gives a fuck thats still poor as fuck in the context of real wealth which is what we all know we should actually be striving for.

>> No.56572963

I accumulated a monster box of gold eagles jack in 2004, so your assumptions are false.

>> No.56572969

okay how did you become a millionaire living paycheck ot paycheck? sweet you conveniently left that out
cryptogambling is hardly possible nowadays.. moron you were just lucky

>> No.56572990

You're still new.

>> No.56573028

>mom i lucked out on shitcoins which is all bc of biz and my supreme intellect and not random retarded luck

>> No.56573042

You’re retarded if you aren’t aware of the role bots have had on the decline of this site and a large chunk of the internet. Surges of normies are just a drop in the bucket they aren’t the reason the internet is going to shit.

>> No.56573048

if you're taking fashion advice from /fa/ I honestly don't know what to tell you

>> No.56573099

/biz/ bros I still want to make it. Should I just option trade my 5 fig stack to escape the wagie cage?

>> No.56573136

No just buy link.

>> No.56573302

Thanks for the advice Chainlink Advocate but I don’t want to help the Cult of Saturn/WEF.

>> No.56573382

Probably /pol

>> No.56573393

That's fud...

>> No.56573418

I agree. and yes /diy/, /out/ too

>> No.56574078

Blackpill stuff is more to do with ones looks and how they’re treated in society, no? I don’t fully agree with blackpill stuff but looks theory is obvious at the face (heh) of things. Main reason I dislike it is because like many other places on the internet a bunch of 110-130 IQ highly neurotic males who feel slighted tend to go overboard with the theorizing. Doesn’t mean they’re always wrong, of course.

>> No.56574496

dont get me wrong i lie a lot too lol but same applies

>> No.56574625

I'm too lazy (ha ha!) to find it now but some anon a few years back wrote a really eloquent post about the power of 4chan to outsource most of your major decisions and research to the hivemind and get better outcomes. And because of minimal censorship, non-atomized board topics, and consecutive posting order, a fairly regular 4chan gets all these benefits that a user of a lowest-common denominator site like leddit does not.
>best deal for a used luxury car to buy
>no-nonsense lifting programs and nutrition
>good taste in literature, film, and television
>honest opinions on vidya, new and old, in the aggregate
>stock and shitcoin picks
>cooking advice and discussion of the best online chefs and recipes
>an entire board of uber racists who aren't racist out of ignorance
It's all great fun and despite not realizing it as it was happening, definitely put my life on a better trajectory than it would otherwise be. Wealthier, healthier, happier.

>> No.56575664

If you want people to take your psychoanalysis seriously you have to stop using meme words like incel and chad. Theres some truth to what you say but some is incorrect as well.

>> No.56576971

Checked and agree with everything you said. Feel like it’s just stretching your mind in the extremity of the other direction. Truth usually lies somewhere in the middle - where there are few. That’s what makes this whole thing so difficult.

>> No.56576997

This but no homo

>> No.56577199

This is a profound insight. Really gets me thinking…

LINK $1,000 2024

>> No.56577297

Wholesome anon.

>> No.56577307


>> No.56577321
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>> No.56577350


>> No.56577432

>We're like that little known band that all the famous bands copied

Like what Nirvana did with The Wipers or that one Yugoslavian band they copied

>> No.56577453
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Thanks to biz I had a 7 fig NW but didn't sell like the dumb ass I am. Definitely won't make that mistake again.

Came here in 2020. Wish I had found this place sooner

>> No.56578677

I was 18 in 2010 and I found 4chan around then and they gave me good advice on women (before the incel movement shat over all of it), /fit/ness /pol/itics and /biz/ness tips

>> No.56578714

For money /biz/
For everything else, /fit/

>> No.56578915

/fit/ has too many teenagers. Not enough people who know what they're talking about. Despite outwardly appearing like it would be a board to learn from, it's mostly only good for motivation and entertainment.

>> No.56579125

Women want a monogamous relationship with Chad. Every woman wants a monogamous relationship with Chad. Women will try and lock down a Chad every week by using their sex and hormones to addict him to her but Chad is desensitised to that and has more women giving him the same every week. So when Chad inevitably moves on to fresh pastures, the woman has to find another Chad.

You cashed out the day you became Chad instead of letting the gains run. If you'd studied incel theory more closely you might have grasped compound interest (from females).

This is correct. The complete marginalisation of sub-8s is the issue.

>> No.56579223

>and got prestigious jobs afterwards
That's what they wanted though. If I think about some of my friends with high status jobs, there is no way they would trade places with me. I'm pretty sure I'll always be richer than them with much less apparent effort but they need the status. They even need the other stuff like being told what to do with most of their days, the security, etc.

>> No.56579262

Agree with this because that’s right when I showed up. It was based until last bullrun. LINK threads in 2018 thru the run up to $20 in 2020 was the best era of my adult life.

>> No.56579273

/v/ is the closest to the spirit of 4chan

>> No.56579651

Being able to parse signal from noise is also probably one of the best life skills (critical thinking), and browsing 4chan trains for this because of no upvotes to filter good posts from bad, and 90% of posts being trash.

>> No.56579663

/fit/ is one of the worst boards. It's unironically a board full of gullible mongoloids.

Mainly due to attracting low status losers and teenagers who have zero life experience. Boards that attract an older crowd are where the real alpha is located.

>> No.56579813

Chink nigger
Biz was always shit but 5 years ago you actually had some chance to find some gems and good advice here.
Now it's nigger tier jeets and chinks.

>> No.56579816

such as?

>> No.56579839

The fucking cope. Biz pruduced no memes except sminem. Fucking schizos

>> No.56579854

>I just wish people were less racist so I could show my black friends.
you still can. tell them they can say CHINK all they want.

>> No.56579896

Based I do the same with pajeets and chink niggers. Seems ineffective but I try my best to chasethem away.
Pajeets streets shitting cowdung eating subhumans and ugly small dick chink niggers.
Biz was pretty great when these niggers weren't around now it's been useless for half decade minimum.

>> No.56579902

Tell your friends I called them niggers.

>> No.56579919

>/fit/ is one of the worst boards
Cope it's biz. Fit atleast can share useable information and redpills. Biz is full of Asian niggers.

>> No.56579950

This is a good take. I think it would have been a negative for me to have come to this website too young. Like not getting your duck sucked at 8 yrs old.

>> No.56579967

Fuck I hate asian cockroaches. Esl retards

>> No.56579980

I say we kill them. Every last one.

>> No.56579987

>i have yet to mert an incel irl
I'm a retail wage slave. One of my male coworkers my age who is 5'8 found out I'm an incel despite being 6'1. My female coworkers are nice and polite, though.

>> No.56579993

In only here because every other message board died off

>> No.56580005

Fellow 6’ 0+ mentalcel

>> No.56580039

Put them in a giant stew, feed them to cattle. Make fertiliser from their bodies. Shoot them into orbit. Bury them under a mountain. smear feces on every asian's face you see irl.

>> No.56580052

You must be spending very lil time elsewhere then. Other boards are thriving. Biz the one that's ded. Nigger

>> No.56580056

Yup, this.

Put the jigs and spics in the same stew and were golden, anon.

>> No.56580143

that's literally the worst board

>> No.56580246

Agree, it’s hard to stay sane and sometimes I find myself saying 4chan shit I don’t even agree with irl and people start looking at me weird. After that I have to take a bit of a break. Without the incels it would be better, but less funny. I wish everyone on this board got pussy so that we could be rich and getting laid at the same time

>> No.56580501

You really need to keep your filter up on the board, any good thread is quickly invaded by shills and poltards. It’s getting worse again with the bull

>> No.56580686
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On that subject, here is a fun fact about the one country that actively fought to save its jews.
Bulgaria's chief rabbi once had a vision of Christ after a meeting with Beinsa Douno.
Publicly denouncing everything he used to stand for was not possible for obvious reasons, but he started seeing the Patriarch in secrecy and was baptised and introduced to Christianity.
This did reflect in the way he started preaching.
A few years later Bulgarian jews were the only nationality of jews that were not set to camps, and the only group that had civilians, clergy and politicians actively fight against their deportation.

>> No.56580782

Lmao a fuddie exposed as a poorfag who wouldve guessed

>> No.56580869

I'm extremely grateful for my biz brothers and also think about this quite a lot. Most people you consider normal wouldn't have the patience or would even see the appeal of this place. Love you Sergey you greasy motherfucker

>> No.56580878

Do you ever stop to really think about how much of a dumb frogposting FED you are, Mr. NSA/CIA man?

>> No.56580881

Support this, the internet OWES me wealth after all the successful memes I've created. Now pay up!

>> No.56581255

Huh.. Mexico’s next female president’s parents are bulgarian jews but she’s been seen wearing a cross and straightening her hair on multiple occasions as well as being the right hard woman of an ultra catholic president. I thought it was weird but it makes sense now. Let’s see how Mexico handles her.

>> No.56581375

That kike tore down a columbus statue and legalized abortion. The latter is kino because more spics should kill their children.

>> No.56582065

Doesn't sound particularly promising.
A Bulgarian commie just recently ruined Brazil.

>> No.56582324

Cringe take OP. 4chan is actually higher IQ on average than the general population. Yes higher IQ people communicating together will often have better insights into how to create wealth.

>> No.56582873

This is the calm part before the normalniggers reflood the board. We have maybe a couple months of peace depending on how fast this shit pumps. Once the mania hits this place will go to complete shit but at least we won't feel bad for dumping on their heads