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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56566099 No.56566099 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine investing in Gold and Silver lol

>but anon the US dollar is going to collapse any moment!!!!!

yep just two more weeks kek

>> No.56566127

>investing in Gold and Silver
Wrong, zoomie. You save your profits that you've accrued with gold and silver.

>> No.56566255

Starting a gold to stocks comparison is an IQ test and you failed it by starting in 1910

>> No.56566390

Or you can just let your profits earn more profits, boomie

>> No.56566677

Anon, you’re not gonna live to 2380, your kids (if anyone even wants to breed with you) will sell it off long before you’re buried, and will buy things that will actually make money in the “short term” (an entire lifetime) or if they’re young and spoiled (not that a rock baggie could afford to spoil his kids), they’ll sell it to buy stupid shit like cars and clothes.

>> No.56566882

good luck

>> No.56566907


gonna buy more gold on monday, kike
i am not helping your judeo-masonic shithole

>> No.56566961

Isn't the purpose of gold that is one of the only assets that truly have intrinsic value?

Whenever theere is a trojg beer market, gold is usually the only asset class that performs well regardless of circumstances

>> No.56566995

Once your net worth hits about a million dollars you should probably start buying some gold. Maybe $50k or so.

silver is usually a bad idea to hold because price volatility and underperformance vs. gold.

I assume nobody here is a millionaire though. So nobody here should be hedging losses with metals.

also buying physical metals is silly, and probably a good way to get yourself killed. Just buy audited paper.

>> No.56567609
File: 88 KB, 1624x850, gold-btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bitcoin graph looks even better

>> No.56567648
File: 2.13 MB, 2042x1759, alloy Gold coin compare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope and seethe