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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 348 KB, 1000x1000, pepeshirtless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56561223 No.56561223 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we have to work to make money?

>> No.56561238

Why would people give you purchasing power for doing nothing?

>> No.56561250

because you didn't start the game as the class that can bear children. reroll if you want

>> No.56561253

Why do people complain about the existence of W-2 employment when becoming a grifter is always an option

>> No.56561259

So we can sustain ourselves to do more work.

>> No.56561267

Because you were born as a slave

>> No.56561270

why are you so dumb?

>> No.56561285

The Romans didn't quite finish the job in year 72.

>> No.56562483

ask almost any employer, since many employees do very little work.

>> No.56562545

Because the common imbecile (NPC) will literally go INSANE without being told what to do and how their day should be structured

look at how many retire and then GET A JOB even when they don't have to, because they are "bored"

TL;Dr people are cattle and need to be put into adult day care to keep them occupied and distracted

>> No.56562549

Because you weren't born into royalty. Else you could log out of society and snort coke off strippers tittys in Epstein Island every month

>> No.56562689



Imagine working and NOT having at least 10K link. Fucking pathetic

>> No.56562719

You don't. There are other ways to get money: owning stocks and bonds, welfare, charity, privilege, corruption, theft, counterfeiting, etc.

>> No.56562728

Stone age

Why do we have to gather berries?

>> No.56562729

Because we didn't invent/create a Matter Converter yet. Food=money . 400 years from now it will be free.I promise

>> No.56563300

So, just become an employer then. What is the fucking problem?

>> No.56563880

I'm considering liquidating my bitcoin just so I can pay rent for the year without having to work desu

>> No.56563967

jews invented money and then invented work to keep us in a perpetual hamster wheel to torture us
many such cases

>> No.56564049

good answer

>> No.56564085


I fuck ugly fat chicks in their 30's and 40's for money.

It is what it is.

>> No.56564094

Slaves shouldn't be questioning the system

>> No.56564138

I was born in a prison with no hope for escape

>> No.56564532

you need money and assets to become an employer.

>> No.56564630


in fact you dont work for money.
youu work for me stupid bitch

>> No.56564680

So you're too tired to make any changes in the world that might cause those currently in power to lose it.

>> No.56565184


>> No.56565200

So Mr Shekelstein can enjoy has hard-earned holidays and mansions

>> No.56565211

I'll give you a hint, it starts with "j" and rhymes with "jews"

>> No.56565219
File: 47 KB, 679x691, TIMESAND___9fT915f76x1yk0T2975uff9fK297O76xfn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the curse of original sin that God pronounced on Adam in Genesis 3.

>> No.56565243
File: 57 KB, 709x677, TIMESAND___9fT5uff9f915f76x1yk0T2977O76xfn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be that way until the end of the age when God arrives with free energy from the vacuum (zero point energy) to end man's dependence of chemical energy (the light of the lamp) and/or nuclear energy (the light of the sun.) The free energy technology puts the capstone on the industrial revolution and the age of toilsome labors will close.

>> No.56565252
File: 1.33 MB, 1884x2164, TIMESAND___Golf+Rumors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And, actually, this technology has been here since 2012 but there is other problem that this poster described holding things up: >>56565211
>golf rumors

>> No.56565260
File: 3.96 MB, 2550x9900, TIMESAND___66_Intro_A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sixty-Six Theses: Next Steps and the Way Forward in the Modified Cosmological Model
The purpose is to review and lay out a plan for future inquiry pertaining to the modified cosmological model (MCM) and its overarching research program. The material is modularized as a catalog of open questions that seem likely to support productive research work. The main focus is quantum theory but the material spans a breadth of physics and mathematics. Cosmology is heavily weighted and some Millennium Prize problems are included. A comprehensive introduction contains a survey of falsifiable MCM predictions and associated experimental results. Listed problems include original ideas deserving further study as well as investigations of others' work when it may be germane. A longstanding and important conceptual hurdle in the approach to MCM quantum gravity is resolved. A new elliptic curve application is presented. With several exceptions, the presentation is high-level and qualitative. Formal analyses are mostly relegated to the future work which is the topic of this book. Sufficient technical context is given that third parties might independently undertake the suggested work units.

>> No.56565265
File: 3.87 MB, 2550x9900, TIMESAND___66_Intro_B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56565266
File: 3.17 MB, 2544x6280, TIMESAND___66_Intro_C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56565272
File: 62 KB, 643x472, TIMESAND___booktitle762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Time Travel Interpretation of the Bible
We describe the Biblical work of ages as a time travel program for saving humanity from extinction. God's existence is proven as a consequence of the existence of time travel, which is supposed. We present the case that Abraham's grandson Jacob, also called Israel, is Satan. We make the case that the Israelites are described as God's chosen people in the Bible despite their identity as the children of Satan because God's Messiah is descended from Abraham through Satan. They are chosen as the ancestors of the Messiah rather than as Satan's children. We propose an interpretation in which God commanded Abraham to kill his son Isaac to prevent Isaac from becoming the father of Satan. We suggest that God stayed Abraham's hand above Isaac because preventing the existence of Satan would also prevent the existence of Satan's descendant the Messiah. The history of the Israelites is summarized through Jesus and Paul. This book is written so that the number of believers in the world will increase.

https://ibb [doot] co/MGF9nfN
https://ibb [doot] co/92J06p9
https://ibb [doot] co/NVKMRsW
https://ibb [doot] co/d5JZBt6
https://ibb [doot] co/NFgrwtH
https://ibb [doot] co/zGnzLGR
https://ibb [doot] co/WgC104D
https://ibb [doot] co/0qn6SSQ
https://ibb [doot] co/K5NtC3w
https://ibb [doot] co/9vYB6Ls
https://ibb [doot] co/TMBkvCN
https://ibb [doot] co/G9fyg3M

>> No.56565291
File: 904 KB, 1200x675, 1200px-Jack_Atlas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly it's not the work that's the problem. I never punch into work thinking wow, I hate being paid to do menial tasks because there's no way anyone regardless of how much grit they have can find the time to do everything.

It's the humiliation rituals.
The total lack of basic reasoning skills.
The horror stories interacting with customers.
The incompetent people that always end up in management.

That part I don't need and don't have to put up with. The fuck does the job have to do with petty shit like "well your girlfriend quit so we hate you now?" You think that bitch listens to me? lol

You think I come into work already tired just to be treated like shit by some rando customer? Nigger, you physically witnessed me going back and fourth back and fourth, but are butt mad I'm having trouble concentrating and need you to repeat yourself?

How does any of this make me money or raise my standard of a successful day? How does any of it even do that for "the boss"? It doesn't. It's just worshiping evil. You wanna be evil? I'll show you evil when I throw your shit right on the floor and no, you won't get a refund. Not from me. Spend the next two hours trying to get ahold of corporate. Waste your whole day. You wasted mine.

And I don't want to hear excuses for how I'm wrong on this. This is liberalism. This is Hayek, the power of the human spirit, individualism. Deal with it. Cooperate or die.

>> No.56565326
File: 966 KB, 562x817, TIMESAND___Link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This movie is about Sergei, his business model and ethics, and his six-sided blue jew token: Chainlink. He wants to leave me in Antarctica until the dogs tear me apart, and he figured out some way to monetize that. They aren't tearing me apart, however, and his coin is not performing.
The gold nugget is my research, by the way, which he hopes to steal posthumously.

>> No.56565574

Based Jack Atlas poster

>> No.56565895

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