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56561201 No.56561201 [Reply] [Original]

You will not own a home.

>> No.56561233

Are these people clinically retarded? There's no excuse for making 200,000 a year and being broke.

>> No.56561257 [DELETED] 

He should buy his bitch some veneers

>> No.56561261

theyre complaining because they feel they should make enough to live an abundant life but they only make enough to exist

>> No.56561272 [DELETED] 

alena botros? more like anal sorebot amirite fellas
financially speaking ofc

>> No.56561353

Whenever I see this shit, I wonder where the fuck these people actually live. I make 70k and I feel like I live a perfectly comfortable existence. If I made 200k I could easily buy a house around here and I'd basically be able to buy whatever else I wanted. I mean, I don't really want for anything right now. Are my standards low? Are everyone else's high? Obviously I'd like to make more money but I feel like I'm living in the Twilight Zone whenever I see these articles about how these very successful people can barely afford to live.

>> No.56561365

no you're correct, those retard are bad with money.

>> No.56561417

They're mortgage to the gills, I rent out business buildings and I haven't raised rent since 2017 because I actually own the place and it's still pure profit without debt.

>> No.56561425

they live in Dover, New Hampshire. if you look on Zillow there are a lot of places well below the 700k house they looked at. these people must just be incredibly picky. They probably make like 3 or 4 times the median income for the area.

>> No.56561854

Homes are liabilities in today's markets. You should be stacking crypto and renting the cheapest place you can find. (I pay $600)

>> No.56561860

I have a home (I pay $0) can't see how this is a liability

>> No.56562332
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maybe the woman should quit her "job"

>> No.56562584

I get paid well but make way less than my colleagues who work constant overtime. I save all my money. When I told them how much I saved over the years they could not believe it

The average npc spends without a second thought. New clothes every week. New holiday every 3 months. Subscription to EVERYTHING. new car every 2 years. Haircut weekly. Expensive coffee daily. Going out for work drinks and other fake stupidity. And to top it off they are always at work to pay for this shit.

I work out (home gym) fuck my girlfriend, watch movies and walk the dog. My hobbies are essentially free. I browse forums and other autism. My goals in life are to power watch several anime series and also play Kirby dream land. Lmao. I wear the same clothes for years

An NPC would lose their mind living my life

>> No.56562633
File: 102 KB, 1200x771, F8m6EZ9akAA-mO_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

address this

>> No.56562641
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what is a depreciating asset kek
enjoy your repairs timothy!

>> No.56562646
File: 108 KB, 800x534, MOLDY-WORTHLESS-CUCK-BOXES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these shit boxes are worthless in reality just like the fiat money these cucks worship.

>> No.56562670

Yet you desperately want one


>> No.56562755

I make 400k and wife 80k. My mortgage tax and insurance is is 7.5k (1.8 mili at 2.6%), one kid costs me 1800 a month the other 2100 a month for childcare that isn’t even full time. 1k total for 2 cars a month. Add on everything else it’s an extra 4k a month bc of shitty expenses and car maint house maint parking tickets, kids shit etc. that’s fucking 16k a month. Thank god I have 50k link one day I can maybe retire but it’s fucking expensive as shit out there

>> No.56562778
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Yooooooooooo That's fucked up

>> No.56562862

what do you do?

>> No.56562870

You have no kids. They cost significantly more than you do.

>> No.56562879

Specialist doc. Was 4 days a week for the last 4 years but that might change back to 5 soon

>> No.56562943

I make £41k, I'm about to buy my second house. In 2026 in the next bear run ill buy another one if all goes to plan. I really don't know how you guys waste so much money if I was on 70k I would be FI in max 7 years

>> No.56562959

I make $30k a year. My wife doesn't work
I own a home worth almost a million dollars

it's easy. All you have to do is buy a house 25 years ago.

>> No.56562971
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>> No.56563010

Lmao the fucking state of mutts

>> No.56563032

lol how? Look at historical prices. Homes always go up over time. Yeah theres some short bad periods but the trend is always up. Im in Canada and they say they aren't doing any more rate hikes and that the rates are expected to start going down again next year.

>> No.56563089


>> No.56563098

>does the same routine
>always looks the same
>does no quests
Sounds like you are the NPC here.

>> No.56563677

t. jelly liquidated NPC

>> No.56563702
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>one kid costs me 1800 a month the other 2100 a month for childcare that isn’t even full time.
What, how, why
Do you realize there's families with 2 kids in Europe that can survive on 2100 a month?
Where do you retards your kids, to a fucking daycare for billionaires or something?

>> No.56563963


Often times it's not actually that they can't afford to get by, they're more expressing the feeling that "Wow I make pretty decent money and it still feels like an unacceptably expensive trade-off to live the traditional middle class life."

My wife and I together make about $260k a year. Thankfully we already own a house, so we're not on the market for one, but if we WERE, I would be fucking flabbergasted at the current prices + interest rates. Could we literally afford it? Yes, but the value proposition is such that I would consider it unaffordable because it seems like an absurd expense that I can't justify.

>> No.56564067

>two adults in the US surviving on a well below average salary while owning an expensive house
do you eat berries in the forest or what? At least make it remotely believable. Also what would be the point to own a million dollar house when living on poverty level?

>> No.56564089

the economy and stock market would plummet if people didn't consoom

>> No.56564093

his daycare is more expensive than average, because average daycare in america is synonymous with entrusting a 27 year old puerto rican woman with neck tattoos to supervise your kid as he/she rubs elbows with mulattoes and beaners for 8 hours. but average daycare is still very expensive. https://www.bankrate.com/finance/credit-cards/average-cost-of-childcare/

yet another case of arrogant euroniggers getting a dose of reality. kek.


>> No.56564200

>bring your children to child care
>they (and you) end up being constantly sick

>> No.56564231

and with 30k you have to pay property taxes, maintenance of the house, utilities etc. yeah sure.

>> No.56564254

>mortgage tax and insurance
Just own your home outright lol
Just watch the kid yourself lmao
>2 cars
Just own your cars outright rofl
>extra expenses
Just budget with your wife once a month kek
The absolute state of fiatcucks.

>> No.56564349

this anon is correct. I make 140k , live in my parents basement for free currently. trying to buy a house in the dc area for a year now. Bare minimum cost for a 3 bedroom house is 500-600k here and its a 20-30 year old house that every room needs to be remodeled. to get a loan at current rates you need 20% down (120k ) + almost all houses here are sold as is and no concessions meaning you pay all closing costs (+10k) so just to buy a crappy 600k house that STILL will need 50k minimum to be liveable you need to pay 130k just to move in , then you still have a 3-4k mortgage+taxes payment a month alone. most of the houses I have seen even in this bad condition have sold within 1 week.

>> No.56564375

it could be worse. you could be this person. (don't feel too bad, he's a niggerfornia refugee.)


>> No.56564426

I like that your wife makes $80k/year and you spend $50k/year on childcare. So after taxes your wife literally works for nothing except getting to spend 1/2 of her awake hours at work instead of with your kids. Lmao

>> No.56564431

Lmao you are so normal I'm not sure how you managed to login to this website. This "rates will fall soon" narrative is hilarious. Normies are signing life ending debt pledges on the assumption that house prices will go up and interest rates will go down. Two very stupid assumptions.

>> No.56564466

No, imagine what would be possible in real terms if people weren't such animals.

>> No.56564507

>You will not own a home.
actually I will because I will own my parents home eventually.

>> No.56564530


This is a reason why I dont actually mind buying the 30-50 year old houses here in the DC area because they were actually built to codes and structerally are fine, they usually need replacing old water heaters and a/cs etc which are not a big deal paying 2/3/5k once in 10 -15 years as opposed to all the new builds I see , the BRAND new roofs or siding or lower flashing already falling apart 1 year later.

>> No.56564654

>>one kid costs me 1800 a month the other 2100 a month for childcare that isn’t even full time.
So his wife is working? How much does she make? It better be >net 3.9k a month, otherwise they're paying for her to work.

>> No.56564661

>Hah, dumb euros, they don't even know we pay $50k/year for our premium KidAway service (an Alphabet inc. company)
American "families"

>> No.56564674

>with 10% down
the chart is cherry picked data thats why
most put 20% or more down for a lower monthly payment

>> No.56564676

>he doesnt know
letting an $80k/year bitch stay at home allows her time to """think"""" which fills her head with all sorts of retarded ideas that will cost you money.

>> No.56564685

Even if you put 80% down on a pos at 600k you still have a 2k mortgage+tax+Hoafees currently

>> No.56564711

This and based.
Get your wife to watch other wagies children as well. Your own children get motherly care, regular playmates/friends and you earn money instead of spending it.

>> No.56564732

but at the end you have a 500,000 asset or zero dollars if you rent

>> No.56564773

so you have a very specific routine you follow, almost as if by script?

>> No.56564799

Yeahhh…. Let’s look into this so instead of buying you save at a SHIT rate of 5.5% (any random savings acc at the moment). Let’s assume you were in a position to buy so 120k down saved right now, and saving 3k per month due to not paying mortgage. In 30 years you’ll have something like 2 million usd and earning 100k per month from interest. Compared to having a ‘hovse’ worth maybe 1.3 million. Are you SURE you thought this through?

>> No.56564815

novus homo still shit with his sestersi I see

>> No.56564896

The CTO of my company (who probably makes several hundred thousand a year, plug bonuses, etc) drives 3-4 different extended fully loaded pick ups. Has a bmw bike. A boat. And he had the balls to stay paying for his kids college tuition was too hard. Fucking unreal.

>> No.56564943

>overextended himself on a stupid house and wonders why he has no money

I know it's not as easy as "just move states lmao" but as someone who makes about the same in middle america, I find this shit hilarious. Boohoo, you choose to live in the most expensive area of the country, why does everything cost so much?

>> No.56564957

They're just massive retards.
>Fuerst and his family are currently renting a 1,700 square-foot, three-bedroom, two-and-a-half-bathroom home for $3,350 a month. Factoring in storage costs, that brings their monthly housing total to around $3,700.
Anytime you see someone talking about storage costs they're a fucking idiot

>> No.56565030

Now factor in 30 years of housing and utility costs in your $2 million example instead of assuming $0
>bro just live with mom your whole life
>bro just live in your car your whole life
>bro just be homeless your whole life

>> No.56565047

Why is your wife working when you make $400k instead of being a stay at home mom ?

>> No.56565082

These articles pop up more and more and are essentially useless . The other day there was one about a girl who works in the medical field for 220k a year WITHOUT GOING TO MEDICAL SCHOOL. She's a fucking anesthesiologist, she could kill people every single surgery if she fucks up but its protrayed as this actual example of real life

>> No.56565105
File: 193 KB, 1088x1251, millennials getting rekt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw millennials are 40 and still complaining that larping as their parents did not make them have the same things as their parents
I cannot have sympathy for people in my generation anymore because they only make the shittiest decisions and then wonder why reality did not align with their delusions.

>> No.56565120

Consoomers losing they minds n sheeit.

>> No.56565153

How do I know you have an iPhone

>> No.56565161

I'm 28 with about $2.2 million in cash just earning interest for me. If I wanted to buy a home tomorrow I fucking could.

>> No.56565350

Just tell her no retard. I understand getting divorced raped, but the bitch is pretty much taking half already kek.

>> No.56565476


>> No.56565504

70k-100k is where money brings less happiness because the other needs are met or so they say.

>I only make maybe 30k a year and my issues are just making enough money.

>> No.56565615

I think the reality is more that housing in desirable or economically viable areas is expensive. You can buy a house in Arkansas or something for cheap, but why would you ever want to live there?

>> No.56565732

Being a stay at home mom sucks. Also wife could quit but she only works 2 days a week for 80k it’s not bad at All. And it’s better for the kids to socialize being in small daycares. You guys have zero clue how much childcare costs anywhere in the country in the first 5 years of life. 2k a month is a bare minimum

>> No.56566161

nonsense I pay the babysitter girl $50 for 8 hours
but I'm having sex with her too

>> No.56566180

>Your wife works a full time job in order to pay for daycare and a new car so she can work her full time job
>Meanwhile the house you work in order to pay for sits empty all day
I don't think I understand normie logic.

>> No.56566735

>Being a stay at home mom sucks.
how does it suck? it's the neetlife for women
Oh no I have to do chores every other day, FEMINISM SAVE ME!

>> No.56567137

but think about the gap in her resume anon
no company will ever hire her again if she takes care of the children for 5 years
whats that listing my dad as a reference for a fake job no way that'll work thats crazy anon

>> No.56567264

All these people claiming it will never go down is a bigger top signal than when they had crypto rap music videos, lmao

>> No.56567335

Imagine being so mentally ill that you can't be happy when you don't have to work, don't have to worry about finances and can focus on simply parenting and making your home a wonderful place to be.

>> No.56567388

masterfully crafted post

>> No.56567434

wow, a perfectly conditioned wagie
just wondering, are you and or your offspring circumscized?

>> No.56568575
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>pos at 600k

you live in a bubble