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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56560754 No.56560754 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Charles and cardano make /biz/ shid and fard themselves?

>> No.56560842

because they hate that cardano is better than their pajeet shitcoins

>> No.56561543
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Based and cardanopilled

>> No.56562094

Superior tech that pajeets can't wrap their heads around

>> No.56562120
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>knows what the fuck he's talking about
>has an authentic, white base of users and supporters
>doesn't have swarms of grifters and influencers trying to shill it
>product isn't a worthless maymay coin
i wonder why

>> No.56562127


He absolutely disgusts me and is the most repulsive human being I have ever seen. For that reason, I will never own a single cardano, I don’t care what kind of tech it has or potential future price action.

>> No.56563181

charles is the creg of eth.
let that sink in....

>> No.56563186

>All that meaningless junk
I take it there is still no working dapps on cardano.

>> No.56563189

Because they bought HBAR thinking it was a better investment because of muh tech buy tech doesnt matter and they lost money while shitcoins like ADA, DOGE and SOL mooned kek

>> No.56563193

kek true

>> No.56563201

Kek, eloquently put

>> No.56564806

>created btc
>created ETH
>created cardano
Charles is Satoshi

>> No.56564858
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I have never heard a better comparison in all my days on this basket weaving forum. He truly is the muh Satoshi of eth.

>> No.56565145

And he did all that without knowing how to code.

Now that's a talent!

>> No.56565190
File: 171 KB, 486x391, cregofeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
