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File: 41 KB, 798x644, EfXCE01UYAA8csO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56560493 No.56560493 [Reply] [Original]

there are billions of people on this planet who own less than one bitcoin.

>> No.56560501

sounds like smart people

>> No.56560510

How is this possible? Everyone had 15 years to accumulate...

>> No.56560625
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I was happy to not own any BTC but im honestly tired of being poor guys. Im putting all of my trust in TROLL, maybe after it sells out i'll finally be able to buy AT LEAST, the very LEAST, 1 BTC.
If i don't make at least twice as my initial investment im livestreaming my suicide

>> No.56560696

everyone who knew about btc beforehand

>> No.56560699

>im livestreaming my suicide

>> No.56560704

Dude there are healthier ways of coping, come on

>> No.56560737

Link to the presale? for a friend...

>> No.56560745
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I swear to god we are going in circles with shitcoins. It's like they degenerate towards the most schizo concepts and all of a sudden we get traditional memes like troll. Idk, its interesting

>> No.56560767

I will, for real. Probably post my twitch channel while i get banned for doing it

>> No.56560813
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>another stupid way of gambling my money
I shouldn't.... but i want to

>> No.56560832

Theres 1.46 million BTC available u dolt

>> No.56560862

Bitcoin is monopoly money, you may as well write "$100" on a piece of paper and pretend it's money
>Well I can sell my Bitcoin for $35k!
Only because idiots have bought into the hype. It's still just a meaningless arbitrary token with no intrinsic value at all.
>Fiat money is intrinsic tokens!
No. Fiat money is legal tender. And with fiat money, you have a central bank that tries to keep inflation around 2%, e.g. by changing interest rates. Sure inflation is above 2% at the moment due to various factors, but it's not so wild that you're going to lose tons of money like you could with a wildly volatile cryptocurrency.

>> No.56560866

Meant to say "Fiat money is arbitrary tokens"

>> No.56560872


These are the ramblings of someone who has less than 1 bitcoin.

>> No.56560891
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BTC solves money, people call it "digital gold" but even gold relied on trust in the sovereign that the coinage was of the correct purity & weight, and after redemption based currency gained traction was entirely trust-based. BTC on the other hand is truly trustless, the first trustless money to ever exist, and as such, the last money the world will ever need, a final solution to the money question. The systemic economic value of trustless money is nearly beyond comprehension. Future history will denote the past into pre & post BTC eras. Bitcoin is an inevitability.

>> No.56560898

bitcoin is not immutable or trustless. its can be altered by consensus like any other blockchain

>> No.56561006

No arguments detected

BTC isn't money, it's arbitrary tokens. Go and write $100 on a piece of paper, that isn't money either. Legal tender is money, though.

>> No.56561112

Yeah, and most of them doesn't even know wtf is a Bitcoin, let alone web3, but it's not like I care, I'm not into that, I only own USDT, and spend my time farming and building on blocklords

>> No.56561116

Sounds like a peaceful life to me

>> No.56561119

>BTC solves...
No, I stopped reading

>> No.56561121

Cope and seethe, you're just poor

>> No.56561123

I'm glad you're not into ponzi schemes KEK

>> No.56561172

wow what a bunch of totally authentic posts

>> No.56561328
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Ability to upgrade the network does not render transactions non-trustless
Dull statist slavemind. All money is arbitrary. The world is bottom up not top down, emergent, organic, the State a dying memetic parasite, feebly grasping for relevancy after technology obsolesced it's function (propagation & memetic convergence) within the meme complex. "Nothing ever happens" "everything is fake and gay" why? Because the State is dying, if not already dead, a bloated memetic corpse puppeteered by grifters.

The last meaningful lever the oligarchs have is fiat, from which their influence over Economy rests, but this influence is perverse and inefficient, while Economy is naturally positive sum, fiat allows the manipulation of Economy to favor zero and even negative sum economic transactions. Blasphemy! Economy will not abide -- "The market ahh finds a way" -- and a way it found.

>> No.56561555

So you're admitting that Bitcoin is just arbitrary invented tokens without inherent value. Then there's no reason for anyone to value them. They do currently because they think they can get rich of it, but who knows how long that will last for.

If you don't like fiat currency you can invest in tons of other things like gold or whatever. Gold is probably going to be more stable in value over time. It has always been prized in jewellery and art, and is now in demand in electronics too. So it has actual uses that make it consistently pretty valuable.

Bitcoin doesn't seem to have a lot of use. It's worse than fiat money because it's more volatile. And if you want to buy drugs anonymously then I've heard Monero is better for that. And maybe at some point an even more private cryptocurrency will come out, then another, etc.

>> No.56562750
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Again, all money is arbitrary. BTC is volatile only because it hasn't reach full capitalization yet.

1) Hard money forces positive sum activity as everything has to balance.
2) Hard money fell out of favor for transactional not economic reasons during the industrial revolution.
3) Politics always favors soft money because it enables easy and opaque theft.

BTC solves money, it is technical fix for a political problem, it is transactionally easy hard money, and unlike physical hard money, abstraction layers can ALSO be trustless and uncorruptible, preventing the problems seen in "backed" soft money where the manipulation started in the abstraction layers.

Bitcoin is an inevitability as the systemic economic value is simply too large. Why BTC? It's the first, it's the largest, it's the most compute intensive. Why not gold? Gold failed.

>> No.56563152

Btc isnt solving money because you say so. And gold isnt failing just because you say so. Things arent going to become other things just because you say so. You are not God and you will never meet him.