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56558628 No.56558628 [Reply] [Original]

Any reason why men won’t marry well educated women?

>> No.56558641

Anon, I...

>> No.56558650

Anon, I…

>> No.56558666

lmao these faggots deserve their suffering.

>> No.56558679

I like my women with the minimal amount of state indoctrination.

>> No.56558688


How do you borrow 500k without ever worrying about the consequence..

>> No.56558704

>they're about a million USD in student loan debt
I ended my doctorate with about $50K USD-equivalent in student loan debt, and I thought that was a major fuckup. Somehow accruing 10 times that seems unreal to me. How do you fuck things up that badly? What is even happening in the US?

>> No.56558728
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>student loans starting back up
>bought a house during covid
>were making combined $9k a month
>not making it
>worse than most
A lot of people are in this position. A lot of people during covid spent more than they should have thanks to all the mortgage, rent, and student loan moratorium. They debt maxed for three years and are now fucked. People are draining there savings and maxing credit cards to keep up appearances because the news man says the fed will drop internist rates any day now. They going deeper into debt when they should be cutting their losses.

>> No.56558741

My fiancee and I are both college grads but with minimal debt. If she's paying $3100 a month I assume she has a master's or more

>> No.56558750

just sell her into prostitution. she's only 32, theres still a market

>> No.56558751

you want an intelligent woman for the benefit of your son's and daughter's iq. an "educated" women isn't going to help the health of your children.

>> No.56558753

Argentina it is

>> No.56558785

He says he is making 60/hr in a high stress job
He makes 6000/month

So he is working 100h/month

Wtf am I reading?

>> No.56558789

Its the spend now and figure it out consumer mentality. The TV says interest rates only go lower, green line always goes up, collage is the only way to success, and the internet gurus say is making your debt maxing life style is getting inflated away.

There's also the fact that they're getting all this advices from boomers and gen x parents where all of this did work out for them because they lived through the biggest up swing in US history with only minor speed bumps. But look at all the boomers going homeless at record rates all of the sudden.

>> No.56558803

Holy shit, 900k of loans and only making 9k a month, that’s fucking insane

>> No.56558804
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>My partner and I

>> No.56558820
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>> No.56558821

the solution here is to stop paying and make a shell company owned by an irrevicable trust through which to do contract work and hold your assets. Debtors prison doesn't exist and if you insulate the entity who took out the loans (YOU) from any sources of value, the predatory jews who sold you a mortgage on education won't be able to garnish your income.

>> No.56558940

>two masters degrees then went to medical school
wtf? how does that make any fucking sense?

>Any tips that don't involve fleeing society or life?
Nope, it's either a life of crime or leaving the country and starting over

>> No.56558943


The $60/hr is probably pretax. Assuming 40hr a week his pretax income would be $9600, so $6000 sounds about right for take home after taxes and any other employer deductions (health insurance, 401k, etc.).

Anyway, I can't fathom how they thought it was a good idea to take out that amount of debt. Especially if you're not going to commit like his spouse and actually make it through med school. What was even the point of the second masters degree too. It's the kind of shit people do when they're scared of actually working and going out into the real world, so they just stay in school racking up more debt and useless degrees that won't help them make any more money.

>> No.56558985

As I recall, med school students regularly take on an incredible amount of debt to pay their way through. My question though is how his wife managed to flunk out during COVID when everything got moved online.

>> No.56559000

>I'm starting to regret going to college at all.
There literally are zero financial incentives for him going to college, with interest rates etc. he won't get ahead of a $30 /hr salary until he is in his late 60s; and if you take into account the opportunity cost of being "ahead" in his 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s.. It was a bad investment.

Only could argue that the job he got from it would be more enjoyable than a mediocre job, which made it worth the loss of money.. but the emphasize on "high stress job" makes that unlikely.
He did get some low-key status out of it, so not all is bad.

>> No.56559099

If you can't get your school completely paid for by scholarships and grants, you have no business going to school
>t. STEM degrees all the way through PhD for free, never had a cent of student debt and never will
You can fill out the paperwork for those shell entities as a private citizen but setting them up properly requires a lawyer. Something tells me these bozos can't even scrape enough money together for a retainer on a strip mall attorney

>> No.56559146
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Because right wing reactionaries believe manosphere memes not tied to reality, when in fact a college educated woman is your best chance for a lasting marriage.

>> No.56559182

>data up to 2010

>> No.56559215


I think OP's ppint was that these overeducated, underemployed cunts are a burden on their spouses. 2/3 of student loan debt is held by women. Of course they're not going to leave a man who is gullible enough to share the burden in paying off their 6 figures of retarded debt.

>> No.56559788

You aren't supposed to use non-dischargeable debt when debtmaxxing

>> No.56559838

I wish debtors' prisons were still a thing for these fucking retards who take hundreds of thousands in loans with no plan to pay them back.
The answer is always cut expenses (move in with parents etc.) and/or make more money (take a part time job etc.). Or you can just stop paying and declare bankruptcy.

>> No.56559850

I just find it hilarious that people voted for Biden on the promise that he would erase student debt when he was the one that made it impossible to discharge it via bankruptcy in the first place, decades prior.

>> No.56559939

That would be less profitable than the system they have now.

>> No.56560259

It's what happens when you're so mindfucked by "principles" that you literally can't even stop and think rationally or about what's in your best interest. They're in this cult that hypes themselves up that a republican winning an election is literally a holocaust about to happen. The reason the democrats have done so well in elections recently is that they have millions of people who donate their wife's son's college fund to them out of hysteria. There's a whole sub-industry of identifying and milking these people for "donations."

>> No.56560281

>a-at least i have sex, chud

>> No.56560449
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>Student Loans: $1400
>Mortgage: $2200
>Utilities/HOA Fees: $600
These are the people who call you a renter online.

>> No.56560458

They're entitled progressive cunts that think they're your equal without providing you anything.

>> No.56560549

>long lasting
Yea, it takes about 15-20 years for her cucksband to pay off her loan, then she divorce rapes him

>> No.56560605

Women don't consider consequences of their actions. They act on emotion. $300k in private loans so she could cure cancer as a doctor made her feel good. Then she failed out like the retard she is.

>> No.56561356

She was searching herself through higher education

>> No.56561364

It's the man that's the problem in that situation, because he such a fucking simping faggot.

>> No.56561376

>People are draining there savings and maxing credit cards to keep up appearances
the average roastie cares more about what people think than going into debt? I'm not sure I believe you

>> No.56561418

because an 18 year old virgin has more value as a partner than an educated career 30+ year old women

>> No.56561439

Because I like fucking a beautiful young girl 2x a day over someone that's annoying and unattractive because she works all the time.

>> No.56561446

let's be honest, the us created an extractive scam out of the education market and has created these types of insane situations
boomers have a lot to answer for, there's no way education should be this expensive

>> No.56561475

few understand

>> No.56561499

they're just a generation that can't comprehend change. my dad still can't figure out computers and thinks everything on google is a lie. these are the people running the country. our systems are archaic because theres been an exponential change in technology and they can't keep up. i mean they still force us to buy physical books for 100+ dollars when a $60 e reader could cut that price in half just in publishing costs. that's just a very small example but you can see the problem here. i mean...by all standards, you really shouldn't have to commute to a fucking building anymore.

>> No.56561553


it's just insane, my 3 bedroom 2 bath 1500sqft house 30 minutes outside a large city(300,000 pop) cost $150,000. i'd honestly probably walk out into the woods and off myself if I got suckered into paying 500K and not get anything at all out of it.

>> No.56561614
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>Any reason why men won’t marry well educated women?
nonsense, they will and do
what they (college-educated women) don't do is have kids at or beyond the replacement rate
the SINGLE biggest factor in a woman's TFR is whether or not she continues with education after highschool
obviously, because that coincides with her peak fertile years
that has been known by demographers and statisticians and actuaries for decades

pushing (white) women into higher ed was a psyop designed to nuke their TFR
you can logically extrapolate, obviously, that these surplus women are less likely to get married since they are not going to have kids etc., but it didn't happen, simps are still marrying them, at ridiculous ages

obviously people who are unmarried past whatever the average marriage age is become more likely to remain unmarried each year
you're implying there's a correlation between female level of education and remaining unmarried, but it's really between female age and remaining unmarried
average female level of education has gone up continuously while the marriage rate has fallen continuously, but I don't know of any analysis showing a causal relationship
whereas it is beyond doubt that there is a causal relationship between level of education and TFR

to be sure, there is a HUGE cohort of simps willing to marry post-fertile women, even post-fertile single moms, but not an INFINITE cohort of such simps
(and the cohort of men who consider a female's higher education a demerit is much, much smaller)
Gen Y has now run out of such simps
Gen Z isn't quite at peak marriage age so only time will tell if they surpass Y in simp-ness
if they follow the intergenerational trend, as little as ~20% and no more than ~30% will get married in the next 10 years

>> No.56561656

i'd love to unironically, but they still have the mindset of the man needs to bring home the most income. they all want to work, equal pay, blah blah, but then they ask "anon, why do i make more than you?" or "anon, why are you unemployed and taking care of our kids and making dinner?". and they STILL have the audacity to expect YOU to pay off THEIR debt. then they leave because their societal indoctrination stigma hasn't caught up with their sjw ideals yet. its confusing as fuck. not our fault retard.

>> No.56561679

everyone understands deep down inside. it's just not socially acceptable to say it in public with the average person. I have close friends who pretend to be anti-age gap in public but all of them would fuck/date an 18 year old if presented the opportunity.

>> No.56561837

>well educated w-ACK
You mean debt wenches?

>> No.56562321

Creditors without a designsted asset to liquidize at payment failure should just get fucked at that point.

>> No.56562341
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they're better off quitting their jobs and only having one person work some shitty minimum wage job. that way they can be below the income threshold and get on the SAVE plan which puts a permanent forbearance for as long as you're under the income threshold. then just work under the table, don't report the real income to IRS, and you're golden

>> No.56562512

It's so fucking broken that the correct things to do in life is never the honest path.

>> No.56562677

One million fucking dollars of debt. Holy fucking fuck!

>> No.56562686

>the college cock carousel roastie is your best bet for a long-lasting stable marriage.

>> No.56562704

You can't figure out computers either and you actually believe the garbage google tells you. You're the idiot in this story.

>> No.56562723

Its not that university makes them loyal, its that it filters out most low income and lower class women who are already more likelt to get divorced. Learn how 2 stats brainlet

>> No.56562770
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Modern women have been brainwashed against their nature. They now despise the role they are literally adapted for by nature.

Most "young" women will be childless spiteful turbo feminist career women and most men are invisible to them and they look down on most men just in general.

Add to that this bitch is on reddit and I have even less sympathy. If she flunked out of uni that seems like her fault.

There's a reason why young men aren't going to collect at the rates women are now and it's because men learned if you're not going for something very pragmatic it simply is not worth the cost anymore. A degree won't even guarantee you a decent job anymore broadly speaking (well, unless you're a trans Shaniqua DEI checkbox waiting to be scooped up by corporate somewhere that is).

>> No.56562781

> only 32
oh anon...

>> No.56562895

good post

>> No.56563500

replying for visibility

>> No.56563505

>There literally are zero financial incentives for him going to college
There is, it is called Credentialism.
Jews and NPCs love credentialism.
They are very impressed by it.

>> No.56563507

>college educated woman is your best chance for a lasting marriage.
Marriage lasting a full 2 years, yes. Followed by a 50% haircut.

>> No.56563556

>be american
>go to school
>be half a mil in debt

>> No.56563561

China airplane

>> No.56563600
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Not reading the blog post, but I'll answer the question from the perspective of someone with a well-regarded education (top decile in the best medical school in the UK - no intention of practicing medicine).

I've smashed and been in long-term relationships with several well-educated women - whether medical doctors or PhDs (one was a doctor^2). Academia in general is a female landslide outside of niche shit like enginiggering, so it's easy pickings if you're a guy. They are all insufferably insecure and will argue with you over anything at all, often from an untenably incorrect and childish position. In terms of marriage, they have absolutely nothing to offer. They have income potential, but so do I, and adding their potential income to mine wouldn't increase my quality of life at all. I don't need a Socratic partner, I need someone to manage the household; either cook and clean or at least organize people to do that for me, and pop out a few kids further down the line. Girl bosses won't even make arrangements for a cleaner, or order food. They're also usually less kempt than lower-class sloots, who rely on their appearance to make it in life. You are very unlikely to find a 10/10 female doctor in any field, but you can literally go to Wetherspoons right now and find a 10/10 hair and beauty "student" who will do absolutely anything you tell them to.

In short, you'll get a less attractive, less compliant, less supportive partner who you can discuss your subject of interest with. Just do that with your friends and find a bimbo.

Don't even get me started on the myriad of psychiatric disorders they all have.

>> No.56563614

>car loan 440/month
>we are not living above our means
>car loan
sell expensive car, buy cheapo used car

>> No.56563624

Because men want a woman that makes their dick hard instead of their life and women want a man that makes their pussy wet instead of their eyes. Smarter woman than you means arguments and no control and worse than that and what really fucks things up is when there can't even be equanimity because your position is looked down on in the relationship. This pisses everyone off and leads to turmoil and resentment. You could marry a woman that was smarter than you and be happy but nobody has ever married anyone that felt a compulsion to always be (in reality or just in their own head) smarter than them and found happiness for having done it.

It's all cope posting with the truth buried in nuance. Smart chicks aren't the problem, the ones that tie their entire sense of self to being the smartest person in the room in every room are just as annoying as dudes that do the same shit. Bang chicks with degrees and careers just don't bang chicks that feel the need to brag about their degrees and careers and you'll be fine. Same way they'll fuck a guy with a gaming computer or an onahole collection but not fuck the guy that brags about those things.

>> No.56563687


there is nothing better though when an academic independent women submits to you because your sole presence makes her wet and turn into a maid. It short circuits her liberal programming and she turns conservative really damn quick just to get that manly dick

>> No.56563700

Men typically dont give a fuck about the educated part one way or the other. The problem is that with the "education" most of the times this leads to an inflated ego and a bitchy attitude. Plus they tend to focus on career first so they'll be older when they want to settle down.

None of these things are wanted by men.

>> No.56563746

They just have a higher standard for their partner before the grugette brain in their pants kicks in same way dudes on a reject females and acquire currency sigma grindset wouldn't give just any woman their attention and would shit on simps that did. If I was a woman and had a degree and a real job and life was good and I was happy I wouldn't fuck that up with a relationship and potentially having kids unless it was for and with someone exceptional and them being "smart" or wealthy wouldn't mean shit to me, I'd want them to be kind and wise and there for me to unfuck my head and my heart when the world starts to suck and I'd want them to fuck me like a sewing machine and be someone hot enough I'd want them to do that to me.

Which is basically exactly what happens. Chicks aren't some impossible monolith to understand and that people act as though they are is beyond me.

>> No.56563753

My hobby is hiring 35 and older for sex and mentally abusing them that their too old and good for nothing, then acting like its all a play.
Women cant tell and most of them know they are over the hill and start crying.
Imagine a fully mature woman sucking your cock while tears run down your balls.
Nothing beats this.

>> No.56563764

You either go the traditional route and gender roles which is more concentrated work for whatever you are or you split things down the middle and get good at doing a little bit of everything but there's pros and cons to either method and at the end of the day there has to be some level of compromise in any relationship for it to work. Yin and yang.

>> No.56563765

>My wife wanted to be a doctor more than anything in the world
>She failed during covid

>> No.56563767
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>student loans
eurochads where you at?

>> No.56563779

Other than what this anon said: >>56559099
Where's the catch? Why doesn't everyone have a shell company?

>> No.56563797
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>$500,000 in loans for less than a McDonald's assistant manager salary
my sides went nuclear

>> No.56563801

You pay more with the 50%+ taxes and low wages for your """free""" school then even the Reddit fag in the OP will pay over a lifetime

>> No.56563808

You realize we can just take the degree and leave, right?

>> No.56563811

Because it's smarter to use deductions, donations, and giving people a damn job to reduce tax expenditures rather than trying to evade them entirely.

>> No.56563842

talking about this part:
>insulate the entity who took out the loans (YOU) from any sources of value
Anyone has a good debtmaxxing guide?

>> No.56563864

the state pays for our existence no matter what, wether we have a degree or not

>> No.56564234


>> No.56564414

What is the actual total amount that each of them owes?
They just posted the monthly amounts

>> No.56564429

it says at the bottom, the guy owes 460k , and the girl owes 500k. almost 1 million in student loans which are not able to be removed via bankruptcy. They will never pay it off in their lifetime because they are probably accruing minimum 5-10k each month in interest each month no way they will ever get ahead of it without a 800k reduction to the principle.

>> No.56564509

Bloody fucking hell, it’s beyond over for them. Didn’t notice the bottom bit.

>> No.56564554

they're a liability in every way

>> No.56564621

This. There is no point in getting a degree here, you might as well start working at 18, save and invest for 15 years at which point most euros will be finishing up college and landing their first jobs with 0 net worth.

>> No.56564812

literally the realist thing an anglo has ever said kek

>> No.56564877

Don’t get this, any degree is basically free in the USA, if you show any potential at all through scholarships and fellowships. How can this be so difficult to deal with? Perhaps DONT fucking try to pay yourself through by force when everything is telling you that you’re not cut out
I mean basically every single serious stem grad school PAYS you a salary.

>> No.56564913

It's called being retarded.

>> No.56564936

This is also a wonderful example of how being educated and being smart are two different things

>> No.56564956

not every state has a state scholarship fund. i'm a 35 year old boomer but i got exactly $0 in scholarship money while attending an in-state public school in pennsylvania and graduating with a nearly 4.0 GPA in math.

>> No.56564975

I actually feel really bad for these people. They still believe in the system without realizing that they're just wasting their time and money for a standard of living nowhere near what previous generations had for doing only one tenth of the work. Basically, people that go to school for that much education and debt are the biggest npcs out there because they have no balls. They're too afraid to go their own way and be entrepreneurs, and they suffer because of it. Many such cases.

>> No.56565003

yeah that checks out

>> No.56565061
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Because usually a woman who got an """education""" chose an absolutely dogshit degree, got into debt for it, and spent her college time shopping for a husband or riding cocks while getting pumped full of indoctrination.

Most women shouldn't be getting degrees.

>> No.56565549

me and my fiance both make 100k and she's the biggest tightwad I know. Its like she grew up in the depression era. Eating cans of soup and only shops clearance racks. Makes me feel guilty for gambling.