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56546905 No.56546905 [Reply] [Original]

It just seems like the whole 21st century has been utter trash. The 2000s came in with the 9/11 attacks, the dot-com burst and the GFC which expanded throughout the whole 2010s with its aftermaths and people never really recovered. War on Terror escalated and Europe was getting invaded and at the same time going through a very difficult economic pain and then 2016 comes up, Brexit happens, politics become very divisive and then COVID is the final nail in the coffin. For a while it seemed like the economy was going to go well around 2017-2019 and then things bounce back to 0 again…

Past generations have had it fair enough where they at least got to experience a time of peace and economic prosperity after tough times but it seems like in the 21st century, every decade gets worse and worse as it passes on…

>> No.56546912

you have 1 more year of relative normality before the nuclear exchange
so no

>> No.56546914

if ure a wealthy 25+ millennial chad zoomette pussy has never been this easier for us

>> No.56546917

Hope is the new counterculture. Don’t sit around waiting for your golden decade. Start building it.

>> No.56546922

that's not the point you fucking idiot

>> No.56546949

No. We are sacrificial generations.

>> No.56546996

2012 to 2021 was an absolutely insane period of economic prosperity. If you played your cards right, your house could have e doubled in value,.you could have job hopped your way to the top of the income bracket in your field, and your investments would have gone up massively.

>> No.56547001


>> No.56547002

I have been experiencing prosperity for 20+ years now, tf you are talking about

>> No.56547006


>> No.56547015

What year were you born?
You had multiple chances to get rich assuming it’s not post-2003.

>> No.56547019

I am your father.
STFU and show us your millions.

>> No.56547026

I’m not a millionaire. But I have a decent NW from investing and I’m a total fucking retard zlllenial.

>> No.56547033

sure, show your wealth please

>> No.56547036
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bullshit. what does it serve you to go online to a honeypot that is monitored by every three letter agency and tell strangers you got rich from something. you know if you were being honest and not a shill/bot you are going to be gangstalked?

>> No.56547044

Bunch of fucking loser schizos

>> No.56547051

post your portfolio. not a screenshot, but a video clip. if u cant do that then fuck off and never make a claim again.

>> No.56547060

No and I don’t need to. You’re a retard who is in denial over the 2010’s being an insane bull market. That is just a fact. I don’t understand where your seethe is coming from.

>> No.56547075

you fail to understand that you are saying you just have to had to win the lottery goy
zoomies have zero opportunities, you pointing out things in the past makes no difference
you are so fucking stupid you indian bitch

>> No.56547507

Go be a miserable retard somewhere else zoomzoom.

>> No.56547527

Keep seething poorfag. You'll miss the next bullrun too. Oh well. More money for the rest of us again.

>> No.56547583

2016-2019 was cash money niggas. i was makin $100k in 6-8 months. spent the rest of the time skiing. doing whatever. shit was cheap and livin easy.
this timeline sucks ass. i have to work all year to make a $100k now, complete and utter torture

>> No.56547633


>> No.56549039

In nominal terms. In real terms it’s simply the fact that you own an asset that counts. It’s more that the standards for what’s considered wealthy have dropped so far that owning a house is enough to be considered rich.

>> No.56549063 [DELETED] 
File: 573 KB, 750x771, BURDENMAXXERS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Start stealing and become a burden on society. First thing you should do is quit your worthless wagie job. Don't bother applying for benefits, welfare or any other government assistance. Simply take everything you need from big corporations, resell it and enjoy life. Make sure to post about it and encourage more people to become burdens like you. Once enough people do this, their system collapses. Also always remember how over half the population got vaxxed and sided with the government? make them pay and enjoy it too. This is how you get back at the jews, the governments, the corporations, the normie cattle and everybody else who wronged you.

>> No.56549175

If you can profit from the coming housing crash you may be able to make it.

>> No.56549193

>If you played your cards right, your house could have e doubled in value
Yeah, and so did all the others, so now you have to pay twice as much for your next house

>> No.56549211

>Don't bother applying for benefits, welfare or any other government assistance.
If you were actually interested in burdenmaxxing, then you would not be saying this.

>> No.56549230

This, though I would say 2009-2021. Plus we had the cryptocurrency boom. Anyways OP is retarded

>> No.56549360

Post-2008 wasn't a period of prosperity, it was just a period of recovery from a major crash the year before. That's like when the president tries to take credit for "creating" a bunch of jobs that are really just peviously-existing jobs that had been temporarily done away with due to covid lockdowns

>> No.56550367

I was born in 2005
If I don't get 6 figures in this bull run I'm roping.

>> No.56550393

So you're 18? Sorry, friend, I hope you can retire in 50 years

>> No.56550399

I guess my biggest financial mistake was being 17 in 2021?

>> No.56550413

No you dumb fuck

>> No.56550421

No, in fact things will only get even worse.

>> No.56550492
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Millennials had the opportunity to scoop up basically free Bitcoin and one of the best bullruns in the stock and housing markets. If you missed the boat there it's entirely your fault for spending money on avocado toast and weed instead of buying literally any investment. Zoomers I'll give a free pass too, they're too retarded as an age demo to blame.

>> No.56550529

op is a reddit faggot

>> No.56550602

2012 to 2021 was the decade where young people could have made it, but now that's over so they missed out.
The people who are really screwed are the ones whose parents got wrecked post-2008 so they had to grow up poor and are now coming of age so they have no work experience or investments. Too young to benefit from the last 10 years, too old to delay adulthood any longer.

>> No.56550626

Based but some how still going to make it.

>> No.56550728
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>The people who are really screwed are the ones whose parents got wrecked post-2008 so they had to grow up poor and are now coming of age so they have no work experience or investments. Too young to benefit from the last 10 years, too old to delay adulthood any longer.

>> No.56550732

after seeing the actual "people" from the UAW i don't think i can ever buy American again

>> No.56550738


How do you get one of these easy ass auto jobs sticking plastic fasteners to upholstery for

>> No.56551204

Why do 4chan incels only think of pussy

>> No.56551217

>BASED SMALL RURAL TOWN TRADESMAN /pol/ enthusiast and his tradwife.jpg

>> No.56551240

Old guy and an oldfag I can tell you that this is pretty much what everyone has always said:

lets just start with post ww2, when the US and world finally had what we would consider a "modern" economy and economic policy was actually a thing.

1949 was pretty much an entire year of recession
1953 - recession
1958 - recession
1960-61 - recession
1969-71 - recession
1973 -75 DEEP and long recession (OPEC)
1980 - Iran oil recession
1981-82 recession (inflation; 18% interest rates -- but also the dawn of modern monetary policy
1990-91 : recession (govt cuts, bump in interest rates, no jobs)
2000-2001 recession (dot.com bust, 9/11)
2008-9 "Great Recession"
2020: covid recession

so, as you can see, the time between recessions has been getting longer as time goes and the duration of the recessions has been getting shorter.

The point is that while time will tell if Zoomers get to enjoy the relative long prosperous times that Gen X and Millenials have, all indicators point to fewer and more transient recessions.

the period from 2009-2020 was the longest economic expansion in US history and it happened while Millenials were entering and advancing in their work lives.

TLDR - shut the fuck up whiny bitch

>> No.56551275

I never realized there were this many cunts on this board. You all have the same boomer, "fuck you, got mine," attitude, even though you chide boomers constantly. Talk about hypocrisy.

>> No.56551302
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RLC is down bros

>> No.56551316

>decade of prosperity
You literally had a 10 year bull run on crypto where you could have gone from 100 bucks to 10M bucks in literally 24 hours

>> No.56551391

bullshit. you just want everything handed to you.

very few people ever got rich quickly. most people became comfortable after decades of working and saving.

You want to whine about "I can't buy a house" but you can buy a house with 3% down. In the 1970s and 80s you had to have a minimum 20% downpayment. How long do you think it took some mook to save $20,000 on his $36,000/yr pay when taxes were 25% instead of 10% like they are now.

How do you think they did it? they did it by taking the bus or carpooling and having one broke down plymouth they shared with their wife. They didn't take bird scooters and bought a shitty 6 pack of schlitz instead of a $8 craft beer.

Their big night out was going to see Jaws or the like 2x a year and fuck no they didn't buy popcorn or a soda.

every time there was a downturn, they had the same thoughts as you but pushed through, saving 25 cents here and $1.50 there until they had $100 to put into a savings bond. They did this every day or every week or every year for 10 years or more so they could buy a house when they were 32 and could finally move out of Aunt Berthas where they lived with her smelly ass cabbage eating toe fungus to save on rent.

They ate beans and rice with a small portion of chicken on top and a steak was for graduation ceremonies and winning the pool on how many rounds Joe frazier was going to let some jabrony keep standing.

>> No.56551410
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I'm literally pooping a log out of my asshole as I type this message.

>> No.56551632

>For a while it seemed like the economy was going to go well around 2017-2019 and then things bounce back to 0 again…
Hmm, who was calling the shots in the west during this time period...

>> No.56551671

It had happened many times in the past.
We're just going to reach 70years, still working, alone, addicted to porn and broke.

Is there any reason to live?

>> No.56551716

this is just cope
2010-2021 was easiest bullrun in everything, just keep buying anything and not wasting money and you made it
even now with remote work you have no excuse to be miserable, remove unnecessary expenses, live with spouse/friends, advance your career and keep grinding and you can be comfy in your 30s

>> No.56551748

You're just jealous of his spider tattoo. Seethe more whitecollarcel.

>> No.56551872

that's great for zoomers who were in school for most of that period. most millenials got affected by the great recession, but had a few good years at least but for zoomers it has been nothing but misery coming into work during or right before covid and then recession/inflation/broken housing market
>invest in random speculative investments is an easy chance to get rich
yeah there are lots of easy chances to get rich retrospectively
zoomies live in a self-created online prisons and don't interact in the real world as much which makes everything that much worse

>> No.56551888

We’re basically the ones who would have been sent to the trenches in WW1 anon.

>> No.56551992

Nothing of what you said is true fucking stupid boomer shit, kill yourself.

>> No.56552000
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Honestly, I can't fucking wait!

>> No.56552023

Why do poor people only ever think of money?

>> No.56552029
File: 30 KB, 320x180, IMG_5305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever heard of the Great Depression, WW2, Vietnam, Oil Embargo you stupid fucking zoomers? What do they even teach you retards in school these days? How to be a whiny little fag?

>> No.56552040

>wahh wahhh things are so heckin terrible!
Bitch you wouldnt have lasted a day in the 70s. The only time things were maybe unambiguously good in the last 100 years (or maybe even ever) was that dozen of years between the fall of the Berlin wall and 9/11. Stop being such a weak faggot

>> No.56552052

Based logger

>> No.56552112
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Basically what Oldfag is saying that if you’re really-really lucky you’re grandkids can be entitled boomers of this century.

>> No.56552167

Casual sex is a waste of time and energy retard.
It's always been easy to sleep with 18 year olds, what's hard is finding one worth starting a family with and buying a house for you and her.

>> No.56552183

desu the 2008 crash never finished and things have continued to be wildly mispriced since.

>> No.56553044

Stop reposting reddit threads

>> No.56553080

If you were already rich and/or owned a home. Kys

>> No.56553946
File: 12 KB, 236x236, 797382fb71f0eab4a1cee609c39173cd--frog-meme-humor-memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn if only I didnt graduate right before covid and vaxx mandates. Unironically wouldve been better off delivering pizzas and selling drugs but I didn't want to be a loser. Lmao. Honk. Gr8b8.

>> No.56553962

I hope you hold Link at least

>> No.56554164

Millennial youth is over already.
No prosperity.
Just one 'once in a lifetime fimancial crisis' after another
Thanks for playing

>> No.56554279
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Gen Z, no

Millennials? Depends on the age group.

Older Millennials had quite honestly the easiest path to economic prosperity of any generation.

Housing crashed for them once they were out of college, followed by a 10 year bull run during their mid-20s and early 30s.

Then COVID happened and many got permanent WFH.

Zoomers are fucked, but their generation sucks so who cares.

>> No.56554298
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This 100%

Anyone in 30+ who isn't a home owner is an absolute failure at life

Tons of retards who loaded up on student debt and then extended the repayment

>> No.56554378

Agree with all but last part. We will get to experience good times too. Just focus on how can you make it count.

This guys gets it.

We are living in the best time. Making money has never been easier.
I just bought a few dog coins and I'm a millionaire now.

Keep on investing in good ones like NXRA or PENDLE now and will continue making more and enjoying my life while you bitches keep on whining

>> No.56554399

just be happy you got to experience the tail end of the goodtimes as a child at least
cus now its all gone forever and it aint ever coming back

>> No.56554465

>you have 1 more year of relative normality before the nuclear exchange
>so no
So glad I live in the the cuntreeside. Guess I should probably buy some coal and sheet.

>today's word is coal. Coal.

>> No.56554521

>came back from 2nd deployment in 2012 with 80k in my bank account
>knew about bitcoin but thought it was a joke
>instead of getting a job or buying a house or investing any of it i decided to enjoy the neet life playing vidya and drinking all day for 5 years straight
Mistakes were made but i regret nothing

>> No.56554546
File: 113 KB, 631x631, 1691855135959126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm intensly interested in coal. What coal stocks do you recommend? Anybody have some favorite coal stocks to share the tickers, why you like them?

>> No.56554841

It takes me 6.5 years to make $100,000 USD, appreciate what u got

>> No.56554858

You are literally at the beginning of the AI bull run, and you are blind to it. Learn AI NOW or miss the boat AGAIN retard

>> No.56555745

He's talking zoomers not 40 year olds you autistic turd