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File: 862 KB, 1080x1635, caroline-ellison-crypto-fraud-28-v0-ophkjg5fvotb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56546302 No.56546302 [Reply] [Original]

What's next for our girl?

>> No.56546316

Probably gets sent to the same country club as Ghislaine Maxwell.

>> No.56546322

A glow up

>> No.56546340

Bigger and better things. You're looking at a free weasel with her whole life ahead of her.

>> No.56546356

>thin hair
>the thickest rimmed glasses she could possibly choose
>bulging uncentered eyes
>same nose as the witch from hansel and gretel
>chipmunk cheeks
>thin, gray lips
>bulbous chin
>weird ears
>and shit person to top it off

>> No.56546365

ok yes, but on the other hand

>> No.56546368

but she's willing to commit oral sex so that puts her above 95% of women

>> No.56546373

and yet she still fucks just because she's female

>> No.56546403

hopefully prison

>> No.56546415


>> No.56546470

Isn't this that zoomer that got rich out of nowhere? Damn, she hit the wall so hard. She looks like a literal 50 year old. Does anyone know what caused this? Excessive use of drugs and alcohol?

>> No.56546494

Her grippy probably smells like an old egg salad sandwich

>> No.56546607

How much money do you think she stashed away? 10 million? 50 million? It literally wouldn’t make a difference in the grand scheme of things and their book keeping was non existent anyways. She won’t go to prison since she ratted out SBF and she is still young. She has 70-80 years of chill luxury ahead of her. Lots of money for keta induced sex parties

>> No.56546950

Almost 100% of women will do that.

>> No.56547889

both of them were pretty heavy meth (adderal) users

>> No.56547924
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Bro, the amount of fucking simps on here drooling over this malnourished goblin is actually heartbreaking.

>> No.56547936

i wish my dick was next for her if you catch my drift

>> No.56548128

Chad's harem

>> No.56548457
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farting cum bubbles.

>> No.56549821

pretty sure many women like sucking dick since it triggers multiple lizard brain checkboxes for them

>> No.56549848


>> No.56549855

jesus she aged like 10 years

>> No.56549881

God would never create something this ugly.

>> No.56549892

Billionaires listed after her!!

>> No.56549907
File: 692 KB, 1257x833, tjz2wXQinwrTsI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro this isnt the 50's every 12y/o girl with an internet connection has seen the techniques of literal pornstars

>> No.56549983

what you faggots fail to grasp, is that it is not “shit person on top of that”. Outward appearance is indicative of quality of the person. The greeks understood this. She is physically unattractive because she has shit DNA and her shit DNA makes her a crappy person. This works with almost everyone.

>> No.56550001

Based physiognomy examining phenotypist

>> No.56550016

Synagogue of Satan
Verification not required.

>> No.56550050

Yeah no shit. This is the result of generations or inbreeding and accumulation of mutations in absence of any selective pressures. I’m 100% sure this girl wouldn’t last a week without modern medicine keeping her alive. Her brain must also be fucked up.

>> No.56550348
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This is now a Caroline friendly thread
Post cute and rare Caroline

>> No.56550354

She looks like she tortures and eats babies for fun

>> No.56550366

Yeah with disgusting kikes like SBF. Ain’t no man above a 5/10 touch that hag

>> No.56550398


>> No.56550412
File: 175 KB, 1242x931, IMG_0119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda feel bad for her.
She could have easily gotten a normal job at a serious company but that Rat Sam sweet talked her into joining his scam where she got drug addicted and where she took part in one of the greatest financial crimes ever.
Dont get me wrong shes probably a shitty person and I'm not trying to defend her but she had tons of opportunities to not get involved there and she fumbled it all.
She didnt even make any money from the whole thing and was and probably still is facing decades in prison.
Her name and career prospects are forever ruined.

>> No.56550472

meh she had it coming anyway. read her old posts on here as "YHWH loves you". she was an arrogant deluded weasel

>> No.56550473

A sea of Chads

>> No.56550491

was she posting here before or after she joined FTX?

>> No.56550509

this. even ghislaine and epstein had fucktons of funds to cover court costs, attorneys, etc. but you just can't fuck with other mega-rich people's monies and think you can get away with playing dumb which obviously they weren't (but were lol)

>> No.56550618

God's chosen tho

>> No.56550714

whatever happened to ghislaine?

>> No.56550867

yeah we know she is jewish, no need to repeat yourself

apparently she is queen of federal prison she's in. Top female in hierarchy and stuff

>> No.56551001

caroline is catholic actually so they'll prob execute her.

also her face is a crime against humanity

>> No.56551885

for a women to get send to prison at her age is pretty much game over
its never having kids and cat lady forever when she gets out
and everyone that said she will get off with nothing has been proving wrong with the sam trail, it wasnt a stuffed jury they nailed him on every count so the plea deal she got was not free
probably hence the rapid deterioration in looks from the stress and the realization of what is gonna happen

part of the common belief that ugly people are better people is that they get treated like shit their whole lives because who wants to hang with ugly people hence they must develop a pleasing personality to have any socialization going on
which seems to be the case with caroline from the blogs etc we have on her
but this however gets turned super bad if the ugly people ever get into a position of power where they powertrip their entire lifes worth of frustration in one go

>> No.56551972

Tay Sachs is a disease where your DNA literally falls apart because it's so inferior that it can't even hold together properly. Only Jews get it. Imagine being so hated that even your own DNA is trying to kill you lol

>> No.56552754

Hopefully a facelift

>> No.56553252


>> No.56553977

she took a plea deal with a shorter prison sentence.>>56546302
uhm. medium security women's detention center?

>> No.56553993

Still would

>> No.56554082

>Greetings from Kazakhstan
>This interview goes very hard
>I hate n**** so much it's unreal

>> No.56554377

last i heard she complained about two dyke inmates getting it on REAL LOUD when she was trying to sleep at night, snitched on them and got one transferred from her sweetheart, but the other dyke didn't do anything to ghislaine about it but she despises her for snitching

>> No.56554471


>> No.56554488

Imagine fucking her shithole tho

>> No.56554533

Imagine finding out when SBF gets sentenced...

>> No.56554593
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She'll end up getting pregnant in the back of a beat up retired Ford Crown Vic cop car in Florida to some fucking air conditioning man who makes $16/hr and hasn't showered in 11 days

>> No.56554624

Excessive yiddish genes

>> No.56554687

I think there's gonna be a second trial for the other shit, like the illegal donations etc

>> No.56554751

Realistically, a book where she tells her side of the story, which will be the widely believed version of it

>> No.56555177
File: 408 KB, 1152x2048, 1491256792560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy vey

>> No.56555204

>for a women to get send to prison at her age is pretty much game over
>its never having kids and cat lady forever when she gets out
>and everyone that said she will get off with nothing has been proving wrong with the sam trail, it wasnt a stuffed jury they nailed him on every count so the plea deal she got was not free
>probably hence the rapid deterioration in looks from the stress and the realization of what is gonna happen
That's why she doesn't give a fuck about her appearance - she would be an old hag when she gets out. At least, she experienced a shortest-term euphoria - Sex, drug, lavish vacation, etc. I think she ends killing herself in jail.

>> No.56555209

all women suck dick and if one doesnt thats a you problem

>> No.56555250

>look into the abyss