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56534837 No.56534837 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56534841

you should've circled Chainlink too, another token not needed

>> No.56535719

Literal trash and a popular stablecoin.

Chainlink belongs at rank 4.

>> No.56535725

Doge and Solana are good holds.

>> No.56535735

Tell the spokesperson to stop dresden bombing 77million Cayman Islands tokens per year onto binance, and all of your dreams will come true.

>> No.56535748

XRP and Solana are rank 5 and 7, and they dumped way more tokens than Sergey ever did.

You are violently retarded.

>> No.56535752

Twitter moonboys buy

>> No.56535753

true. besides link, another token is not needed

>> No.56535765
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>> No.56535823

Are you asking why "top" L1's (lol... it's all a fucking scam) are outperforming an erc20 shit token not needed? Shocking that doing $1500/Day in revenue, after 6 years of development, didn't land you guys on the moon...

Get the 2 time exit scammer to change the name to DogeChain. That should get you to 25% of ath easily!

>> No.56535867

>it's because of Sergey dumping!
>no wait, it's because Link isn't an L1!

move the goalposts more, and harder

>> No.56535963

>move the goalposts more, and harder
I don't have to move anything. You're down 90% and searching for explanations. The obvious, self evident reasons: team dumping, token not needed, last run alt coin in scam market, severe laughable underperformance in real world utilization, etc don't compute with you.

Instead, you blame Bulgarians and bitcoin manipulation and "hiding strategies" and "normies" not being smart enough to see what you see.

Honestly, your threads belong on >>>/x/ at this point.

>> No.56535970

>team dumping
explain XRP and Solana then

>> No.56536054

>lido staked eth

literally who?

never heard of that and it doesnt show up on my CMC

>> No.56536064

Look at this retard seethe posting lmao

>> No.56536065

Lido is the biggest defi entity on Eth and has been for years.
If they rank high, that means a lot of Eth has been staked and people are sitting out the storm.

>> No.56536076

sounds like a scam

and it not being on CMC confirms

>> No.56536164
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Pump and dump by the Swiss

>> No.56536768

Already did, see >>56535823

>> No.56536836

>The obvious, self evident reasons:
>team dumping,
>token not needed,
>last run alt coin in scam market,
>severe laughable underperformance in real world utilization

Each individual one of these applies to Ripple and Solana a lot more than to Link.

>> No.56536888

Token not needed

>> No.56536891

Those are layer 1 blockchains with lots of press, good and bad. They're not Cayman Islands erc20 mint and dump tokens for a coming SOON niche service.

I see threads constantly seeking a answer or validation for "Y NO MOON?" that spiral into the most delusional mass hallucinations and gray knoll theories imaginable. It's simple. It's a last run shit token that already mooned, for a limited value service, that the team is promising to dump ever more of on the market. Simple supply and demand.


>> No.56536907

You hold link

>> No.56536909

>Those are layer 1 blockchains
So your whole list of reasons is irrelevant to L1s?
Seems like your reasons are insignificant.

>good press

>> No.56536918

>Simple supply and demand
I'll qualify it further
Simple supply and demand sans shiny new thing hype (which is 90%+ the valuation of anything crypto).

>> No.56536948

Silly me... it must be Bulgarian price suppression, using the $500billion bitcoin market as a foil, so the elite power brokers can accumulate all of the price checker tokens that Sergey gives away for free to his highly trusted fully vetted black box centralized node network.

Good luck with your "investment"!

>> No.56536956

Lmao why is tron so high again

>> No.56537077

Well apparently it isn’t whatever bullshit you came up with lmao

>> No.56537129

>Haha lol lmao rofl!
You're down 90% from ath on a last run erc20 shit token that's dumped bi-weekly by the team because of basic supply and demand principles, and the fad that took your "investment" to the moon 3 years ago is over.

By all means though, keep searching for secret magical reasons, other than you're a retard who is very bad at the one thing he pretends to be good at. You can team up with the Bed Bath and Beyond/ GME kids and get to the bottom of why the world doesn't work the way you wish it did.

>> No.56537139

>token that's dumped bi-weekly by the team
Ripple and Solana did much worse m8

>> No.56537151

>it must be Bulgarian price suppression

You're right, it must be
>team dumping,
>token not needed,
>last run alt coin in scam market,
>severe laughable underperformance in real world utilization

Oh no wait, none of that actually applies to crypto, as you admitted.

>> No.56537329

See >>56536891
Threads getting repetitive. Tends to happen when one side of an argument is proposing elementary economic concepts understood from the foundation of human exchange during the most primitive times (supply and demand), and the other side is trying to explain the magic of 777, and consider who shot JFK, while George Soros orders the construction of the Assblaster prophesized price checker token citadel.

>> No.56537354


>> No.56537580

Real talk, was ccip revenue $2 yesterday? An anon in another thread said it was.

You guys are fucked.

>> No.56537628

everything he said was true though

>> No.56537652

posts like these are the classic linkie desperation. Instead of acknowledging the guy is right, you resort back to a battle of autistic semantics to "prove" i i it's just not fair what's happening to YOUR special shitcoin. The problem though...the chart

>> No.56537662

sadly for you and the cult, pointing "hey look over there" doesn't help the Link price

>> No.56537722

dino tech permissioned garbage
literal affinity scam by bankercels who though they could do crypto better, removed the only real breakthrough that crypto currencies have: BFT with 0 trusted third parties
ODL has worse performance than any AMM, dead on the water project that will never catch on
dollar synth
sacrifices liveness as a trade-off for speed, interesting project that is showing resilience, will probably find PMF
eth core devs were lazy in designing PoS, were warned of centralization risk, ignored all warnings in favor of "proof of work le bad", result: Lido now OWNS ethereum
DPoS chain with really bad optimization, really esoteric choices in regards to languages and systems; you understand it better when you realize charles is a poser guy, who stands on principles rather than practicals
memecoin for retail to gamble on
tether layer 2
never heard of it, probably another fotm

>> No.56537847

another lovely day of link being held to standards that no other project in crypto is held to

>> No.56537889

>team dumping bad
But only for Link!

>token not needed bad
But only for Link!

>last run alt coin in scam market bad
But only for Link!

>severe laughable underperformance in real world utilization bad
But only for Link!

They’re not sending their best

>> No.56537946

I'm not holding them to any standard. I'm trying to explain the chart to people who have completely lost sight of fundamental investment principles because someone posted 7's once upon a time 2 bullruns ago.

You guys have basically become feminists.
>your facts can't be real because they consider my feelings!

>> No.56537983

There go the goalposts

>> No.56538150

>please argue with me!!!!
no thanks

>> No.56539299

>mommy mommy life isn't fair
this doesn't help the link price

>> No.56539311

>MOMMY he went outside of my parameters for my semantic autistic argument

>I won


yeah it just doesn't help