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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56530099 No.56530099 [Reply] [Original]

kava please look around at all your friends and please notice how they are growing with families and generational wealth and a beautiful wife and please watch and fucking learn holy shit

>> No.56530124

Sorry NIGGER no generational wealth (TM) for you. Stinkeis are so funny for bringin that term up when talking about bitcoin but oh well

>> No.56530128
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>incapable of paying attention

>> No.56530134

actually yes they are pretty genius when it comes to pretending to be fuckin empty in the head, they are excellent (You) machines.

>> No.56530148
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>dat volume
Jolly FUCK op

>> No.56530166

it gets specially funny when you consider that btc has been there for like a decade and a half.

>> No.56530181
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kava users are going to be the next generation of cultists making daily hopium threads where they jerk one another off to feel better over their silly financial decisions o' yore

>> No.56530191
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>> No.56530219

>he thinks some shitty fabricated pumpa equals growing up healthy etc
all shitcoins/alts (same thing) are doing as well as that one university fren that does weed and is constantly half asleep all the time. gets high an dis growing up or sure but you know. what happens in the end?

>> No.56530249

Solana is the only project performing good. You can stop larping now, and thanks for playing.

>> No.56530253
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>> No.56530301

what the fuck is this autistic rambling

>> No.56530316

What's really important here is price action. If your shitcoin doesn't deliver on substantial returns after a period of time despite having "partnerships" and stuff that should theoretically benefit the project, then it's safe to say it's not gonna do anything to reward its holders in any capacity.

>> No.56530328

link $1000 eoy you heard it here first

>> No.56530336

e-ethbros... are we getting outperformed?

>> No.56530358

BTC created a whole fucking industry by itself. The same can't be said for any other layer 1 - they're all copycats from the authentic product

>> No.56530362

Smart contracts are still going strong

>> No.56530369

Sauce NOW

>> No.56530375

>implying the kava team gives a fuck
look up how they treated their own fucking community after the whole multichain fiasco

>> No.56530381

I'm sure trannitors will do their fucking job and ban these threads accordingly, right? I don't want another LINK situation

>> No.56530385

avax is a good project