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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56526458 No.56526458 [Reply] [Original]

Not a big fan of bill gates, but I liked his behavior here.

>> No.56526568

Billy Gates is a crypto kike nigger obsessed loser whose MOM was friends with the chairman of IBM. He was born rich to a Jewish mom.

>> No.56526580

This never happened

>> No.56526604

It's always happened chud
and everyone clapped afterward

>> No.56526632

How is that the moral of the story, for starters should his daughter also "never forget your past. It's your best teacher"?
Although implied from the moral, there isn't anything to support "it's your best teacher" in the anecdote. Does Bill Gates humble origin (which as i recall was less humble than what is presented in this story, but let's just take the story at face value for sake of argument) lead him to become the richest man? has his humble origin any bearing on his success?
You can speculate on this, but one thing is for certain the shitty story doesn't provide a case for this, it's a failed attempt at a life lesson.

>> No.56526655

>Well waiter my daughter is a bimbo whom I expect nothing of and I am the son of a kike :)

>> No.56526692

Take that back or I’m gonna make you feel the strange feeling on his face

>> No.56526722
File: 382 KB, 1760x912, Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 11.45.22 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always interesting to see what he can buy and still remain stupidly rich
he could buy every nba basketball team, a yacht, mansion and skyscraper for all of them and still be a multi billionaire.
shame non of the money he gives to charity goes anywhere

>> No.56526759

Bill gate's father is a fucking lawyer lmao

>> No.56526825

Maybe his dad is a lawyer, but his father (Jesus Christ) was a wood cutter

>> No.56526839


>> No.56526875

his daughter is a literal niglover
cant fail much harder

>> No.56526899

he released genetically modified mosquitoes to inject you with gene altering science juice

>> No.56526917

tektōn doesn't specify.
It's probably stone given how many reverences there are to cornerstones.
where the fuck would they get the trees from?

>> No.56526938

Mona Lisa is worth probably worth 10s of billions, nationstates would give away chunks of their GDP to own such a meme

>> No.56526986

This gave me a strange feeling on my face.

>> No.56527003

its estimated at a billion on the high end and would defiantly sell if put up for sale. its pretty eh and just that a meme. one of the Saudis might buy it to promote one of their new cities as a tourist attraction. but likely it'd just be a write down.
garbage and valueless. very likely a forgery.

>> No.56527037
File: 2.87 MB, 232x232, 2EAFBE1B-A9BE-40DC-A803-DF6A90A1BD43.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I am only worth 10 μMonas

>> No.56527259

Oof, is that what he means?

>> No.56527345

Good post ser. You will be whale.

>> No.56527375

Sounds like a fake event written by a cheap narcissistic faggot.

>> No.56527387

Your ethnicity comes from the father so he wasn't Jewish if his dad wasn't.

>> No.56527410

none of it is real you alzheimers patient. no celebrity or pubic figure writes anything. it is all done for them by their slaves.

>> No.56527454

fun fact: this is why he got a pie in the face
the man who threw the pie was the waiter from the image

>> No.56527503

What kind of pie was it?

>> No.56527672


>> No.56527691
File: 119 KB, 500x514, 918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gates smiled and replied
>"I have no foreskin. I have killed so many people and drank their blood in obscure rituals. I worship Moloch and the priests demanded my daughter to be blacked. Take your $5 tip, do a 360 and leave. We're not the same"

>> No.56527703


>> No.56527718

Good morning sirs

>> No.56527730

No it means this was made by a stupid pajeet.

>> No.56528161

I pay more for a haircut than multi millionaires and tip better probably too, I guess some of us aren't money grubbing greedy little kikes

>> No.56528212

Jewish descent is matrilineal.

>> No.56528282
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if i was there i would unironically slit his throat then stab him as many time as I could before anyone can physically remove me

>> No.56528384

>the waiter had a strange feeling on his face

>> No.56528480

Albert Einstein

>> No.56528509

But does the waitrr know that?

>> No.56528543


>> No.56528876

Read the Torah. It's paternal.

>> No.56529881
File: 216 KB, 918x1024, IMG_4069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wood cutter my ass. Mom was a Maxwell and dad a Eugenicist Millionaire nut job. OP eats his own shit.

>> No.56529900

Based Globalist Billionaire Scumbag Remover.